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Posts posted by Jess14

  1. Theresa being mad at Amber B for not throwing the Challenge was all kinds of ridiculous! This is why I was hesitant to give Theresa props last week for making a move. She acts just as indignant as everyone else when things don’t go her way. I still remember that Challenge when she convinced her team to vote Laurel in, and then she punked out and voted otherwise after her team had voted in Laurel. She’s always plays a sneaky game and never in a particularly clever way.

    I like Jay, so I’m sad to see him go, but I like Leroy better so I’m glad he won. 

    I can tolerate Fessy, but I can’t stand Josh or Devin AT ALL so seeing an extended amount of time devoted to them is torture. Im ready for both to be gone. 

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  2. I haven’t listened to the podcast. However, while I think it’s fine for Melissa to provide additional insight into what happened behind the scenes, criticizing Hannah, talking about her anxiety and social media, etc. just seems like punching down to me. Melissa isn’t just a regular former DCC. She has a role in the selection process and is the team “mentor.” On the other hand, Hannah is a cheerleader who was cut on national tv. Why is she even concerned with Hannah’s IG page?  I mean, even if Hannah was talking about the DCCs everyday on social media, what is that to Melissa? It’s not like Hannah has criticized her personally from what I’ve seen/heard. Is it that big of deal that a former DCC dares to say something that isnt 100% positive? 

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  3. On 1/21/2021 at 7:05 PM, SMP637 said:

    Wasn't the year she got cut the same year that two people showed up late to DCC makeovers (I can't for the life of me remember who though)?  They weren't immediately cut.... so maybe truancy only applies to some people.  I guess she didn't realize she wasn't the exception. 

    Yes, it was the same year, and DCC rules are always selectively applied. In fairness, Keyra wasn’t immediately cut for being late either, but if anything, that is why it always seemed like a BS excuse from Kelli. I’ve always thought it was more of a “Keyra isn’t a favorite, I’ve never liked Keyra’s body type, and now she’s no longer getting the friend bonus with Cersten retired, so let’s cut her ..... but I don’t want to say those reasons on tv, so let’s just go with the late reason.” 

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  4. 20 hours ago, mojoween said:

    The amount of people who cannot count to 38 in fifteen minutes is astounding.

    Theresa is trying to win!  Call the church elders!

    I mean, here’s the thing.  I am not a fan of Theresa.  I will never be a fan of Theresa. And I know politics are part of the game, but Lolo’s indignant bitching at Theresa for daring to try to win was ridiculous.

    Not a fan of Lolo either so perhaps I am not the best judge, heh.

    Yeah, Lolo is awful. I can’t stand her. I hope she’s the next woman to go. Nan needs a new partner asap.

    I thought Teresa made a decent move for herself in the short term. With the rookie women on her side, she has the numbers. However, I just can’t root for Theresa. I think she would act every bit as indignant as Kam and Ashley did if she got thrown in after being promised otherwise. 

    On the other hand, Jay screwed his game for no reason. I don’t see why he felt the need to do all that lying. Just say, “We assumed it was a girl’s day, so I let Teresa take the lead.” It’s not like he was lying about things that may not come to light - he knew Cory/Ashley were the house pick and knew Teresa was thinking of sending in Kam. Just dumb to lie about that.

    I’m really surprised that the vets keep picking each other off. While Tory went about it in an obnoxious way, she’s right that the strategy for someone like Teresa should be to go in against someone like Amber M and get her skull. Yeah, she may have taken out Ashley, but Theresa still has no skull, and she just gave one to somebody (Kam) who she wouldn’t want to face in an elimination!

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  5. At first, I was upset to see Alanna so far in the back, but the more I look at the picture, I don't mind it as much. I feel my eye goes straight to her because she is so prominent in the center.

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  6. 31 minutes ago, go4luca said:

    Something looks off in Maddie's eyes to me.  Like psycho eyes.  Many of the headshots this year look really bad. They age the girls.  Marissa really does look like some middle aged realtor as someone upthread mentioned.  It's flat out awful. 

    I honestly thought you all were exaggerating until I took a look at the pictures...Yikes! Alanna’s looks good, and there are a few others that are fine, but otherwise....they would’ve been better off using pictures from the girls’ IG pages. I find it very hard to believe that they couldn’t get a better picture of Sydney for example.

