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Posts posted by slayer2

  1. 17 hours ago, JNavarro said:

    The Sally hate (on show, to clarify) is beyond out of control.  Maybe they should have had her do something actually bad if they wanted her to be a legit town pariah.  So far she's insulted Phyllis and tried to get Summer out of town, which should probably warrant a medal.  Not to mention that her great opponent back in LA was a human trafficker, who-surprise!- got away with the whole thing.  

    But this crap about "avoiding such a big mistake" with Sally, and whatever Lauren was shrieking about? I think Sally is the one who avoided the mistake at this point, Jackie boy.  And isn't Lauren's precious husband an attempted rapist?

    I'm *still* not so sure Ashland's storyline doesn't end with Victor punching him out, old timey boxing style like I'm sure EB fantasizes about.  


    Good point and yes I think Michael did actually rape Cricket if I remember correctly, because he was in prison I believe. I too am fed up with the narrative that Sally is bad simply because they need a villain.  Every single person in town has done inordinately worse things than her. Sally is a saint compared to Genoa City residents. Jack should shut his trap too. Bro, you were literally involved in a 'who's the daddy' storyline because your former wife was sleeping with you AND a married man simultaneously and that wasn't even the worst of her transgressions. The writers need to grow up.


    Also I guess I'm in the minority  but I really like Amelia's hair and fashion on the show. I really like Amelia period, I'm always happy to see her in storylines and she has the cutest smile when they actually write things for her to smile about but her scenes with EB lately have really warmed my heart. I like watching actors connect like that.

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  2. 4 hours ago, Cupid Stunt said:

    Please join us Slayer!

    You're just in time for lunch and cocktails with I Hate Phyllis Newman With the Heat of a Thousand Nuns club. 

    Phyllis is also known by the designation Rodan, (hattip to Waldo) for her uncanny ability to destroy everything in her path and annoying habit of waving her wings ... er ... arms.


    Oh thank-you!! I make a great mulled wine once winter rolls around! On that note, does anyone know exactly how MS has the writers in a vice grip again? Even the social media accounts are Phyllis Phyllis Phyllis all the time.

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  3. Is this a safe space to talk about my Phyllis hate because I am literally in hell. Sally is my favourite character on the show right now and it's pretty rich to see these wealthy assholes clutching their pearls at her literally improving Summer's career. Oh no! The cruelty! Meanwhile Phyllis ran over Cricket, slept with a married man after Sharon's daughter died and lied about Danny's paternity just to start. Not to mention MS is a wretched human being. Who is she blackmailing to be dominating the show again? FML.

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  4. On 11/5/2019 at 9:02 PM, shantown said:

    Props to Carlos Valdes for the great work tonight, but how sad can we really be about Gypsy when we saw her for all of like ten minutes forever ago?

    Also - lots of correct guesses that we’d see Barry and Iris speed away at the top of the episode and speed back just in time for the end. Bummer. 

    I don't agree. I loved her and I loved them together. This is a total bullshit move. 

    • Love 2
  5. On 10/16/2019 at 1:57 AM, blugirlami21 said:

    I too forgot Harry existed. I actually don't mind the character I just think he's often poorly used. I think a lot of that had to do with the old showrunner though. Everyone is being used equally and properly this season.

    Except for Caitlin. Why are they insisting on this Killer Frost nonsense? What is the point? Does anyone care if she exists? Or if she has a life? It just feels like time better used elsewhere.

    Same with the new big bad. I feel like he's in a totally different episode when they cut to him. 

    Loved Barry and Iris being a team. Joe giving Barry a much needed pep talk. I too wish that he had seemed a bit more interested in Barry's actual problem though. 

    I love Joe as Captain but I miss Captain Singh. 

    I too peeped that Cisco was back to being Vibe in Barry's vision. Im hoping that maybe the cure doesn't work as well as they hoped. Kamilla's fine I guess. I still feel like we just met her and all of a sudden she's everywhere. I don't see anything special about her or her relationship with Cisco. Not like I did when he was with Gypsy.

    I'm in love with everything you're saying here. I miss Vibe so fucking much and Vibe and Gypsy even more! I shipped them hard. This has been tough going for me Cisco-wise. I never agree with anyone removing there powers, gives me Mystique/Rogue flashbacks and I'm not down. Also is there a chance we could get Earth 2 back? Why haven't we heard if Harry and Jesse are okay. I would rather lose Star City than Earth 2.

    • Love 3
  6. 14 hours ago, jewel21 said:

    Adam constantly telling Christian he's his dad is making me murderous. Way to confuse and scare a little kid, asshat. Like all Newmans, Adam keeps thinking it's all about him. Newsflash, it's not. Go away. 

    Victoria is also annoying me. Pretending Christian is sick so he misses his court date with Adam, but then bringing him to the park where Adam can come across him, is plain stupid. Way to be stealthy, Victoria. 

