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I have agreed with all of that throughout the season right up until the whole "gay blackmail" thing. I don't care how awkward or difficult Henry is - no one deserves to be treated like that. Over and above the blackmail aspect, which by itself is bonkers enough, the fact that she thinks the idea of his possibly being gay is something he should be so ashamed of that he would be willing to do whatever she wanted not to be exposed is hideous. If she really just wanted to trick him into staying, she could have easily said a woman told her she was having an affair with him. However, she seems to think that the gay angle is so awful that he would have no choice but to bend to her will. Disgusting. I agree that they were a run of the mill terrible match for good drama from day one, but that whole incident puts her way at the bottom of the barrel for me.
He was probably also a little uncomfortable and nervous that he allowed himself to get talked into sitting maskless at a restaurant less than 6 feet away from someone who is not a part of his household during a pandemic just so he could be on tv. I enjoyed looking at and listening to him 1000x more than Brett, though, so thank you for your service, sir.
I always got the impression he was just trying to get some. This may be completely untrue, and he's truly a gentle soul when the cameras are off, but he had been having a steady stream of one night stands prior to getting married, so I figured he was trying to at least get laid while trapped in lock down, even if he didn't see a future with her. But you're right - he must have had some good qualities for her to even consider getting back together with him if he expressed an interest.
I understand siding with Brett in the "who is at fault for this disaster of a marriage" game, but do you really think he's coming off as a good guy? You don't think it might do him a bit of good to get a swift kick in the jibblies? I do not blame him one bit for not wanting to be with ole sourpuss, but to me he comes across as a real shitheel, and his friend even said that he has been a dick to him in the past. If he treats his friends like crap, why would anyone think he would treat a stranger he's suddenly stuck with for 4 months any better? As @Adeejay pointed out, he said he was looking forward to rejecting women on the apps because it makes him feel good. He is a super sarcastic person, so it's likely he was kidding, but it was such a gross thing to say and was another point in the column of him just not being a person who is remotely ready to be in a genuine, loving relationship. I wouldn't want to hang out with him or Olivia. I would hang out with Brett's friend, tho. Yum.
Oh, no, I agree with that latter part - as I mentioned she takes ZERO responsibility for the part she played in pushing him away. She really wants everyone to see her as the victim of this awful guy, which is super cringy. They were not a good match from the start (as others have pointed out they seem to have been paired literally just because they both have cats) and she did nothing to try to be a good partner for him either. I think he endured her far longer than most men would have - I just cannot stand his face, producer manipulated or not. 😉
I. Love. Her. SO MUCH!!! I just love the calm, measured way she speaks and the way she is clearly considering the feelings of the person to whom she is speaking, but is also not a doormat and makes her own feelings known in such an awesome way. She can get heated, as with the whole silly DM argument, but she still sounds so very present and fully committed to the conversation. She comes off as such a a wonderful communicator in a way that I don't think can be taught. It's just engrained in her personality. She is playful but also mature. I could really go on for days about her and her whole vibe and outlook (at least based on how she is being portrayed). I believe what she wanted for her prize was to add another coupon for her coupon book, but I don't think she said what she wanted it to be. She is so into that coupon book!! Ugh, so adorable. Woody is a lucky man, and he better keep showing her that he knows it.
I think Brett is an a-hole and I do commend Olivia for not punching him in the face when he would get that sarcastic smirk during serious discussions. However, I also thought her face was extremely punchible on Unfiltered when she acted like it was craaaaaaaazy and unreasonable of him to be concerned about her going to the hospital and spending all day with Covid patients and then coming home and possibly infecting him. Especially in the early days of the pandemic when we were still learning so much, why wouldn't he be worried about her bringing it into their home? She also conveniently left out the fact that he expressed his disapproval of her breaking quarantine to travel and visit her parents for a week, which was also understandably upsetting for him. Even though he did it in the rudest way possible, I am really glad he left instead of drawing it out needlessly. If the timeline the show portrays is to be believed, he put in an additional six weeks past decision day. He did his time. I also don't understand how this retreat was "safe" in any way, as Pastor Cal deemed it. They each had their own little cabin or whatever, which was good, but then the couples hung out together, not distanced and unmasked, and even prepped and ate meals together (I swear I saw Amelia shove her hand in a common serving bowl at one point). How was this safe? Did they mention anything about them being tested beforehand and I missed it?
Yea, they could have also acknowledged that although they recovered and are fine, we have no idea how many other people they exposed with their reckless behavior and how many of those people got sick or unknowingly passed it on to their loved ones. That is why I don't really feel warm and fuzzy celebrating their recovery. I am not saying it's not good to see people recover but acting so blasé about it is really irresponsible. It's hard to be happy for them when they don't seem to care about anyone but themselves.
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Jamie and Beth don't deserve another minute of this franchise's money or airtime. I hope this finale was a finale on them, but I don't have that kind of luck. Keith's drawing of Kristine's giant head and his indignant response to her asking if that is supposed to be her made me laugh out loud. They really are so cute together. I was always rooting for them and I am so glad they seem happy. (That green really was hideous, though, so maybe he was trying to lose rather than admit he was wrong about it.)