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  7. 3 hours ago, klh25 said:

    Yes, but if you know that is the process you can't be mad at it later.  It seems to me most of these Ladies try out to find a rich husband - not to further their dance careers.  How many have actually taken it to a full blown career?  Most I read about go to college, marry rich husband, have babies, stay home.  I know there are some that really want it for their resume but that seems to be a small percentage these days.  IJS.  Disclaimer - not saying anything is wrong with that plan.  I married young (19) and had babies right away (lived in a trailer though).  My dance career was over, I've been a Banker ever since.  

    Do you mean how many have had a full blown dance career after? Would you expect them to (show or no show)?  People who are more immersed in the dance world can probably answer this better than I can (and please correct me if Im wrong), but DCC is top of the chain in terms of pro sports dance jobs (only the Laker girls are as well known to the general public). Other than taking a step down to another sports team, I wouldn’t think that DCC would be a natural step to other dance jobs in NYC, LA, Vegas, etc. Not saying it hurts on a resume, just that it seems like someone who really wants to dance on Broadway would get to NYC and not take a 1-2 year detour to Dallas.

    I think it makes sense that most DCCs would either go into non-dance jobs afterwards, get married, or work at local studios, and I think that would make sense even if there wasn’t a reality show. 

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  8. On 1/14/2021 at 11:39 AM, DCCOracle said:



    Interesting. I’m always hesitant to completely buy insider information on the DCCs because it so often seems to come from sources who have a settle to score. However, this made me think of a post a while ago talking about how the LSU girls seemed to all be full of drama. At the time, Tess was the one who people said was an exception. I guess not lol! 

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  9. On 1/13/2021 at 10:54 PM, Eolivet said:

    Aneesa going back with Fessy proves he needs a woman to do the thinking for him. Now they both have skulls, and aren't exactly "easy" match-ups for the skull-less, they can perhaps coast to the final.

    Yes. This actually may have worked out for Fessy. If he is smart, he will shut up, lay low, and stick with Aneesa for the time being. No, they won’t be strong together in a final, but I doubt most of the house is likely challenge one of them for a gold skull. On the men’s side, Devin is the obvious person to challenge, and there are still 4 gold skulls for the women. Why would anyone challenge Aneesa rather than take a chance against one of the smaller women? 

    Tori was just dumb. She should’ve spent more time making sure that she had the vet women on her side rather than making enemies out of the rookie women. The fact that Nany, Teresa, and Ashley voted with the rookie women speaks volumes. 

    With that said, it does seem dumb to me that the vets don’t seem to be working together at all. 

    • Love 2
  10. 1 hour ago, Mardo2044 said:

    I think Hannah on Instagram is her right but I wouldn’t go that way.  I have no idea, maybe dance industry doesn’t care but in corporate if you bad mouth your former company even if justified HR, management, others will know it can happen to them in future and it is viewed as unprofessional and a concern of judgement.  In the end, It doesn’t reflect well on the complainant.  I’m sorry for her and that she was cut makes me so sad for her.  But she needs to close this chapter and move on to better.

    I agree with this to an extent. In the corporate world however, termination meetings, evaluations, and corrections are also not public and most employers don’t provide negative info about former employees to public. If it was standard procedure for corporations to air employee terminations in a one-sided manner, I think publicly badmouthing one’s ex-employer would also be quite common. As it is, it’s kind a “we don’t talk about you, and you don’t talk about us” sort of deal. For the DCCs, I get that they feel that their only outlet to defend themselves is social media. So, I do think Hannah and the other DCCs are in a different boat due to the reality tv aspect of it. Regardless though, I do agree that if she hasn’t yet, she needs to close this chapter. 

    • Love 7
  11. I understood why the vets were upset being cut by ZOOM at the end of the two week training camp for the pandemic- season when there won’t even be a lot of fans in the stands. It just seems extra cruel and gratuitous.  Like, these vets were SO terrible that they can’t dance in front of a 2/3 empty stadium for a year? Whatever! 

    I’m not saying that they were entitled to their spots (as I said last week, I think Lily would’ve definitely been cut in a regular year), but I understand the frustration. 2020 was a terrible year for a lot of ppl with isolation and a loss of normal life, and then to have DCC ripped away too - it’s brutal.

    I feel bad for the rookies too, and I think the main issue was bringing so many women into training camp in the first place. They should’ve never been in a position where they had to make a gazillion cuts during training camp. It was irresponsible and unnecessary. 

    With that said, I really like the rookies who made it. It’s a strong group, IMO. Hopefully, next season, they will have a real season with fans and will be able to be on the field. 

    • Love 13
  12. 19 hours ago, Tatum said:

    She ALWAYS did that. Even CT pointed out that her little tantrums were par for the course when she didn't get her way.


