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Posts posted by Shorty186

  1. On 3/6/2024 at 11:31 AM, Snazzy Daisy said:

    Tim has been spending a lot of time at Lucy’s place. Where’s Kojo? Who’s taking care of him? He’s totally forgotten.

    What happened to Lucy's puppy/roommate? Have they even mentioned her?

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  2. I haven't watched Survivor since Season 1, so how the hell was Sandra able to win? She's been wrong with her vote every single time except the 2 times it was impossible for ANYone to be wrong. When it was Dan vs Parvati and Parvati vs Phaedra. She's a total idiot.

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  3. My favorite scenes are definitely the 90s ones. I love the music, plus that's when I read the books and watched the TV show. I haven't given it a rewatch but I remember thinking it was creepy enough and that's how I feel about this version, especially since it's on Disney of all places.

  4. 4 hours ago, Noneofyourbusiness said:

    How so? The sin-infected water always had variable effects on people. It restored Judge Abbott, Logan and Brie's memories of the sins they erased, caused Nancy to be possessed by Logan's sin, and caused the film crew to be collectively possessed by Brie's sin.

    You are so right. I completely blocked out the Bro-ing out of Nancy as well as the possessions. I only remembered people remembering their sins.

    I've read Larry Teng's tweets and numerous interviews about how they were told of the cancelation. He has a right to be PO'd but a show getting canceled after they've finished shooting is not unusual. When a show is told in advance, it's really a courtesy. It shouldn't be, you'd think it would be standard to give the writers the ability to wrap things up but networks don't care about a show they've already given up on. See the zero promotion for ND this season aside from the S4 promo and 4x13 preview. So I'm very glad they were able to find out before the end - thank you to Kennedy's agent.

    However, I still stand by not being satisfied with the season. It was definitely my least favorite and I don't see myself rewatching it, unless I skip from 4x3 to 4x13. I hate having these negative feelings since I haven't loved a show as much as this in a long time.

  5. I wish I would have liked it more than I did. It basically got the job done but only having 10 minutes of Nace happiness is always going to leave me salty.

    A lot did not make sense to me in this episode. Specifically why the 200 years of released sins turned the townspeople into looters and an angry mob. I know there was an offhand, "they must be possessed by the angry mob who killed a witch," but what? It didn't jive with what we saw happen to a singular person when they drank the tainted water. 

    They handwaved Callie right off the screen, which makes sense because how was she supposed to be a bigger BAD than Temperance? The tsunami from last season was much more end of days-ish than a bunch of looney townspeople. Carson and Red didn't seem that bad, just a couple of kleptos.

    I really did not get why Nick seemed the most distraught over the Historical Society burning down. Aside from the fact that many of the artifacts had already been removed, it was kind of funny to see Bess be the one to comfort him. I get why so many people thought something must have happened to Jade in the episode preview because his reaction seemed a little too OTT. If The Claw or his apartment building burnt down, it would have made more sense.

    But with how quickly they managed to wrap up everything this episode, I feel like they could have wrapped it up one episode sooner and we could have gotten more happy Nace, but they clearly decided to end the show with them getting together/new beginnings for everyone. Like someone else said, the writers clearly decided this was not going to be a domestic Nace season, but why they couldn't have given us a little more, I don't know.

    Of course the show is about more than just Nace, but S3 & 4 really turned them into the focal point, so it's really hard to keep my feelings about Nace separate from my feelings about the show as a whole. Also, I really don't think Ryan needed a love interest. He had a lot of good dad moments this season, but to have him and Nancy say goodbye that way was pretty lackluster. 

    Not gonna lie, the A.H. reveal probably increased my enjoyment of the episode by 50%. But if he is a Hardy, which one is he?

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  6. This season just doesn't make sense as a whole. If you step back and track the plot points through every episode, it's a jumbled mess. The only thing I can think of that would have made it work better is if they took eps #401 to #403 and tacked them to the end of the season instead, at least regarding the Nace relationship.

    But I remember being so happy with those episodes thinking the writers really subverted expectations by bringing everything out to the open and dealing with the curse head-on instead of dragging it on. Yet here we are. Those episodes made the ones that followed seem so unbelievable and OOC because it's like the writers just decided to pivot for no good reason.

