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Posts posted by NinaH

  1. 12 minutes ago, brillia79 said:

    Calling her a fucking bitch within the first minute of the reunion show, implying she went to a golddigger academy (let's not play coy here, that's what Pao was trying to communicate), saying she's not that pretty (subjective, not truth)... that's bullying behavior. And in typical bully fashion, Pao can't take the heat when it's turned on her - whether it's coming from strangers on Instagram or her husband - who she married for the only the right reasons even though she spent all season talking about how the marriage wouldn't work out if they didn't move to Miami for her career (career is subjective).

    Im sure Loren would run off the stage crying if anyone, let alone Anfisa, mocked her character. Smiles in your face. Lies about/conceals vital info (I've stated in the other reunion episode thread that I do believe Loren and her parents lied about Tourette's). Acts out of spite and let's friends take the blame. Manipulates herself into the victim position with tears.

    Lucky for her, Anfisa didn't "ask her the questions" us viewers wanted answers to.

    Anfisa is a golddigger. She has made that very clear. It's far from the worst character flaw in the world. I would've thought the hitting Jorge on camera would've been a bigger deal, but no one on the show even acknowledges it. So why does Loren have such a problem with golddigging when she's got fires to put out in her own relationship? Why is she so adamant that Anfisa's golddigging is the reason the K1 process is stigmatized when others could easily point out that dishonesty on the part of American spouses/the idea of Americans having something wrong with them if they can't find love at home is just as much to blame for the K1 stigma, if not more. Why does it bother Pao so much when she's 2 seconds away from the casting couch and her husband has alluded to this numerous times? Wasn't that her agent talking to her about making a good impression on the millionaires at the Miami party?

    What is really going on at home that these two are deflecting big time?

    Spot on to everything you said

    • Love 4
  2. 7 minutes ago, Real Eyes said:

    Loren is Jewish, so the words of Christ on sin probably don't mean much to her.

    I have no issue with how they presented their thoughts.  Yes, it could have been done calmly, but overall, it wasn't a big deal.  

    I also agree 100% with poeticlicensed.

    LOL.  It's in completely different leagues.  Loren's husband forgave her.  

    Anfisa was such a stellar human being that as soon as the cash ran out, she did too.

    I never said any of their behaviors are similar, only that Pao & Loren aren't moral experts to be so self-righteous. 

    • Love 6
  3. 2 minutes ago, Real Eyes said:

    Going to a bachelorette party with strippers is not in the same league as marrying someone for money.

    Nope. But doing things behind your husbands back, and then lying about it, doesn't make her any better than a gold digger who has admitted to being one. 

    • Love 8
  4. 1 minute ago, Real Eyes said:

    It can be called out by anyone.  Please point to one thing which either of them stated that was inaccurate.

    How is Loren a hypocrite?  She actually LOVES her husband.  

    No one here is saying they weren't accurate, it was their yelling and judging tone and mocking.  Neither of them are authorities on behavior as neither of them are without plenty of fault of their own.  That is how Loren is a hypocrite. You know, sinners and glass houses and all that. 

    • Love 6
  5. 16 minutes ago, brillia79 said:

    I feel pretty confident in saying that Paola and Loren were tag teaming Anfisa, who never said anything bad about them. That was bullying. It's hilarious that Pao is now whining about being bullied on Instagram regarding her behavior and blaming it on peer pressure. The only peer egging her on was Loren, so...

    She sure threw Loren under the bus quickly.

    Loren is familiar with throwing others under the bus, ask what's her name regarding the male strippers at the bachelorette party that Loren was forced at gun point to attend. ?

    • Love 7
  6. 10 minutes ago, Real Eyes said:

    Did Loren withhold her condition?  We don't know that.  She stated she didn't know Tourette's is hereditary.   I doubt she could have withheld it, given it is fairly obvious.

    Just because Anfisa is upfront doesn't mean her gold digging can't be called out for what it is.  

    Not by a couple of whiny hypocrites 

    • Love 6
  7. Just now, Real Eyes said:

    Nope.  Anfisa put it all out there when she agreed to appear on the programme.  She's not some random girl off the street.

    I didn't post that no Russian man wanted Anfisa.  I posted that no Russian man there would look at a gold digger that is not beautiful.

    You're exactly right, Anfisa did put it out there for people to have an opinion on and never once lied.  That doesn't maybe make her admirable for her choices or intentions,  but my hat is off to her for being upfront about it. 

    Unlike the spicy Latina (in her head), who has used her goods to manipulate her own husband, never willing to compromise, makes fun of him in her native language while talking to her parents, sat there while her hateful BFF dogged him out and did nothing, argued for a ridiculous move to Miami for a non-existent career, and basically acts like she's too good for him. 

    And also unlike whiny baby Loren, who withheld a medical condition that imo isn't that huge of a deal, but it sure is to her, so she purposely held on to that info until she had him on the hook, then when he was finally told the truth about it being hereditary, had the gall to get upset that he had some concerns; had male strippers against his specific wishes at her bachelorette party, then let her BFF take the fall and allow Alexi to blame her for over a year.  I could go on but I think she's shown her true colors long before the reunion. 