    Also, the judge is going to find out what you're doing and you will lose temporary guardianship of Christian so stop being an idiot. The judge also needs to be alerted to the fact that Adam is being a tool. There should be a social worker or a child psychologist at every visit between Christian and Adam, and Nick, if we're being fair and unbiased. 

    Agreeeeeeed!! On all counts! 

    • Love 7
  7. Nah I'm not a fan of Adam. Nick has many faults but being a bad father isn't one of them. Telling a kid who ostensibly met you in a park that you're his Dad is fucked up. You signed away rights, deal with the consequences of your actions. If you have to wait til he's of age and suffer in silence for a decade then you damnwell do that because you gave up your rights (quite literally) already when you forced Nick to take responsibility for your mistake. 

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  8. 22 hours ago, gingerella said:

    Dearest @valleycliffe, thank you a million times for posting these links. Because of you, I can now opt out of tomorrow's shit show so I don't have to see

      Reveal spoiler

    Shadam bump uglies like two automated blow up dolls.

    Sincerely, thank you for sparing me that shit!

    Is someone able to tell me wtf Sharon Case did to her face? Every moment looks like a Herculean effort now. I wanted to enjoy the Shadam scenes in the dark and dirty way they were intended but I was too busy being horrified by her permanently shocked face. She looks twenty years older than him now. She's an attractive woman she didn't need fillers. What the actual f*ck? 

    • Love 5
  9. On 2/16/2019 at 9:07 PM, Trini said:

    This is one of the scenarios I wanted to see play out. Maybe after a few tries she tells one team member and they come up with an idea, but it doesn't work; then she tries someone else, and so on. then eventually looping in the whole team.

    I agree. They are a team for a reason and there's no I in Team. I guess her parents never got around to telling her that. I felt her behaviour was egotistical and selfish. 

    • Love 2
  10. Oh Nora, you're terrible yet somehow not as terrible as Chris Klein's acting. Ship me up for Cisco and Kamila, so glad to see him again. Don't agree with the cure plot for all the damage it could do  and how much I love Vibe (how could you not want to be Vibe?) but I'm kinda down for anything that give Carlos a storyline. 

    Kamila is really cute and Ralph is getting much less annoying so both these things are good but Nora oi!!! Loved the callback to Jay Garrick's speech with Barry when Barry spoke to Nora about the timeline. She doesn't get it. Just like Chris Klein doesn't get how to act. Still. MY EYES! !!!! 

    • Love 2
  11. On 2019-01-22 at 9:07 PM, SimoneS said:

    Chris Klein's bad acting makes this Cicada story worse. Scrunching up his face doesn't make him look menacing just dumb and constipated. 

    The writers have got to stop re-writing the Caitlin/Killer Frost story. Pick a lane and stay in it!

    I'm enjoying this story save for him. Every time he trots in with his smell the fart acting it pulls me back out again. The Flash is my favourite show and Chris Klein is ruining it. It seems like he's only getting worse as well. He was spectacularly bad in this EP. Especially any scenes with dialogue. Yikes. 

    • Love 1
  12. No! Arrow verse will just ruin it like they ruin everything else. Thus far only Flash is staying true to his origins and nemesis and actually using the rich history the comics laid out. I don't want to see Titans turn out like Arrow so Robin can turn around and start treating Oliver like Batman light? No thanks. 

    • Love 2
  13. So finally caught the Hawk and Dove episode and agree I could watch a whole show on these two. Someone mentioned that upthread before I'd seen the episode and I was like "Uh, hard pass" but boy was I wrong. These two have incredibly compelling backstories and it made me really fall for both characters. The way Hank protected his brother is just heartbreaking and then losing him after all that. What an incredibly gripping and upsetting episode. 

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  14. This episode was such a blast, it was hard to get through because I kept rewinding everything. They definitely need to lighten it up on Arrow because SA is pretty hysterical, let the guy smile once and a while he's supposed to be The Green Arrow. Anyway I floved Iris and Fake Barry and Barry and Oliver's trading barbs and Oliver laughing at him about his thumb and their whole breakout scene and Barry's revenge and bless up to whomever's idea it was to use Smallville's theme song that put me in a good mood for the week. Lois was perfect, Kara was wonderful as always and ugh I just loved it all!

    • Love 1
  15. I see Chris Klein's acting hasn't improved. My god but he's terrible. Loved, loved loved everything and everyone else. Iris was so cute as the weather hologram and the fact that Harrison is awesome in every incarnation makes me so happy. Also and as always, Cisco and Harry for the win. I love this combo so damn much, etc etc it's nice to see Killer Frost again, and it seems very little to no Ralph which made me happy. Oh Chris Klein, oh awful Chris Klein. I agree with whomever said Barry's new costume sucks. It's the mask that bothers me, boy does he look like a pinhead now, I kept yelling, "Take that thing off" everytime he was on screen.


    Y'all if you haven't seen Chris Klein fuck up Kristin Kreuk's chance at badassery in Legend of Chun-Li, let me gift you with something...

