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  1. I hate what the writers made her out to be. I'd probably be more accepting of her character had they actually made a plausible backstory for why she's suddenly an expert in everything. She's a diplomat, polyglot, super soldier, electronics experts, EOD specialist, expert diver, war tactician, print and runway model with no hair out of place and face full of makeup even after an amphibious landing.
  2. Tex! Even as a ghost, he's still the best part of the show. Nice to see Frankie and Cruz and Mason and Garnett and Doc. And Danny's dog. Goodbye Tavo. From a Disneyworld janitor to a failed dictator. The cards never told him that Chandler wasn't going to show up. Wolfman must be the prototype for a super-soldier. Chandler went down with the ship but not really. Oh well. Miller lost his legs but somehow he still ended up as a ghost. I will miss the Nathan James most of all. That was such a ride even with all the stupidity sometimes.
  3. How long has it been until the summer that they finally got the Michener operational? Miller was so in the zone while working out next to a window that he never noticed the Nathan James was gone. How far was the patrol from the shoreline that Azima saw Burk die in Danny's arms? In other news, she finally had more than two lines in a whole episode. Danny lost another friend. You got to feel for the guy at this point. If he and Kara both survive next episode, and I sincerely hope at they do, he hopefully gets another chance with her and Frankie. The guy deserves his happy ending. I don't know but I found it funny that Sasha's questioning the sonar guy if heard it right. Because Sasha is an expert in everything right now. But damn if her hair didn't look good. Even on the eve of D-Day, her hair is so Hollywood. The two deaths were pretty tough. I had my money on Hector being the one to kill Tavo and on Burk being one of the few who would survive until the end. Burk's actually one of my favorite characters after Danny Green so that was rough for me. At this rate, they would probably be killing of everyone by the end of the finale.
  4. That was some stupid security protocol at the command center. Like Granderson-level stupid. You’re whole top level command is inside and you take her inside and indulge her. The one time Slattery decides to play good cop, it ends up in an armed take over. Only Sasha can come out of the rubble of a bombed out house looking like she just walked out of the hair and makeup trailer on set. Danny Green not only got himself some grenades, he also got himself a tank. I didn’t think he’d know how to operate a tank but everyone seems to be an expert at everything in this show. I kind of have a soft spot for Danny. I’ve always felt bad that he’d been relegated from tactical team leader to just one of Sasha’s team members so it was nice to watch Chandler listen to him for a change. Nathan James might run out of missiles by the time they catch up to that battleship if they keep firing everytime Chandler ‘hears’ its presence. Did Tavo meet those guys while he was working at Disney World?
  5. So now I'm thinking that Tavo probably is the father of Kelsie's daughter/niece and they probably met at Disney World. It's something right out of a soap opera but I wouldn't put it past the show's writers at this point.
  6. This show gets stranger every season and with every episode. Kelsie got hit head-on by a car, she gets away with a cut on her hand. For a double-agent, was she never warned by her Colombian contacts who were supposed to be tech savvy enough to initiate a cyber war that cellphones can be tracked? A weapons cache lands in the middle of an apartment courtyard in dead of night, no one heard a thing. That shipment was half the size of that courtyard. Did no one hear Danny Green counting out loud when they were cutting down the straps? Half of that shipment probably contained Sasha’s make up supplies. I’m curious too as to how many lines of dialogue Azima gets every episode. Wolf is a superhuman of few words. Seems like his love interest is a superhuman of ever fewer words. Chandler gets stabbed by a piece of metal from a burning airplane, he can stand and walk as if nothing happened. At least they put enough soot on his face to make him look as if he was trapped in a burning airplain for a few minutes and spent the night next to a bonfire. But he gets a big kiss at the end. I forgot about whatever happened on the ship except that if you knew that that was the only way out of the harbor, why would you go that way too? Martinez is gonna kill Tavo with that dagger. It would be a shame if someone else kills him first.
