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This☝️☝️ I can't wait for the season to play out.
Lol #agree
It could happen because it draws negative attention to the organization. I really hope the show continues for a few more years. I also don't believe that Kelli shoves bad candidates down our throats. Maybe I'm naive, but I believe the organization prides itself on its "appearance" and its standing in the league for being a world class organization. Candidates are picked based on skill level and/or the ability to be groomed for the squad IMO. Now, I don't work for the team, nor do I live in Dallas. Heck, I'm not even a Cowboys fan. I am a former high school cheerleader, 8 year high school cheer coach, and mother of a daughter who danced competitively for 11 years who enjoys watching the selection and development of a group of cheerleaders. Being a coach. I understand the difficulty in selecting the best candidates for the team. As with most TV shows, viewership numbers go up and down. However, IMO, most viewers aren't aware of this forum and the speculation shared. A true fan/viewer, will continue to watch to see the team evolve from start to finish.
So , after a long training camp, the team is finalized. A lot of rumors and speculation continue to swirl as a result. I find the "racist/racial" comments distressing and slanderous to the organization. Without having gone through the training camp process nor viewing this season yet (as it has not completely aired), those comments seem a bit harsh to me. The comments about Tara are speculative in nature and again, I reserve my opinion until after the season airs. My fear is that, the speculation on this board may result in this show being cancelled in the future. I, for one, love watching the hopeful candidates pursue their dreams to be "one of America's sweethearts". I love watching cut training camp candidates return the following year, determined to give it another shot. I'd hate to see the show cancelled because of our rumors. Can't wait to see the season play out. Congratulations to ALL who made the team.
WOW....what a day! Rumors, speculation, and gossip swirling about on here. I have to say, Tara's cut caught me off guard; didn't see that coming. Victoria getting cut (if true) didn't surprise me. Although there has been a lot of "shade" thrown at Kelli, Judy, and Charlotte on here, I do believe they pick girls that they feel are a perfect fit for the organization based on what they've seen in training camp. We all know, as in life, "who you know" may help you get a foot in the door of an organization. After that, it's up to the individual to prove they belong there. Without seeing this year's season, it's hard to know why the girls were cut, but I can't wait to watch it play out. I really appreciate all the "inside" info that is shared on here. Best of luck to those remaining in training camp!
According to Instagram , it appears Christina and Rachel were at ATT stadium today. Hmmmmm....
After watching tonight's episode, I don't think Victoria or her mom were shoved down our throats at all. I actually enjoyed their storyline. As a mom, I am always proud and excited for my children in all they do.....so I can relate. Seems like a strong group of contenders as well as beautiful girls. I know a lot of posters on here feel that CMT has a say in who goes to TC and even which girls to string along for ratings. I however, can not imagine that the Dallas Cowboys organization would go along with this. Kelly, Judy, and Charlotte have reasons for each decision they make. I don't see them wasting their time because CMT wants "a storyline". In terms of who makes the team, I don't think Victoria is a shoo-in, however she has been taking DCC prep classes and dance classes for the past two years. It shows her determination and dedication. Just because her mom said something rude is no reason to paint her in a certain way. We all say things that we probably regret.....I'd hate to think my kids are judged on my words.....yikes! Good luck to all the girls!!
@ShellyB you are my hero. Your daughter is so lucky to have you in her corner. Your strength and professionalism on this board should be commended. It must be incredibly difficult for the TCC to practice day and night and endure the scrutiny here on this board. I wish them all good luck as they pursue their dream of being a DCC.
I know several girls who have danced on cruise ships for several contracts. They had the time of their lives. They did not work 80 hours a week. Their time was spent rehearsing and performing. They had free time to go into ports (not every port every time). Yes, lots of drinking...no more so than in our bars in US. 2 of the girls married men that also worked on the cruise ships. I'm sure there is crime, but no more so than anywhere else. If it was my daughter, I'd support her in her decision.....great opportunity to see the world and work/interact with different cultures. Worried, yeah I'd be worried....but I worry about my kids every day whether they are 10 miles or 2500 miles away. I hope Dayton loves it and it gives @ShellyB an awesome vacation opportunity!
THIS!!!!! Classiest way to say there is a lot of unpleasantness on this board. ???
Seems like Madeline is still a TCC according to her IG story.
Regarding Victoria and Dayton, both are great dancers. Dayton needs pop, personality, and she still looks a bit soft. Victoria needs to control her movements and make each motion pop/stand out in precision. Right now, everything blurs together when she dances. Dayton and Victoria are beautiful girls and if they continue to take prep classes and tighten up their figures, I think they'll make TC and possibly the team. They are not TC ready at this time.
50 something here too!!!
Agreed. Stealing is illegal. Drinking under age in a bar is illegal and falls on the establishment and bartenders to enforce not Jenna. Dating football players, not illegal. Posting pics, snaps, or videos of it would be stupid on their part. After working for 33 years (retired now), I can only say that by telling my superiors about the actions of my colleagues, I would have been ostracized and blackballed. ...just my opinion. As a cheerleader in high school, I saw a younger cheerleader smoking in her uniform. I talked to her and told her to tell her coach what I had seen or I would. She owned up to it and was removed from the squad. I wasn't the most "liked" for awhile after that so I think that's why I feel it's unfair to hold vets/group leaders to this standard. As a cheerleading coach for 10 years, many of girls would tell me things about other girls on the squad and it was usually to benefit themselves. I guess I bring different background experiences to this situation. Bottom line, this was a hard lesson to learn for Holly and Jenna.
Does a group leader also mean "tattling"? I'm sorry, but that expectation should not be required of group leaders. The DCC is a "sisterhood", they shouldn't be ratting out each other. I wouldn't want to be a part of a sisterhood that would expect this of me. Don't get me wrong, dating players is wrong, but expecting the girls to "tell K & J" about infractions is not cool in my eyes. It seems that this year's DCC team must be very petty if they stab each other in the back to make themselves look good. I'm a little disillusioned this year...don't mind me.