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Posts posted by Jess14

  1. Not surprised to see David and Cody from BB on the “possible” list of contestants. I don’t see either adding much entertainment though. Cody is more likeable than Paulie (IMO) and is athletic, but he’s boring. Also, since he’s in a relationship, there’s not even the hook-up potential. David is also pretty boring. 

    • Love 1
  2. I did laugh at Kyle saying that Kam is a leader, and he is a follower. At least he’s honest. While Josh seems to have a lot of friends (for whatever reason), when it comes to tv he could really learn from Devin and Kyle when it comes to self-reflection. They both get on my nerves too, but they’re not delusional. Josh is clumsy, awkward, and seen as a layup. He should own that rather than pretending like he’s a Challenge threat. He would be much more likeable.

    • Love 17
  3. CT went way overboard. Big T was exactly right. He could’ve just said, “thanks Big T for helping me get my skull, but this close to the end, I want the best partner for the Final.” But all of the jumping around and shouting was just too much. It was humiliating, and I legit felt awful when she was talking about how deflated she was. Then, his apology was bs. I like CT, but he was a complete asshole this episode. 

    Not sad to see Josh or Devin go....I’ve never liked Josh. I enjoy Devin’s running commentary, but I like Devin commenting on the show, not Devin becoming the show, which is what happened this season.

    Nany....girl, get it together! Obviously she and Josh are friends, but it’s not like he died. He just got beat. He ain’t worth the tears.

    Kyle...please shut up. You’re not a victim. You did the same thing when you stole Kam in the first place.


    • Love 11
  4. 6 hours ago, LaurelleJ said:

    I wonder if Darrell ended up voting Devin because he thought that between Devin and Josh, Devin had a better chance of beating CT. If it's purely physical, then CT could best both of them, but if it had to do with strategy/puzzles, then Devin stood a better chance. That gets CT out of the game, and leaves Devin available for Darrell when he wants to get his skull. Hopefully Darrell will explain his rational, because I did think that he would end up working with CT even though his partner is part of the big brother alliance.  

    Maybe Darrell believed Theresa when she (truthfully lol) told everyone that CT didn’t want him to be in the final? Truthfully, I’m not sure Darrell saw it as being about CT. That seemed to be CT’s framing, but I think Darrell just saw it as being Devin v Josh. He’s not close with either, but he’s protected by the BB alliance due to Amber, so he stuck with Josh.

    As boring as Fessy and Kaycee are and as awful as Josh is, they’ve played the numbers game brilliantly so far (with a bit of luck) by partnering with Aneesa, Darrell, Nany, and Leroy - all who might otherwise stick with other longtime vets if not for that alliance. And Leroy brings Kam’s vote, who is another number. People should’ve listened to Devin earlier in the game and tried to take them out, not because BB is so much shadier than the Challenge (I actually think Devin undercut his argument by focusing on that), but because of they have solid numbers.


    • Love 6
  5. I forgot to mention this earlier, but that Nany and Josh segment during the beginning of the episode was just weird. I don’t see the appeal of Josh in any way, shape, or form. He may different in real life, but on tv, he’s not funny, he’s not endearing, he’s not cute...nothing.

    • Love 15
  6. Didn’t they preview the Security Breach twist last week? I can’t stand when they do that and then leave the next episode on a cliffhanger. Either have the elimination in the episode or say what the twist is!

    LOL at Devin falling on his face after taunting Josh. Meanwhile, Josh’s fail was hilarious. He’s so clumsy and awkward, but still thinks he’s a threat. Please!  Aneesa’s sliding off was also funny. I hate that after winning her gold skull, Aneesa has been a total fail at comps....at this point, I completely understand why Fessy wants someone else.

    I didn’t think Devin’s argument made sense to the other side of the house. If (and I don’t understand this), it had to be Devin or Josh, then it makes no sense for anyone affiliated with the BB alliance to send in Josh. It’s not a matter of CT or Devin in a final bc everyone expects CT to win in the crater whether it’s against Devin or Josh. So it’s a choice between Devin or Josh, who are needed to provide numbers to their side for the vote. If Devin didn’t have Darrell’s vote (and I don’t know why he thought he would), it seems like his best bet was to try and convince BB/Kam/Leroy to throw in a male without a gold skull - like Nam. 

    Gabby is kind of annoying. Devin can’t even talk to Amber B, now? Huh! 

