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Posts posted by slayer2

  1. Or they can just be cheerleaders on the sidelines and be recurring or supporting like Astrid and John were. I've spent a lot of time online researching TTP this past week and the majority of people I saw were in it for John. There seemed to be far more Jastrid than Jara shippers and peeps who were in it for Stephen were in it to see his growth {like Clark on Smallville} into a hero and of course MP's SPN fans who just love his work and know he can sell anything. They really need to pay attention to what the fans are saying and let things happen organically, they're only in this situation because they were forcing the viewers hands. They were fortunate to get a starting position after Arrow and even more fortunate to get the order for the rest of the season and it's at THAT point they should have made the turn they've made these past few episodes. It's obvious to anyone where the gravitational pull is IMO, they need to stop pushing their agenda and let the story tell itself. Good storytelling is seldom forced.

  2. Haha. She was so adorable and her relationship with John is so cute. They really need to refocus the show on him as the lead if they get another shot. The same way Arrow refocused Caity Lotz as lead on Arrow. Because honestly Luke Mitchell has it all and his chemistry with Astrid, Charlie, Jed even Stephen is just phenomenal. I think of all their mistakes that is the biggest one. I'm a survivor of Smallville so I know how to find the gold in piles and piles of steaming doodoo, and honestly, him, Madeleine and Mark are it.

    • Love 2
  3. Sorry, I don't think I've seen any episodes where they try to kill anyone so I don't know. I might just be not physically possible, like if they try there's a forcefield that blocks them like the chip in Spike's head only physical.

  4. Yeah, so maybe the mindwipe was unintentional or maybe it was intentional but Jed didn't tell John that, or possibly Jed forced John into the chair. The Stephen "playing god" part reminded me of Clark's stupid decision to save Lana then losing his father. It was one of the better things they did on Smallville IMO. It's always interesting to see real time consequences stemming from impulsive choices so I'd be interested to see the consequences of Stephen's choice to save Cara. The episode left a lot of things on the table for an intriguing second season.

  5. I quite hope they get a second season and run with the Winter Soldier/Jastrid angle. If they have to do Stephen/Cara then fine, just keep her romantically out of the Jed/Jastrid orbit and I'm fine. I did like her leadership skills in the finale so I'd definitely wouldn't wretch at seeing more of that Cara and that Stephen just not as much as John and Astrid and of course mad doctor Jed. I really hope Irene comes back too, I liked her and Russell (hopefully he'll still be atoning).

    ETA You are right though, she is inordinately lacking in charisma for a female lead. I say reposition it as a double female lead with Madeleine Mantock and they'll get the ratings up that way. That girl can carry the weight of these stories much like LM, she's got more chops than a pig farm.

  6. I'm most sad about Jastrid and that that blonde bitch didn't bite it. I was looking forward to that. Really forward. I also feel sad that whenever John gets something good it gets ruined. So sad. Also, let the John/Cara thing go. Who gives a shit. Seriously. The chemistry is with John/Astrid, the proof is in the pudding, the really yummy looking pudding. Glad John, Astrid, Jed and Russell survived though.

  7. Welp, the only real threat to humanity's survival remains humanity itself, because this pack of fools aren't  going to take us down. "Sure, inject stuff into us, it'll be cool!" "What? That stuff you inected us with will kill us?!" "Let's give our leader to the Founder, so he can kill all  the humans, and then we can go into the woods and grow our own food and make our clothes out of animal skins!" Jedikiah, you've spent your whole life wishing you were like them, but did you really think it through? Sure, you get cool new super powers, but I'm pretty sure you have to lose about 50 IQ points in the process.


    Still, John and Astrid were great. I loved Cara standing there watching unable to say anything because even though she ended her physical relationship with Stephen, she spent the whole freaking season pining, and lusting, and jealous over him, all the while expecting John just to stand there and take it. Turn about's fair play, sweetie.

    Ha! I love all of this. So much word! The Tomorrow People have the IQ of a bag of rocks not living up to their potential. They are infinitely stupid. Too stupid to live I'd say, I wish he'd pulled the kill switch on all of those injected morons. I am sorry about Russell though, it was a bad call making him a traitor, I'm not convinced Phil knows the difference between writing for plot and character driven story. Most of TP's disasters stem from plot driven crap that I'm guessing Phil thought would look really cool or something. He really needs to watch Writing With Jane on youtube, 'cause damn,

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