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Posts posted by LuvMyShows

  1. 4 hours ago, ramble said:

    Mama Bobby seems intense and the fact that Bobby Sr. said little Bobby is a daddy’s boy made me wonder if mama and daddy fought over the unexceptional lad.

    Forgot to add that Bobby's mom said (before the wedding) that hopefully the bride thinks "her knight in shining armor has arrived".   Makes me definitely agree about this "unexceptional lad", and guess that he's been raised in a cocoon of constant praise for every little thing.

    • Love 6
  2. 9 hours ago, Kareem said:

    Mia has no neck, just a head on a chest, or so it seems since she's always looking down.  

    I already had thought that Mia reminded me of Lily (from Lily and Tom), and I just realized that it's largely because of the neck (but also because of facial features).  Mia also seems very, very, very emotional and also insecure, and IIRC Lily was quite insecure.  Tristan said something about how Mia has a "personality that shines", but I haven't seen it yet.  

    6 hours ago, mlc358 said:

    The pastor said that over 43,000 people applied to be matched. 

    Is it just me or do you question how these six were the best possible matches out of 43K people?

    What makes the claim of 43,000 so ludicrous, is that in recent seasons, they've gotten contestants by actively soliciting them, like being seen in public and asked to apply for the show.  IIRC, Nate (of Sheila and Nate) came by that route.  If they were getting so many applications, there's no way they'd need to solicit.   

    4 hours ago, stuckin60s said:

    they are trying hard to make Bobby into a mamas by.  Hopefully that is producer direction  

    The producers aren't "trying"...we've already heard it from the horse's mouth.  Isn't Bobby the one whose father said something like, "You might think Bobby is a mama's boy, but he's actually a daddy's boy."  Good god, that's even worse, that at his age, he's got his mama and his daddy wanting to make that claim!  I didn't like the put-attention-on-me move that Bobby's mom made, by going up to him during the ceremony while he was at the front waiting for his bride.  Danielle doesn't know about it, since she hadn't come into the ceremony yet, but I find that to be huuuge red flag with him that doesn't portend well for how the mom will try to usurp Danielle's role


    20 hours ago, Madding crowd said:

    Tristan looks like Jay Z

    . He looks like an exact combination of Jay Z and the recently eliminated Bachelorette contestant named Wills.

    • Love 9
  3. 41 minutes ago, Yeah No said:

    ITA.  I think it was meant to be ironic and funny, not to be taken that seriously.  But there is still a serious point there.  If we are talking about being accepted no matter what we identify as, then age should also be a part of that.  We should be able to scream our age from the rooftops without experiencing prejudice and discrimination for it, just like queer folk should be able to be open about being queer.  I think that's a powerful, serious point.  I just think some people don't like something they think belongs to their generation alone coming from older people.  But identity equality of any kind is for everyone, not just younger people.

    Well-written, and puts all the parts together nicely.


    41 minutes ago, Yeah No said:

    An attractive, vibrant, smart anything at 41 would not be able to waltz into a publishing company and get what is essentially an entry level position.  And I know that because I tried it at around 43.  There's a misperception that you can get hired at entry level jobs at any age, but that's the most typical situation where age discrimination is practiced.  It doesn't matter if you're tall, white, male, female, or anything else.  You get told you're "overqualified".  They just don't want anyone with any kind of experience in an entry level position, and even the wrong kind of experience makes you less desirable.  They want you to have the experience they feel is "appropriate" for your age in the field for which you're applying for a job.  Anything else will not do, after all there are plenty of other candidates that have exactly what they want.  It becomes a kind of Catch 22.  At 41 you're expected to have a certain amount of experience in a certain area, and if your experience in that area is minimal or 15 years out of date then sorry, you missed the boat for that career, and just about any other even if you go back to school for more relevant education.  This happened to a few of my friends.  I had one good friend who became a lawyer in his late 30s.  Could not get a job anywhere, so he went out on his own, but of course that's not easy or even possible in a lot of fields.  So that's the premise of this show, that Liza had to fake being younger in order to get an entry level position because she couldn't say she was 41 and get either an entry level position or a more advanced one.