    But had Nancy actually kept her mouth shut, I could kind of understand how Ace could start falling for a ghost had he been moping around for 8 episodes and even see Nancy "moving on" with Tristan. Meanwhile, Nancy is forcing herself to move on because she thinks it's a guaranteed way to keep Ace safe from the death curse, but it kills her to see how miserable Ace is, until she starts getting jealous over him and the ghost. Maybe she would have even decided to have the Sin Eater eat the sin of his/their feelings to help them move on, but then the truth water that Callie unleashed causes them to remember their feelings, Nancy decides to confess about the curse and we would have at least had the Drew Crew working to break the curse for the last 2 or 3 eps. 

    ETA: I don't doubt that the writers loved the show. It just makes the whole trajectory of the season that much more baffling.


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  7. Yeah, Ace's behavior really weirded me out. Ghost is basically a non-entity entity, seeing as she has no memory of anything. All she can do is listen to Ace talk about things. So is that what Ace wants? Someone to be at his beck and call and give him her undivided attention? Actually, that does seem like something he would want.

    I will give the writers their due on George's family. I complained about their absence last week and now here they all were, with even a Victoria mention.

    I kind of don't think it's fair for Carson to get to raise another baby. Why don't they make Ryan the dad and then when baby is 19, they tell them the truth? 

  8. This episode made me really sad because for the first time I don't believe we're going to get any Nancy and Ace are together closure. Best case scenario: 5 minutes before the screen goes black (forever), they say their ILYs and flash forward to a horribly CGI'd Paris.

    And I'm really bummed because I could not have cared less about anything that was happening this episode. No real drama because of course they were going to save Tristan. Ugh, his and Nancy's convos made me feel like I stepped into another show because probably no less than 7 days ago in HSB time, Nancy was still in love with Ace. What season did we fall into? I bet they even spend the rest of the season trying to cure him of being the Sin Eater.

    Do I care that Ace was off by himself with the ghost STILL? No, the only thing that made it okay was that Bess was there. I guess I'm glad that Nick and George's love interests weren't shoehorned into this episode somehow. I don't think they've been successful with the "Let's turn George into an Attorney" subplot so I kind of have to roll my eyes when George tries to teaxh Carson about what's truly right and wrong. I miss her with her family. Yes we've seen Jessie but she has 2 other sisters and a mom. 

    Speaking of missing families, I hate that they never brought back the Marvins after season 1. They aren't even mentioned in passing. If they didn't say Bess' full name so often, we'd never have heard it again. Bess is the only one with a continuing love interest, and Addy has only been in 2 episodes? I don't care how much the writers try to handwave the negatives away with magic at the very end, the majority of this season has been lackluster. It started out strong and then just fizzled. But they did it intentionally for some reason.

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  9. 1 hour ago, quarks said:

    In some fairness to the writers, they said they only got the official confirmation that they were cancelled after they started breaking the finale - that is, presumably while they were filming the last episode and prepping/rehearsing for this one post network-notes. 

    Wait, omigod. I just had to Google check and found out I've completely misremembered when they announced the cancelation. I have been thinking in my head that they announced it with the S4 renewal news. I had no recollection it happened during the S4 filming. Wow.

    Okay, I guess I can give the writers a tiny bit of leeway on not knowing from the beginning that it was the final season. BUT. Why repeat the same Nancy-Ace-"insert name"love triangle dynamic of Season 3? That just seems lazy?

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  10. Sorry, this episode made me very RAGEY. It's just what I was dreading when I first read that Nancy was getting a new love interest. I really don't get why they had to go about it this way, since I bet The CW pretty much gave them carte blanche with it being the last season. 

    Nancy's relationship with Tristan just seems like a big retread of Park. She can't be with Ace due to Amanda/curse, so she's heartbroken. But then there's a good-looking guy (Park/Tristan) she keeps finding herself with and then suddenly she's seemingly forgotten about Ace and is making googly eyes at the new guy. Granted, this time there is no power imbalance in their dynamic and Ace did break up with Nancy, but when you have a life and death curse to deal with, do you really need to shoehorn in a love triangle too? Especially when it's the last season and there's only 13 episodes to wrap everything up in? 

