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Posts posted by TimeToCancelTM

  1. 20 hours ago, TheRealT said:

    And the thing with Kail is that we have seen plenty of scenes of the boys playing sports, goofing around with each other, cutely interacting with others, etc. But, quite often, Kail is a dark cloud in or around those scenes because she's not speaking to someone(s), she's agonizing over Chris, she's sobbing hysterically, she's yelling at someone, etc. It's her. My impression of Isaac and Lincoln is that they're nice, good-looking kids. I know that they play sports and I'm not surprised at all that Isaac does well in school. So what is she complaining about? No one thinks her kids are fucked up; people think she's fucked up. So we don't need (additional) scenes at sporting events (with Kail hulking on the sidelines refusing to acknowledge Lauren/Javi/Jo/Vee/Vivi) or scenes of the kids playing with the crew. And we view any scene of Kail talking to a realtor on an empty lot (didn't realize what an accomplishment that is) within the context of "Kail's Khaos," which includes all of the aforementioned fuckery.

    Nail on the fuckin head @TheRealT 👌🏽👏🏼 

    You always know how to describe this hosebeast so well! 

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  2. 1 hour ago, druzy said:

    Good looking family! Her children look happy and taken care of 😊♥️

    Chelsea has faults, but at least her kids seem genuinely happy and she enjoys her family. She doesn’t need or have a bunch of fake ass hanger oners like hulk, a psychopath abusive-child beating-dog killing huzzbin like jenelle, isn’t a scatterbrain pill poppin hick like Leah, or a useless botched slut like Brianna. So to me, with all her lame baby talk, her coooollllleeeee-uuuhhhh, and couch sitting she still winning. 

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  3. On 5/20/2019 at 9:19 PM, TheRealT said:

    I'm confused. 1) MTV did film a segment about her "house building" (really just a scene of her going to talk to some guy on a vacant lot, so, not hard to understand why they didn't find that a riveting storyline). Actually, two scenes because there was another scene of her talking about going to the vacant lot. 2) What, in her mind, was there to film about her talking to people about building a house on an empty lot, then having the deal fall through before a spade of earth is turned?

    Kail is so completely full of shit and her attitude about how MTV should be filming all the highlights of her amazing life is laughable. Is she claiming that the scenes of her being a vindictive, immature, dramatic, dickmatized hosebeast are somehow faked? No, she's asserting that, though all of that stuff is real, MTV should film Isaac getting an A on an assignment instead of her making a fool of herself crying and screaming over Baby Daddy #3 or behaving like a 14-year-old over Baby Daddy #2's new Baby Mama. Because, as the holder of a bachelor's degree in communications, she knows that that kind of thing would make a better, more successful and socially relevant show.

    It's absolutely hilarious how she seems to really believe that she's some kind of sophisticated, successful... I don't even know what? Intellectual? Socialite? Aspirational figure? Maybe she should write an op-ed for the New York Times about her opinions on accurate, feminist-positive representations of young mothers on reality TV. I mean, she is a best-selling NYT author and all, so it makes sense... Hahahahahahahahahaha!!!

    I love you for this!!! You described her fucking perfect 👌🏽 She’s a straight clown ass bitch lol 

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  4. 9 hours ago, druzy said:

    Jenelle: No one loves me no one cares about me and my mom never even tells me that she loves me. No one tells me they love me. No one hugs me.

    Kieffer: I've been telling you I love you and hugging on you all day.

    Jenelle: But before you came along that's how it was. I cried myself to sleep every night.

    Kieffer: Well the past is history and the future is a mystery and now is a gift that's why we call it the present.

    He was so deep... by far the best she’s ever had! Even with the meth lab. At least he was motivated, remember when he was starting his weed pipe making business? Plus he never beat the kids and wasn’t a racist piece of shit. Oh keefah, how I miss you! Lol

    • Love 10
  5. 1 hour ago, politichick said:

    And she's supposed to be thee girl's friend? Damn. Why did she have go all public like that? The tweet Leah wrote was stupid as fuck, but still. Pull a girl aside.

