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Posts posted by LuvMyShows

  1. 21 hours ago, SoMuchTV said:

    Haha, you might like You’re the Worst (on Hulu I think?). Talk about people who shouldn’t be inflicted on anyone else. 

    Hey SoMuchTV, I went to take a look at You're the Worst.  I'm only in the first episode, but does the whole series go on with them just being awful?  I saw that it's gone on for many seasons, and I imagine something must happen where they turn into better people, or something?

  2. Just discovered that ID has season 4 of Forensic Files II. Two things to comment on from the first 4 episodes:

    In "The Maidenwater Murder", there was a 20-year cold case of a woman who had been murdered but never identified.  And as time passed, the case had made its way into the true crime world.  For years they had only publicized a drawing of the woman, because her body had been pretty mutilated. Finally they decided to release the actual photo of her face, which had been left pretty much untouched, other than looking a little bruised.  One of the amateur true crime sleuths put her description and photo in the NamUs database (National Missing and Unidentified Persons System), and it gave her about 8 possible matches.  She thought one of the matches was a good possibility, and especially when she found that the dead woman and the missing woman both had a mole on the top of their ear.  Sure enough, it turned out that was the missing woman.  Soooo, why on earth didn't the professionals actually working on the crime manage to do that...and waaay sooner?!?  Also, if NamUs doesn't have the ability to search based on traits/features, then that's almost a criminal oversight...they could have put in "mole on ear" many years ago, and gotten the match. 

    On "Lil Miss Murder", one of the key aspects they used to prove guilt was a handwriting analysis, but the few examples they emphasized as being important matches really looked like a stretch. 

    • Useful 2
  3. Just learned about this show, and finished seasons 1 and 2.  It was entertaining enough, but at this point, I basically want the two of them together so neither will be inflicted on anyone else!  The things that the script has them do, think, and say that have kept them apart, are just ridiculous...Jessie seeing a few pictures in his side table and assuming that means he has a girlfriend and then sneaking out of his apartment because of it; Tom blindly believing that movie theater guy when he told Tom that Jessie is seeing Paul (?) and ending it without even checking with Jessie about it; Jessie getting so absurdly upset about being called kooky and quirky when in reality I think she kind of prides herself on being like that. And how could she not have had the bad-girlfriend realization about herself prior to this?  It also made absolutely no sense when she kicked all the people out of the movie theater, and it didn't seem characteristic of her either.  And her deciding to have sex with Ben, after he cheated on her, just made it seem like her self-esteem is zero, more than just that she makes bad decisions. It also seemed super odd that when Tom came over the first time, she didn't tell him that her roommate was hosting a murder party in costume.

    But one of the things I had the hardest time with, which often took me out of the moments when I was watching the show, was how they so inconsistently portrayed Tom's celebrity. He was recognizably famous only when it suited the plot, and at other times, like on New Year's Eve at a big party, not one person seemed to notice or care.  I also was confused at why, when she left his place that very first night, she was dragging two trash bags with her.  I don't think she was intentionally trying to look like the maid so the paparazzi wouldn't hound her, so I can't figure out why she did that.

    I think if the episodes had been longer, I might have quit watching and tried to find out what happened by looking at the internet, but at this point I'll probably continue with season 3, since I'm in this far anyway and some parts are entertaining.

  4. 9 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

    They were at Luke's family's cabin so the gun was probably just there.

    I have a hard time believing that the gun would just be out in the open, and Megan would be OK with going there time and again.  And if the gun wasn't out, how would Isabella know about it?  I think she was only there once with Luke and without Megan, and that would be a weird topic to have come up between them...but given this show, anything's possible.

  5. 6 hours ago, Glade said:

    I hoped last episode that we had seen the last of Megan's ex-boyfriend but here he is again for the hundredth time standing around noticing from a distance how Megan's more interested in Luke than him.  Either develop the character in some meaningful way, or retire them!  And inserting a shocking twist out of nowhere in the last five minutes of the season finale to show he's been the villain all along doesn't count as character development either!

    If you mean Jeff, the videographer, I have been predicting all along that he is the one who killed Luke.  I just got one of those "still waters run deep" vibes from him.

    4 hours ago, RedInk said:

    Pure hate watch at this point.  

    Me too, and that's a shame, considering how good the first season was.  I was riveted last season, but when I watch this season's episodes (I watch on replay a day or two later), I am always pausing to go get or do something.