    Interesting to hear from your perspective of having done it.

    • Love 2
  4. I hate when there's a "sucker's choice", and everyone falls for it.  In this case, either Josh signs the 10-yr lease at this one place only, or he has to do something other than run his own shop in NY.  Really?  Considering that several seasons ago, he and his shop were featured in that top 50 people in NY article, or whatever, then he could probably fairly easily find somewhere else to open his shop.

    While Maggie and Liza would have known about "they", I did find it pretty realistic that Lauren did a run-down of the whole spectrum.  Just this weekend, my family was trying to remember what comes after LGBTQ, and from looking at the Internet, Lauren provided the most comprehensive listing!  And I loved the idea, and implicit mocking, of having edible makeup.

    I want to like Josh, but his whole melodramatic "come say good-bye” and “I’m done with this place,” were just too much.  And I always hate it when people on TV shows have no other friends besides the main character and also the people who were originally the main character's friends, but are now also super good friends of this character as well.  What happened to all the people that these characters knew before they met the main character??? 

    Yeah, it's nice what Liza said to Josh, but in truth, on the show, I bet that if Charles proposed to Liza and suggested that they move away and open a bookstore or something, she'd be out of there in a heartbeat.  So, no, he won't always have her...her life will probably change in a lot of ways in 10 years.

    I liked the Age-Queer thing, especially the context it was used in of Liza thinking fast on her feet, but it would have been better if a bit more time had elapsed to have there really be an Internet movement that caused Ridley's article to be pulled.  

    I can understand Kelsey letting her feelings/horniness get in the way with the White House author, but I can't imagine her not making a connection between him writing no chapters, and her being lenient on him because of her feelings about him.

    • Love 3
  5. 6 hours ago, Empress1 said:

    And I liked the first dress she tried on more than the one she chose.

    Me too.  She looked sleek and elegant in the first dress.  In the one she chose, where it puffed out made her look huge, and the high waist chopped up her torso.

    54 minutes ago, Mambo Gladys said:

    Anyway, I feel like Tristan is going to act too much like a player for Mia’s liking. The comment he made about hoping his wife wouldnt be “a biscuit short of 350” wasn’t great. He seems to be rather concerned with the physical aspect and not so much with everything else. She didn’t even kiss him yet he’s still speculating whether they will consummate the marriage. Dumb. 


    59 minutes ago, Mambo Gladys said:

    I was surpised that Danielle was attracted to Bobby. He just seemed wimpy and she seems very independent. 

    Bobby looks and seems like a grown-up version of a little boy, not a man.

    59 minutes ago, Mambo Gladys said:

    As the previous posters have said, Amber just has babies on the brain but at least she got matched with someone her own age who feels ready for kids sooner rather than later. Her hair is terrible and detracts from her looks. All I see when I look at her is a bleached out mess of yarn

    Very accurate!

    • Love 7
  6. 3 hours ago, JenE4 said:

    Which, by the way, how was Luisa a star witness in the original custody hearing if she’s afraid the police would find out she’s undocumented but this JUDGE right here is A-OK? 

    Ooh...good point!

    1 hour ago, Elizzikra said:

    Ashamed to admit I had to click the link. Ken Howard will always be the White Shadow to me... 

    Yessss!  Ken Howard as White Shadow was totally jock hot!!

  7. 13 hours ago, LakeGal said:

    Who could they pick out of this batch to be the next Bachelor? 

    Eric for the next Bachelor!!!

    I absolutely believe that Table-gate was all editing.  IIRC, when Arie really did get up and leave the table when Lauren said something that strongly affected him, we got lots of camera time on each of them and what they were thinking, and I think they also discussed it when he came back.  If it had been real when Becca left, then there would have been that type of footage, and they absolutely would have shown it.

