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Posts posted by tljgator

  1. 4 hours ago, Lassus said:

    Why, why, WHY were they able to drop BRATWURST and CHORIZO, and even PIEROGI, but they refused to use, even once, the term KIELBASA?  "Polish sausage"?  What am I not understanding?  Help me, please, you're my only hope.

    Okay, since this is precisely the type of rabbit hole I'm apt to fall down, I...spent a little (fine, too much) time digging around. My simple conclusion? The original sponsor of the race in the early 90s, per Wiki, was Klement's sausages. While they do now have one product called "Polska Kielbasa," the majority of their current offerings and nearly all older images on Google simply use the term / name "Polish Sausage" (and, their precooked product, which I'd bet is what was sold in the ballpark, is labeled as such), so I'm guessing that's where the name came from.

    Current sponsor is Johnsonville -- they use the term / name "Polish Kielbasa" on their products, so they probably just left it as is. Side note for @NowVoyager, they do have several andouille products, so maybe shoot them a request, lol? They also seem to sell a lot of "Summer" sausage, so maybe a seasonal mascot in a tank top & visor?

    ...back to doing real work now.


    * @dleighg I think those are the "kid" versions of the adult sausages, lol

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  2. 2 hours ago, Mermaid Under said:

    I get the impression that Gates likes the reflected glow of his celebrity guest

    This couldn't have been more clear to me after watching, lol -- he seemed fairly disinterested in the normal folks, who were lovely and definitely more thoughtful & articulate than the vast majority of celebs we usually get.

    I was disappointed to get such small snippets of story for each, though they clearly did the full spiel for them, as they got the full family trees at the end, per usual. It'd be nice if they put the full stories for each up online.

    Also hopeful that interest in this gets them to bring back the Genealogy Roadshow they did for a hot second a while back. *fingers crossed*

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  3. 4 minutes ago, buttersister said:

    Where were the p.a.s to cleanup?

    I wondered that, too! I mean, you'd think they'd clean stuff up with haste to avoid any potential horrible outcome (and lawsuits, lol)...

    • Like 2
  4. 11 minutes ago, Bastet said:

    what happened with the slippery floor -- who spilled?

    There were two different spills -- first, Charly spilled (and didn't seem to clean it up at all), then Laura slipped in what he spilled and some of the very hot, heavy contents of what she was carrying spilled. Then Dan fell in the aftermath. All of that seems like it could've been a lot worse than it turned out.

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  5. 1 hour ago, Ancaster said:

    Can someone more knowledgeable than me (not hard) explain the piece of equipment that looked like a toaster oven  Why doesn't it steam the chicken?  How does it brown and crisp up?  Did I miss some kind of explanation? 

    I assumed (and since I highly doubt I'm more knowledgeable than you or others, keep the old adage about what assumptions do for us in mind, lol) they were convection ovens, which cook much faster than traditional ovens by circulating air. (The "air fryers" we all use these days are essentially convection ovens, renamed and resized. I can cook a boneless, skinless chicken breast to perfection in 10 minutes in the air fryer v. 30 minutes in the conventional oven.)

    I still thought it was weird they didn't have use of regular ovens -- don't know if it was a matter of them not having the oven space for that many folks to roast whole chickens, if they chose them because they were faster and they either had time limitations or wanted similar times for the groups, or what, but some of those poor chickens looked mighty smushed into the space they had. I'm betting all of them cooking two birds at once was causing issue, too.

    Thought it was a great start to the season. Like others, I was thrilled with the first elimination, and I thought Kristin handled things well.

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  6. 3 hours ago, Beezella said:

    Thank you! Exactly what I was wondering, not so much the exact equivalent, but how pricey this would have been at the time.  However much, it would have been an insult.

    On this side of the pond, you could've gotten a "shave and haircut" (**two bits**) and received a little change. 😉

    This week's episode made me cringe/worry for several different reasons -- obviously, the horse was worrisome all-around, particularly the impaling; at first, the new vet's reactions worried me on the heels of last week's non-animal friendly Mrs. Harbottle & his initial comments about treating pets like people, but he evened out; I knew this show wasn't apt to be realistic in its presentation of racial interactions, but I was a little worried the soldiers from other towns would be unkind to our Black farming friends, but I was glad they volunteered to fix the fence.

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  7. 3 hours ago, Affogato said:

    There is a reference to Dyatlov pass, all of them running outside in their underwear/pjs/etc and freezing. 

    When my guilty pleasure viewing (Expedition Unknown) intersects with my prestige TV viewing, lol...yes, I immediately (and randomly) thought of this during the episode, too. 

