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  1. I ended up enjoying the show, with a few caveats. One, I don't enjoy or tolerate violence well, and I would think that they set this up as a successor to BIP for a reason. If the people who watch that show want to see romance or mock stuck-up people, I guess there was the chance for some of that. I didn't think it was necessary to perform a crude finger-ectomy on the Fixer. How do they [the characters, legally, and the writers, figuratively] just get away with that? Two, the Fixer complained to Wig Lady, "They took my fingers!" Nobody would say that! They'd say, "They chopped off my fingers" or "I'm bleeding to death". It is too gross to me for contemplation, but also seemed totally 'off'. I didn't notice them making off with his digits nefariously. Three, the Evil Son and Wig Lady went right along with Adopted/Ghost Son's five-second warning on the mountain crash, "because we'd all be recognized anywhere." I wanted to scream at Wig Lady, "Just take off the wig, for a start! That'll help!" (I mean, seriously, try a disguise before opting for oblivion!) I guess that we got our money's worth (free) for the amount of plot that they crammed in, to save Serena and Ruby's Dad. I was sure it would happen, in both cases, but it was kinda nice (if incredibly arduous and somewhat nonsensical) to see it play out. Thanks for pointing out the presence of Paula's Mom in the final photo. I had a woman on the right who was unaccounted-for.
  2. The lady with the bad wig is the governor's wife. She met Serena when she came with her Dad (DA hubby of Paula) to the Governor's Mansion when he had to watch her (possibly when Paula was in hospital). She and Serena spoke about their common support of environmental causes, I believe, setting First Lady up as a good person; so, huge surprise when she is the mastermind behind the plot to frame Danny and thereby save her son. Her son turns out to be the heretofore unidentified fifth person and friend of the dead singer, all of whom showed new tattoos in the photo. First Lady hopes to save her son by losing the jewelry evidence that points to him as the murderer of Nico's blonde fiancee (chain of evidence notwithstanding). Captain NIco put two-and-two together when he saw Danny's newly-developed photo of the five, as he met the son at the Mansion party [son also had an 8-year-old girl, which made Nico leave and go try to save Serena]. {It was a nice touch that First Lady OK'd his admission to Security, who refused as Nico was "not on the list".} The kidnapper is the 'adopted' son who stole from Gov & stayed; he tells Serena that he learned to save his bad brother from consequences. My head hurts from trying to make sense of this. They are not making it easy on us, for sure. At least the bad wig stuck out like a sore thumb, so it makes her easy to ID. Not so easy to recognize any of the settings as San Francisco, though. There are a few stills of a sunny(!) city to establish place, but otherwise the Toronto locations bear no resemblance to anything Bay Area.
  3. Long time no post, as in, possibly, not since TWOP. http://people.com/tv/former-bachelor-contestant-sharleen-joynt-marries-andy-levine/ I saw this while following links about Arie's ex-gf. BTW, all this talk of "more Corinnes" makes me think of how, if she had brought her "au pair" to paradise, she would at least have been chaperoned constantly, and crisis might have been averted. "Bachelor Au Pair-adise", anyone? The au pair might well have had more personality than some of the contestants, plus she, like Wells, would have to avoid messy cast entanglements, adding to drama. Interaction between au pair and Corinne might also prove insightful, as they have history. I recall Arie's Dad as being the most interesting family member.
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