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Jennifer J

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Everything posted by Jennifer J

  1. Isn't that up to Kelly? If she wanted to give someone else a chance to go, she would make the decision to do that. It's possible Holly did not go on the trip because of the "publicity" she had around that time, maybe it wasn't her option.
  2. Kathryn Dunn was dating Sydney's brother, she used to post double date pictures. But that was long ago, around the time Kathryn tried out again.
  3. I'm happy for Nicole since she didn't go on the USO tour. Sydney was just in Hawaii.
  4. And who will retire. Guesses? I noticed the color looked odd in one of the last MTT episodes, when she was in the office talking about a candidate. I have natural dark brown hair and went copper for awhile. Eventually I got tired of it, especially when my roots started to show and the color faded.
  5. Notice Nicole is in flat shoes, she must have really hurt her knee.
  6. I don't think it looks like Holly. I'm not sure why she would take pictures like that alone. I would believe pictures fooling around with her husband, but alone? Tobie I think might be real. One thing I always noticed about Tobie was her tiny waist. The girl in the pictures has that tiny waist.
  7. I wonder how they feel that she made it clear they were not her first choice. I think she also tried out for the Mavs. Was Alexandra an Ice Angel last year? https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/t31.0-8/s960x960/10321565_696453923749082_71595199574631343_o.jpg
  8. Oh..my..gosh. I really think she is on the brink of a nervous breakdown. I actually felt sorry for her, she needs help. Glad to finally see Victoria. Breelan is that underdog that every season seems to need to have for TV drama.
  9. Melissa was on Good Morning America this morning previewing the new season of DWTS. She looked very nice. I have to think the way she is dressed on MTT is the way the producers wanted her to dress/wear her hair. I'm not sure why she went along with it, especially the sloppy hair bun.
  10. She ended up on DWTS by a fluke. Right after the episode aired where she was dumped by Jason, someone dropped out of DWTS due to injury right before they were going to start the season. Melissa took her place. She made it to third the first season and won the second season she was on. I don't think it was rigged, she was a great dancer on DWTS, especially the second time. I don't know why they would rig it for her vs more well known stars. I think her win was partly due to votes received for her pro - Tony Dovolani, he had never had a winner before, he always seemed to get crappy partners. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MQ-G5Hqdpc0
  11. They were setup to be "fashion don'ts". They didn't choose these clothes. So it wasn't a comment directed to the girls.
  12. I think it depends on who it is. If they think they have potential, they may ride it out. I don't think they thought she had enough potential.
  13. On one of the early seasons, they showed them lining up the girls at the scale at finals. So they should have those weights when they make their decisions. Unless the girls starve themselves before auditions and then gain back right after.
  14. Christina was also called in http://www.cmt.com/videos/misc/1075713/dallas-cowboys-cheerleaders-making-the-team-904-deleted-scene-christinas-evaluation.jhtml#id=1730518 Kitty scene deleted http://www.cmt.com/videos/misc/1075715/dallas-cowboys-cheerleaders-making-the-team-904-deleted-scene-kittys-instruction.jhtml#id=1730518 Another example of poor editing - when they were out on the field and the rookies were practicing the kick line, one second the veterans were behind them doing it, the next second they weren't, just standing there, the next second they were kicking....
  15. Some thoughts: I don't think it's appropriate to ask on camera if your boobs are God given or surgeon given. I was shocked that they called in Brittany. From the pictures I saw posted from the calendar shoot and on her twitter around that time, I thought she looked alarmingly too thin. https://twitter.com/TMZ/status/464258401296736256/photo/1 . Her collarbone is sticking out. I played it back a few times, Danielle was also sitting on the floor outside the office. But she wasn't called in? 5'3" - 104 pounds is too thin, it's actually slightly under normal BMI. I think Judy made a good point about cutting overweight Vets at auditions. They know what the standards are, unless there is a medical issue. Since the calendar shoot is before auditions, they should have been in top shape. Hannah just seemed ditzy to me.
  16. They always mess up on the editing when they are calling out the training camp candidates. Like Brittany was called and then she was back in her seat when someone else was called.
  17. Calia reminds me of Abigail Klein, young and very pretty. Dancing was secondary.
  18. I thought she said something about she passes out at the sight of blood.
  19. I was pulling for Vivian before the season started but I agree that she is annoying. Seems self centered and whiney. Charlotte needs to lay off the botox.
  20. Just because a song is played on the show doesn't mean it was played when it was taped. I think they overdub them with different songs because they have to pay for songs used.
  21. They said 500 tried out. The last number on the board at prelims was 341. What happened to 342 to 500? None of them made it?
  22. Sydney is in it at the end, probably her rookie year!
  23. Still using the same opener, Meredith Oden is in it.
  24. I thought Brittney looked too thin on the swimsuit pictures. There's no way she needed to lose weight. https://twitter.com/TMZ/status/464258401296736256/photo/1 I found these recent pictures: https://twitter.com/DCC_Brittney/status/486629668725194753/photo/1 https://twitter.com/DCC_Brittney/status/486296542010023936/photo/1
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