    She may be cold hearted and omg a gold digger, but you know what you're dealing with with Anfisa upfront. The two bullies lie and misrepresent themselves and then you have to listen to their whining when you find out what their game is. 

    #teamanfisa by default 

    • Love 18
  8. 28 minutes ago, Real Eyes said:

    I didn't view it as bullying.  They asked questions, and said things that a lot of viewers are thinking.  Rude?  Yes.  But they weren't wrong.

    Anfisa married Jorge for money.  That is the definition of a golddigger.  She couldn't do the same in Moscow because in Moscow, she is far below average, looks wise.  

    So ragging on someone's looks, making smart ass comments about mail order bride, calling Anfisa a bitch, YELLING at her, telling her to get a f*cking job...none of that is bullying to you?  

    As in most cases, it's not what you say, but how you say it that makes or breaks your argument.  

    I guess Loren is in the same boat as Anfisa. She had to go looking for love in a foreign country because no American man wanted her either.  

    • Love 15
  9. 8 minutes ago, SoshulMeedya said:

    It's her instagram. She thinks she was being bullied because hundreds of people criticized her for making fun of Anfisa and being a jerk at the Tell All.

    She's wrong about one thing, I'd straight up tell her what I think to her face. But I'm not about to hop a plane to Miami and hunt her down, ala Danielle, to do so.  I despise women like her. 

    2 minutes ago, Real Eyes said:

    The lying, I assume, is to create TLC drama.  I don't believe it's real, based on other things Paola has worn with no objections from Russ.  

    I haven't seen anything Paola has worn as anything worse than what you'd see on a beach.  Even in the "topless" photos, she covered her breasts with her hands.

    You may not see anything wrong with it, but her husband does and disregards his feelings. She's too stupid to realize those people doing the video treated her like a piece of meat. 

    • Love 11
  10. 4 hours ago, Sprockets said:

    I totally agree.  Mo was a class act on the show, at least compared to some of the rest of them.  He may appear to be snotty, but he's just reserved.  I was set against him at the start, but I think very highly of him now.  He apparently holds down a real job, and his English has improved dramatically, unlike some of the others ("the family Chantal," oh please).  Danielle completely misrepresented herself to him and no doubt he was shocked by what he found out on many levels.  Also, she is crazy.  

    I would also like to know where this money Danielle is talking about came from.  She has none. I've never been clear how she proved she could support Mo, as she had to do on the visa application.  I suspect there was a cosigner, because nothing else makes sense.  

    I agree that Mo (regardless of motive or personality) acted with way more class.  The way he handles Danielle and shutting down Loren is brilliant IMO.  I wish he'd have told Alexi & Russ to get a handle on their women, that would've been funny.  

    As long as he works, pays taxes, and obeys the law, I have no problem with him being here.  I'd be glad to send Loren to Tunisia for a trade off.  

    10 minutes ago, ava111 said:

    It's not a confidence, he is fueled by rage and revenge. His dark ugly soul shows thru his eyes. He is horrible disgusting human being. 

    Yes and now he has a big old problem with the way Anfisa dresses and does/did for a living?  Hypocritical fat bastard. 

    • Love 14
  11. 4 hours ago, DVDFreaker said:

    I disagree on that and I doubt he will because they already agreed on the terms on finances in court for divorce so it is too late now 

    Danielle is only mentioning this now, probably because someone clued her in on it. So obviously it wasn't that important to her earlier. That wouldn't have been tough to negotiate that into their divorce settlement if she'd thought of it at the time. Too late now. 

    • Love 2
  12. 2 hours ago, Former Nun said:

    WHAAAAAAT?    I'm shocked!!   She's for reals.  Didn't you see her cry?

    That's my favorite, when she starts that bawling. Usually when someone cries, it makes me cry too. But when she does it, I have a good laugh. 

    14 minutes ago, poeticlicensed said:

    And she was harboring the delusion that she could keep and control him by yanking his green card anytime . Kind of like when women hook up with prisoners. Lots of them like the fact that the guy is under control can't leave and is beholden to them . 

     lesson learned Danielle. She doesn't control Mo' s  green card. He now has a green card thanks to Danielle and is free to stay in thu s country. 

    Just like the wives/girlfriends of prisoners, she couldn't imagine that he'd have a mind and will of his own.  She acts like Mahammit is her property. 

    I really hope she's learned a valuable lesson but sadly, I don't think she's capable. 

    • Love 1
  13. 2 hours ago, sleepyjean said:

    Well....let's be fair. She's devoted. She's affectionate. She's generous (albeit with other people's money at times). While she's no model, she's not horrific. She's just ...frumpy and schlumpy. There are many many many people in this country who look like Danielle. And a lot of them are married with kids. A friend of mine (who is a wee bit shallow and has no filter whatsoever) was once lamenting how difficult it is for her to find a quality man. "You ever notice" she once asked me "How ignorant, unattractive people never seem to have trouble finding each other and popping out babies? When you're at the mall, you can't throw a rock without hitting a homely couple and their unfortunate looking offspring." 


    There is a lid for every pot. Danielle's problem is she's a Walmart crockpot shopping for a Williams Sonoma lid.