    The writers/producers just really disappointed me with this one. I guess I gave them too much credit because I will really be pissed if they wait to put Ace and Nancy together till the last episode. If there was even the possibility of another season, then fine. But we know there's not. I want more than just a "happily ever after." Yeah I know that's what fanfics are for, but is it really too greedy to want to see your couple be in an actual relationship before the show is over?

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  11. I found a timeline breakdown someone did online and it's incredible. The pilot starts on August 31st when Tiffany is murdered, and after the 1 month time jump in the S3 finale, it's only January 19th. Aside from the incredible breakneck speed, it definitely doesn't look like winter in Maine, although the coast is supposed to be warmer.

    There's been no actual death date given for Kate on the show, only that she died in the winter, so that could have been Jan/Feb 2019, which would lineup with it being a year later in January 2020.

    So seasons 1-3 took place over less than five months. There are SO many things that happened during that time to make that ridiculous, but just in the last episode with Ace telling Nancy they were "just friends" for a really long time ... uhh, no you weren't? But I digress. I really do love this show, I'm sure this is just residual grumpiness over it being the last season.

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  12. Ughhh I *knew* not to have hope. I went into this season with very low expectations on how long it would take to break the curse. But they lulled me into a false sense of security with the first 2 episodes. I just really hope they don't drag this out till the end of the series. I want to see Nace happy, see them bicker, normal couples stuff, not just, "And they lived happily ever after."

    I was not super impressed with the Jessie/Birdie subplot. They should know better than try to convince people the supernatural is real. The people of HSB love sticking their heads in the sand when it's no longer life and death for them. 

    I'm back to having low expectations for the rest of the series. Cue up the love interests, miscommunication, missed connections, etc. I will be sitting under a storm cloud till the curse is over.

    One more thing. The pace of this show frustrates me to no end. There is no reason for time to move so slowly. It's not like the characters are in high school. It's beyond ridiculous that so many things (especially relationships) have happened in less than a year. With all the crazy shenanigans that happen, this is the most unbelievable to me.

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  13. I was happily surprised AGAIN with how they left things on the Nancy/Ace front. I did not have Nancy agreeing to break the curse in ep 2 on my bingo card. I can't tell if they're trying to lull me into a false sense of security, but I'm still cautious.

    I didn't like Bro-Nancy. I think Kennedy nailed it but I don't like bros so why would I want to see Nancy as one?

    I was really confused by the larger mystery. How did the judge and Logan lose their memories in the first place? Will more people be recovering memories or acting violent/aggro as they drink the water?

    • Like 8
  14. This episode made me a lot more hopeful about Nace supposedly having other love interests. I was very (happily) surprised that Ace found out at the end. Was I the only one who thought the producers must have asked Alex to grow his hair out and bring back the earring? If that was blatant pandering, I am here for it.

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  15. I got the sense that it was “Other Tai” that said Lottie couldn’t be the one who died. It just looked to me like there was a shift in her face before she sat up. And I can just see Adult Taissa being all, “What do you mean? I never suggested that we sacrifice each other!”

    I was so sure that Javi was going to be the one to pull the Queen. But I guess I was ultimately right about the group eating Javi.* Although I also thought whatever Coach Ben was doing was going to inadvertently get him killed and then his death would have been what saved Natalie. Damn, if I was Adult Natalie, I would be pissed at everyone there except Lottie since she’s the only one who didn’t try to murder her. Again, Van had those murderous eyes. I can’t tell if that means something or that’s just Liv Hewson’s acting.

    I’m calling the season finale cliffhanger. All six drink and it cuts to black before we find out who got the poison. I wish we’d gotten more of Adult Van this season. Obviously we know the OG 4 and Adult Lottie got tons of screen time, but if Van’s dying (either from cancer or the poison) I would’ve liked to know the adult version more. There is still the last episode, but if they make it heavy on Van, that would indicate all the more that she’s the one to die.