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  8. I wonder if one of these yahoos will explain how the memory of poor Robin Williams got co-opted into their "religious" dogma? *shakes head* 

    I will say, compared to other similar docs, the interviews with folks who are clearly still in the cult, coupled with all the actual footage, makes for an interesting POV for this one. 

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  9. Step #1 for me is often sorting out the American equivalent to whatever the assignment is, lol...then I have a better idea of difficulty. I presumed there must be similar commercial options when Paul said they needed to look like store-bought. Based on the Vulture review, it seems we had Moon Pies (and I'd add Mallomars for the other design choice -- though the bakers made theirs pretty, lol) and Vienna Fingers for the custards. 

    Another enjoyable episode. This season is bringing that warm, happy feeling that I want from this show.

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  10. The only thing that might have outdone the beaver jokes would be someone doing an "Are You Being Served" homage to Mrs. Slocum's pussy (IYKYK).

    Really solid start to the season -- liked all the contestants, liked the challenges, liked the new co-host. Hopeful for a return to form (even if I'll always miss Mary)!

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  11. I've been watching the Renovation Resort Showdown -- essentially Battle on the Beach, but on a lake instead, with the Canadian dude from the vacation rental show -- and I'm shocked (or maybe not, given how low-rent this show is, lol) by how much better the design & quality of the work is on that one than this one.

    Been enjoying it for the most part...even husband (just him, not the wife) from the resort makeover show who I really dislike here and on his own show is tolerable to me, lol. (p.s. no screaming Ty or Alison!)

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  12. They just ran a commercial during the current season of Alone that they'll start airing this Tasmania version on History on August 10...now we can all join in on snarking about the season! Huzzah -- more in a few weeks!

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  13. I really didn't get why the only options seemed to be a) eat the maggot meat & possibly get ass worms, or b) tap out? Like, getting more food didn't seem to enter in the thought process. Not sure that bodes well for long-term survival.

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  14. Guess I was the only one who wondered if all the future stuff was a dream since Ted wakes up on the plane as it's landing just as that flash-forward wraps up? (If it's not a dream, why are we back in current time after seeing all the future things? Just weird.)...

    Anyway, I thought it was enjoyable enough, even if much of it was rushed or misplaced. They worked hard to please most everyone (except shippers of many varieties, lol) and it made me more smiley and happily nostalgic than mad, so I'll take it.


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  15. Really enjoyed the first part of the season-opener. I usually know a least a little of the history behind the episodes, but this one was new to me and I loved getting to learn and see something new (Kushite kings! Sudanese pyramids! Battles with Egypt! Ridiculous Harvard archeologists botching up history!)

    Totally agreed with Josh about those dives into the pyramid being the most dangerous combination of what's horrible about cave diving and unstable ruins...for once, I really was worried for their safety (even if it they purposely played it up for added drama), though he obviously makes it out.

    Season Preview: It looks like he actually finds real relics at various locations this year (not just random coins or beer cans)!

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  16. I thought Sara made a very smart and calculated choice (without it seeming so at the time...until she said in the Stew Room she was pretty sure she was safe) -- a contestant has rarely been booted for making really tasty food, even if it didn't exactly meet the parameters of the challenge, when the judges have at least some nits to pick with the other dishes. Once they said hers tasted the best, you knew her ouster was off the table. She knew this wasn't in her wheelhouse; she made the best tasting thing she could figure out a way to shoehorn into the challenge guidelines, at least on its face, and went with it -- hoping to stay squarely in the "safe but not outstanding" middle slot. I'm glad of it since I like her, lol.

    17 minutes ago, Pandora said:

    I could swear I saw her jumping up and clicking her heels. (Which I sure as hell can’t do.) 

    Yep -- I thought it was a great little moment of joy & silliness. And I'm with you, Pandora, I know I couldn't even come close to managing that, lol!

    Did anybody else think the judging panel looked kinda disappointed that they showed up in the fancy place, all dressed up, for the "make it to the final" episode and then got a less than spectacular spread of food?

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  17. I liked how much literally every other contestant, including his own partner, absolutely HATE Jeff and openly discuss what garbage he is as a person on every level. So, there's that.

    Making them find items was interesting & the doubles in the bundles are clearly meant to see if folks will share/trade/etc. Naturally, Jeff ruined that. If it's that cold, I have the same complaint as I did in other XLs in which folks had already tapped out from bugs & then they brought nets, cold & they brought pelts, etc. If it's that damn cold, either give them all pelts or place enough of them in obvious locations that most can find them.

    I get not wanting to build elaborate shelters if you're nomadic, but build something. Damn. Amber isn't my favorite, but she knows better than that, as does Wes.

    At least there are a good number of people I like and several that don't bother me either way. Did I mention them hating Jeff? Waz: "So, no. I don't want your fucking knife, Jeff." 😘

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