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Sandy W

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Posts posted by Sandy W

  1. Last season on Christine's patio, Janelle got into an altercation with Kody as I recall, it was over the covid restrictions for her sons. 

    She tossed the F bomb over her shoulder as she was walking away. It was much more effective to see her get right up in face to say it.

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  2. 3 hours ago, RazzleberryPie said:

    That’s just classic Meri. She is so self centered and has zero shame in expressing that her own self, child and needs are more bigger and better than anyone else. This was not an appropriate comment for another child’s wedding. If they were truly all each others moms and kids, and one big family, you do not choose favorites and blatantly announce the favoritism. Meri pulls this crap then wonders why she is isolated and why they’re all over even attempting to be friendly with her.

    It’s great to live your child and be happy to see them. It’s also extremely poor taste, yet confirming., not even revealing, how Meri STILL thinks she’s more important and deserves more than her other family members. I don’t know how janelle and Christine didn’t punch her in the face during those years of Meri eating salmon and going on vacation while they struggled to have cereal and hot dogs. 

    Odds are that she would not have attended the wedding if Leon had not been there.  It must have been painful for her to witness Christine rejoicing her full and happy life.

    She may have been hoping also for an opportunity to once again grovel at the feet of Kody and Robyn.  Foiled again

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  3. 17 minutes ago, Kellyee said:


    It is beyond pathetic that Meri bothered to have a meeting to tell Robyn and Kody she was leaving. Kody couldn't care less, and Robyn is not really her friend. I'm glad it appears that Meri finally leaves though. 

    Kudos to Janelle for telling Kody to fuck off. And still no actual tears from Robyn while crying. 





    Beyond pathetic that she may have reluctantly left, but assured that they knew the door was still open for the faint hope of a reconciliation.

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  4. 13 hours ago, LilyD said:

    But some experienced posters out here pointed out that the land would need a lot of time-consuming and costly work (like applications, electricity, water amenities etc) before she can even start building. If Kody and Robyn have no plans to start building soon (which is likely) then it will all come down to just her, which makes it even harder and more cost

    If Janelle still entertains the vision of herself as the Farmer in the Dell, she would be well advised to seek greener pastures in a more fertile landscape.

    As you say, the cost of running utilities would be staggering plus building greenhouses and hauling tons of topsoil (who would eat anything grown in contaminated dirt?).

    The end result would be her sitting out there on the lonely Prairie with the possibility of Kody and crew as neighbors without even a few oxygen and privacy producing trees on her land.

    No thanks.

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  5. 11 hours ago, Teafortwo said:

    So, completely off topic: I just read a first novel by a young woman with whom I became acquainted over work emails last year. I was so excited for her, and the book sounded like it would be a fun beach read "chick lit" kind of thing. It came out to great fanfare a couple months ago, and I was looking forward to writing to her to say how much I'd enjoyed it. 

    The problem? The book is absolutely terrible. I was appalled. The subject matter was unobjectionable, the characters a bit overdramatic - but the real issue was that it seemed completely unedited. There were so many sentences that just didn't make any sense.  Some examples for your enjoyment:

    A description of 6 or 7 people sprawled on a couch enumerates "a dozen pairs of feet."  Another: "My phone buzzed announcing a new text on my phone." A character is described as whispering, but in the next sentence, his "voice morphed back down to lower decibels." A few pages later, "my stomach did a million backflips in reprieve." (In context, I think the writer meant to say "relief" although backflips generally suggest excitement. If you're going to alter a metaphor, at least find the right substitute!)

    Brand names are everywhere: a stereo is "Bose" with music coming through a "Spotify app," to name just two. Hackneyed phrases in a potential wedding toast are described as "mundane cliches and platitudes" (as opposed to profound ones, it seems).  Entering a room feels "like walking into a powder keg." Another emotional situation is described as a "chemical explosion waiting to set fire." (If this were edited as "catch fire" it still wouldn't make much sense. Obviously someone thought this was a fancy way of saying "an explosion waiting to happen" but it just doesn't work.)

    The worst? "We had all reached our emotional bandwidths." Outdone a few pages later by: "Worries were already zipping at the highest echelon throughout my every pore." 

    If you've read this far, I look forward to your reactions!

