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Everything posted by Straycat80

  1. Late to the party here but I just binged all three seasons (not in one day). I think it’s a cute show to just relax and enjoy. Love all the scenes of Paris and France. I like the wacky fashion, even though it’s unrealistic how they afford such clothing on a meager salary. Does Mindy have a trust fund, I don’t think IRL she’d be able to afford those clothes busking as a street performer. I’m shipping Emily and Gabrielle but now it’s complicated with Camille being pregnant. And what about the female lover? I guess all that will be addressed whenever season 4 comes out which I read might be at the end of this year.
  2. Yes, if the actress isn’t coming back why leave Cyril in limbo. Kill her off or something. I’d like to see Cyril with maybe one of the new midwife’s.
  3. Good episode. Still not getting the names right of the new midwife’s. Some of the accents are hard to understand sometimes. I wonder if we’ll see a return of Sahira, maybe she gets pregnant anyway and there will be a story there.
  4. Not surprised. I don’t think cast or fans really liked her. Ever.
  5. I can’t watch tonight so following along on this live chat. I didn’t bother DVR’ing either. It’s not worth watching until Bhanu is voted out.
  6. Crap! Here comes Jeff to interrupt the cry fest.
  7. Could they not vote anyone out tonight because Randen is going home? Will we have to suffer one more week of Bhanu?
  8. I hope Bhanu is out. And once they merge Kenzie won’t stand a chance. Randen is out?
  9. Wasn’t there a season where there was only one person, a woman, left on a team?
  10. So this part is all about Kyle and Mauricio with comments from Erika, Kathy and Dorito. I’m out. It was nice snarking with you all this season!
  11. Yes, I posted too fast. Not fake. Her hands were shaking and looked discolored. I forgot she has neuropathy.
  12. That was crazy. Everyone worried about Sutton. The two narcissists, Erika and Kathy, are talking about the holidays and whether the Christmas tree was still up.
  13. How does it feel to be back Kathy? She was never on the show this season and just said she didn’t even watch it. This reunion shouldn’t have been three parts just to have her on. Dumb. WTF Sutton. That seemed fake…whatever that was. Mini seizure?
  14. I don’t know if this belongs here but, I’m in the US. I just found season ONE from 2010 on my Roku channel. It’s so fun to see 14 years younger Paul, Mary, Sue and Mel. They gave little history stories on what they were baking , no goofy comedy skits, just baking. Fun to watch.
  15. I hope next season Lisa is finally divorced so we don’t have to hear about Lenny and her never ending problems with him. It sounded like Maysol was mad at Alexia for calling her forgetful, well, she’s right. I’m sure they’re still friends, Marysol is Alexia’s lap dog.
  16. I’m not liking this new Survivor and not a fan of these longer episodes. To me it’s just more time for commercials and then watching the Survivors crying, whining and complaining. And too much talking, it’s like watching a therapy session. Just play the game already. I think I might switch to Survivor Australia.
  17. Bye Jess, if I were her I’d be happy to leave this loser tribe.
  18. Q explaining how NOT to word vomit to Bhanu.
  19. I’d like to see Kenzie go but I don’t think it’s going to happen. Q and Tiff are running this tribe.
  20. I don’t like anyone on the purple team except Jess, I hope they keep losing challenges so I see as few of them as possible when they merge.
  21. I can’t remember the exact comment but something about the women were not fit to wash the dishes in his house.
  22. So Andy is talking about part two of the Hulu documentary and Erika is admitting she only met with some of the victims, not because she wanted to, but because her lawyers told her to. What a horrible person she is! And it was her lack empathy everyone was upset about not what she wasn’t saying about the allegations at the time.
  23. Comeback? Oh, and I’m not watching this Erika special after this reunion either.
  24. Why did they think PK put Dorito on a budget when he’s wearing a Prada sweater? I loved the montage of Andy trying not to yawn whenever Dorito is talking.
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