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It looks like they Photoshopped her hair with the smudge tool 😆
Although I cannot stand Brett and his behavior that night was repugnant (even if you hate something that your spouse wants you to do with them, you act polite in public and then discuss it when you get home, like an adult) it was pretty shitty of Olivia to describe it as "trivia night" to try to lure him into going when she knows full well pub quizzes are full of puzzles, riddles, audio/visual identification, and other stuff besides straight up trivia. She could have described it to him better so he knew what to expect. She kept saying "just wait, just wait" because there was probably going to be a trivia round soon, but by then he had already checked out because he felt manipulated. She was partially to blame for that. I understand why he might have been annoyed. However, no matter how justified his annoyance was, his reaction was so unwarranted. I tried to imagine someone like Woody in a similar situation and I am betting he would have just teased Amani for it not being what she sold it as, and then charmed every person at that table with silly answers, or even better, would probably have jumped in full force and been super competitive. Brett always seems to choose to act like a dick for no good reason when he could easily just roll with these scenarios he is being placed into for filming. He hasn't had to endure anything particularity horrible yet. A swamp tour and a pub quiz are pretty innocuous things and he couldn't even attempt to enjoy them.
My face every time Beth and Jamie come onscreen: I'm so over their flippant attitudes. They wouldn't wish this on anyone, so why the fuck don't they just stay home and stop the nonsense? Also, she was so desperate to see her parents that they just had to make that irresponsible trip, yet they hadn't spoken to them once since they got back? So, so self centered. They are just horrible.
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I keep wondering the same thing, especially with timelines and talking heads and stuff. One second Beth and Jamie are lying in bed DYING, feeling like something is stabbing their insides and unable to sit up because they are so dizzy, the next Beth is fully dressed, hair and makeup done, sitting at the kitchen table talking about how awful they currently feel. Was that recorded after they recovered and inserted into the narrative, or are they both as full of shit as they seem? They also didn't seem too sickly when they went to the supposed testing site. My husband and I suspect we may have had a very mild version or mutation of it back at the end of January (or it was just a HORRIFIC flu), and we very literally couldn't move without almost falling over for almost a week. We were so weak and achy but I kept insisting we didn't have it because neither of us had even the slightest elevated fever. My point is that even a nasty regular flu can knock you on your ass HARD. Maybe the "sick in bed" scene was filmed AFTER they got the positive results, because they didn't want it to seem like they were wandering around the country asymptomatic. So they performed that little scene to make it seem like they weren't sick till after they got home and started exhibiting symptoms. My theory of the real timeline (assuming they actually had Covid): Decided to go on the trip, got tested at the mobile test site Tested positive, but had no symptoms and still wanted to travel (possibly even already knew the parents had it) Traveled anyway Got home and did the "self test" and were still positive but lied on cam about being negative so they could justify traveling after the fact Filmed the "sick in bed" scene Obviously just a theory, but I think it makes sense. We have seen far more egregious editing fakery on this show on a regular basis, so none of it would surprise me. I also wouldn't be surprised if, as others have suggested, they weren't sick at all and faked the whole thing because they are attention seeking assholes who don't care if it makes them look bad as long as it gets them more air time on the show (and I guess maybe sympathy, although I don't know how in their right minds they would expect anyone to feel bad for them after their behavior).
My exact words as I watched this episode. I'm seeeeeeeeeething. Are we supposed to feel sorry for these pieces of shit? From the moment Beth pressured Jamie into going to see her family till she snottily pouted about having covid, she brought this whole thing on them and exposed who knows how many other people. Why didn't they just stay with her parents?? At that point they were already exposed (and according to Beth, she didn't care), so why not stay in self quarantine, and also help take care of the parents she was so incredibly desperate to see? I'm so livid. I also don't understand Jephte and his New York family all up in each others' faces immediately. That's not what we're supposed to be doing, is it?? Everyone seems to think if you're "family" or "close friends" you're somehow immune. Where are they getting this idea??? And don't get me started on Steph. She used to be one of my favorites, but I'm so disgusted by her behavior. Why exactly does she need to be traveling so much right now? My parents are going to be celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary in October and our family has been doing a lot of hand wringing about whether they should be going on the annual trip that they have not missed one single year in all this time. They wouldn't even be flying - it's a 10 hour road trip to a small town on the California central coast. Realistically, I think they'd be safe, because although they are both in their 70s they are both super healthy and fit, and they would actually wear masks and socially distance, but it still scares me and they're really worried about being irresponsible by going. Then I watch Steph jet off to Aruba for no damn good reason and I think fuck her. Why do we even care anymore about following the guidelines? Ok, done venting. I've never been a big Danielle fan either, but man, I was crying for her. That's brutal to go through and Henry really seemed like such a wonderful dog. I'll always remember how adoring he was of Bobby from day one. I loved the memorial he got for Henry and how he was trying to lighten the mood a little with his gentle joking. I'll take that real slice of life (along with goofy Anthony and the big pillow shenanigans) over watching shitbags flaunt their potentially dangerous behavior any day.
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I never watch the "Next time on" stuff so I missed that, but it's pretty lame to put it at the END of the show. Why not up front, before broadcasting all of this irresponsible behavior? If they encourage all of that, why did they just show a bunch of people very clearly doing the opposite??