    • Like 2
  6. I found it funny that Allison's was by far the worst in the storage shed communication challenge, yet she said prides herself on her communication.  It was truly awful, especially compared to the other two. So was the communication that bad, or did they just get a terrible carpenter?  There was almost nothing in there, and the toilet was just sitting in the middle of the room. 

    In the final day when they were allowed to re-do things, I really wanted to see Allison's team address that, but the only team they showed us was Taniya's, who had already had the best one in the original challenge.

    • Like 4
  7. 1 hour ago, Retired at last said:

    Thanks, @LuvMyShows, for filling in the names. It might have been interesting, but I'm OK with not seeing it. Interesting that they did not show the ones who are the biggest camera whores - Jamie and Doug and Elizabeth and Jamie.

    I wonder how Stephanie and AJ are doing? I never thought that one would succeed, but, maybe the AJ we saw on screen is not the real one? I sure didn't like him!

    Oh they did show lots of other couples, including J/D, E/J, And S/AJ.  The original poster had been talking only about the bad guys, so that's all I added about, plus the ones they didn't show that had said yes then divorced.  They definitely showed plenty of other 'yes' and 'no' couples.

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    On 7/14/2023 at 3:32 PM, suzeecat said:

    There were so many!  Besides the ones you mention, the basketball player douche couch surfer who married the twin.  The a-hole who got pushy with production when they attempted to follow him into an elevator.  Mia, who got arrested on her way to the honeymoon.  The liar husband (was it Meka and Michael?) The mean blonde woman who one of the experts ended up marrying (John).  There was a redhead who's husband set up a dating site profile just before decision day and got matched with his wife's friend.  There were more, and I apologize for being so bad with names.  Ah, good times, LOL!

    I've filled in the names of our esteemed former contestants:

    • the basketball player douche couch surfer who married the twin...Amber and Matt
    • The a-hole who got pushy with production when they attempted to follow him into an elevator...Brandon (with Taylor)
    • Mia, who got arrested on her way to the honeymoon...(with Tristan)
    • The liar husband (was it Meka and Michael?)...yes, Meka and MIchael
    • The mean blonde woman who one of the experts ended up marrying (John)...Jon and Molly 
    • There was a redhead who's husband set up a dating site profile just before decision day and got matched with his wife's friend...Brett and Ryan
    • IIRC we also saw Sheila and later-revealed-to-be-cheating Nate, and Puke Luke and Kate.

    I actually liked getting to see couples we hadn't seen in awhile. They showed Amani and Woody, but not Karen and Miles, and it looks like they may be splits-ville...that's too bad, cause I liked them together.

    The show got me thinking about other couples that said yes, but didn't end up making it, like Clara and Ryan (I think they showed Ryan maybe), Tom and Lily, OG Jason and Cortney, Tres and Vanessa, and Rachel and Jose.

    • Like 3
  9. So many thoughts about the People Presents 2-parter on the Girl Scouts murder:

    • First, how truly, truly awful for the parents. I was glad to see that Lori's parents are still together...in fact, they seem stronger because of each other, and it's great how they've tried to make positive change work from Lori's death.
    • Very glad he died in prison. Sounds like he was quite the escape artist and I was actually worried they were going to say that he had escaped again. But instead, hooray, they said he died.
    • He was a seriously evil monster...in a way, one of the worst I've ever heard of because of the deviousness in the pre-planning, like with the flashlight modifications.
    • So disconcerting that there were townspeople calling him a "good old boy", even with knowing his prior horrible convictions. I think it definitely was a case of circling the wagons for 'our own', and seizing onto any little thing to help reaffirm their point that he was not guilty, while dismissing the glaring evidence that didn't fit their narrative.
    • I wonder if the prosecution in the guy's trial was too dismissive of the defense's claims of planted evidence and insignificant evidence, and didn't address those claims properly to help the jury see the ridiculousness of them:  
    • ---- The point about how the photo of those women had to have been planted in the cave because it had already been left behind at the prison 4 years earlier?  Uh, the guy developed photos in the prison, and undoubtedly made more than one copy!
    • ---- The prosecution may not have done a good job countering the defense's assertion that because the hair and sperm issue couldn't narrow it down to one person, then it was meaningless.  The prosecution would need to first of all do a good job providing statistics to help the jury understand the rarity of the mutilated sperm thing.  And then, more importantly, help the jury understand that taken by themselves, the matching hair and the mutilated sperm may not seem to narrow down the suspect pool much, but in combination, it becomes far more rare and does help narrow down the pool.   
    • ---- And if the mythical "they" did decide to frame someone, it would not have been a strong-minded, slippery currently-escaped con...it would have been a weak, easily bull-dozeable, person who was present, and who could be quickly and easily railroaded through a trial and then convicted.  
    • ---- But ultimately, I think that once the concept of planted evidence was told to the jury, the case was lost because the jury could then dismiss in their minds the evidence of the matching tape marks from the pieces to the roll, and the plastic, as also being planted. Not sure how the jury could also dismiss the similarity of the MO to his previous rapes, but I guess once you've made up your mind for not guilty, you just keep justifying.
    • I really felt bad for the other existing mother (Denise's mom?), who even now is still waiting for one magic definitive beyond-all-possible-doubt-in-the-universe proof.  
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  10. 21 hours ago, truebluesmoky said:

    Isabella is staying at Parker’s now that she isn’t staying in the airstream anymore.

    If I were talking about the sh*t they are talking about, in someone else's house, I would damn sure have the door closed and be using my very quietest "indoor voice"!

    • Like 2
    • LOL 1
  11. 49 minutes ago, RachelKM said:

    Not sure that I'm team anyone yet. But I'm definitely NOT team Luke. Isabella is the least annoying so far of the main three. But I think the only person among the named characters whom I have not wanted to throw something at yet is the girl was dated Luke's brother in the Summer 99 line and was with Isabella when she broke in to destroy the tapes. 

    1 hour ago, jsm1125 said:

    I wonder why Harper was at Megan’s home in the first place? From what we’ve seen so far, they don’t have much of a relationship. Was Harper there to see Isabella? Or did that overhearing scene take place outside of Megan’s home?

    Isn't the girl RachelKM mentions, the same as the girl jsm1125 mentions? And yes, I agree with the questions about why she was at Megan's.  BTW, her name is Parker, not Harper.



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  12. I know we have some "ATL Homicide" fans here, and one reason is because they inject personality into their narration. So I have to share one of the silly humorous Quinn and Vinnie sparks I came across while finishing up season 4.  They work inner city and encounter a lot of nicknames, so at one point they had encountered "Popcorn" and "Juice Man". So Quinn threw in an aside like, "Now that we've got something to eat and drink..."

    But I have to voice my constant complaint, that Angelo Diaz as Quinn, has a temperament that is nothing like Quinn's!  Something interesting I learned about Velazquez is that he was fixing planes for Delta Airlines and was unsatisfied, and felt the law pulling, and took a 75% pay cut to join the Atlanta PD...his Delta coworkers thought he was crazy, but clearly it has worked out!

    I also found it interesting that Velazquez said he’s spoken to officers who want to improve their interactions with victims after watching the show. “We have changed their opinion on how they act,” he said. “One officer said he had a bad attitude, but from watching us and how we present our cases and talk to families, he wants to try and change.” Even more interesting to me, Velazquez said that for most of the suspects and victims, they have never encountered someone in a suit talking respectfully to them and engaging with them like a peer. And apparently it really helps neighborhood folks warm up to them, and to just see another way, and also it makes them much more willing to talk. That pleasant, respectful attitude comes through on the show, but I had always wondered if it was real.


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  13. Paula Zahn shakes things up!  I was watching "Text, Lies, and Video", the most recent On the Case episode.  When they got to about 1/3 of the way through the episode, and started describing the first suspect, I thought to myself, "Well, we know it's not him, because that's not the pattern of this show.  They will introduce 2-3 suspects, then rule them out, and then start in with the real killer." So I was absolutely stunned when they started describing the first suspect, and kept describing him more, and he was the killer!

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  14. If you don't mind watching a show that is somewhat dated (2004), True Crime Network's "Interpol Investigates" is pretty good.  It's available on replay.  It covers crimes that took international cooperation to solve, and are different in nature than a lot of what we see on our "regular" true crime shows.

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  15. 12 hours ago, Real4real said:

    In one of the previews, it looked like one of the guys (Joey?) was practically licking her face!  So sloppy!

    Yes, I noticed that too.  I hope we don't have to see him kiss her that way all the time...yuck!

    10 hours ago, Hip-to-be-Square said:

    I love the looks of a man in uniform and that San Diego firefighter Aaron S. is a major hunk! I liked Aaron's clever David Attenborough style commentary on the guys displaying their mating dances/behavior.  