    The reply was to Jeremy’s ex not Leah. But the fact that she would reply such a hypocritical response to anyone is what blows me away. This dumb bitch is acting like she was enlightening this woman or giving her some kind of advice. What she needs to do is look at her own fucked up situation and failed relationships and take her own advice. She’s the first petty bitch in line to go and talk shit about any of her baby daddy’s current girlfriends. Meanwhile the one that she wants continues to laugh in her face, not pay child support, keep his serious relationship with his actual girlfriend, and use this lames’ pool in the summer. You played yourself bitch! ( dj khaled voice) 

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  6. 12 hours ago, druzy said:

    Jeremy's ex-girlfriend Brooke posted this and Kail replied


    Hulk can have several seats... This coming from a whore that jumped on a dick while her husband was deployed. Let’s not forget that she let this asshole disrespect javi on SM by saying he was comfy on their bed. Now this cunt wants to act sanctimonious and like she’s a “real” woman? Her level of stupidity and contradiction is beyond!!! Fuck off Kail, you have no room to judge anyone stupid bitch 🙄

    • Love 22
  7. Anyone else think his tweeker ass sister showed up with her dog, druggie friends, that chomo boyfriend of hers (who knocked up her cousin?!) drug paraphernalia, and all her fuckery in tow to that airbNb? I sure think so. 

    • Love 11
  8. Germy and Leah are lame af, poor Addie. Leah continues to be the same slut she was when she was 16 years old. How sad that any man that gives her the slightest bit of attention has her jumping on his dick. That’s really all she’s good for. In all these years she’s learned nothing, or hasn’t matured as a woman, mother, ex wife, anything! She just continues to have dick on her brain and is just passing that trait down to her girlses. 

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  9. 1 minute ago, Scarlett45 said:

    Oh I see what you’re saying now. To me it’s all the same- an unnatural hair color is an unnatural hair color. For the record I wasn’t allowed to even CUT my hair until I was 21 (Yes TWENTY-ONE) because black people can be weird about hair, so I’m more likely to give a kid more freedom about things like that. Likely her school doesn’t allow unnatural hair colors and it will be back to normal by the time the school year starts. I could see her doing the temp dye around Halloween and that would be cute. 

    I agree with you with the hair changes as a young girl! Lol my mother and father didn’t allow me to do anything “crazy” (whatever that was to them in their mind lol) and I barely was allowed to trim my hair. Old school Italian family 🙄 lol. And I again, I’m not trying to be mean to the other girls, could be that I have a soft spot for Aubree too 😊

    • Love 4
  10. 12 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

    I don’t see the difference between Aubree’s hair and that of the other girls. All three have an ombré in hair colors that don’t exist naturally in humans (Orange, Green and Fushia)- seems to me that it’s just for fun.

    Not criticizing your opinion I was just wondering what differences you saw that made one appropriate and the others not?

    Aubree’s is more subtle, and more age appropriate. The color isn’t as bright and shocking as the others are. I personally wouldn’t let my 8 yr old even do Aubree’s color because of the damage that color does to the hair, and because she has time when she’s older to make those types of decisions. But at least IMO it isn’t as bad as the others. The one in the red thinks she’s 25 years old, and the one in the green looks like a poser... lol again, JMO. 

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  11. 53 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

    I love Aubree's color. It looks really pretty on her.

    I agree, and it’s modest for her age. Aubree’s isn’t OTT and fits her look. I’m not sure who the parents of the other girls are, and call me “old fashioned” but I don’t think it’s appropriate at all. It seems like the parent is living their wants thru the girls. The one with the green looks terrible! Sorrynotsorry Lol 

    • Love 5
  12. 16 hours ago, druzy said:

    I think Briana got the tattoo license to do permanent makeup like tattooed brows, eyelids, eyeliner and lips.


    I hope she's practicing 

    Another perfect time to add the eye rolling emoji 🙄. As if this bitch will do anything with her lazy, unmotivated, badly inflated ass. She will continued to make her money from TM, spend it on her fuckofthemonth, and live in that cramped tiny apartment with the coven. If there is anyone that I don’t have any expectations or hopes for... is Brianna. This bitch can’t even watch her own children, live on her own, or do anything for herself. She constantly needs her insufferable mom and sister there to assist her with everything! Her IG bio is a fucking joke.

