I've gotten so frustrated with this season that I didn't even watch this episode and just read here to find out who won and who was eliminated. Now that I know Delvin gets eliminated and Geoffrey wins, I know I can go ahead and watch it without having a rage fit. I mean, I'm still going to have a lot of feelings about Victoria not being eliminated, but I have resigned myself that she's going to be a finalist and will probably win the whole thing. Because "sexy!" and because Nina.
Earlier in the season I thought for sure Delvin was a lock for the finals, but as the season went on it seemed he was just really great at tailoring and not great at ideas. Plus, he became such a mean girl along with Brittany that I can't root for either of them. Nancy does need to stop with Those Pants, but she still seems to be way more creative with design than Doctor Housecoat and Ms JC Penney's Misses Tops.
Does anyone remember in the first episode if Sergio had a strong influence on Brittany's jumpsuit design? That was so great, and yet everything she's done since has been... not.
Sergio annoys me because his shoehorning causes where they don't make sense is insincere, but he is capable of making great clothing. Sometimes when Sergio is going off on some nonsense about "I used red to represent the blood shed by people in wars! [Not really, I just picked a red fabric I liked at Mood, y'all.]" it reminds me of Mondo's outfit with the pattern design for HIV+. We didn't need to know the story behind his design for it to be a great design, but once we did it deepened the meaning and made viewers think about an important issue. If Sergio didn't do the faux cause thing this episode then maybe he's learned it only hinders him. And that would be great because Sergio is capable of making great outfits, plus he's not an ageist jerk which is a bonus in this season.
Super glad Geoffrey won and I'm looking forward to watching Leslie Jones hug him!