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Have a family member who moved to Korea to teach english. (ballsy move that. I could never. I'm a homebody thank you) She got an apartment but whether being something that was automatically provided I don't recall. It was small...tiny actually by our standards. She met and married a nice Korean fella with a professional career soon after and got married after an appropriate amount of time, lol. She had their baby over there and they all came to the US a few months after she was born about year and a half ago. She says that having a baby plus being married for over three years qualified them (her husband actually as she is a citizen and the baby by birth) for a different, bit 'easier' visa. Something about 'time and money' and '3-6 months'. Says they had to time it for the planned move to the US, because, 'you have 3 months to pick up the visa from the airport upon arrival before it expires' ....whatever that means. Trying to get details about anything via texting is a PITA, lol
And Jack can light the grill with his cigarette lighter
They push each others buttons
Weird. Jenny actually looks like Sad Sack
She did grow up with 4 brothers. Pretty sure she's not acting out from trauma either. Its her personality before and after
No, its not. Men are and have been the predominant arbiters in society....its behavior, its business, its politics, how women are treated, ....ev-er-y-thiiiing Guys like Weinstein have the wherewithal to make or break a persons entire life. You're a slave. A hot woman? Outside of the power of.... pardon my french... pussy, they're ain't no sword hanging over ones head if you pass one by. And, horror of horrors.... men and women ARE different. Not in the brains/intelligence department (personally I'd love the world to be run by women as men mostly ruin it... but not by the chantals, nicoles, jennys tiffanys darcys, angelas, etc etc)... but in the whole biological reproductive imperative, hormonal, emotional, body type/strength sense. I know the male mind because, well, I'm one, my friends are, its that part of culture I exist in, etc etc. I'm not female so I don't know the female mind, but you do and you're privvy to that world. Male and female do view, and react, to things differently.
Ashamed to say that when I was his age I had a similar idiotic encounter with a wait staff member. The stupid moment still haunts me if I memory wander
Geez, between these trash shows coming on then snarking on the forums whole days are shot, heh
The thing to do if one were in a situation at some resort or hotel or something and people were doing lewd behavior you'd go tell the manager and they'd put a stop to it. N'est-ce pas? :)
I did see a few what looked like children in shots, but yeah, no one is paying them any attention. However they're there for hours so who sees what and for how long we;ll never know. We get these second or two scene flashes. As I said, except for the pool, looks like they had their own private area
Probably had their own private area assigned to them, but there are also shots of them in the pool with other people in the background. Could be both situations happened. One has to remember we're viewing situations that also have a crew of people filming, so I think they probably had a cordoned off section as well as shots in the public pool area that can be filmed from a distance
I've added more to my post and agree that that stuff in front of other guests and kids was dumb dumb dumb
I get ya about having to witness that kinda stuff in public. Not sure where and how jumping to the conclusion about pervy men watching at the pool and guys getting boners watching the show at home comes from though, lol. To be fair, she wasn't masturbating, she's just doing hand gesturing above her bikini bottom for a few seconds. And Jack was tickling Travis's little bump along with Aesha. This stuff wasn't sexual at all, just a bunch of drunks acting foolish. If it was in front of other guests (and it appears there were other people and kids at the the pool) then yeah, it was idiotic. I mean, lets have a little perspective and context Ya know...how us guys do the 'partially open fisted and then move hand back gesture' to indicate that someone is being a jerkoff, lol
I dunno. I don't buy into the whole the reverse harassment charge. Most guys, especially in the testosterone poisoned phase of life, would love an attractive girl fondle their swimsuit clad junk. As vulgar their public display may look to some, they're engaged in playing around with each other. No harm no foul. Hell, even if a guy was just standing around on a street corner minding his own business, he'd then try to get the, 'harasser', her phone#, lol that's obvious judging from some comments. ;-D
My frikken head is gonna explode from these complete and utter eeeeeediiiiiots!! lol