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Everything posted by Sinead

  1. All I could think of when Molly admitted that they were legal was, if something happens to you, everything goes to your spouse. I'm sure if you signed the papers so quickly, you sure didn't draft a pre-nup. That is a shame since she is a business woman and signs paperwork a lot. Those girls are screwed. I think brother is too. I wouldn't sleep too heavily. Libby's sisters said that she never acted submissive to any other boyfriends, I'm guessing that's because she had never met a man before.
  2. And the poor red headed brother is trying to calm her by saying he has been hurt too, but once again, nobody is listening.
  3. I actually BLEETED when I read the Freaks reference!
  4. I swear I saw him throw up in his mouth when she asked if he was coming to the U.S., or if he was happy , shoot, I cant remember what she asked him but his face gave him away when he choked, hesitated and said "yes".
  5. hahahaha! You are brilliant!
  6. I meant her odd lips, :O not so cute. I didn't realize that there are opportunities that Annie could take advantage of, I wonder why she hasn't. Maybe she is counting on David to be lying that he is broke.
  7. I like Aika, I feel like she is being herself and will do well in the states. She kind of reminds me of my former doctor. Something tells me that she is older than 36 though. That modeling agency was a total fake. The painted logo was so poorly done. They never just walk you in and film you, there is always an interview, even at the sham agencies. I wonder what else Josh asks her to do that she doesn't want to do? As they were walking to the car from the grocery store she asked him something about their future and children and he kind of choked out "sure". Hang in there, girl, do whatcha gotta do. I am terrified and attracted to Andrrrei at the same time. My husband is Polish (1st generation American) so I am familiar with Eastern European people. A lot are VERY stubborn and set in tradition but have strong work ethics and love hard. I am really curious to see Andrrrei's family and home and get his back story. I think that Elizabeth would do better to tone down the lipstick to a soft pink or nude shade. When you have a not so cute feature why draw attention there? Evelyn and David Spain. She is just young and used to being 'somebody' in her small world. She is not coming off well on the show, I don't care for them as a couple. As for David Poor and Annie, yikes, I'm feeling pretty bad for Annie. She has attached her future to a homeless alcoholic. Annie is very pretty and seems like a decent girl doing her best to survive the hand she has been dealt, but the more I watch, the more I wonder if she wouldn't be better off staying where she is. David's face makes me think of when a man gets older and has hormonal issues and starts looking almost like a woman. Not feminine exactly but kind of Paul McCartneyish? (God love Sir Paul). Luis..oh boy. I don't care if Olivia was 25, you went there. Couldn't he see the look on her face when he said fuck? He just kept on. Read your audience, man! He is bored and horny and that is going to be a problem. His family seemed decent on Skype and he was very respectful to his parents, surely he knows what's proper. Even as a bartender to young women you know when you've gone too far? I may be way off but he looks like he is always aroused, those half closed eyes and grin. Maybe I'm the pervert. Molly doesn't seem to want to know. I was stunned that she left him to babysit the youngest (Kensley?) after such a short time. Maybe Uncle Cooter was home but I doubt he would notice anything happening. Lordy, why do I give 2 craps?
  8. So as I watched Cortney leave in the cab for the airport, I saw Antonio swiftly walking away.. but as the cab pulls out, I swear I saw him through the cabs rear window returning immediately to his apartment...perhaps to burn some sage?
  9. I thought I heard her say something about Nigeria?
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