    I love CT and Big T. They are hilarious! But clearly, their alliance won’t last long.

    Bye Lolo! Don’t let the door hit ya!

    • Love 6
  7. On 2/16/2021 at 3:58 PM, vanillagum said:

    lmao i almost wrote a comment about this yesterday but got tired. agreed. i don't think being annoyed about their weight standards is 'toxic.' yes, that's what they signed up for, but especially in the case of chelsea, who didn't look overweight even by THEIR standards, i understand being like, 'lol wtf?' 

    if you really think these girls are perfect little angel robots who never get annoyed with k and j or talk shit, you're sorely mistaken. her only mistake was saying that stuff on camera—that was stupid. i'm sure she's hardly the only person who's ever said or thought things like that.

    i think her looks were average and she was a meh dancer who kind of talked her way onto the team, sure, so i don't mind them cutting her, but i don't think any less of her for saying what she said, especially since she was like 20 at the time, it was a million years ago, and her feelings were understandable. 

    if anything, it made her more likable to me. that's the most personality anyone's ever shown on that show, for better or worse lmao

    These are my thoughts exactly. She was stupid to make her comments on camera, but otherwise, whatever. People vent at work. People talk about their managers, especially those managers who are full of shit. I also thought her meeting with K&J after that was hilarious.  She almost seemed like she was trolling them - it was a total, "I'm so sick of you two, but I'm going to force myself to try and say the right things and pretend like I care, even though it's so obvious right now that I don't give a damn." Now, when she actually got cut, she had reverted back to rookie season who was annoying, but before that - her outburst was one of the most entertaining things of the whose series. 

    • LOL 1
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  8. I think Devin is great tv when he’s providing a running commentary on everything in the house. He is funny, has self-awareness, and has a decent read on things. He starts to lose me when he gets power and is on screen too much.

    Also, part of my issue with him this season is that I feel like he’s part of the reason why Josh is on screen so much. I would rather just be rid of them both at this point. I also hate the “I’m going to pick at someone just for the sake of it” thing. I’ve had to work with people like that before, and it’s so exhausting (even when someone else is the target) that I can’t even find it entertaining on reality tv.

    • Love 2
  9. 3 hours ago, AntFTW said:

    Devin said in the aftershow that he didn’t choose Nany because he didn’t want to give her an easy skull. Why did that not apply to Amber B, who is apart of the BB alliance that he hates?

    Yeah, it doesn’t make much sense. Also, she isn’t part of the alliance, but wasn’t Gabby on Big Brother UK? 

    I also thought Devin’s suggestion to throw in Kam/Kyle should’ve made a light go off in Gabby’s head. Devin is aligned with Kyle, so if he’s talking about throwing in Kyle, then he clearly doesn’t think it’s a men’s elimination. She should’ve stood her ground and went in. I have no clue why she thought Amber M was going to injure her. Please! 

    • Love 2
  10. 3 hours ago, BK1978 said:

    Free Nam! 

    I came to post the same thing. Poor guy! Lolo is just exhausting. I can’t imagine that anyone wants her as a partner bc it’s not worth having to deal with her. I think even Fessy would think twice about sticking with Aneesa over her.

    What a weak move by Gabby! Amber M was the person who everyone wanted to go against, and she not only turns it down but sends in Amber B, who was clearly going to walk away victorious? Whatever - hopefully, she and Amber B can just make it clear that they’re not working together at this point and stop the frenemies thing. 

    I’m also curious as to what would’ve happened had she told TJ that she wants go down in the crater and Devin said “no” or tried to send someone else. Do they both have to agree?

    Speaking of Devin, he’s really grating on my nerves this season, and I have found him to be likeable on some seasons (like Rivals III). Is he better than Josh? Sure (who isn’t?). Does he have some self-awareness? Yes. However, that only goes so far. I actually was cheering that his plan fizzled, and I can’t stand Josh.

    Darrell also cracked me up this episode talking about how Cory blew Amber’s head up and got her to go into the crater lol! I was thinking the same thing. 

    • Love 3
  11. 16 hours ago, lexie3248 said:

    Especially since they got the dances ahead of time, didn’t have to rush to get settled in Texas since lodging was provided, and learned dances from choreographers than Vets being expected to know them less than 12 hours before moving into the bubble. 

