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Posts posted by Shorty186

  1. I think Zeke’s empath powers are overloading. It looked like he felt all the hate radiating from Erica and threw it back at her when he saw she was about to shoot Mick. He uses his powers way too much so it doesn’t surprise me that now we’re seeing the negative side.

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  2. EP 7:

    I really don't understand the rope and anchor, whether it was suicide or murder. The only thing it did was keep the body from drifting. If the water had been deeper or Pat had been tied closer to the anchor, then I could see either using it to hide the body or to make sure if he survived the gunshot, he would still drown. 

    But Pat would have known how shallow the water was and if he wanted to make sure his family found his body, why not shoot himself within the boat? Very, very weird. 

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  3. Whoa I actually think I'm on Genevieve's side. Aaron just blew up. It very well may be residual hurt feelings from the Justin thing, but from what they showed, she's barely gotten two words out before he goes off. It could be the editing and hopefully it is because I've always liked Aaron.

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  4. I personally didn't find anything wrong with Rodney's response to Eliza about the date last night. He's a nice guy and didn't want to be a hypocrite. If Eliza wants a caveman-type, that's just not Rodney. And now she just wants to punish him.

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  5. Does Hayden think it's going to endear himself to women to talk about how much he loves his dog to the point of paying a hundred thousand dollars to extend his life yet you still. Leave him. To do a reality show. Twice.

    And he clearly believes he did nothing wrong to Rachel/Gabby which is why he so readily admits what he said to Kate.

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  6. Re: Tiffany. I do think it's weird if she was wandering around for hours before killing herself unless it really was a split-second decision when she wound up at the train tracks. I do not understand how her arms and legs would have been cut off though unless she was laying on the tracks (with her arms above her head) or she dove in front head first. I don't know if it's factual, but I would think it makes more sense to just step forward.

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  7. Yeah I don't know why all the guys are so anti-Shenae. Aaron was especially harsh considering he's with her bestie. I didn't see her on Clayton's season (because ugh) but she hasn't seemed that bad/crazy. And Kate was full-on goading her, so good for Shenae for walking away.

    And sorry but "Logan is full of integrity?" These boys. Why is the show trying to shove Logan down our throats? I almost have full-on hate now.

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  8. 1 hour ago, Zaffy said:

    So, are this episode's Alaska scenes shot in Alaska? that was quite the scenenery.

    I would guess they're shot somewhere in Canada because I've recognized some Canadian actors, plus I doubt Alaska would give any tax breaks for filming.

  9. I hope people are still watching this show. It's really well-written, it's just much slower paced compared to most shows nowadays.

    Eileen doesn't really bother me. She's still in the mentality of "the ends justify the means." Anything to get the story. She cares about her work, she's good at her work, she just doesn't like people. But I don't see her being an asshole to others for the hell of it (I've seen people relish being horrible just because they were so good at what they do). She's going to grow by the end of the season, even if it ends up being one step forward, two steps back.

    Interested to see Gabriel in the spotlight next week, especially since he was totally absent this episode.

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  10. 4 minutes ago, Jaundiced Eye said:

    Have we seen Tyler shirtless before? I never expected to see him so pumped up.

    I feel like Tyler's head and body don't really go together. He's got such a cute, boyish face and then BAM - Hello muscles and tattoos.

    I feel bad for Andrew. I thought he was such a nice guy on Katie's season and he actually is. 

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  11. 1 hour ago, nlkm9 said:

    I dont remember this can anyone explain?

    Brittany was on Matt's season but was 1 of 5 women who were brought on half-way through (along with Michelle Young). So everyone was throwing daggers at the new women anyway but this one woman, stank faced Anna, said she'd heard of Brittany since they both lived in Chicago (because that's such a small city, right?) and heard that she was an escort. She kept telling more and more of the women, who then iced Brittany out, until Katie Thurston finally told Matt about it. Anna went home at the next rose ceremony, but Brittany didn't last much longer. It was very sad to watch. 


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  12. 1 minute ago, Kiss my mutt said:

    He had no business going on the bachelorette and was fooling around off screen with someone else. 

    Wait, whaaaat? There was a third woman? I really don't find him attractive or that he has a good personality. I feel bad for James ...

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  13. 3 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

    That Shari - the daughter - has a bad attitude. Why go on the race if you aren't willing to risk your boundaries? How can you not expect to break them?

    Seriously. I don't think I've ever seen someone be ready to quit TAR. And she considers that a physical challenge, not to mention it was her first roadblock? 😵

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