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  1. ReneeK

    S13 E13: Game Day

    Yeah. I had a similar eye infection recently and you really don’t want anyone to see you in that condition. For her to be on camera and in front of thousands cheering really speaks volumes to her professionalism.
  2. ReneeK

    S13 E13: Game Day

  3. ReneeK

    S13 E13: Game Day

    The Rockettes in NYC (former DCC Jacie is a Rockette) have a tryout called the “Summer Immersive.” Probably a similar tryout but with much more girls. I live in NYC and see girls who are trying out walking around town in their Rockettes jackets.
  4. ReneeK

    S13 E13: Game Day

    Eh, I don’t really care about that and I’m black. I like for them to pick the ladies who are doing the best without regard for their color. Yuko is not that great.... I feel like she’s been kept on as the token Asian girl. I hope that they didn’t keep Malena for so long bc she’s black. I really don’t think she was strong at all and she was a bit weird actually. She often looked uncomfortably sweaty and didn’t look entertaining (lacking smiles.) I didn’t notice Gina’s kick but noticed Lacey was avoiding hitting her nose ?
  5. She also looks like she’s just “over it” in general.
  6. I agree. I get the feeling that Dayton is about somewhere between 16-18 maturity-wise. And her frowny, sad faces.... Her face literally smiles upsidown. She’s very cute, but in a sad doll sort of way.
  7. I agree. I’m over Malena. I mean, she’s a cute girl with a unique look but you can tell she doesn’t have confidence and she’s totally in her own head. She does always say the same thing, and it’s starting to sound like BLA BLA BLA to me. Kristin’s under eye bags and seeming low energy bother me. I also agree that Dayton’s cut was handled with professionalism. It’s even harder if Kelli coddles and says “I’m so sorry Honey! You’re going to make it next time and you know we love you so much like a daughter!” Kelli is the director and cut her like a director. I disagree with those who said Kelli was cold and heartless.
  8. Kelli’s classy navy dress is simply stunning. I would love to know who makes her dress.
  9. How does someone gain 11 lbs in one summer unless she’s in her 2nd trimester?
  10. I’ll go back and re-watch it, but what exactly was disrespectful about Kelli’s cut? She said that Dayton isn’t ready. And she’s not.
  11. Oh wow. Well, 21 is still very young. I didn’t really become somewhat mature or personally responsible until I was 25. Dayton is a late bloomer as well.
  12. I’m super late to the party, but after watching this episode for the 3rd time, I am so underwhelmed by Dayton. She is seriously a baby in a 18/19? year old’s body. A total little girl. Not mature enough to be punctual and too many tears and dependence on mommy. She MAY make it in a couple years. Maybe when she’s around 20 or 21. For now, absolutely not. I’m willing to bet she is not a DCC this year. Victoria (Tina Kolina(sp?)) daughter. Very cute and bubbly. I love her personality and bright smile but I also doubt she makes it this year. She looks messy. She also needs a little time to mature and she need to get serious about being an athlete. No more whataburgers and late night milkshakes.
  13. Bwahahahaaa!!!!! Hard to take a contract seriously with typos. I mean, why not just run spell check?
  14. Agreed. I am from Houston and I'm sorry to say, but the Texans cheerleaders suck! They're stripper-ish with bad makeup and overprocessed hair. Sub-par figures... DCC are the best. On another note, is anyone thinking of auditioning, or prepping their own daughter to someday be a DCC? ?
  15. I wonder why they chose Kashara as point over say, Lacey. Lacey, in my opinion, is the most attractive DCC and she's an outstanding dancer. Kashara is very pretty, don't get me wrong, but not stunningly gorgeous. I would be happy to see Kalyssa someday on point. She is dynamite.?
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