    His commentary truly was funny, and original...really really good. At first I thought he was hunky, but the more they showed him, the less masculine he looked.  IIRC, the main subject of the nature commentary did not make it past the first night (the champion jumper).

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  16. 5 hours ago, Lamb18 said:

    Something is rattling in the background, making quite a bit of noise. You'd think a handy PA would fix that.

    Nothing for a PA to fix, unless they can stop rain!! But I would have thought it would be edited out before broadcasting.

    18 minutes ago, Real4real said:

    She is pretty, but kind of bland.

    I was not excited when she was chosen as B'ette, but I thought she did a great job with the guys' entrances, in terms of engaging with them, not seeming awkward, and making them feel comfortable.

    11 minutes ago, Real4real said:

    Spencer doesn’t seem quite right.

    8 minutes ago, Hip-to-be-Square said:

    Spencer needs his thyroid checked- he's attractive, but his eyes are a little bulgy. 

    Beauty must be in the beholder, because I literally had to turn away from the screen when Spencer was on, and I'm not sure that has ever happened to me before.  He is so freaking bizarre, creepy, and off-putting.

    9 minutes ago, Bluesky said:

    I hope she doesn't cave to social media and get implanted and worse fill her butt to cartoonish sizenn

    Me too. And speaking of having work done...holy hell, what happened to Ali Fedotowsky? Desiree also looked like she had work done, but she still at least resembled herself.

    • Like 8
  17. On 6/22/2023 at 12:19 PM, Retired at last said:

    I continue to despise Kevin Frazier as the host and he needs to stop trying to force people to get together because he wants them to. Especially Gina and Clint.

    Kevin really has to go.  His premise that the experts actually did give Clint the physical type he asked for, so he basically should have fallen in love, is preposterous.  Come on dude, falling in love doesn't work that way!  And it was very offensive and dismissive of him, after Nicole (and maybe Chris too) gave a reasoned explanation for their child-decision timeline and that they just didn't know at this point, to say something flippant about how next time maybe there would be a kid (or something like that).

    • Like 3
    • Sad 1
  18. 2 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

    Same as last time, I think -- hair styles, clothing (both stylewise and seasonwise), and lighting. For example, Isabella has big hair with tight spirals and a few blond streaks at first, then black with long, chunky curls, and then (I think?) low ponytail.

    My issue isn't so much that I can't keep straight what era they're in when they show it, although Luke and Brent seem pretty much impossible to tell by appearance and Isabella as easy as Megan, but yes the lighting is definitely different.  It's that I can't keep track of who is at what stage with whom, and what has or hasn't already happened, when we come into an era.  Like, for any given era we enter, has Megan been boyfriend/girlfriend with Luke yet? Has she kissed Jeff? Is the roof leak in era 2 or 3?  I just wish they would let us see longer action in eras, which they definitely did in season 1, to let it sink in. It's particularly difficult for distinguishing between action from eras 2 and 3.

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  19. On 6/20/2023 at 11:22 PM, KaveDweller said:

    I am not sure how long Megan's mom and Steve have been dating. They seem close in the summer 1999 episodes, but wasn't Megan's mom kissing Megan's dad in the last episode?

    I wondered if maybe Megan's mom was kissing Megan's dad because she wanted to butter him up because she needed something from him.

    On 6/22/2023 at 7:14 PM, CarpeFelis said:

    Brent seems sociopathic to me, so I’m starting to think maybe he’s the one who killed Luke. 

    I'm starting to wonder if Jeff killed Luke.  Clearly Jeff is very into Megan, and Megan clearly has very deep feelings for Luke. Maybe he knew she would always carry a torch for Luke and he wanted her all to himself.

    On 6/22/2023 at 12:47 AM, Pallida said:

    Do we know if Debbie went to college?

    Debbie did not go to college. IIRC she said something about Megan being the first in the family to go to college.  However, ever since she said that, I have felt that if that is supposed to be miscast, then a different actress should be playing Debbie.  KaDee seems too refined to not have gone to college.

    On 6/20/2023 at 5:31 PM, KaveDweller said:

    She knows Isabella wasn't on the sex tape

    So with this episode, I started wondering why Brent doesn't know it's not Isabella on the sex tape.  If he was watching his own tapes, he would have seen the whole tape and realized it was Megan.  So if he does know and has kept quiet about it so far, does that figure into the plot later on?