    I guess I don’t see why the first 2 things things would’ve resulted in the team being weaker. While they didn’t have the stress of finding a place to live, IIRC, the rookies were basically in limbo, while it was determined when or if training camp would occur, and 2020 was objectively one of the worst and most stressful years in many of our lives.

    Specifically with getting the routines in advance, as we saw with the rookies, it was still clear that some girls couldn’t learn and retain choreography at the level that was needed, even after they got the dances ahead of time. To me, that provided K&J a far more more accurate view of the girls’ abilities than a typical training camp where they’re learning and performing dances on the spot because it’s much closer to what the DCCs actually do throughout the year.

    I do think that the vets were at a disadvantage with the guest choreography, but in a regular year, I don’t think Meredith and Lily even make it to training camp. I think both would’ve been cut at finals. I disagreed with Hannah and Brennan’s cuts, so I don’t really understand those decisions in the first place lol.

    • Love 6
  12. 1 hour ago, parrotfeathers said:

    But I for one will always wonder how "strong" they would have really been had they had to go through a "regular" training camp.  I don't think TPTB really know whether or not they have the best team.  And if they think they do, there is no reason to ever go back to the regular training camp ritual.

    I think it should be settled that they don’t need to go back to the months-long training camp model. Now, they may want to, but they didn’t need it in the first place, and I don’t think they can justify “needing” it now. I don’t expect the 2 week structure to be the norm, but sending the rookies the routines in advance and cutting training camp by half (at least) seems like a no-brainer.

    As to whether they picked the best team, I think that is always subjective, but I actually think this TC probably produced a stronger team than past years. A larger pool of talented women probably applied in the first place since it was virtual, on top of the industries in NYC, LA, Vegas, etc largely being closed. Now, in terms of cohesiveness and team building, I think the team probably was much weaker .

    • Love 10
  13. 1 hour ago, shantown said:

    I'm bummed out. Theresa has never been one of my favorites, but she's one of the few I knew coming into this season. If anything, this episode made me more of a fan of her. Karma Kam making up her own catchphrases and holding a big-ass grudge doesn't endear me to her at all. I'm not sure why exactly the whole house nicknamed her "Toxic T"? She hasn't been any more "shady" in this game than anyone else in the house.

    Yeah, the Toxic T label is ridiculous. She tried to make a move. It didn’t work for her. Nothing more, nothing less. Trying to make her out to be uber-shady is stupid. 

    I do think though that Theresa’s demise shows that this game is just like Big Brother, which is why I also don’t get why people like Devin are pretending like it’s so different. You have to have alliances and be able to read the room. Theresa failed at both counts. She threw her lot in with the rookie women rather than the vets, who may have more willing to stick with her long term. Then, she pulled that “I’ll only put you in the crater if you’re comfortable. Actually nevermind, go get your skull Kam.” At the end of the day, it worked out for Kam, but Theresa should’ve known that Kam holds grudges and was not going to let it go. 

    7 minutes ago, AntFTW said:

    Yes, I believe that was the thinking when they originally paired up. That's why Kam and Leroy didn't pair up together and they each decided to go with Josh and Kaycee.

    BB gets cover from Leroy and Kam (and Kam's wrath), and they get cover from BB... which now also extends to Kyle by way of Kam, even though Kyle is targeting BB.

    Yeah. I’m actually surprised more ppl don’t seem to see that, especially since that alliance is close now to controlling the house vote if they and their partners stick together.

    • Love 4
  14. 1 hour ago, Jillibean said:

    Honestly though, if Theresa had said the things about me that she said about Nany on Exes 2, I would still be gunning for her years later with absolutely no remorse. 

    I’m trying to remember. Was she basically going around calling Nany a trashy whore, or was it something else? Honestly, Theresa may well have grown and matured, but she’s never struck me as a nice person or anyone who I want on my team. I was glad to see her back as she shook things up, but I’m not sad to see her go.

    ETA: I don’t like that rogue agents basically get a free “week.” I know that they play in pairs but I feel like the rogue agent should still be eligible to go into the crater.


    • Love 4
  15. It was dumb for Gabby to insert herself into the Amber M-Amber B drama. She almost bought herself a ticket into the crater against Theresa. She would’ve been better off just staying out of it.

    In hindsight, it was a massive error for Theresa to throw Kam in without telling her first. Theresa badly underestimated Kam’s vengeance. She should’ve thrown in Lolo against Ashley or tried to get Amber M as the house vote, so she could’ve gone in and gotten her skull.