    If she knows you bought the book, she'll be expecting feedback.

    What to say? What to say...possibly the cover graphics were Amazing.  The binding was So professionally done, no pages came loose when flipping to the next drama filled page...

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  6. 2 hours ago, Orcinus orca said:

    Yeah, this is definitely NOT in her color palate.

    I had my "colors done" decades ago and it's very educational to have them drape different colored fabrics near your face.  Clueless before that, it was an eye-opener.  I never made mistakes again.

    PS I am a winter.

    She seems to have a penchant for that color combination. It's very close to the Commitment Ceremony abomination she designed and chose similar colors.

    I am a Spring, the day I had my analysis done, I was turned out in my best dress, a gold and black paisley number.  Imagine my angst when the woman told me "I know that is an expensive dress but it could not be more wrong on you". 😅

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  7. 28 minutes ago, Joan of Argh said:

    And BOOBS!  😂

    long gone are the days of t-shirts under tank tops to maintain their modesty!


    So unflattering!  The pink top follows the contours of her body that she may be attempting to mask.  She would have been far more modest to simply wear a loose fitting t-shirt or blouse.

    • Like 8
  8. 58 minutes ago, TurtlePower said:

    Pretty sure Kody doesn’t care. He saw this and likely thought, “It’s about time! She finally figured it out!” (Meri comments on “outgrowing” people who had a chance to grow “with” you): 


    Meri's ability to interpret verbal clues is arrested at about a 5 year old level.  Coupled with his treatment of her over the prior decade,as well as rejecting her pathetic attempts at physical contact,his toast "here's to new beginnings" should only have been interpreted as individual, independent new beginnings.

    Her ego would not permit reality to enter her mind. 

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  9. 25 minutes ago, Art Of Noiz said:

    Janelle said at least two things. First was in S1 or 2. I can't direct quote, but she said something like" it sure is getting boring around here, maybe we need a new wife" 

    Later, when talking about Mission Statements for the 4 homes she asked what if he added another wife. Then said we weren't expecting Robyn. Robyn said  RULLY Janelle?

    J's truth is coming out. Christine's will, too. 

    Janelle engages in a lot of non-verbal language when Robyn speaks. She says a lot with eye rolls and suppressed smirks.

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  10. 24 minutes ago, Ms.Lulu said:

    I'm just hoping that it works out for Christine and David. I want them both to feel loved and appreciated. And I want Truly to be glad she has a bonus parent.



    I can only imagine what festive occasions will be like. With 14 kids between them plus respective spouses and grandkids, Christine will be in her glory.  

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  11. 36 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

    I had to check to see the date this show premiered.  It was 2010. It seems like the show has been around over 15 years, but it hasn’t. 

    It becomes confusing because I think there were at least 2 years when they presented two seasons in one year.

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  12. 4 minutes ago, gingerella said:

    I'm sure she must have some dirt on him that he'd get in trouble with the law for, and if she got a savvy lawyer, could put the screws to him to sign over his share to her.

    None of them have clean hands. They have all except Robyn participated in well planned revolving bankruptcies.  

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  13. 21 minutes ago, Absolom said:

    So true.  He hasn't looked like a normal person very often in a long time.  

    When I see his scalp and facial hair, all I can think of is Fifty Shades of Gray. 

    • LOL 6
  14. 11 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

    I hate to say it, but Kody does look better.  Looks like some color and a fresh perm.  😝

    It looks to me as if he's had some fiilers on the previous hair plugs.

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  15. I have nothing to add to the variations of Kody's name, but I will say that I am proud to be a member of a group where not one of you have stooped to the hackneyed Kotex.

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  16. 1 hour ago, LilyD said:

    Yep, it’s the filters… If she really has lost a lot of weight, she can’t post about it. We all “know” how lean, fit, young and beautiful she looks on SM….

    I am amazed that she posted the one of the real Meri Brown in the gym. Does she not realize that people will compare that to her filtered self?

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  17. 7 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

    Graduation was yesterday. In the actual program he’s listed as David Dayton Brown.

    Hope Robyn made it, it was scheduled for 10a!


    She probably slept in the bleacher seats to

    A) ensure she would be on time and

    B) that she would have the best possible view.

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