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Everything posted by Harvester

  1. Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights featured an appearance by Johnny Castle (who approved that name?) but was mostly a shitty "reimagining" of the story. Perhaps sequel was the wrong word.
  2. Patrick Swayze in his day was just outrageously hot. I loved Dirty Dancing and I think I always will, dumbass sequel notwithstanding.
  3. Love and hugs Barphe. You do not need to apologize for venting, and I would be losing my shit too. I am feeling angry on your behalf, so I will just shut it now. I am sending you the very best vibes I have to offer.
  4. Earl, I took out a nest of hornets on the top of my garage. Have plenty of spray with good power, and you will be fine. I blasted the shit out of that nest, and there was too much wet spray for them to get me. I ran away and came back later to clean the bodies. The nest was so saturated it fell off the garage.
  5. Awesome vibes for KPC. My aunt, uncle, and cousins are in town visiting me. My cousin, who is 15, told her father the word bossy contains gender bias since it is so often used as a criticism for girls. She would accept being called dictatorial. I love that kid.
  6. Vibes for Endeavor. Many congrats to AnnieF and the mister!
  7. Ew, bats. I hope it stays away. A lot of my previous work helps the new job. My new team is just incredibly talented though. I don't feel like an island anymore.
  8. I have been super busy with the new job, but it has been really fantastic.
  9. If you already have wifi, that is a major win. I always have issues getting services hooked up, so score for you! Glad it went well!
  10. I did not know that. I am picturing Riley putting them in separate rooms and performing experiments on them. AnnieF, moving is a son of a bitch! but I bet this new house brings you lots of happiness. Is the rest of the family excited? I will send you all positive moving vibes.
  11. I might need to check that out. How was everyone's long weekend? It was hot as balls here, but the weekend was lovely and relaxing. cko, I am sending you vibes to help you get through the not-so-fun work week.
  12. You guys are all the absolute best! I just talked to the new boss, and I will start the new job in a week! Your positive support has meant a lot because I have been fucking terrified. I will say the new boss is awesome, and I am so excited to move forward. I am so, so relieved. I want to return the favor and offer love and positive vibes to Cherokeerose and LandB and anyone else who needs them.
  13. Vibes to LandB. I have said it before, but you are a very good son. I doubt I will know anything until next week. My current boss is leaving town for the holiday, and she has not responded to emails in weeks.
  14. Ooh, I hope you get to wear a garish gown! Pics please!
  15. There was no news today. There needs to be a connection made with my current boss before anything goes further. Communication is not really her thing, so I might be in a holding pattern for a bit.
  16. I don't know what is possible. I hope to know something Monday. I did offer to train my replacements. We have not interviewed anyone yet though. I offered to finish current projects even if I am in another role--meaning doing these on my own at night--because I didn't want to let anyone down. It's a clusterfuck. *why does autocorrect like the term clysterfuck?
  17. My potential new boss called me in to talk about it. She was very direct but kind, so I like her even more. Another director came to her to let her know I was burning my bridges and bragging about how happy I am. The thing is, I have been really trying not to burn bridges in case they want to pay me to work on projects later. I have not even had a conversation with this woman in three weeks. One of this lady's underlings is a problem. She is a grandmotherly type who cannot shut up. Every time I see her, she tells me how happy I am now. Yesterday when I was sick with nervousness, she came up to me to tell me how relaxed and happy I seem. I guess if I lose a job for being happy, it is not a job for me. I am not sure what to do. It is just an asinine political situation.
  18. Thank you all for the vibes. The issue is a bitter person is screwing with my new job. I have quit the previous job, and now I am worried about the new job disappearing. I am really scared, but I haven't heard anything yet.
  19. KPC, good health vibes to you! and congratulations on making it through a really trying week. I am dealing with a troubling situation. I will post more tomorrow night, but if anyone has spare positive vibes, please send them my way.
  20. I am so sorry LittleVoice. Love and comforting vibes to you and yours.
  21. KPC, I am hoping your dad is not being awful. Vibes to you just in case!
  22. I have been amused by the Google graphics for the World Cup, but that has been the extent of my interest. My week has been consumed by a bad cold. Yuck. KPC, I am sending you good vibes for the familial visit. I am watching your dad whilst wearing my strongest bitchface.
  23. KPC, I am so very happy for you! I want to see that show. Congrats to AnnieF for good inspection reports.
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