    Something tells me that Cory will soon be without a partner again lol. It seems pretty obvious that Amber M’s days are numbered. 

    • Love 10
  16. 6 hours ago, DCC-UK said:

    I don't think Holly was putting in as much effort as she usually does. Was this just before she resigned? I don't like this dance because the steps don't seem to suit the music and I'm not a Pitbull fan either. 

    The date says it was June of 2017. I think she resigned in August of 2017, so not just before, but it was that same summer. She certainly doesn’t seem like she’s trying that hard here, but in fairness to her, most of the team seems lackluster. Jinelle and Jenna are the only two dancing like they actually want to be there, and Robyn and Kashara get an honorable mention for at least looking like they’re semi-trying. Everyone else looks bored. 

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  17. 1 hour ago, Bigorangecatmom said:

    This choreography seems rather dull.  I wish they would bring Michelle Keys in to overhaul everything, including Thunderstruck.   

    It is dull. I’ve never really liked the Fireball dance. And to top it off, only about 2 to 3 of the DCCs have any pop in this particular performance. The funny this that Holly isn’t one of them, IMO. It’s one reason why, unlike most, I think it was for the best that she left. She’s crazy talented, but I don’t think DCC showcased her talent. It was always her solos and guest choreo that she stood out the most. 

    • Love 9
  18. 1 hour ago, Jillibean said:

    Unless Nany has been practicing, she might struggle with the elim Leroy won. That was the exact elimination she did in BotE2 and she performed so badly Johnny didn’t even get to try to take his turn against Leroy and Nia. She got stuck on the bump and just stayed there the whole time. 

    Oh don’t get me wrong. I don’t think Nany is good at that elimination. I just think Aneesa would be particularly bad at it. It’s possible that Aneesa has done that elimination before and I missed it, but it just seems to be the worst possible elimination for her.

    • Love 2
  19. 3 hours ago, AntFTW said:

    Who would Nany have a decent chance of winning against? Amber M is off limits next elimination.

    I think she could also beat Big T and Gabby or Aneesa depending on the elimination. For example, I think she could beat Aneesa in the same eliminations that Leroy and Kam won, but not the others.

    • Love 3
  20. I just about died laughing at Josh throwing the balls and missing! How embarrassing lol.

    Nany got screwed by it being a boy's elimination. I think she definitely would've beaten Amber M. It feels like there have been a gazillion boy's eliminations and hardly any girl's ones. 

    Lolo continues to be horrible. I really hope she goes soon. She talks about teamwork and then didn't even bother to cheer on Nam when he won the first round.

    I also find Amber M annoying. She acts extremely entitled, and I want to see her in an elimination soon. I like Mechie well enough, but both of them saying "we don't want to go in" like that's supposed to mean something was ridiculous. 

    • Love 8
  21. 2 hours ago, RedbirdNelly said:

    agreed. She kept saying it like she had something special in the game--not just "wait for the reunion." If she'd said it once, it would have not stood out. But she seemed to think she really had something she could use in the game. 

    And not only that, but her “receipts” prove that SHE brought up Darrell’s name! Sure, CT agreed with her, and he lied when he denied it, but I don’t see how the receipts helped her that much. For a part of the episode, she was pretending like Darrell and Amber were wrong to think she wanted to throw them in. They weren’t - which makes Theresa’s anger that Amber wouldn’t throw the competition to her all the more ridiculous. 


    • Love 7
  22. Didn’t Kaycee say in the first episode that Amber was part of the BB alliance? I remember it because I didn’t watch whatever season of BB that Amber was on, so I was surprised that Kaycee included her at the time. She doesn’t seem to have been part of any discussions with them since however. 

    I definitely didn’t hear Fessy say the n word, but I haven’t researched it. Aneesa was right there, so I have to think that she definitely would’ve reacted if she heard it. 

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  23. I’m curious to see who gets the last gold skull for the men. No matter who it is, Devin is about to be a sitting duck. Between him, Leroy, Fessy, and Kyle, he is definitely the one that the other men will want to Challenge for a skull, and there aren’t many other men left who I think would be a bigger target than him in eliminations  (Mechie, I guess; Josh - but he’s big so that’s always risky; maybe Cory).

    It’s wide open for the women though. I wonder if they’re going to keep letting the rookies slide on through. 

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