    On 6/21/2023 at 9:32 AM, peachmangosteen said:

    This season is so bad 

    I agree.  For me, a huge problem is how short the scenes are from each time period.  I cannot keep straight who is at what stage with whom.

    • Like 4

    On 6/18/2023 at 1:10 AM, Vermicious Knid said:

    Also back, New York Homicide and Homicide for the Holidays. The first episode of NYH was a case I had seen before, the murder of Shele Covlin by her husband for her money. The husband, Rod Colvin, is a real piece of work. He staged it to look like an accident in the bathroom 

    Don't forget, he had the young daughter go in first, knowing full well what she was going to find, which is a typical move for these sh*ts.

    Also, he apparently did not learn from the queen of 9-1-1 call gasping, Chacey Poynter, that it actually doesn't make your I-just-found-the-victim-and-I'm-so-shook call sound more convincing! 

    • Like 5
  21. On 6/3/2023 at 9:51 PM, TVbitch said:

    Didn't understand why the second detective broke down in tears over what he thought was "the biggest blunder of his career" when he let Billy talk to his mom. It seemed like BIlly whispered to his mom that he was guilty, and maybe he wanted to tell her first before he confessed. Then he came right back in and confessed. So maybe it had been the right call. The actual big blunder was by the polygraph guy not finishing the Miranda. Thank goodness he got a signature. 

    IIRC, the detective himself never said it was the biggest blunder...that was Josh M's guess and teaser before they headed to commercial. After the commercial break, the detective himself explained the crying I think by saying you work a case for long and it gets to you, or something like that...he didn't say anything blunder-related about that particular scene.

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  22. On 6/14/2023 at 8:33 PM, Crashcourse said:

    - Lindsey looks like she had work done on her face. 

    On 6/14/2023 at 8:41 PM, kristen111 said:

    Also, she looks horrible as her face is bloated.  

    To me, she looked like she had some plastic surgery done that hadn't yet finished healing.

    On 6/15/2023 at 6:45 AM, lu1535 said:

    The Lindseyism I caught right off the bat was that the new boyfriend "moved in with her" not "we are living together". 

    What I thought was, this guy is supposedly so freaking wonderful, but he didn't even have a place that was nice enough for them to move in to?  Isn't that what she slammed MTS for?

    On 6/15/2023 at 1:11 PM, suzeecat said:

    The resulting discussion about how women are allowed to have certain physical preferences for a mate, but when men do it's frowned upon, I found eye opening - I never thought about it before.

    As they were having this conversation, and as, IIRC, Krysten was defending the right to have a preferences, it occurred to me that she slammed Mitch up and down for having a preference, for the more bohemian look!

    On 6/14/2023 at 11:13 PM, Katie111 said:

    I did like hearing about a couple of the behind the scenes stuff. 

    Thought it was funny how she said Katie had been advising to unplug the 24-hour camera. Thought it was interesting that when asked if they ever got used to that camera and basically forgot about it, Krysten said yes, and that she walked around naked.  That doesn't really fit with the narrative she portrayed during her season.

    On 6/15/2023 at 5:57 PM, Elizzikra said:

    I'd watch something similar in the future but I really never need to see Lindsey again. 

    And more emphatically, I really need to never see Lindsey again!

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  23. On 6/13/2023 at 12:05 PM, gesundheit said:

    I still can't believe this whole damn plot hinges on the scholarship being at risk because of Megan having sex, to the point that they're blackmailing Jeff to keep this secret

    The plot progressing also seems to hinge on believing that a lawyer would advise a client to not use diplomatic immunity because it wouldn't look good!  WTAF.  That's exactly what diplomatic immunity is there for...a literal get out of jail free card to use as needed.  If ever there was a time to use it, it's now, and the lawyer's number one goal should be to protect her client, which could be best done by her client not being there anymore!

    On 6/14/2023 at 3:04 PM, tennisgurl said:

    I am just going to need to head cannon that her school or scholarship has a very strict morality clause and that's why this sex tape is such a big deal, because otherwise I have no idea why this is even a thing.

    Except that the school is the public University of Washington in Seattle, and IIRC the scholarship is connected to the Gates Foundation, so there's pretty much zero chance that there's a strict morality clause.  It would have been so simple for them to make the scholarship from some very conservative organization that has a morality clause, and then we wouldn't be having the heartburn that this is causing us!

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