    • Love 8
  13. 1 hour ago, Mkay said:

    These bitches are so annoying and gross me out. Not because I’m anti gay or anything, just because it’s so disingenuous and fake. The way Leah looks at Kail like a fan girl freaking out that the cool girl likes her is irritating af. It just feeds to hulks huge ass and huge ego. Leah looks at this hosebeast in “admiration” and hulk soaks it in and relishes in the fact that she’s much “cooler” (for whatever reason) than this country bumpkin 🙄. I’m so done with this show guys, I’m out! After this jenelle and David with the dog issue, Chelsea making up unnecessary drama to continue to drag this on, and these lame poser bitches doing THEE MOST for attention... has me done with it! 

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  14. 3 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

    Catelynn has to know that the only way two "cool" girls like Maci and Cheyenne would hang w her is on vaca sponsored by MTV. In no part of reality would the associate with her frumpy ass. 

    Oh shit! Doesn't she have a brand new baby at home? Totally forgot about the newest trap baby.

    Bet they laugh and talk shit about her soon as she leaves the room too.  Cheyenne wouldn’t even glance in Caits direction if it were up to her.  Maci likes to play sanctimonious bitch so she’ll fake it, but believe she’s laughing and talking shit behind her back for sure! 

    • Love 13
  15. 9 minutes ago, Christina87 said:

    Leah is the one I really worry about! She couldn't ever get a call center job, with her grammar and speech patterns, nor any kind of job where she had to try to be professional in any way. If she ever gets one, I can't imagine her ever making above minimum wage. Her best bet, unfortunately, is to find a decent dude and try harder to stay married to him. She could try to be a SAHM too. Even if you're totally incompetent, you can get online, for example, and print yourself out a cleaning schedule, at least to follow in the beginning. It's sad that she probably can't do more than that, but I honestly don't believe she can. 

    Could not agree more with you on this!  This bitch cant sell Avon, do MLM, or anything that requires talking with people.  Remember her "motivational speech' thing she was trying to do? Or when she tried selling some shit that she invested her and Jeremy's money into and got no return back?  All that cheap ass makeup she bought is now laying in a hoarding crap in her house and Gracie is the only one that uses it!  I hate to sound mean, but she really doesn't have the brains to start her own business or work a 9-5.  MTV has made it easy for ALL of them to sit back and collect without having to put any effort into anything in life other than having more kids, and Leah hasn't even put that much effort into that.  The difference between Leah, Kail, and Chelsea ( i wont even mention Jenelle cause she's a fucking VOID) is that Chelsea and Kail #1 don't have a drug problem, and #2 even with Chelsea being "coddled" or Kail having no one but herself to count on, have at least shown that their kids come first.  I just dont see that with Leah. 

    • Love 7
  16. 41 minutes ago, Vandy10 said:

    Yeah, the girls have claimed many things over the years. Amber says she's bipolar, Kail said she was being tested for bipolar II at one time, Leah's said she has anxiety (monkey!) and narcolepsy, and Janelle says she's got anxiety. I certainly think something's off about Amber and Janelle, but I don't know enough about the Cluster B to say what. But I do know about anxiety.

    And I saw some of myself directly mirrored in Chelsea during that car scene. That's not fun to admit because it's not my best behavior I was seeing reflected back at me, but it is how I act sometimes when my anxiety flares. Even though I'm a very different person from Chelsea--very independent, better educated, older, only one kid to wrangle, and I have coping tools--sometimes my anxiety bites me in the butt. There's no perfect cure. But hopefully we'll see Chelsea taking some steps to help herself in the next episode. It's no fun for her to live untreated, and it's definitely no fun for her kids. Aubree is old enough to consciously pick up on Chelsea's anxiety, and the babies probably pick up on it subconsciously. My biggest fear is instilling an anxious outlook on the world into my son. I'm not sure if Chelsea yet realizes how it can affect the kids.

