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Posts posted by Katie111

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    I think Clare and Cameron's opinions can be exchanged.

    IIRC, Cam was initially attracted to Clare, but she made it very clear very early that she was not similarly attracted, much of which I attribute to her disdain for Cam's job and his lack of ever having had therapy. 

    So he backed off and cooled his jets. Never recovered from this. 


    The experts are falling all over themselves to claim they were misled, scammed, and played, so nothing was their fault.

    I wish the contestants could ask questions of the experts.  Like for Austin, "did you think putting me with a jewish girl was a good idea?"   Or the reverse for Brendan.   Or just ask them why they thought they would be a good match.   If Clare likes black guys, why not match her with one.   Or is it that these were not actual dealbreakers when they applied but they turned into dealbreakers when they were not attracted to their spouses.  Maybe Brendan could just ask if they actually thought matching up someone who has never been in a relationship makes sense.  Or matching someone who likes one night stands and lots of drinking with someone who isn't looking for those things.  Or again, did Emily just completely misrepresent herself to the experts?  I would also love Kevin to ask them if they think having them all live in the same building is a positive or a negative.  

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  2. Anyone notice when they showed the green room for the girls what a complete disaster it was?  It looked like they had let 25 kids just go absolutely wild in there instead of 4 grown women.  Food, clothing and God knows what else was everywhere.  Act like adults and clean up after yourselves!  How much stuff did they really need to bring when they were in their ugly dresses all day? 

    Also, in the last segment, Clare was sitting indian style on stage.  Again, are you a 10 year old or an adult?  


    Also wonder how long filming took?  Austin had time to go all the way home, take a nap and shave off his beard and come back for the last segment?   All in the horrible Denver traffic?  Wonder if maybe it was filmed over two days?  

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  3. These girls are doing themselves no favors.  They are all coming across as complete bitches.   Except Chloe who clearly wants nothing to do with these children.  And the SheinTemu comment is hilarious because that so clearly where these girls probably got their ill fitting prom dresses. 

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  4. Why would Chloe go on this show at this time in her life?  If she's just about to embark on all these big plans, why would you marry a stranger at the same time?  I mean if you've ever watched this show, you know the odd  of the experts even matching you with someone that you have anything in common with are slim to none, so do you really think they found the one in a million guy that wants to foster 5 teenagers and open a zoo all while being newlyweds?  Also, it appears that she does okay for herself (although not sure we ever saw where she lives) but does she really have the money for any of this dream?   Maybe the foster kids, but certainly not for an animal sanctuary.  

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  5. Did anyone just find this episode super boring?  I like Joey as a bachelor a lot but he is sort of flat.  I feel like at this point he's really checked out.  I honestly think he may have liked Maria the best but was so afraid that she wouldn't choose him that he picked Rachel instead.  I also think they may have had some differences that he just thought they couldn't overcome.  Perhaps Maria said she was unwilling to leave Canada or live more than X miles away from her dad.  I don't always think everything is about the "connnection", I think some of it is about the practical side of it as well.   

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  6. That whole fight between Austin and Becca was so badly edited.  It looks like its all happening at once but if you watch closely he is wearing just a shirt at one point and then she yells at him and when he responds he is wearing a coat.  Then a minute later he is in a chair when prior to that he was on the couch. 

    Clearly something has been going on with this producer all season, even if its just a crush on Austin's part. Otherwise why would Becca care?  Also it's strange that with all of the hundreds of bars in Denver, they all just happen to run into each other at the same one.  I would think Brennan and Austin would go as far away from the apartments as possible so they would have no chance of running into anyone from the show.  Sort of makes you wonder if they often hang out with the crew after filming is done, even during the season. 

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  7. I'm getting annoyed in this thread by the constant use of the term "frat boy" to describe Austin.  It seems to be used interchangeably with the word "dick".   My son is in a frat, actually in Denver, and actually does sometimes wear a backwards baseball hat.   But after spending a lot of time with him and his frat brothers, "dick" would be the last word I would use to describe any of them.  Sure they like to have a good time, but they are also some of the kindest, most respectful young men I have ever met.  

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  8. 19 minutes ago, Shauna said:

    I can't get past these eyebrows.  Throw in the pink hair, roots, nose ring and I just can't.  Not to mention, I hate a loose pony tail.  If you're gonna tie it up, then tie it up nice and taught. 

    I think the pink hair is all wrong for her coloring.  She is so pale and then adding pale pink hair makes her look so washed out.  I'm curious what her past boyfriends looked like, I'm guessing they were more the artsy type.

