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Posts posted by FireFoxy

  1.   3 hours ago, DeathQuaker said:

    Unpopular opinion, but I like Raf with Petra. They both used to be horrible and are both becoming more human and I like their relationship, as complicated as it is. I believe people who have done bad things can change and do good things and be good. (If people can't change, grow, and improve, we're all screwed.)

    Meanwhile, I kind of want Jane to end up with no one, just be a happily single successful author and mom.

    Loved the two-woman hen night. The rest of the wedding plot I find frustrating and draggy.


    I totally agree with you and even go so far as to say the heart-light that Jane felt wasn't a rekindled romantic love for Raf, but just realizing she has a place in his life and she likes it.  Honestly, I didn't think romantic things about that scene until I read the review here.  So I wasn't crushed or anything when her parents were at the door instead of Rafael. 

    Jane being with Rafael at the end of the story seems too traditional.  I would love to see the show go in another direction.  I think they've shown beautifully what co-parenting can be like and I love that aspect of the show.  

    But, I have to agree that it does seem that this is the pathway they are taking Jane on, to be with Rafael for the rest of her days. 

    My favorite scene this week was the real wild goose chase!  Hahahahahaha ha!

    Nah, it was totally romantic. We have been getting those undertones from Jane for a few episodes, especially last week's when her face fell after she invited Rafael to her dad's event and he declined. They are reviving the triangle with Jane in Rafael's place which is refreshing.

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  2. I am LOVING this season. I am glad Xo and Ro finally got their ish together and can be together and happy. We have a nice Petra/Jane relationship. And I am glad Jane is finally on the other side of the triangle. I knew Jane/Raf would be endgame since the first episode, I've watched enough telenovelas to know how it goes. I am really liking their approach to it. Good job, show!

    • Love 4
  3. I would've rather had Des, Jillian or Ashley on the cover. They are all cute but I have to say, Jillian's baby is another level of adorable. I follow her on Instagram and he is so lively and adorable. Asher looks like a cute grumpy old man. And I LIVE for Essie's hair even if her name is terrible.

    • Love 1
  4. Josh wants kids, Liza doesn't. He may believe he's okay with never having kids but eventually it would become an issue of resentment and problems in their relationship. I didn't like that he proposed because he sensed something was off. That is manipulative as hell. He's a sweet guy and I don't doubt he loves her but yeah... In the long run it wouldn't work. Plus, you gave her a free pass dude. Not saying it's okay but yeah...

    Kelsey deserves better. Her bf is such a douche. And yeah, Lauren should've at least given her a heads up.

    I'm liking Diana and her boyfriend. He brings out this other side of her that was missing. The parrot had me cracking up.

    I can't believe they built Charles/Liza up so much to have it end like that. That kiss was intense! My heart broke for Charles when he bowed out. I honestly don't think he feels for her because of the age he thinks she has. I think they have a true, intelectual connection, plus attraction, plus she's great with his kids. I think the age factor is what has kept him at bay actually. Plus being her boss. I hope this isn't the end for them because I do believe they are very compatible for many, many reasons.

    I'm glad Liza FINALLY came clean to Kelsey. It was about time!

    • Love 7
  5. I am a David/Valerie fan for life. Those two should've ended up together. They were the superior adult 90210 couple, especially in S8.

    I thought what Dylan and Kelly did to Brenda was gross. Who hooks up with her best friend's boyfriend?!? Brenda had all the right in the world to be pissed. And even if I loved Dylan/Brenda, she deserved better. I was actually glad Dylan abandoned Kelly in the reboot. 

    Brandon and Kelly were such a sanctimonious, soul sucking couple. They should've stayed together.

    Donna was such a blackhole on the show but I liked her with Joe. And she was a good friend to Brenda.

    I actually liked Steve/Claire until they made her into such a biatch.

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  6. 4 hours ago, Alapaki said:

    My recollection from the time is that the rumors were that Graham had threatened to quit but was convinced to stay and allow Deanna to "not give him a rose".

    Yeah, that's what the BTS chatter was. He basically quit but agreed to film "not being given a rose". I mean, he was dressed in jeans and at that point about to run out of the door. DeAnna's season was such a train wreck. 


    Buzzfeed printed this article about the show last night. I laughed.



    • Love 1
  7. That is awesome! I love Des and Chris and I am so happy for them. Here's their Instagram posts:




    ETA: It's like a B'ette Baby Boom! Emily, DeAnna, Jillian, Ali and now Des. Ashley is probably the next one.
    • Love 1
  8. Well sign me up as #TeamCharles forever and I'm actually closer to Josh's age. Charles makes me SWOON so hard. Mature, handsome, educated, wordly. Josh is super hot and nice but after a while you want someone who you can have an actual intellectual relationship with.


    Hillary Duff is a terrible actress but her last scene with Liza got to me.


    Liza still being "26" is ridiculous since she looks at least over 35. 


    Chad is creepy. 

    Diana continues to be the best part of this show.

    • Love 4
  9. I was hoping see more of Bachelorette Jillian (or, "Hottub Harris" as one contestant's parents once called her!).  I like her work on "Love It or List It Too".  It looked like she had a date with her at the reception, but we only got a brief glimpse of them.


    I know, right?! (tm Emily). Jillian is one of my fave B'ettes, crappy pick withstanding. That's her boyfriend of a few years, they went to Ashley/JP's wedding. I wonder why they haven't gotten married yet. I remember reading her tweets and blogs and she would always bring up marriage. I hope she isn't holding on to that relationship in the hopes of him proposing some day. She deserves better.


    I love how they downplayed Ali and Rahbirdo's relationship. They actually showed her with Frank, who was always the guy I knew she wanted to pick but still.

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  10. WTF?! So Desiree/Chris got shafted on the televised wedding but Jade/Tanner didn't?!? Fail!


    I wish they could get Meredith to show up at one of these things but she isn't a famewhore so I guess that won't happen. It's nice to know my two favorite couples, Des/Chris and JP/Ashley passed on this.


    ETA: I forgot how much I loved the Jen/Andrew, Byron/Mary and Andy/Tessa seasons and proposals.

    • Love 2
  11. Ali's fiance's pics remind me a bit of Frank(? was it?), the one that got away, on her season.


    I always knew Frank was Ali's pick. She even said Chris wasn't in her F2. She was DEVASTATED when Frank bailed just like DeAnna was when Graham was "sent home".

    • Love 2
  12. What comforts me is that if EBR were leaving the show, the cast would've known, I think? Therefore KC wouldn't have changed her tune about Loliver


    Yeah, I don't trust this either. They are still filming 405 or 406 so it's early, but I'm thinking more towards the end of the season.


    Also, people need to STOP pitting KC vs. EBR. It make Felicity and Olicity fans look awful. They are both friends and care for each other. I am sure if Emily were to leave, KC would be sad about it. She seems to adore her.

  13. I'm freaking out about the engagement. I mean, yes I want them to go that way but NOT YET. This really worries me that they are going to make her Oliver's Gwen Stacy. I really, really do...

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