    *This is definitely more twisted than my version. Javi was safe, but Travis wanted him to help Natalie, which he tried, only to end up dying for it. And Nat’s caught between allowing herself to be killed or letting an innocent person die. So tragic, yet so good.

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  16. On 5/16/2023 at 8:06 PM, joanne3482 said:

    I feel like I was taking crazy pills every time Kyle said he was making a macaron ice cream sandwich. I've made macaron ice cream sandwiches.  I love them. That was not a macaron. It had no feet. It spread. 

    It looked like a slightly thicker tuile to me. I definitely thought they would not like the look of it.

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  17. 2 hours ago, CoachMartinez said:


    I think it might have been the whole "her placenta falls to the floor" part of the song that set Shauna in motion

    What??? I did not hear that in the lyrics. Sorry @peachmangosteen sometimes my imagination gets the best of me. Although, this show is pretty fucking dark. Ashley and Bart must have a fun marriage.

    • Applause 1
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  18. Was that Alanis singing the opening again? I missed it in ep 4 since I tend to skip the song to get to the episode but I watched it this time and was so surprised. I had no idea the title song was original for the show and not a 90s song, so I first thought, did they get the original artist to re-record the song now and that's how she sounds 30 years later? Then I read Alanis covered it for episode 4 and now this sounds like it could be her. But enough about the music.

    I just binge-watched all 7 episodes this weekend. So happy it skipped the sophomore slump and so glad this season has been answering the big questions from last season and not stringing us along. 

    What I took from the beating scene is that a lot of the girls looked envious of Shauna. Tai was the only one looking away and Nat looked a cross between horrified and disgusted, but the background girls and even Van looked like they wanted to get in on the action. A part of me thought they were going to just turn and punch the girl standing next to them. What was it about that song that made Shauna punch Misty? Was that the song in her dream? Anyway, it made me realize that practically everyone else has been unable to express their anger and sadness of the situation and that when they watched Shauna beating Lottie, they got the urge to take out their emotions physically as well. Which is what I think will lead to the group's active cannibalism in the future (choosing to kill someone for the purpose of eating them as opposed to eating someone who's already dead).

    Not sure if we will ever learn what fully happened to Javi because this episode made me think that the group is going to kill him. Since last season I wondered what lead Nat to spiral into drugs and alcohol in adulthood because like a lot have said, she seemed to be one of the most together in the past. So ultimately, I think she must get into drugs because Travis does, after seeing that flashback of them getting high together. I feel like Travis would get into it first and Nat would try to help him, but Travis would ultimately be like, "the only thing you can do for me is be here with me as I am, or leave." And Nat would make that choice. But what would cause Travis to spiral? The fact that he ate his brother. I don't think he'd have any part in killing him and would most likely be trying to save him, but the girls will kill him, Travis will be starving to death, and maybe even Nat begs him to do it, because she wants him to live, but ultimately that act is what will break him and lead him into drugs when he gets back home. And maybe the guilt that Natalie feels is another reason why she chooses to spiral with him. 

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  19. So I am not a book reader, but I just had to jump in here because I read that ShowAngie is so nice compared to BookAngie. If that is true, I will never read the books because I absolutely despise ShowAngie. I was actively rooting for her not to make it in the finale, so I don't even want to imagine how much worse BookAngie is.

  20. Oh, this was a very “miss” of an episode for me.

    Will not acting like Will.

    Little Faith.

    Little Will and Faith.

    No Will and Betty.

    LOTS of Angie.

    Will and Angie. Again. Still. Why? 🤮

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  21. This was a very satisfying conclusion to the season. I don't really see it getting renewed, but honestly the best thing to come from this show would be actual reform in Alaskan politics. I have no idea if it even caused a blip on their radar, but I really hope so. 

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  22. 2 hours ago, Evagirl said:

    He has shown her nothing but love and concern.  She has shown him nothing in return.  She lies, she deceives, she hides her feeling etc. 

    Will and Angie are my least favorite relationship on the show, so I really liked that they were apart this whole episode. They are just toxic together and I don't get any chemistry from them.

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