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I hope Jessa doesn't get pregnant right away. She seems to really be enjoying her sweet little ones, and if she were to add a third one right now, it will be harder and harder to enjoy those little precious moments. If she would take a break, and wait until Henry is closer to 3, that would give she and Ben a chance to really enjoy the babyhood phase of her kids. She is young enough that even spacing 3 years between kids she could still have a large brood if that is what she wants.
I think breastmilk has a high fat content for newborns as well. Fat content in BM does change but not just related to age of the baby. It can change even from one feeding to the next and even during the course of the feeding. When baby first starts to nurse, it is foremilk and lower fat, with longer feedings, the milk gets fattier. If Michelle's milk changed when she was pregnant, it is from the hormones and perhaps a reflection of competing priorities by her body. She would need more energy and calories for the new pregnancy, and needs it for breastfeeding. So if she wasn't getting enough for both, the breast milk quality might change. Breastmilk flavor changes due to hormones. Women who get periods while nursing will often say their babies don't eat as much during that time, as they seem to not like the taste of the milk. I suspect however that Michelle encouraged weaning so she could get pregnant again. One thing I liked about Jessa's posts was when she was disappointed she didn't get to BF Spurgeon for a longer time. That is actually a sweet sentiment. Not all women feel that was as many are happy when the kid self-weans, but that seemed to be a genuine sentiment by her. Jessa is a strongwilled woman. I hope this will serve her well someday. I hope parenting softens her arrogance and opens her to new ideas. And then I hope she uses her capabilities to start to move away from how she was raised. But, alas, as long as these kids have the relatively easy money coming in from the show, there just isn't much motivation for them distance themselves from the toxic beliefs.
Jessa chooses to live some of her life in the public eye. There are consequences to that. Sure, she can take on all those that offer her criticism, but given how 'Christian' she is, I wonder if she has forgotten one of Christ's most important teachings; "Turn the other cheek". She likes to portray a perfect little life and share it with the people. Overwhelmingly she gets positive comments and tons of reinforcement for her lifestyle. I don't have a lot of empathy for her getting upset about comments made about baby bottles. I have seen some really disturbing comments on social media, and I would be completely supportive of Jessa cutting off something truly disturbing or nasty. But she has been blocking people nearly from the outset when people disagree with her or question her. This makes her seem very thin-skinned. She can back her children out of Public Social Media, She can simply ignore her critics, or she can go after them everytime they piss her off. I just wish she would use that energy and attitude for the greater good, not just to spank people on IG. But, I will give her props because as snark goes, it was well done!
Go for it. It is surprising and sad to me, that she doesn't have more people saying that. Those kids don't look healthy I don't get this whole 'mission/ministry' thing with them and the RV. How in world is driving around in an RV and going to churches to preach the word, to people who already believe as you do accomplishing anything? I mean if they drove their RV into troubled neighborhoods and preached, or brought food to the poor, etc. But they are literally preaching to the choir, and also who do they think they are to preach to anyone? Who is so arrogant that they think they have something to say, even though they have no education, no expertise and no skill for the topic at hand. It just drives me crazy how there are people who just wake up one day and think they have what it takes to be a minister etc. It reminds me of what Luke Wilson said about Reese Witherspoon'character in Legally Blonde "Do you think she just woke up one day and decided to go to Harvard Law?"
She absolutely could have said something like that. I just think it is better if she just posts her kids' pics on a private page, rather than her public page. I don't expect her to realize this, since critical thinking is not an attribute of the Duggar Clan, but she is selling her children's lives, just as JB and M sold hers. There were times when it was obvious that the older kids were embarrassed and didn't want to be filmed, and yet the still had to do it. Her parents sold out private moments. I am fairly certain my kids would be very angry if I sold videos of them puking while on an airplane, or dropping poop out of a filled diaper, or being awkwardly asked to court, or video of my parents humping on a mini-golf course. Jessa had to have had moments where she wanted to just fade away, and not be a part of the circus, and yet here she is pushing it onto the next generation. I wish she could use some of her smarts to grow some insight. She doesn't strike me as stupid, but just stubbornly committed to the status quo. She strikes me as someone who becomes more militant about something, when you try to point out logic or contradiction. She is arrogant in her belief that she knows the one true way to the promised land. I see some small cracks, mostly related to minor ways in which she has adopted to contemporary culture. And maybe these little cracks will widen. If Jessa does start to question and begin to reject the tenets of the cult she was raised in, I hope she is fierce in that and I hope she will bring along others in her family.
I know everyone is on here calls him chimpy, but to me he looks like the Disney version of Quasimodo from the Hunchback of Notre Dame. These 2 are horrible. How they are raising those kids makes me ill. Even without the ridiculous and harmful religious rhetoric, but the living conditions are terrible. Their poor kids. It is sad when the best thing we could hope for the girls, anyway, is that someone kindly fundie man will marry them and at least provide them with a stable roof over their heads and 3 squares/day. And I hate that she has apparently taught these children that their empty bellies are righteous and godly. To praise a teenaged very thin girl for fasting is so damaging. In addition the extreme emphasis on their appearance in some sort of homage to the late 1980's styling is so bizarre. The crazy is so palpable in this situation that I doubt any famous fundie will take an interest in the girls. And sadly they are ripe for further exploitation, because the only way these people can continue on in this mess is if they start to offload some of the older kids. I know it is unlikely that CPS would intervene as they are understaffed and already have so many nightmares to investigate. But it is unfortunate.
Jessa has the option to not exploit her children on social media. Yes, I know Jeremy posted this particular picture, but if Jessa and Ben were to decide to protect their children rather than exploit them for hits on IG, I am sure Jeremy would not have posted the picture. Jessa has no qualms at preaching to others what they should be doing. Jessa has said that to show the love of Jesus, means pointing out to people when they are making wrong decisions, behaving and believing wrongly. So, while I have to no patience for the militant mommy brigade, I also don't have much empathy for Jessa. Jessa is reacting to this because she lacks the ability tolerate criticism. She wants to have it both ways. She wants to benefit financially from her Social Media Presence while she receives praise for how cute her little family is, but she doesn't want to acknowledge that putting her self out there will mean that some people might disagree with her. As long as they are praising her, she is fine. But the when they don't her true character shows up. In this case, her belligerence is accelerated because part of her reaction is a 'mama bear' from perceiving her precious child was criticized.
No, I don't believe Jeremy has said he wants a bigger church. I feel like he may have said something about enjoying his work with the impoverished of Laredo. Maybe he really does want to serve the poor? I freely admit to assuming he wants a bigger church because he seems to be ambitious. But who really knows?
I meant Los Angeles. But yes, the cost of living is wayyyyyy different than Laredo. I wasn't thinking of that.
Has Derick addressed LGBTQ stuff directly? What I recall is mostly just mission this, Jesus that, donate here. But I don't pay super close attention to Derick, though his recent grifting colossal fail is entertaining
just wanted to say I just started over here at P.TV. I have been on FJ for years, but tire of the thread drift. Someone recommended this site as an alternative. So far so good. Seems like a good place and I think I recognize some user names from FJ here. Love FJ, don't get me wrong, but fun to find a new place to poke around in as well.
I think it is unfortunate that J&J bought a house in Laredo. I could actually see them moving to LA and being closer to the main church there.