    • Love 4
  8. Totally random observation here...On the postcard that his mom had given Cole, from when his dad went on the roundabout to California, I noticed that the dad had written that the Pacific is ugly and intimidating.  A few weeks ago, at Helen's therapy session, she said something derogatory about the Pacific, that it was an attention whore or something.  Sarah Treem's upbringing has been all east coast, so maybe that's her personal bias showing through! 

    • Love 7
  9. 10 hours ago, Tikichick said:

    I absolutely do think the wine was drugged.  It was a screw cap wine and the seal did not snap to open when the bottle was opened to pour Allison's glass.

    Yes, thanks for bringing that up...I remember noticing that at the time, but had forgotten.  It seems like that has to have been intentional on the part of the show, because if it wasn't, then it was an odd goof.

    • Love 2
  10. 14 minutes ago, dangwoodchucks said:

    Didn’t Cole agree last season to have a baby with Luisa by surrogate? Maybe the writers forgot about that.

    Cole mentioned to Alison that he would send over the papers for the sale of the Lobster Roll for her to sign. Since he’s gone, does anyone else think that Luisa might slip in that parental rights letter and have Alison unknowingly sign it? 

    I didn't remember anything about a surrogate...but if the writers forgot, that's even worse!

    Yes, I absolutely got that possible signature switcheroo vibe... 

    • Love 1
  11. 49 minutes ago, Razzberry said:

    Did anyone else think Ben had roofied the wine at first?  Seemed way too eager for Alison to drink some.


    It was quite odd...he wasn't going to be drinking at all, and yet he was encouraging her to not just take one drink, but to take more, 'cause he said something like "I bet you'd be cute tipsy".  It was also very odd that she had him pour her a drink...I would think that involving so many of his senses with the liquor, would be too dangerous of a temptation, especially since it was not at all necessary.

    • Love 13
  12. 9 hours ago, LilaFowler said:

     Cole is walking out not only on his young daughter, his wife, and his business responsibilities, but also this person who now must be under the impression that Cole cares about his sobriety. What a great guy.

    Good point!

    Random observations:

    • With Cole's lame stunt of pouring the gas around the guy's tent, there is now gasoline all over the grass...where people will undoubtedly throw their random cigarette butts...what a great guy.
    • When the Cole caravan pulled into the gas station, and Noah said he would get Cole something to eat so Cole could take Luisa's call, I kept waiting for Noah to ask Cole what he would like to eat.  But he never did.  There's no way someone who barely knew me could possibly guess what I might like to eat.
    • I must have missed it, or maybe they didn't show it, but how did Allison get from being seated on the boat, to being in the water?
    • It was beyond contrived that the only person who was called on to ask a question at the end of the EMDR demonstration, was Ben.
    • Further proof to me of the deviousness of Ben, is that he undoubtedly asked the question solely so that Alison would know he was there at the conference, then he conveniently disappeared immediately afterwards while knowing that she would go looking for him, then she couldn't find him and suddenly he appeared, all of which serves to get her even more invested in him.
    • I don't know anything about EMDR, but I cannot imagine any scenario in which conference attendees are urged to practice such a procedure on their own, having received only a demonstration with no specific training, especially to try it out on total strangers (since not everyone at the conference would know somebody), and most especially with no people/mechanisms in place to deal with the potentially huge emotional fallout from the stirring up long-dormant emotions (like what happened with Alison, only moreso).
    • There's no way that in reality, during Noah's Skype conversation with Alison, that he would so jovially mention having raised Joanie for 2 years while falsely believing she was his.
    • Joanie is waaay beyond the age where Alison should be talking about brushing Joanie's teeth for her.
    • What on earth are Cole and Luisa planning to do once the sale of the Lobster Roll goes through?  Are they going to take on whatever capacity was mentioned by that conglomerate that made the offer?  And during the argument between Cole and Luisa, I could have sworn Cole offered to do something to prove his love, and I thought he had said something about selling the Lobster Roll...but we know from the conversation between Cole and Alison that the sale is already underway, so I'm not sure what he had offered. 
    • Luisa's request was beyond ridiculous in terms of expecting that even if Cole asked Alison to sign away her rights as a mom, that she would ever go along with it.  But aside from that, Luisa's premise was flawed, because single parents raise a child all the time, so even if she became the "mom", Cole is still the dad, he would still have been on the scene (prior to the walkabout plot development), so it's not like Joanie would have been orphaned without Luisa.

