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The ‘clurb’ looked like a converted warehouse rental unit . it looked rough, and uninviting. I’m sorry but i want a drink in a glass and not in a cheap disposable cup. Twit was very rude toward her Mom. She treated her like an unwelcome guest... “oh time to haul ole Bab’s to the B&B”..She took over the phone conversation with her Dad even though the phone call was for Babs. There is a very weird competition go on there with her Mom. unhealthy to the max. The engagement ring is replaceable. it looked like costume jewelry you’d find at Claires. Buy 3 for $25. Wilmington looked beautiful and Chase has done well for himself if that is his actual home. I nearly choked on my tea when Daddy enabler said she should not leave her successful business to go live with Chase. As if. Mr. 1950’s life would be complete if Twit was a ‘kept woman’ stay at home, eat bon bons, take the ‘happy pills,’ and have the gin and tonic ready when the husband comes home kind of woman. Please wear pearls and keep the red lipstick fresh...
I really enjoyed seeing the different cultural ceremonies like the baby baptism bread wrap and the Korean marriage box. Ari's mom planted the seed: There is an escape route if 'things don't work out.' Ari's response at the time seemed fit for a rebel child. She wants to 'rock the boat" so to speak because her family are elitist snobs. But at the end of the day, I'm sure Ari will keep that offer in her back pocket for future use. Not sure why Unibrow was upset that Cheesedick had to go back home. He'd have to return home as his visa would expire and he doesn't have employment there. Another TLC fake moment. I laughed a bit when Summeat's parents asked if Jenny was the best he could do. Find a hundred year old. Oooh, burn. Summeat should have said, "I tried catfishing someone younger but they weren't naive or stupid enough to fall for it." I feel sorry for Yazan. He's hopelessly in love with a vapid fool. side note: I find Obaida very attractive. Deaven and her Mom sound exactly the same and share the same sour expression. Even the moment with Deaven trying on the wedding dress was as exciting as opening up a bottle of flat champagne. They just so 'meh' about everything.
I wasn't going to watch this season. But I want to see Twit's fake break-up meltdown. She can't move to be with her fiance because "OMG, I have so much going on here in Charlotte" Sis, you don't work. What a crock of bull. This storyline was written well in advance when Chase was hired by TLC. She knew about the girlfriend . I'm not a Buddy fan but it was shocking to hear his innermost thoughts laid out. He wants to 'burn the world down' and 'tickle his temple" aka, blow his brains out. I've said this before: he should not be on a reality tv program. It's not a good thing for his sobriety or his mental health. I wonder how Buddy will feel when he sees his bff whisper gossip about him as soon as she lumbered back into the house. "I'm a very competitive person" In Twit's mind, competitiveness means launching her stumpy body across a log like an "obese turtle flailing on its back in the hot sun**." (**Thanks, Anderson Cooper) Look around, Twit, nobody else is around. She's not competitive. She's an idiot. A clown.
Summeat is with Jenny to be the REBEL child. The preview for next week's theatrics proves it. The freak out scene in front of Mom and Dad was over da top. TAKE A XANAX, dude. They act like they're freakin' Romeo and Juliet. Once the drama wears off, and reality sets, (he's married to Jenny) Summeat will be back online pretending he's Rico Suave. Ari's parents are snobs. Pass the grey poupon. The apartment is fine for three people and they insulted Bini to his very core. I could see the shame and hurt in his eyes. I really can't stand any of them. However, Bini's sisters are pretty rude too. Nothing is worse than someone telling you that your newborn baby is going to HELL! Religion really puts a snag in the afterglow of sexy times. See also: Brittnay and Yazan. I personally don't think any of this is going to end well. Kenny is working my last nerve. He wants to get married NOW so he can get a job and provide for his family. Dude, you don't know a lick of Spanish. No one is going to hire your ass. Get real. His controlling and possessive nature is really coming out. Jihoon does pull in some funny lines. EP syndrome = Elisa phobia. That was good buddy. Thank you. Otherwise this week's episode was a pass for me.
