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  1. Now I will play the other side and say this. What would they do if Jenna does quit before the season is over. Means they would have to reblock everything that she is in. That would definitely be a HUGE F u to J and K.
  2. And who takes over for them.
  3. Springs. Over 30 years. Okay place.
  4. I live in Colorado too.
  5. Exactly what I said. She should have waited a little longer while sucking it up and THEN she should have requested a meeting with them. She screwed herself this season after they gave her the chance to redeem herself.
  6. Okay, now I remember. Wasn't she the one that was overheard by Kitty mocking J and K in the parking lot(or something like that)? I never understood Vivian as fan fav until I read here how she had her family and friends basically call and call for her. She was not DCC material when I saw her IMO.
  7. Agree 100%. Sort of OT but any guesses as to who is going to take over for Kelli and Judy when they retire. Not too familiar with the organization like a lot of you seem to be so who is in the wings to take over.
  8. I know, LOL. But it's so sad to see someone so desperately hanging onto something when she basically did it to herself. It'd like this is their lives-how many said they wanted to be a DCC since they were 5 or 6. And I'm sorry, but it's NOT every girls dream to be a DCC, lol. All they are are eye candy for the fans. I remember Vivian, oh GOD.................................... Not sure about Chelsea. I've been watching this show for years since it came on but I can't tell you who most of them are now unless they were bizarre like Vivian. That poem-cringey.
  9. If she HAD handled it differently Shelly wouldn't have had to be put into the position that she was in. This is the bottom line when it comes right down to it. Jenna broke her contract-she's lucky she is still on the team but that's my opinion.
  10. I was wondering that too. She was 18 when she started. I rewatched the season when she tried out and she was so young looking. I don't think I've ever seen a DCC who looked that young but boy, can she dance. But what is she going to do when she retires from the DCC.
  11. Or post photos of yourself and an underage girl all decked out as you are hitting the 21+ nightclubs. "It is sad how stupid their generation is. Everything they are doing, since they are doing it on TV, is going to follow them everywhere they go". ^^This is the comment of the day. I see this so many places, Nurses get fired for posting patient stuff on SM even though it's against HIPAA. Nothing is ever gone on the internet. LOL@ the herpies commment.
  12. The thing with Jenna is she should know better. Six years-she should know what's in the contract by now. If Judy and Kelly DID actually ask her to come back another year that means they must have had some faith in her and if she hadn't messed up I have a feeling the show this year would have been more favorable towards her. As it is she is a 6 year veteran and should be leading by example which she is not doing. Yes, Holly is an adult but I think the thinking with Judy and Kelli is that Jenna shouldn't have gone with her to a 21+ nightclub to begin with and even try to talk her out of it. If that didn't work then Jenna should have said "bye, I won't be part of this". But she didn't. If she was so concerned about being point again she should have just taken her punishment and showed J and K that she CAN be a good example for her fellow team members . You know, get with the program and realize that the DCC doesn't revolve around her. Like I said, I like her, I think she's cute and so talented. It's such a shame she f'd herself up and might not be redeemable to J and K ever again. I really think J and K gave her that chance this year-I don't see her being asked back into TCC if she tries again. Hopefully she will retire and move on with her life. Brennan-oh Brennan. I feel bad for her. Hopefully this will be her last year. It's so sad to see them try out again and again. make TCC and then get cut. I am surprised Christina is still there.
  13. ^^^^THIS^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  14. Jenna should have requested a meeting with Judy and Kelli to discuss her situation instead of texting Shelly.
  15. I like Jenna but I think the whole thing with her is sad and she actually is coming across as pathetic when she is having her talks with Judy and Kelli. She needs to shut up, finish the season and then retire. She wants a career in entertainment-she has the looks and the talent. Maybe she ought to try Dancing with the Stars, LOL. BTW-I notice Kelli did some videos a few years back where she was cooking. She seems like such a nice person in them(and funny).
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