    I find the show's plotlines absurd, with enormous holes, but I continue to be captivated while the show is actually on!

    • Love 15
  13. Not as much to hate, and not as passionately, but still plenty:

    • When Abby was Face-Timing (or whatever) with Barbara before the meeting, and Barbara spouted some bland mush about how they need to up their game, their brand, take it to the next level, maybe revisit sponsorships, Abby then says, "That Barbara...she really pushes us, bold, big..."  Really?  That is bold, big, and pushing?
    • Abby tossing around that Idea pillow at work, because, of course she did.  Also, why weren't those ideas brought up at a regular time in previous meetings?  They weren't the kind of crazy ideas that would need the 'cover' of having only been mentioned due to the off-the-wall nature of the idea generating.
    • Why on earth would Delia have kept the failure of the eggs a secret (other than as a plot device vis Tony), given that all these people do is share, over-share, and over-share some more? 
    • Abby tells Mike that Tess/The Fury is anti-establishment and a bit of a rebel...so she thinks the best thing to do is invite her to a formal-ish cocktail party in an upscale swanky home?
    • Inviting Tony to the party...really?
    • At the cocktail party, Phoebe finds Tess alone under the stairs...way to be a great host, Abby, and show your potential sponsoree (not sure what else to call it) how well you'll look out for her
    • I guess actually enforcing boundaries is just.too.tough, so Abby not only doesn't send Colette back into the car immediately, but invites her into the house, and then invites her to socialize at the party (WTAF?!?!)
    • After having created the bad situation vis Colette and the kids, Abby for once handles something in a calm, rational way, but of course does it in front of everyone at the cocktail party, and of course it impresses the potential sponsoree
    • So Tony got fired because of his attitude, and has been lying to Phoebe, and Delia is still DTF?  
    • At the photo shoot, there is no way that any photographer would have been just passively clicking away while Tess/The Fury looked so stilted...and then all these people come up and interrupt and say nothing to the photographer about interrupting 
    • The writers chose the wrong loosen-up activity for Phoebe to cajole Tess/The Fury into a the photo shoot, because although the actress playing Phoebe looked pretty comfortable doing the dancing, the actress playing Tess/The Fury looked very uncomfortable, stiff, and wooden, in spite of the smile
    • At the post-race interview session, no f*ing way would Tess/The Fury have just walked away from the press, to go over to Phoebe and plant a passionate kiss on her 
    • I'm not sure what the writers want us to think about Tony...were we supposed to believe he really had changed?  Are we supposed to feel sorry for him that some people won't hire him cause he's an ex-con, but yet he gets fired for taking an attitude at a perfectly good job where "the pressure is getting really old", and then lies about it and thinks he's justified because he feels like Phoebe is "breathing down his neck"?
    • What happened to Delia being "allergic to sperm"?  Can a pregnancy test detect pregnancy after only two weeks of having sex?
    • If Frumpkis were really successfully working the program like he's supposed to be, he would never have kissed Jo.

    And finally, last week I said, "I really like Jo and Albert too...therefore the writers will not let them remain together." [Sigh]   

    • Love 7
  14. 5 hours ago, Ashlyc said:

     i like the industrial companies, over the jeans and phone cases. 

    I like the ones where we see complexity and a unique problem.  I feel like the industrial-type ones have greater possibility for that.