    Although I will say it was pretty of stupid of Aneesa to say she wouldn't send Diem in. Aneesa later clarified she said it because she thought Diem would win, which made no sense because if Diem won, Aneesa couldn't have sent her in. It was a dumb thing to say. Regardless, it's not like Diem did anything for Aneesa or made any kind of deal with her so for Diem to whine that Aneesa had no "integrity" was pretty stupid also. It's not like they had a quid pro quo deal and Aneesa reneged after Diem did her part.  In Diem's world, I guess, one ill advised comment in the heat of the moment trumps an established friendship with someone else.

    Yeah, Aneesa was dumb to tell her that. It made no sense at all. However, it was at the end of the Challenge, and yet, Diem seemed to think she was entitled to make it to the end. Diem also had no reason to believe that Aneesa would turn on Svetlana, who had been her only female ally in the game. The fact that Diem was also upset that Evan had pulled CT in to the Duel the week before just confirmed for me that it was all about entitlement, not any sincere belief that Aneesa betrayed her.

    With that said, I found Diem to be more likable in some of the later Challenges (if I’m remembering correctly). 

  13. The "how does the internet work" question is the most ridiculous question that they have ever asked on this show. Like, wth! This isn't a job at At&T or Comcast, where perhaps knowing how the internet works would be relevant. Most of us pay a company for internet service, so we don't have to figure it out. 

    I feel awful for Brennan. Her bout with covid sounded terrible, and puts perspective into the "most people survive, so it's no big deal" nonsense that some people spew. 

    I like Lily. She seems like a great person, but I think she is a weak dancer. While I think they should've just taken vets, if vets are on the hook (as they are), she and Meredith were always the obvious ones to get cut. I think both would've been goners in a regular tryout year. 

    • Love 8
  14. I watched the Duel on Netflix, and I forgot how satisfying it was to see Svetlana and Aneesa pick off the other women after they kept getting thrown in each week. 

    I never liked Kina, and I had also forgotten how dramatic she acted when she lost.



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  15. 8 hours ago, luckyroll3 said:

    Not quite. When they walk in, he says to Tori, "if it is Nelson I want to go in against him". And Tori yells over her shoulder, "It's Nelson."

    Aww! I completely missed that. 

    I’m mixed about Fessy picking Kaycee as a partner. He probably thinks it’s more likely that he wins comps with Kaycee, which I think is true. Also, he and Kaycee are both strong, so that’s another layer of protection - anyone partnered with someone thought to be weak is vulnerable, like Nelson. However, he pissed off 2 more people in the process, and Kaycee has the same allies that he does, so that’s not really helpful. 

    I can’t stand Josh! I get why Nelson and Cory were mad at Fessy, but Josh can STFU. I like Nany, so I hate that she is partnered with him, but I don’t want them to win anything. Hopefully, he gets beat soon and she can get a new partner.


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  16. 6 hours ago, Roseanna said:

    I don't think that revealing in public people's private life can be be justified by "telling the truth". That should should mean only important matters that really concern other people.       

    Exactly. It's like someone who, rather than speak privately to her best friend, posts on social media for everyone to see, that said best friend's husband is having multiple affairs.....When the best friend is upset that her personal life has been aired out for everyone's amusement, saying "but I told the truth" isn't going to help. The issue in that case, as well as the case with Pen, isn't telling the truth, it's that she drug people through the mud in public - including Colin, who she supposedly cares about - without making the disclosure in private. Whether Colin was going to be tricked is not a matter of public concern. If she told Colin the truth, and he still wanted to be with Marina, so be it. Pen just didn't want to take the chance that Colin would learn the truth and still choose to stay with Marina - hence, going nuclear with Lady W. 

    There's also this:

    3 hours ago, Roseanna said:

    When I started to watch this show, I thought that Lady Whistledown's role was to satirize the marriage market that made upper-class women like cattle and are in their side. But when I look back, LW's actions shows her to be a malicious woman who wants to put other women down, first Daphne and then, more cruelly, Marina.   

    Yes. This is part of the issue too. It wasn't just light-hearted or satirical stuff. Pen used Lady W to settle a score with Marina, and then there is the situation with Daphne, who by all means, was nothing but nice to her.  The character just comes off in a poor light to me (if she is supposed to be sympathetic). 

    I also agree with those who initially liked the Marina/Pen friendship. It's a shame that they destroyed it.

