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Everything posted by Txmomof2

  1. Molly was at swimsuit fittings, so unless it has very recently changed I think she is coming back.
  2. I'm sure a lot of the girls are on here reading and maybe even posting. Heck, I've seen this board mentioned in Reddit before, and we know the DCC organization knows about it, even Google turns it up in the top search results when you Google any DCC almost. Here's the thing- everyone will have their own opinions. Some people love certain girls while others don't. Personally I think that solo was beautiful and I would have loved to have seen it in costume, full on. But not everyone sees it that way, and neither will the judges. These girls who have put their heart and soul into trying out for years just got those same dreams crushed. Yeah, it's going to take time to be able to read and take critique objectively. This is the worst place they could be after being cut. There's a reason why this show is my guilty pleasure. I can't even stand the Cowboys, but I love this show. But I don't agree with how gorgeous girls get turned away, girls are made to feel fat when they are teeny tiny or just curvy, and the rules aren't always clear or fair. But the fact is ANY woman who tries out is way braver than me, 1000 times more dedicated than me, and way more talented than I can ever hope to be.
  3. Ttc mm I could see Keyra getting cut because her figure is so different than the others. Even in the swimsuit fittings she looked amazing but just looks heavier compared to the others because of her build, and because some others are far too skinny. I don't think Savvy will because the girls love her and Kelli does too. She was on the USO tour, has been on the website in the gym advertisement pics, she may not be the strongest dancer but is clearly a favorite with a lot of people. I could see some 1 or 2 year vets potentially being cut if they don't totally rock it.
  4. I'm pretty sure Christi made it to Semi's, she got cut going into finals. But I agree it's very sad. She may not have Abigail Klein level looks, but it doesn't mean she wouldn't be a huge asset to the team. Brennan and Taryn are two other examples recently that fall into that category.
  5. Yes, she had not announced but was recovering from surgery. She is just now getting back into dance classes. No way she would be ready for finals in time.
  6. I don't see Christy in the AAIA group, so I'm guessing no finals for her.
  7. My guess Beatrice didn't die from the virus. When Rasmus went to take some morphine it was all gone all of a sudden. There was some there the day before. Plus her body didn't have the same look to it as the virus victims - no junk coming out of her mouth. Rasmus most likely was infected by the dog, because it was mentioned the dog was sick or when he gave himself the shot was when he was actually infected. But what exactly are they going to do now? They are in a small area, and no way to treat or keep Rasmus from infecting others.
  8. The bangs do nothing for her, the side sweep she had in that AAIA pic look much better.
  9. Madeline M from training camp last year made it. Her number was 372 and it's on the board. Any word on Brennan? Also what about Dayton? I can't read the first digit on her number.
  10. Which clip is Brennan in? I saw the one with Dayton but didn't see Brennan in any.
  11. Have they put the board out or have we seen any postings of numbers? This is my first time following the same day, so not sure how long it takes for them to do that.
  12. I thought the same thing. It's the hair (that needs to he times down to a more natural color) and bold brows.
  13. I wonder if the fact she was cut and didn't choose to leave on her own may hurt her chances. In a "Oh so we are a second choice since you didn't make your first choice team. And why exactly were you cut again?" Type way. I hope she really does get a fair chance.
  14. I said the same thing about Keyra yesterday. Especially compared to Amy who is scarily thin in her swimsuit. Sad part is I don't think Keyra is big. She just has curves which would appeal to men who like that look. But I could totally see her being in danger because of it. I like Tess, the color suits her. But I want to take scissors to the dangly part on it. Christina and Lexie look good, but Lord Christina looks like she is not even breathing.
  15. She did, so did Chantel and Bess. Those 3 were the last that had not announced it yet. There's another picture on the Insta story where you can see a list of the names.
  16. Not a fan of the yellow suit on Miranda, but they all look good!
  17. I seriously hope they don't over Photoshop. Last year it was just bad. You compare pictures of the girls in their cameo to the swimsuit pics and they look totally different
  18. Not a fan of the bottom part if the DCC bikini. It's like it has an extra string that shouldn't be there. So far Yuko is my favorite, then Tasha in the non cowboys bikini. Compared to Amy being super scary skinny, Keyra looks heavy. I don't think it's any more than just her natural body shape, but if you put them side by side it's waaaay noticeble.
  19. She hasn't announced but it's highly suspected and is being counted as retiring. If you look back there's a list of everyone and who has said they are coming back and who has announced retirement. Even doubting Bess and Jinelle as not coming back there's still one more missing. I screenshotted it but it won't let me upload on my phone. But there's the list by Tasha's pic that is in the Insta story. No Chantel
  20. My guess would be Chantel, especially if as others have said she was taping with CMT and others who we expect are retiring (Jinelle). She's been fairly quiet on things DCC related on her social media too. Yuko looks like she is practicing a solo, and if she still has a Visa I don't see her leaving. Could totally he wrong on that, just my guessing.
  21. Since Maddie is coming back, then my guess would be Chantel is the one leaving, or Heather. Were they confirmed on a podcast or Insta? I can't remember. I have no problems with girls being on the team if their life long goal isn't necessarily to be a DCC or using it as a spring board. My issue is when that is the focus will they put their all into what they are doing right now. Especially when there are others that make it into TC that would give their all - Taryn or Brennan for example. Yes I realize they got cut for various reasons, but they would have busted their butts to get better where as you have Kalyssa that used her looks and left early. If you are going to be a DCC know what you are getting into, stick with it and finish out your commitment. Then if you want to move on and do something else great!
  22. I have I have no doubt that the show is part of the reason that less quality girls are coming in. Girls who use it as a spring board into more reality tv shows, or just want their 5 min of fame and turn out to be only 1 or 2 year girls at most. Those who are truly on the team because it has been their dream have to have an issue with that, and I don't blame them. But at the same time you have to know what you are getting into. I also think the issues this year have caused some to jump ship earlier than they may have initially planned. There is no way everything that happened didn't cause ripples and drama in the locker room. I hope at auditions there is a big group of talent to pick from. I see a couple of shining stars from the rookies but not all. And honestly, a total clean sweep/blood bath clearing of the squad may not be a bad thing.
  23. I just updated the current list that @dccfan37 made. It's in the current squad section. The numbers add up to them leaving.
  24. Ok if Kelly said 23 vets are returning to tryouts, here is what we have so far. Based on numbers Madeline would be retiring, assuming the returning on this list is correct and someone hasn't changed their mind.
  25. I hope Jinelle gets VOTY too, especially of it is her last year. Lauren I think deserves ROTY too. She to me has the potential to be rock star DVD. She's got the looks, dance and personality to charm your socks off.
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