    12 hours ago, ae2 said:

    I feel like I missed part of the episode?

    Is Diaper Dude no more? They are now No Bull, or is that just a new product line?

    Does No Bull still sell diaper bags? I genuinely couldn't tell. The bags looked the same but the two "branding" photos we were shown just had these younger looking hip men with their bag and... No baby in sight. Do they take their diaper bag to work with them? Did they forget their baby at the store?

    Then they pitched the product at some sort of outdoor store and failed to mention babies or diapers or the purpose of the bag even once. I guess the kind of guy who needs an uber manly diaper bag might be swayed by an impulse purchase when buying his chum and deer urine, but the price point doesn't lend itself to that.

    On 7/4/2018 at 10:57 AM, Ray Adverb said:

    The idea of "having a message" or associating with cause is corny, but as the guy in that first pitch meeting pointed out, they don't have much of a choice.  A bag is a bag and you need some factor to separate yourself.

    1 hour ago, Showthyme said:

    The real story is that a diaper bag made for men is limited. Marcus had to change the name to allow for a multi-purpose bag instead of a diaper bag, thus the No Bull Bag. Most women that I know do not carry a traditional diaper bag to hold their baby's diapers. People want a bag that can be used for anything but has specific features like a leak-proof pocket for a bottle or wipes. The fabric and quality is important and I prefer to have a bag that has a clear pocket on the inside because I am always searching for my cell phone.

    What I think happened, is that Marcus had them completely re-brand it as No Bull, which I think was a giant mistake.  I don't see why he didn't keep one as Diaper Dude (and making the quality and features upgrades) and make the other as the multi-purpose bag sold at outdoor stores or whatever.  I think Diaper Dude was genius, and selling it at a baby store is the smart move, and wouldn't need the stupid message.  For the other branded bag, they can swap out a few of the features, and go after a completely different market.  So I don't see any reason why a change had to be made in the market that they were so successful in, in order to enter another separate market.  

    • Love 7
  15. 1 hour ago, PhysNerd said:

    I'm definitely not a fan of Chris, but I don't like the fact that Becca didn't respect Chris' wish to leave on his own. Not everyone wants to be walked out after a breakup.  People gave Chris hell for not being respectful of Becca's wishes (as they should), but Becca needs to learn to respect the boundaries of others as well.  It was nice that she offered to walk him out, but once he refused, she should've backed off immediately and let him leave.  

    I would imagine her reason for insisting on "walking him out" was more about her safety, since it was her place and they were downstairs.  If they had been in a public place, like a restaurant, I doubt she would have insisted.  But in this case, given the state he was in, I definitely think she did the right thing.   

    • Love 6
  16. 32 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

    Wills had to have been high as hell in this ep. As has been said, he does tend to be low-energy and sleepy looking, but it was out of control last night. I found it uncomfortable tbh.

    What I found cringeworthily uncomfortable, was when Wills said he was falling in love with (falling for?) Becca.  They are no.where.near that, which makes me doubt his sincerity.  It felt exactly like the guy she kicked out, who said the same thing too early, which made her suspicious.  I guess the only reason she didn't kick out Wills, is because he didn't admit to being insincere with his statement like the other guy did, and because this occurred a little bit later when I guess the sentiment could have, maybe, in some way, been plausible. 

    • Love 5
  17. 12 hours ago, saber5055 said:

    Becca was so dead eyed while listening to Leo spill his guts.

    To be fair to Leo, she has had that look every.single.time the guys share something significant about themselves.  I generally like Becca, but this is one of most unattractive traits.  And I don't think it's because of awkwardness of how to handle such intimate information.  I think it's because she would much rather be talking about herself.


    2 hours ago, PhysNerd said:

    Wills: nice guy, but seems like he's high most of the time.  I don't believe he really is interested in Becca as a romantic partner.  I think he likes her as a friend though.