    I love you for this!!! I wish more of us spoke up about these anxiety issues that happen, even to the best of us. I can openly say I’ve been there done that. Being in the same boat as you, older, better educated and so far only 1 kid and now (one on the way 😉) and Ive found myself in this situation more than once. I worry now about worrying later when my second child is here! Lol so that’s gotta tell you something lol. I worry about sending my worrying vibes to my 8 year old, and I worry about how crazy I look to the rest of the people who don’t deal with anxiety. That’s a shitload of worrying lol anyway, glad to hear I’m not the only one! Your post was spot on. 

    • Love 7
  17. 16 hours ago, Mkay said:

    Caption under above picture 🙄


    Now this bitch is starting to talk and act like Kail 🙄. I bet my LiFE Leah never heard that song prior to this weekend. Someone please ask her who sings it? Poser is an understatement for this bitch. I continue to wonder what these two twats have in common that would make them hang out together? And the only thing I can come up with is “attention whores”. They have absolutely zero in common, from music, to clothes, body sizes, taste in men etc. Matter of fact, Leah is the type of bitch that Kail would make fun of with her friends... Leah fits in the category of Kail’s hillbilly ass dad that she constantly makes fun of. And I’m pretty sure that Leah, mama dawn, germy and pilled out Victoria have made fun of white bitches like Kail who have biracial children. This show needs to come to an end already, I feel like everyone who watches hate watches like me. 

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  18. 7 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

    She always makes sure Luis hears it too. She's such a damn phony. "Mommy's here" she simpers. "look at me, I'm such a wonderful nurturing mother". Gag. 

    Geez these guys drive me around the bend. The want him to be at their beck and call, babysit Stella, fork over child support, then act all horrified when it turns out he has a right to visitation. 

    @ghoulina, I agree that Chelsea seems to be in a difficult place, the break-in really shook her and I understand that. She should try and find a way to handle her anxiety. She had 3 kids, and while she seems able to cope most of the time, when things are smooth, the reality of having all three kids sick, and one still an infant, hit her like a ton of bricks. I think she would have done OK if she wasn't still on edge because of the break-in. Its scary to be broken into. She's always felt completely secure and safe. She's rattled, and of course she's overreacting.

    Kail and Amber podcasting. Looked like Manatee Hour. Seriously those two are porking up fast. Kail is getting enormous. Who listens to her podcast? She is a BORE.  

    I will probably get some side eyes  for this as well lol, I too have had my parents coddle me most of my adolescent years and I use to be the same way as a teen and run to my dad for EVERYTHING! Car overheated - cry and run to dad, flat tire - cry and run to dad, boyfriend being mean - yup, you guessed it! Run and cry to dad lol. So I have a soft spot for Chelsea. Once I got married (at 27) and had had my daughter at 29 (which most people thought I was considered “old” to be having kids) I would contact my husband for EVERYTHING as well... to the point where I’m sure I was breaking his balls constantly over simple bullshit. Because we consider ourselves best friends he has and continues to make time for me anytime I call, even if it’s for something small lol ala Chelsea. I’m a SAHM and I am very hands on with my kid, so when she does get sick I’m up all night tending to her, checking her fever, making sure she has her medicine given at the right time, making sure she’s eating well, resting and overall just trying to make her feel as comfortable as possible. My husband works so I refuse to bother him throughout the night to do all those tasks. Now, I’m having my second child and I won’t lie I’m kinda scared about having them both sick at the same time (which I know will happen at some point) and I’m worried on how the hell Im going to balance both! Lol yes, most people are going to say “grow the fuck up, you’re a grown ass woman with 2 children” lol but being that I’m the one that does EVERYTHING for them when it comes to being sick, i worry that I won’t have enough hands to do both! Lol sorry for this rant, but just had to share one of my pregnancy/second kid otw fears lol. 

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  19. 2 minutes ago, druzy said:

    Holy facetune

    Not Nova too 😮

    🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 oh how I wish we had this emoji as an option on here. Now that she’s been called out for those horrendous pictures where her makeup was applied on by her worst enemy in the world, she decides to filter tf out of these pics and pass them off as “cute” “love bugs” “look how pretty we look” images? Please bitch, we know your ass hasn’t showered in a week, that hair is a grease ball, and nova is probably wearing dirty clothes. I see you Cait 👀, you’re not fooling me. 

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