    Merry Christmas 

    He's always been terrible, but he seems to be simply getting worse. Those last few lines this episode made me long for the Thinker, hell I'd even take the Emo Savitar over this dude, nevermind Savitar was pretty brill .

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  16. 8 hours ago, ByTor said:

    Did you actually think it would? :)  It was awesome to see Julius & Viv, though, for the entire 15 seconds they were on.

    LOL I'm not pregnant and I look further along than she does :)

    Especially with the way Xander was clomping around the stage.  And what was with Sally continuously blowing kisses?  That was weird.  While JMW & CH are both attractive, I think Zoe is the only one who actually looks like a model...I think she's by far the hottest female on the show.

    I was just referring to being excited about Zoe and the lot but that quickly turned to frustration and disappointment with their shitty storylines and horrific acting. You do bring up a wonderful point about Viv and Julius though. I miss Sasha. 


    Also, this show needs more men. People wouldn't ricochet back to Ridge and Bill so much if they had options (well maybe Brooke still would) can we get a fine Asian dude up in here? How about a hottie from OLTL like the guy who played Cristian?

    • Love 6
  17. 9 hours ago, ByTor said:

    Donna: "I was in the kitchen talking to Eric"  Ummmm, no.  Talking to Eric would have been "How's your great-granddaughter doing?"  or "How's the new collection coming?"  NOT "Remember when I used to squirt honey all over your naked body?"  100% team Quinn on this issue.


    If this were a better show, I'd note the parallels between Quinn inciting Pam's crazy by quasi making fun of her mental health issues and everyone inciting Quinn's crazy by acting like she has nothing to feel crazy about. It's kind of a weird turnaround that everyone is treating Quinn like she should be perfectly fine with everything when she shouldn't and that is what is making her unravel which is how they are treating her anyway and same for what Quinn insinuated with Pam and Charlie that Pam was off her rocker and not fit to marry. Although I do stand firmly with Quinn that Pam needs to pack up the wedding demands and get the Sam Hell out of Quinn and Eric's house. But this is on Eric, Quinn would be less likely to gun for Pam if she had the support she needed from Eric and Pam wouldn't feel so entitled if Eric made it clear that he puts Quinn's (his wife's) feelings first before his former sister-in-law's. Donna has always been ridiculous, I do love Jennifer Gareis though, leftover love from being at a table of one for a decade shipping Grace and Nick.

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  18. The way these women dote on Bill like he's the last man or most sensitive, incredible sexy man on earth, disturbs me. He is literally the WORST person on the show and the way he treats every single person ESPECIALLY those he's involved with is despicable. Katie blubbering by the bedside of the man who cheated on her twice (once with her sister) and threatened multiple times to take her son away depending on how he approves or disapproves of her life at the moment is fucking ridiculous. Stop crying you idiot! And Brooke, I know he ain't Mr.Fantastic but you did marry him and no one twisted your arm, that means no fucking slobbering all over another man especially the one he hates most in this world. How fucking hard is this to get? And you can substitute the names on the weekly. The characters on this show are faithless tramps, how are there so many people with zero personality traits. Gah!

    5 hours ago, Gam2 said:

    Pam is a grown 60 year old (or older) woman who needs to shut the hell up. That is NOT her home nor Charlie’s. Get married in your church or with your crazy Medieval whatever friends. And Eric? Quinn is your wife. This is also her home. Back off.

    Amen to that sister. How Eric can't see how this is disrespectful to Quinn is beyond me.


     But as others have said, this smells like a contrived setup to restart Quridge again, and just...no.

    I'm actually down for the QuiRidge. Fuck Eric and ditto to Brooke. She's middle-aged now she's had multiple decades to play the field, if she didn't want to settle down she shouldn't have gotten married in the first place. I'm sick of her games. Maybe her and Eric can just end up together in the end, they're both just as selfish. Me I'm a big fan of Quinn and Ridge, that chemistry is crazy, I say show "Go to!"

    • Love 7
  19. 4 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

    Dex's humanity was already mostly gone at that point. Without a therapist like Dr. Mercer, and without years of hard work and stability, Dex was never going to regain who he was. 

    Except that he was doing the hard work and it was working enough that he was not killing anyone the Fisk mission triggered him but we have every indication he was doing the hard work on himself and it was working before that incident (unlike Matt).

    Also when Dex needed more help he reached out to Julie who was willing to help him of course he would not have tried to reach out to her or get her involved at all if Fisk hadn't shoved her in his direction. Matt gave no indication that he cared about providing closure for Dex when he told him. If he cared about his mental health at all he would never have left her body there to rot after finding her (nor would a real hero) He stopped seeing Dex and Julie and Kingpin's victims as actual people.

    He didn't give a shit he just wanted a path to his true love Fisk and he did whatever it took to get it. Whatever it takes is something that happens to somebody else and on this show the somebody always seems to be minorities and women. Julie was used twice once by Fisk in life then by Matt in death and IMO it was rather disgusting. Also it's important to note that Julie wasn't a card she was a person and the fact that it makes sense to term her that way is exactly what's wrong with this show. 

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