    He is so low energy, that it makes him seem uninterested (and uninteresting).  Several times during this episode he said something to Becca like, "I'm very excited about...", and I kept thinking "This is excited?"  Other than his epic handling of the potential Talk-gate (and his unique clothes), I don't see anything remotely interesting/compelling/desirable about him.  

    Other random observations:

    • Garrett seemed drunk in how he was slurring his words at the group date party and in his ITMs.
    • From how Blake's coat fit him from the neck up, he looked like an old time wild west gunslinger.
    • Jason certainly has risen from dark house to a favorite, and gets much more camera time than at the start.  I liken that to how it was with Catherine on Sean's season.  I don't care for his look personally, but he seems like a genuinely good guy, and I'd have no problem having him be the 'winner' this season.
    • In Jason's ITMs before the date, when they were showing him with the white shirt and the black jacket, and how his hair was, I remarked to myself that he looked just like a vampire.  Then I couldn't believe it when they went on the date, to that Unhappy Hour goth party, and he drank 'blood'!
    • Love 4
  18. One thing I had found odd at the time, was when they showed that Vic had lost weight, and he was proud that he had lost 8 pounds.  There is no way that the character was actually on diet, given his physique, and we had no indication that he had suddenly started an exercise program.  So I didn't understand why they weren't both concerned, since an unexplained weight loss of 8 pounds for a man Vic's size is decidedly not normal (as we found out why this episode).  

    • Love 7
  19. 6 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

     Why does TV always show women getting off with less than fifteen seconds of foreplay?   And they're often in uncomfortable environments - getting a hand job while standing up on the beach, pushed up against a tree, and both Helen and Luisa were just tossed up on the table. 

    I've actually never had this issue with any show except this one, and on this show it was 'thrust' in our faces right from the start (I think it was the Cole/Allison by the car which Noah thought was rape).  It happens so very often on this show, and the women characters seem to be just fine with it.  From a purely practical level, I had two issues with the Vic and Helen sex:  1) He kissed her once, thrust three times, and was done  2) there would have been some mess to clean up, but he just zipped up, and I think she went on to wear that outfit. 

    16 hours ago, sadie said:

    And Noah. Ugh. Sure Noah encourage the kids to all go protest and then when it turns into a riot take no responsibility. 

    So very, very much about the walkout/riot made no sense... from Anton getting the idea to do it in the first place, to everyone in every class being gathered so quickly, to the police arriving basically before the students even got out of the school, to the presence of no other staff outside besides the very few that we've been shown, to Noah's fantastically wonderful de-escalating of the tension, to his weirdly weird speech.  

    6 hours ago, chocolatine said:

    It does seem odd that the writers would come up with an elaborate backstory for Vik's parents if they don't plan to expand on it. 

    What struck me as odd, is that the way it was played, Helen had never heard the backstory before...IRL, that would have been discussed during the dating/mating period.


    And just for fun, I'll ask the question we've asked previously in similar circumstances...whose point of view is the Cole/Noah/Anton scene coming from?  We've had a few 'objective' scenes in years past, but I can't recall what they were (Noah in prison and being visited by Alison....the courtroom scenes of Noah's trial?).  

    • Love 9
  20. From reading all the negative comments about Charles, I wonder if the show realizes that so many of us feel that way now.  I don't think it was intentional on their part, to have us come to feel this way...I think it's just Darren Starr being tone deaf, or something.  

    • Love 2
  21. 2 minutes ago, Moxie Cat said:

    I would love if, when Diana inevitably finds out about Liza, she just shrugs it off and says something like, "well, I suspected....you're too good at your job to be 26." In other words, have a completely different and more mature, less personal reaction than Josh, Kelsey, or Charles.

    That would be great!

    • Love 6
  22. 12 minutes ago, qtpye said:

    I was wondering what the hell was Marcus wearing in the first scenes. A moto jacket over a sweater vest...really? Is he going for that, oh so valuable Fonzie meets Mr. Roger's demographic

    Love it!