    • Love 4
  17. 1 hour ago, Opine said:

    On the rewatch I noticed two interesting contrasts:

    1.  When VK was “point” and MRS gave the ridiculous speech about no rookie wanting to be near her, they then went to kicking.  VK was huffing and puffing and hunching.  Behind her was Jada executing perfect kicks with ease and someone comments that she is showing up the vets.  Yes she was!  Particularly a certain vet that dances “heavy” on everything!

    2.  When they were talking about who does well in hip hop they show Maddie as an example.  Yet right there in the frame is Marissa kicking Maddie’s ass!  I don’t care for Marissa’s flakiness captured so well by a poster above but she can dance!

    Yes, I thought the exact same thing. Marisa looked better than Maddie in the hip hop dance clip that they showed. I’m just can’t get into the “Hip Hop Maddie” thing. I don’t think she is bad at hip hop, but when they portray her as being a standout, it does her no favors because I just watch with a more critical eye.

    Same with VK. She looks fine, but she’s not heads and shoulders above anyone else.

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  18. 11 hours ago, kalibean said:

    It makes a lot more sense with her original music and the context. While a solid solo, had its issues.  Not nearly as bad as edited tho, yikes. 

    Kristin posted on her Instagram if you want to see with the music and the story behind it. Super supportive posts frim quite a few DCC as well! 


    Ok....so this solo is nowhere near as bad as they made it out to be on the show. I liked it. No, It's not the best solo ever, but they acted like it was one of the worst solos that they had seen. I tend to agree with the other poster that their real issue is that it was political. Rather than just be honest about that, they overlayed it with music that is nothing like what she actually danced to and pretended like she was totally offbeat - I mean, maybe her performance at show group auditions was especially bad, but I'm doubting that. The fact that Scott and Neil McCoy were both a yes for her reinforces that for me - neither would care about politics. Charlotte and Kelli on the other hand - absolutely. 

    I feel bad for Meredith, but she needed to go. The clip of her and Ashley dancing Charm's piece next to each other was really glaring. Meredith was completely off. Kelli is nuts for giving her a "yes" - who cares if she is a good lyrical dancer if she is weak at power pom? I actually think she looked worse than her rookie season. I know that she and Kat are often lumped together, but there's no comparison, IMO. Kat may make mistakes, but she looked great in the clips of her dancing the DCC choreography. Meredith always looks like she is a half step behind. 



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  19. On 12/27/2020 at 11:09 PM, EyewatchTV211 said:

    I agree that the show doesn't seem to realize the ugly light it casts considering so many here now hate Penelope while she was generally liked from the books.

    I’m curious about this as well. Are we as viewers, supposed to like Pen now that we know she’s Lady W? I don’t think she’s the worst person in the world, but I no longer like her. I also have a hard time reconciling her character, which is portrayed as a naive, sweet girl with Lady W, who seems quite malicious. The hit against Marina was as mean-spirited as it could possibly be, and I don’t see her as a good friend to Colin now. I feel like the character is in a corner, unless the show wants her to be a villain. 

    Also, as someone who has not read the books, I have no lingering affection for the character, and it seems like some of the defense of her actions here is based on her being a beloved character from the books. 

    Overall however, I loved the show. I agree that Daphne/Simon are problematic in many ways, but I still enjoyed them. Honestly, I’ll take the Duke of Hastings on my tv screen any day, all day lol! 


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  20. 21 minutes ago, ouinason said:


    And that wouldn't give Colin a choice, it would mean that the ton assumed him the father instead and forced his hand anyway.  Because if people thought he was the father and he didn't' marry her, that would be an even bigger scandal.


    Also Penelope not only could not seek Colin out, because scandal, young women were also forbidden to WRITE to unmarried men.  It was a huge no no.


    She couldn't stay with Eloise and hope Colin came home at a reasonable hour (for them), she couldn't go find him, she couldn't write him a letter that anyone in his family might maybe see.....


    I don't think her solution was right, but I don't know that there was much alternative besides letting him be victimized.

    Regarding the bold, I disagree. Colin could’ve denied that he was the father and said that he never had sex with Marina, which was the truth. What makes you think that he, as a man, lacked the ability to do that? It’s not like he had been courting Marina for a long time, such that his denial would be unbelievable.

    On the rest, I just think this goes to the problem of her being Lady W. All of this may be true with a regular young woman in town. But with Pen, clearly, she manages to get around at night and to hear about everyone’s business, write, and publish it just fine. She can’t be so savvy as to successfully and secretly write this column that has the whole ton gossiping, while also being so naive and constrained as to be unable to tell her best friend’s brother that he is about to be tricked into a bad situation.

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