  7. And it still wasn't from Vulture Team. When the argument/firefight montage with the heavy metal background came on, I thought my music app accidentally opened. It was jarring but it was also so different from what the show has done before. Nice twist to what was otherwise just another generic Vulture Team shoot-em-up fight sequence. I loved the conversation Burk had with the older vets. It was quiet and introspective moment with different people who have gone through pretty much the same hell that a lot of those who haven't would never understand. Same goes with Miller's conversation with the lady because we never saw what was going on land while the virus was spreading. We saw the aftermath with the anarchy and chaos but not as it was happening. I also liked the last scene with Chandler and his boys talking and drinking cherry cola though I thought the song went on for too long. I don't know, it just felt like they had 3 minutes left but had no idea how to end it so they just played a song while the camera goes through each of the guys. But it also seemed like that was calm before the storm moment for them and that all hell is gonna break loose next episode. I want a spin-off with Miller and Rhubarb and his southern belle. Or maybe with Chandler's kids babysitting for Danny Green's son. Kara was so upset that a traitor had babysat her son. Maybe one where Sasha has to deal with Ashley's teenage tantrums. Sasha looked like she would rather be fighting rebels in the jungle again than be in the middle of a Chandler family showdown.
  8. Wolf got shot in the leg (or was he hit by shrapnel?) and was apparently losing blood but they managed to keep him out of sight of Tavo's men without trace of blood in the hospital's floor and bed. What the heck are Vulture Team carrying in their backpacks that they can't fit a couple of grenades in them? Someone finally stood up to Chandler and refused to follow his commands. It only took them 5 seasons. Was Granderson's death was supposed to be emotional because what she did was so foolish that it just lost whatever emotional impact the writers were going for. So she suspects her girlfriend has something to do with the virus that wiped out their systems and enabled the enemy to kill a number of people and she just barges in there without backup at all.
  9. If Danny and his wife get back together and have another son, his name would probably be Pablo. Something is seriously wrong with Danny though. The promo for next week has him fighting with Wolf. Yup, it does seem like there must be something going on with Tavo's wife and his right-hand man. Too many shared looks to not be suspicious. Same goes with Granderson's girlfriend. It's understandable to be concerned about a loved one in times of crisis but her behavior was too much of a red flag. Quality duct tape must be scarce in the South American jungle because the colonel got off the tape binding his wrists with just one bite. This episode made me laugh more than I expected though and not just for the usual unintentionally funny scenes. Chandler and Slattery meeting Miller carrying Chandler's cardboard cut-out in the p-way was funny. So was Chandler's face during and immediately after the helo ride.
  10. I'd really hate to be Danny Green's friend. I'd also hate to be Danny Green. He's lost a lot of friends since season 1 and he's also watched a few of them die in front of him. He's also lost basically lost command of his team to Sasha. His wife also seems to not care about him anymore. There has got to be something more to the scenes with Granderson and her girlfriend. Otherwise, they really are pointless. Kandie is great when she fights and shoots. Then she speaks and it's bad acting all over again. I'm convinced that Sasha travels with a makeup kit. No one lasts that long in the South American jungle and not have a speck of dirt, dust, grime, and sweat. At least now she doesn't look like she's walking down the runway at fashion week with her hair flying all over her face.
  11. Based on the promo for the next episode, it sure will and that's most likely how Chandler will get back on the Nathan James.
  12. Has Sasha's team ever been on a successful mission? Seems like everytime they go on a mission they end up botching it. It's the first time in long time that Sasha's hair didn't bother me. And yes, she so was posing in that picture.
  13. Oops, I meant Carlton Burk. I bet Chandler will be back in command of the Nathan James by episode 2, maybe episode 3 at the latest. Can’t keep the savior of the world away from his ship for too long.
  14. This. The preview showed 3 ships with Kara Green on the Nathan James, Garnett on another, and a male voice answering for the other. There’s a close up shot of Adam Baldwin in the preview where it looks like Slattery is now an Admiral. Also, the actor playing Burk posted a picture on his instagram where it looks like he’s XO and Kara is CO (both of them O-5). Someone higher up must really like Kara Green. She just keeps getting promoted. Danny just gets the funny beard.
  15. So much action, not much else really. Only took them 10 episodes to explain how the red rust spread. I was expecting that if Sasha and Lucia were ever to face-off, it would be a battle royale of the perfect hairstyles. Shooting Lucia in the back was unsatisfying but I guess Sasha had to take her out because Tom's life was on the line. Danny Green finally goes on a mission where he doesn't have to be Sasha's number 2 and then he gets shot within the first 10 minutes. At least Kara Green got a bit more action this time. Best part for me was seeing guys like Gator and Nishioka getting out of the ship. I guess I'm just a little more invested in these characters than the rest of Vulture Team. I'm sure the Wolf and Kandie romance is supposed to be cute and funny but it's just cheesy especially with the flower thing. Burk and Ravit were amusing, this Wolf and Kandie not so much. I'm really hoping that next season will be an improvement over S4. Judging from the preview, the world will never run out of people with vendettas against Chandler. Hopefully S5 delivers.
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