Agreed. Buddy abused alcohol and possibly prescription meds like benzos. He was far too lethargic to be a cokehead. He talks about using ‘blow’ to give him cool street cred.
I would NOT be walking around a middle eastern country with my boobs on display. Brittany is beyond stupid and lucky to have a camera crew around. She's really disrespectful of the culture. Yazan is completely pussified. I haven't looked for spoilers but I bet Ari is gonna bolt back to America with Mom and Dad. They are such a mis-match and to be honest, I could not live there without some kind of support. If you're not able to communicate with your partner, all is lost. Sumeat and Jennay are such an odd couple. Jenny maybe be older but she acts like a needy, whiny tween. Sumeat acts like an old geezer. Deaven seemed more relieved than sad about the miscarriage. Get some birth control, girl. Jihoon's Mom seems like fun. I like her. Unibrow and Cheesedick --- yawn. Next week: Kenny cries some more.
Did anyone else catch Jihoon saying, "If I didn't love you, I would have worn a condom." WTF? Didn’t Deaven say she got knocked up because the condoms were too large for Wee J? I'm sure she said that in a previous episode. DUM-DAH-DUM-DUM! And isn't that the stupidest way to show one's love. I'm gonna meet a girl from the States that I only chatted to online through an translator app, but I love her so I'm going to bang her without protection. Rocket Scientist potential! "MAH BAY-BEH, IT'S MAH BAY-BEH!" Nails on a chalkboard irritating. Ari needs professional help. Little kids get hurt. Wait until he's a toddler and falling over and bumping into walls. Brit's father has the same stupid ass grin. It's certifiably creepy. "So, is the Father going to kill Yazan, and then you?" Dad says, smiling broadly. “Be sure to send me a postcard.” Cheesedick is really pink, like a newborn gerbil. Ever notice that? Melyza's eyebrows are traveling the off-ramp and heading to Unibrow Town. Please, get some tweezers. Somebody...Anybody. I’m serious fixated on them, even more than Brittany’s sharpie brows, or Ari’s the ‘Grinch stole MAH BAY-BEH!’ brows. Sumit and Jenny's love story is not the rom-com I wish to see. Guess what else happened? Kenny cries.
It’s the Sandy show! barf. i think Sandy chooses favourites based on who kisses her ass the loudest. in this case, it was Malaria. I'm happy for Hannah. she’s going to have a family and can kiss all this bs goodbye. Poor Kiko. They only focused on the Vegas dinner. How about that multiple course menu with extra last minute guests? i doubt Tom could have pulled that off without having help or pitching a fit. i cant wait for the dirt to be thrown on sleazebag Rob. He gives all men a bad name.
I was reading some of the posts. Why do people send money to people they don’t really know? That is a huge red flag. It would be simpler to hire a male escort. Or head to the bar and bring someone home for free. Read some bad poetry together and the bang. That's basically what you get with Rob. He isn't that special. Besides, if he can't pay his own way, then toodles.
Please explain what is so attractive about Rob? He's got the personality of a wet paper bag. He was creepy from the get go. He’s definitely got a dissociative personality. I'd laugh in his face if he pulled out the lines, “You’re soulful” or “ You make me feel seen, I've never felt seen before” (gag) You’d have to be a fairly naive person to fall for that. I see he is scammer too. What a loser. He's named well tho. Robs women of their money and self worth. I do think Jess is beautiful but very needy and serious. I wouldn’t want to be around someone so self absorbed with her “partner” of 3 weeks. Bugs impressed me with her energy and positive attitude. She leads well. Hannah was more about being the boss whereas Bugs was about being a leader and teacher. Sandy is just ugh. I was hopeful at first to see a female Captain, but Sandy rules with her ego and her emotions. Shes a very mixed up, damaged person who happens to have a position of power. In another industry, she'd be called out for harassment and inappropriate behavior with her staff. Can you imagine if Captain Lee told his staff that he loved them? Or demanded hugs from them?
