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Everything posted by Shnoopy

  1. True! Can't ask the flight attendant for 6 more meals. Lol.
  2. Ugh. Forgot it was on! At least it replays at 11! And the Atlanta family to watch too! Get to see some more gourmet bed cookin!
  3. And he did. I gagged. Just about him not her. He's just gross.
  4. Carnations no less. I always thought those were funeral flowers!
  5. Malnourished. Bitch please! He really is an asshole. Truth hurts huh asshole? Run away dickface, run away!
  6. Hope part of her journey is getting rid of that hideous Elvis tattoo.
  7. Stfu with the trying to justify your fucking up. Dr Now should make psych therapy a part of this from the get go. Nobody of sound mind would let themself get that big. Their mental state is just as important as their physical IMO.
  8. Spread eagle monkeys all over the bedroom walls. Ok.......
  9. Where else she gonna put it? A fat roll? I kid, I kid.
  10. Income? Just wondering. Decent car. Little old house, hoveround....govt assistance for both maybe?
  11. How does he poop? So sad. That your mental situation would let your physical self get that bad.
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