    Oh yes she does. That's why she was looking for love in another country, looking for a guy who would be beholden to her, a guy who would consider her a catch simply because she's American.

    I agree, there is someone out there for anyone. But I was thinking of the initial attraction to someone, and if the looks aren't there, then usually there is something that is attracts two people. Humor, financial stability/security, ability to carry on a conversation...things Danielle doesn't appear to have. I'm just going on what I've seen on tv and I've seen none of that. Maybe it's all on the cutting room floor?? 

  14. 19 hours ago, SoshulMeedya said:

    I didn't get my RN through a community college, so I'm not sure how much clinical experience they get, but you are right about the stress level. As emotionally fragile as Danielle is, it's hard to imagine her being able to cope in such a high pressure, stressful situation that requires fast thinking at times.The science pre-requisites seem far beyond her intellectual capacity.  Idk, I don't see her pulling it off. Even LPN would be questionable for her.

    I don't see her being able to handle the stress of LPN either, as you know as an RN, it's not as in depth content-wise as RN but close enough in every other way that there's no way she can do it.  CNA is about the best she can hope for, but it's the most physically demanding in the field and she's lazy AF imo so I don't see that happening either.  

    • Love 2
  15. 7 hours ago, Nancypants said:

     Am I also the only one that cannot get past Danielle's unfortunate looks and terrible enunciation? Did she really think she was going to get a piece of 20-something ..anything. Shuffle shuffle, weep, come to my singlewide which smells like Government cheese and chicken fat that is full of my depressed. children in mid - Ohio, because I am a sexy beast?  What do you bring tO the table Dimyell? 

    The shittiest life EVER.

    No, you aren't the only one. I hate to talk down about anybody's looks but she brings nothing to the table, for anyone. You have to have something to offer someone - looks, financial security (if not wealth), intellect, humor...she has none of that that I can tell and reeks of desperation.  

    I don't think Mahammit is sexy, but she clearly does. (He's not that bad looking, if his personality was much better, I could see him being considered a "catch" for someone.). Even I know what type of man is in my league and I don't attempt to attract men that are out of it.  Dinyell doesn't have that level of self-awareness. 

    • Love 3
  16. Although they differ, Every college in my state has requirements and prerequisites for RN & LPN nursing programs.  They include ACT scores, GPA, and classes like anatomy & physiology, college algebra, microbiology, and a few others.  You can't just go enroll and automatically start school for nursing just because you want to or have the money.  It would be nice but then again, it keeps out lazy slobs who just want a fat paycheck (which is a myth).  Danielle may be taking just basics right now. I normally say that if *I* can pass nursing school, anybody has a shot. But idk, Danielle just doesn't seem to have the discipline and organization and the guts for it.  (Not talking about guts as in dealing with blood and yucky stuff, guts as in sticking to something that's incredibly hard & stressful). 

    • Love 4
  17. 13 hours ago, Pretty5Vacant said:

    Pao storming off the stage mumbling something about Russ not defending her. Doesn't she remember her bestie Juan belittling Russ and her smiling and NOT defending him? What a bitch

    Serves her right. She wants to be miss feminist who doesn't need her husbands approval or doesn't have to consider his feelings for anything, including her little bitch friend dogging him out?  So she can be woman enough to not need him to defend her as if she's the little wifey who can't speak for herself.  Can't stand her.

    • Love 7
  18. 12 minutes ago, Ivanova said:

    The irony is that Loren doesn't have a job either. Being a Tourettes ambassador and going to conferences every once in a while to tell people how hard her life has been is not a job. So why does she think someone else needs to find a job and she doesn't have to? Just because she is married and another person is not?


    And why doesn't princess Loren get a home of her own?  Doesn't she live in her parents condo?  Or somebody's condo besides one she pays for?  The reason I think she lives there for free is the hodge podge decor and furnishings. Doesn't look like a place Loren would live in, unless she's just shacking up there and knows to leave things alone.  

    If she can live off other people, so can Anfisa. NOT the taxpayers of this country, but some willing dude.  Also Anfisa said she had some money in savings, maybe she lives more frugally than she would have people to believe. 

    • Love 7
  19. Anfisa wants nice, name brand things (not a crime) but I think underneath that cold, hard exterior is potentially a sweet girl who just needs to be with the right man.  I have a feeling she wants a real relationship to go along with her designer bags and shoes.  Maybe the way to her heart is through expensive purhases, but there is a way there for sure. 

    I believe her when she said she could've been with Jorge for a long time, have kids, all that. But he lied to her continually, not just about how much money he had in the beginning.  She had no right to put her hands on him, but I'd have been just as frustrated and upset.  If you lie all the time, you can't build anything from there so she just focused on what she could get out of him. 

    • Love 9
  20. Lol @ the clueless host asking Chantal about tretts since she's in nursing school, as if that makes her qualified. That topic may be gone over once and that's about it. And I've been a nurse for years and only know what it's about in general terms.  Unless you work in a specialty that deals with it, that's probably how it is with most nurses or anyone in healthcare.  And that goes for every other diseases/syndrome/sickness.  

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