    I think besides the "attraction" issue, I just don't think these two have much in common.  He likes to drink, she can't.  He likes to snowboard and do other outdoorsy activities and she seems more of the stay at home and cuddle type. I think he wanted someone with shared interests that he could head to the mountains with, and she is just not it.   I think all of that is just making her less and less appealing to him.   

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  9. 2 hours ago, Jaundiced Eye said:

    Just wondering where Kelsey (or production?) found the STRING BIKINI for the polar plunge. It was uncomfortable as hell watching Kelsey trying to manipulate the piece of dental floss while exiting the water. 

    I'm sure they told her to pack one for the date as clearly this whole plunge was set up by production.  Bad choice on her part.

    I don't think Maria was trying to be manipulative, I think she was being honest. Just like he doesn't want to be left alone at the end, she doesn't either.  I think she is really into him and just wanted some reassurance.  Which he really didn't give her.  Either he's truly still undecided or he knows that she's not the one.  I don't get why these shows are so one-sided.  The bachelor/ette can demand all the reassurances in the world but the contestants are just supposed to go along for the ride and not be upset that they have no idea where they stand.  And so often now the leads tell multiple people that they're in love with them, so even that's not really a reassurance of anything.   Joey seemed annoyed by the whole thing and I actually thought that seemed really unfair of him.  It was the first time he seemed somewhat cold and checked out.

    I also thought it was strange that he didn't walk Jen or Kelsey T out.  It seems like this late in the process they usually walk them out to at least give some closure.  This was just a super quick hug and go run to the limo.  Again it just seemed kind of cold of Joey.  


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  10. Has there ever been a season where there is so much discussion between "on camera" and "off camera"?  And when they're "filming" and "not filming".  One of them on the afterparty even mentioned that Austin has been fed lines to say by producers when they are on camera.  Which I'm sure, they all have.  They need to bring back the ceiling cameras in the apartments and get back to having some realness in this "reality TV".  

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  11. Why did Cam say that he would say yes on decision day if Clare says yes?  That made zero sense.  And he basically told Brendan that Clare wasn't offering support because no support was needed, he was either in the hospital or recovering at home.  Aren't those 2 scenarios when you would actually need support?  I think he is just a really odd person.  And it sounds like he is still blaming the show and Clare for causing stress that may have caused his condition.  In looking up what he has, it doesn't seem like its stress related.   I have no idea why these two keep claiming they are such good friends and describing each other as "the best person they've ever met" but yet they don't even seem to want to talk on the phone (esp Cam), never mind see each other.  

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  12. Austin and Becca have just become so uncomfortable to watch.  He keeps promising to go further and never does.  He is just not attracted to her.  I don’t care how slowly he normally moves, they are married and haven’t gone past first base  after 6 weeks.  


    Also, how many clothes did these people pack for a weekend? 

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  13. 13 hours ago, dizzyd said:

    These cocktail parties go on for a few hours so why can’t 10 women get 15 minutes?

    This is what always totally confuses me too.  They seem to only talk for about 5 minutes and maybe a few minutes of make-out.  I know they have to meet with producers as well to do their talking heads but why can't everyone get time?

    Maria's story about her mom confused me.  Did her mom leave them after the accident or later on?  Or was she around but somehow permanently disabled from the accident?  Maybe I missed part of it.

    I really like Joey but he does the same thing all bachelors do when the hear a sob story.  They tell the person "its okay" and "I'm here for you" but they never actually show much interest by asking follow-up questions.  He wipes away their tears and then they usually make out.  And then the girl gushes to production about how hard that was and how Joey is so kind and understanding.  

    I did actually hear Joey ask Kelsey what she does for fun in New Orleans.  It was one of the only normal questions I've heard on a date.  I think that's why I like Maria.  On her first night, she asked him if he likes scary movies.  A normal introductory type question rather than just "I'm so happy you're the bachelor, otherwise I wouldn't be here" gush, gush, gush.  I think he likes that she's blunt and she challenges him and actually tries to get to know him.  

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  14. 39 minutes ago, Retired at last said:

    As many times as Chloe mentioned that she is a perfectionist, that doesn't strike me as being Boho. As I have mentioned before, Michael seems to me to be intelligent and kind, so maybe they will enjoy their, most likely, brief marriage. 

    So, if people don't think he is necessarily 'eccentric,' will 'quirky' work? Or just 'different.' I know it is superficial, but first impressions do count. They can be changed, but he seems to be committed to this look.

    I find that question offensive. And, I agree with @Empress1 that Emily would never complete the serious commitment it would take for that to happen.