    On 6/27/2018 at 11:58 AM, Amarsir said:

    And how did Marcus get involved? It sounds like his vanity store was already selling their stuff before they realized they could use him as a lifeline.

    It was a little confusing.  I didn't think they ever asked him to get involved.  I thought Marcus said they were selling the glasses in his store, and he decided to look into the company further.


    On 6/28/2018 at 4:16 PM, seacliffsal said:

    These guys had no worries about making a profit as they seemed to believe that someone would come along to bail them out.  They probably learned young that someone (parents) would bail them out.  

    Actually, to me it was worse than that.  Since I don't recall them asking Marcus to bail them out, I think they weren't concerned at all about profitability or lack thereof.  That type of trivial concern is far beneath their hipster-ness and the importance of their brand's vibe.  Somehow, magically, it would all work out fine [crossed fingers for luck, fairy dust, abracadabra]...just like magically [ahem, parents] everything had worked out growing up. (I exclude Aristotle for the obvious parent situation, and I guess I'm mostly talking about the two idiots -- the stoner and the no-idea guy.)


    On 6/27/2018 at 6:42 PM, Christina said:

    I like Marcus's tweet, because of the importance of people understanding the possible overwhelming impact to the business of something from someone's personal life.  Aristotle's loss affected every.single.aspect of his business for the negative.

    • Love 3
  23. 1 hour ago, HouseofBeck said:

    And Barb's kid is a lousy actor.

    I didn't expect Abby to like the amazingly-perfectly-shot-and-lit video, as I didn't think it showed her as this stunning personality.

    Still digging Jo and Albert, and I hope neither of them mess it up just because Jo needs time to reframe how she thinks about Frumpkis.

    Since I had so many major hates, I left off my minor ones.  One of them, is that IIRC, they were congratulating Barb on how well the kid did at the public speaking portion of his presentation (or something like that), and she said something like "Yeah, he's a natural".  I didn't get the impression that it was in any way sarcastic, nor that she was just blindly praising her kid...it sounded like we (the audience) were supposed to go along with that notion.  But at the practice session in the house beforehand, he was anything but natural, and we don't have any reason to believe his delivery changed for the actual presentation.

    Another was that, in spite of how snippy/bratty Mike's daughter had been outwardly, of course deep down she really does like Abby (as seen in the video), and it's all warm fuzzies, almost instantly.

    I really like Jo and Albert too...therefore the writers will not let them remain together.  

    • Love 1
  24. 6 minutes ago, WhosThatGirl said:

    I’ve never been a Charles/ Liza shipper. Always team Josh. And even that I’m meh about it. And I find it odd that everyone thinks Charles is Liza’s end game. Really?

    I mean like I said they keep throwing josh in and keeping him around.. for a reason. And they keep giving josh and Liza moments here and there. And yes josh is hooking up with randoms but the show keeps pulling that relationship into focus time and time again.

    And like I said.. I don’t really have any real feelings on who ends up with who in this show. I’m way more passionate in other tv shows and even then.. I love a ship but I know that that ship might not possibly be the end goal, and that’s why I think it’s odd that most  people here think Charles and Liza is the end. I’m not sold on that. And honestly.. not really sure why anyone else based on his behavior.

    OK, so here's my stab at why I think it will be Charles (regardless of whether I think it should or not):

    • After all the years of the show with Charles and Josh, I don't think the writers will go the route of someone new.
    • So if it is to be Charles or Josh, Liza had feelings for Charles all the while she was with Josh, even 'cheating' on Josh to kiss Charles.
    • Josh has made it clear that he would like kids, and Liza has indicated that she is done with that.
    • Charles is her intellectual equal in a way that Josh isn't.
    • Charles is the more traditional partner in terms of age and experience, and most shows go that way.
    • Charles is the one that events/fate has kept apart from Liza, and most shows go that way.
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