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Posts posted by BennyB

  1. No comments on Rachel's unbe-effin-lievable, awesome comparison of Donald Trump's campaign to George Wallace's campaign in 1968.  It was amazing!  Watch here:  http://www.salon.com/2016/01/06/maddow_demolishes_donald_trump_with_horrifying_side_by_side_comparison_to_segregationist_george_wallace/


    Also, her continuing coverage of the Flint drinking water controversy.  I think that without her covering this story, it would have taken much, much longer for the rest of the media to catch on.  JMO

    No comment on Rachel's story on her most unbe-effin-lievable, awesome comparison of D.T.'s (can't even stand to type his name) campaign to George Wallace's campaign of 1968.  It was amazing.  Watch it here:  




    Also, I think her coverage of the Flint drinking water controversy woke up the rest of the media and helped bring the issue to the forefront. 

    • Love 2

    There was a feature on the Weather Channel about the Donner party and that awful winter. It was excellent, I watched it a couple of times. I don't know how History missed that one.


    Because it isn't about Pawn Stars, American Pickers, Swamp People, or Ancient Aliens? 


    I haven't watched regular History Channel in ages.  Watch H2 sometimes.  But I saw the Donner movie and agree it was well done. 

    • Love 3

    Has anyone here made the Rice and Lentils with Crispy Onions recipe (Mujadara)

    Hi BooksRule!  Although not the ATK version, I've been making this recipe for years, taught by my sweet Armenian mother-in-law.  The recipe looks good, but forget the sugar and for pete's sake....no cilantro!  If you feel the need to decorate...use some parsley.  Switch out the basmati rice and use short-grain rice instead...more authentic.  Traditional and if you have access to a middle-eastern grocery, switch out the rice for coarse bulgur wheat, #3 or #4.  If you're going meatless, make it a complete meal with a salad using a lemony vinaigrette (I like the idea of the yogurt sauce, although would add some crushed garlic).  Just my 2¢  Hope this helps!

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    So glad to have Rachel cover the weird, weird scandal (love, sex, faked gay cover story to deflect attention from the real adulterous hetero affair) in the Michigan Legislature -- I don't think she covered it while it was happening and the Republican legislators in question were actually slated for removal from the (Republican, very Republican) Legislature.  One resigned on the floor an hour before he was ousted, and the other stayed in her seat until the Legislature voted to expel her and she was taken from the floor under guard.  Rachel summarized it very well before noting they are on the ballot for their own vacated seats tomorrow!



    Looks like it didn't work out too well for either of them........



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    That seems like such a setup for the Democratic debate, conducted by MSNBC's female host, and Republicans to say, "See! We told you the media has a bias toward Democrats! They've got the ultra liberal MSNBC host asking all kinds of softball questions!"


    Is this a formal debate?  I thought Rachel said it was more of a 'town hall' meeting.  Could have heard it wrong though (which wouldn't be surprising)

  6. Not sure why Ashley had such a melt-down this time.  In her portfolio, she has some lovely dresses which would have fulfilled her model's objective (maybe some minor adjustments).  Much better than putting a big, old ruffle around the poor girl's mid-section!





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    Merline should STFU about her designs being architectural. She mentions it in every single challenge. I've yet to see anything remotely inspired by architecture in any of her shoddy work.


    I absolutely agree....she seems to think that adding a square chunk o'fabric turns it into 'architectural'.  She needs to study some of the designs of Gianfranco Ferre who was the master of 'architectural'.

  8. "Why are there annoying elderly ladies in car commercials? "

    I can't think of anything more annoying on television right now. That were slightly amusing at first but now they're just obnoxious. And their voices are starting to make my ears bleed.

    On the other hand, go grannies for getting an awesome gig this late in life!!

    I'm obviously conflicted

    • Love 5

    Great Job "Know Your Value" Mika (not) defending Huma Abedin, you never fail to disappoint.


    I don't usually watch M.J. since I'm in California...but was wide awake a few days ago at 3 - 4 a.m. and Mika was blathering on about how brilliant Trump is, how smart & clever Trump is....Trump this...Trump that.  I was just about ready to reach through my t.v. screen and grab her by the throat til her eyes bulged (like the old cartoons).


    Not surprised at her silence at all.....blechhhh


    I don't understand why they make the winners start the run for their 10 items from way back by the judges.  They waste several seconds

    As Guy was doing his 3 2 1 GO countdown....he was already pushing Marcel before he said go.....Marcel already started running at the '3' point. (If that makes any sense)

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