    Chloe did mention on the afterparty that she loves the outdoors and something called "forest baths" or something like that.  It was something like rolling around in the dirt in the forest.  I think she was trying to say she's not all perfection and dressing up.  The problem is, I don't necessarily think Michael seems like the outdoorsy type.  She's too old but I almost feel like she would have been a good match for Austin.  

    I don't think she is an actress but I think she may be acting.  She claims to really like him and finds him attractive but yet she slept in pajamas and a robe on the first night.  

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  15. One thing that I think really adds to how "fake" this season seems is the lack of discussion about jobs and what these people do on a daily basis.  On past seasons, jobs and money have been a huge point of discussion.  There was the guy that worked for a college and his wife was a RE broker.  He felt like she didn't support him enough in his job.  There was the couple where the guy was supposedly a principal but was lying to his wife about what his job was.   There was the HS teacher with the basketball player.  The firefighter with the woman in education that spent too much $$.  Lindy was a physical therapist, Mitch was an environmentalist, Stacia ran her own company.  All these jobs were important to their storylines.  With this cast, I have no idea what they do besides Cameron and Becca.  It's like they are all so checked out that their jobs aren't even relevant.  

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  16. 44 minutes ago, cinsays said:

    don't know why they would even want to go to a bar together when they didn't like their (ex)spouse and clare is no fun

    I don't remember a cast that seems to dislike each other so much (as well as disliking their spouses).  I don't think anyone likes Orion.  Brendan and Austin seem to commiserate but I don't think they really like each other.  I think the girls are "friendly" towards each other but I don't think any of them will be friends when this is all over.  Becca probably won't be talking to Emily after what Emily revealed on the after-party last week. Plus Becca doesn't drink so don't see them having a lot in common.  The girls might all go out a few times together after the show airs to get attention but I don't see that lasting.  I also don't think Cameron gives a shit about any of them.

    Curious as to what they'll do about the couples retreat this season.  Will the new couple go straight from their honeymoon?  Emily and Brendan won't even be speaking by then and Becca may have given up on trying to jump Austin's bones.  Wonder what types of "activities" they'll force them into.

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  17. Are there any laws about moving to Canada from the US or vice versa?  If so it just seems like it would make choosing a Canadian that much more difficult logistically.   I think maybe Serena (Grocery Joe)  is from Canada and that seems to be working out fine so maybe it's a non-issue? 

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  18. A lot of these girls look older than their age.  Maybe because it looks like a lot of them have already had work done.  Lexi is very pretty and the Daisy, the one with cochlear implant, seems very sweet.  

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  19. Didn't they used to have cameras in their apartments so we could see the fights?  I remember the very tall black guy from San Diego and his wife having some good screaming matches at night.  Also, the woman married to the tall basketball player, they would show her pacing the floor at night wondering where her husband was.  Now it all seems so staged and they all talk openly on the after-show about how their spouses act differently when they are filming vs not filming.   It seems like they used to always be filming. 

    Also, I don't think we ever used to have talking heads of them throughout the season.  They're always in the same outfits, so clearly these were taped after season was completed.  Don't know the point of them besides just filler.  

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  20. I started off really liking this season and now I really can't stand any of these couples. 

    Cameron is just......weird.  He does not know how to communicate at all.  I think he's just a real engineering nerdy type who happens to have a cute face and a cute accent.  He can be extremely socially awkward.  If they talked about him picking up food, then he should have picked it up.  I think he is just way too laid back for her and is a horrible communicator.  Does he want her to "put out" and then he'll start talking to her?  He just confuses me.  

    Clare- still thinks she is way too good for him.  Her "boring" comment about his job was rude and I think he handled it well.  She is way too condescending towards him.  

    Brennan-he seemed like he was making some sort of an effort this week.  I think the honeymoon was just way too much 24/7 for him.  It was also interesting to hear how much he hates the cameras.  I think they know they signed up for this but I don't think some of them realize they have to actually talk in front of live camermen and producers for hours a day.

    Emily-- her friends were "horrible",  If you are going to judge a person by their friends, I would be running out the door if I was Brendan.  Drunk or not, they seem like terrible people.  In fact, all of Emilys friends have seemed terrible.  Even her maid of honor was making rude comments about Emily.  Wonder if they are all sorority sisters.  

    Austin- agree with the dumb backwards hats.  He almost gives me a bi-sexual vibe and does not seem into her.

    Becca- I think she has convinced herself that they are "so perfect" and she is going to get hurt in the end.  She is definitely in the honeymoon stage.   I think he likes her but I'm not sure it's ever going to be anything more than that.  

    I think for some odd reason they are not allowed to invite more than 4 people to their "parties".  It's like that every season.  But normally even the couples who didn't like each other usually seem to have some fun with their guests.  These parties were just dreary.  


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