Brittany’s constant smile-smirk makes me angry. It is not funny what she is doing. She is playing games with Yazan. This all could have been avoided if she told the truth that she has no interest in converting to Islam and is still married. She could have done this before coming to Jordan. I feel bad for Yazan. This leads me to Ari. another smirker. she always looks like she’s smelling a fart. Ethopia isn’t America, honey. no doubt she hightailed it back home. she got a lot of emotional problems . Bini likes making babies but will never actually be part of parenting them the way he’s going. Kenny and the tears..again. if communication is so important to him , why didn’t Ken take Spanish lessons beforehand and practice with Armando? its not like he didn’t have the time. also he needs to give the parents some time, he could impress them by simply learning more about the language and culture. I actually feel bad for Sumit's parents. they seem like nice people and the dad even admitted his mistake with the arranged marriage. I still don’t trust Sumit’s story 100%. but hey, enjoy trimming Jenny’s yellow toenails for the rest of your life. she’s healthy and may live a long long time. 😈 Honorable mention to Cheesedick. At least he can speak the language and is trying to get a job.
S05.E14: To Love And To Obey?
Delete replied to OnceSane's topic in 90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After
I liked Libby's traditional Moldovan wedding gown. However, she had to make digs about it. At least Moldovan women know how to put lipstick on properly, Libby. That family is snooty and tasteless. Andrreeeiiii fits in beautifully. I'm still think he was adopted or dropped off by some defrosted cave people. . And I'm not sorry but Libby is not attractive. Maybe she has a nice body but she has a butter face. Also, Andrrreeiii is not fat. He sure likes showing off his body. My theory is he'll trade in Libby in a couple of years. Assuelo behaviour is odd. He goes from supporting Kalani one minute and then telling her she's a fucking asshole the next. Their marriage will not work long term. He's too infantile and sexist. The sister Tammy is a piece of work and if anyone should apologize it is her. She almost physically attacked Kalani in Washington. Family should not expect money. It's a nice gesture to help out but expect financial support is bothersome. I skipped through the Ericee and Larissa part. Coltee barfing in the trash can was a real delight. Thanks TLC. The male friend was definitely hired on. I don't think Coltee has many male friends. They would be competition for Sir Gagahad. He strikes me as a guy who only likes to chat up females online and send pics of his gherkin dick to the women of the world. Meanwhile, Debbie is in the other room with the catnip, a bottle of Schnapps getting lit and playing online poker. Michael and Angie finally got hitched She can no longer use the classic stomp off: "We're done. The Weddin' is Off!!!" Perhaps she'll switch it to: "We're DONE! Gittin' divorced. No Green card for y'all. MIKULL you're goin' back to Nigeria!!!!" -
I have to say that I enjoy Stacey a lot more than Darcey. However, she has as many issues with men as Darcey. I'd like to know more about their upbringing, and their relationship with their Father. Both women lack self-esteem and put up with abusive relationships. Stacey lets Florian berate, yell and demean her and then he buys some flowers and "strawberry" to make up. The sex stuff is cringeworthy.
Preach! Also, I cannot handle Molly and her friend constantly screeching. I love me a southern accent but Molly's is very abrasive.
Jenny used Sumit's parents back in 2013 for a free vacation place to stay for 4 months (!!!) and love nest with their son. Age may only be a number but let's ask Sumit this question again when Jenny is 70 or 75 and he is in his 40's. I don't buy the "true love" narrative. I find when people repeat the same thing over and over but their actions say differently, it's bullcrap. Sumit does not look or act like a man in love. Also, does Sumit's parents know their precious boy is a catfisher? Melyza has the personality of a wet paper bag. She's also making Tim suffer hard. He needs to cut ties and go back home. If the trust is gone then the relationship will never work. Ari has this annoying habit of smiling at inappropriate times. She was telling Biniyam that she could leave at any time and it was all said with a little smile on her face. Maybe she is unaware of this habit but it makes her look certifiably insane. The best scene goes to Jihoon when he showed relief and happiness that Elicia was leaving. I started referring to Kenny as "Cryin' Ken" That dude breaks down at the slightest thing.