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Posts posted by kathyk2

  1. I just binged season 2 and I can't wait for season 3. I thought everything related to King Harrow's death was heartbreaking. I'm not sure I want Callum to become an all powerful mage I like that he is a bit of a dork. I would like to see his artistic talent be used to solve a problem. I love Rayla and hope she continues to be a badass. I don't trust Viren and I think he had something to do with Sarai's death. I didn't have a problem with Claudia using dark magic to cure Soren Viren would never accept a disabled son.

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  2. I just binged season one and I loved it. Rayla is a badass. I think Viron is pure evil. He's willing to kill innocent people to stay in power and he's willing to manipulate his children to get what he wants. I wish they hadn't gone to the dead mom trope. At least King Harrow was a loving stepfather. I don't understand why the boys didn't tell their aunt about the dragon egg. I'm sure she would have protected them. I'll binge season two tomorrow.                                                                                                                                                                        

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  3. I liked the subplot better than the main story. Cassie's vulnerability feels so natural to me. I could have done without the rejected woman turned serial killer that's been done to death. The show is doing a good job with Brian's dementia it reminds me of my grandmother.

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  4. On 7/11/2019 at 10:44 AM, Sigmagirl said:

    “Silencer.” Goren is trying to persuade Lyons to translate a conversation between two deaf suspects/witnesses at the ice rink. He is hesitant because it’s a private conversation and Goren reasons that in a public place they have “no reasonable expectation of privacy.”

    Goren appeals to Eames for help and she says “Don’t put me in the middle.” 

    That’s her JOB. She is Goren’s senior partner. She needs to make a call here; instead, she acts as if it’s a personal spat about who’s going to sit in the front seat on the way home.

    Goren was out of line Deaf people have the same right to privacy as everybody else. You wouldn't eavesdrop on someone speaking a foreign language in public. I always wanted him to have to explain his interrogation technique in court. I'll bet a good defense attorney would get some confessions thrown out.

  5. Is anyone else having trouble with the MLB Network? I haven't been able to watch it since Friday. I have Spectrum Cable.

  6. 8 hours ago, 2727 said:

    I lost interest in Fringe right when many people thought it got good, with all the parallel universes and time travel. Bah.

    A two-fer UO and perhaps too soon: I never liked Anthony Bourdain's smug travel shows. There's a way to be the host but not make it all about you.

    Me too. I also hated Walter Bishop and thought he didn't deserve sympathy. He kidnapped Peter and experimented on Olivia they deserved sympathy not him. I also think John Noble over acts.

    • Love 4
  7. On 6/18/2019 at 2:56 PM, Snow Apple said:

    I also don't need more Harry Potter, but If there's a prequel, I want it to be about Lily and Petunia. I agree we already know too much about the marauders. 

    I would love a prequel based on James and Lily. I want to know how Lily went from hating James to marrying him and having his child. It would be nice to see what Neville's parents were like before they were tortured.

    • Love 6
  8. I've been watching the MLB network and it drives me nuts when the broadcast team doesn't identify themselves. I know some of the announcers since they used to work at ESPN. This would help viewers who use closed captioning. On a lighter note there has been a partnership between MLB and Sesame Street and it's awesome. Big Bird taught the Red Sox and Yankees about respect and yesterday Cookie Monster sang Take me Out to the Ballgame at Wrigley Field.

    • Love 5
  9. 17 hours ago, SnarkySheep said:

    I figured Cassie couldn't pick up anything from Damien's girlfriend simply because it would be too neat and easy. It seems they want to stretch that subplot out a bit.

    Re: Creepy Killer - A former neighbor of mine actually bears a striking resemblance to the guy (we actually used to make jokes about his hiding bodies in his basement and things like that). So it's freaking me out way more than others probably are.

    I think the ghosts have to come to Cassie she can't force her gift. I like Cassie it's refreshing to see a character with powers that isn't filled with angst. NBC needs to change this show's time slot it's been postponed due to the Stanley Cup and next week it will be postponed due to the Democratic debate.

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  10. On ‎6‎/‎18‎/‎2019 at 4:43 PM, cambridgeguy said:

    That was because he chose to join a team that was already at its peak with its own homegrown superstar instead of dragging one there himself - if he had taken a paycut to ensure OKC could add stars around him he'd have been the toast of the NBA.  And never depends on what happens next.  Remember when Lebron would never be forgiven for going to Miami?  While I'm sure there are some who hate him for it the vast majority of NBA fans, even in Cleveland, are fine with him now.

    Or Kevin Durant decided to leave before he was traded like James Hardin was. I'm sure he thought he would win a title with the Thunder as well. I'll never understand why fans get upset when players leave but owners can do whatever they want.

    • Love 5
  11. 1 hour ago, Bastet said:

    I just had this on as background noise while I cleaned, but it seemed like there weren't too many TS.  (Of course, if the average clue was as wait, is this a trick question? easy as FJ, that's faint praise.)  I was rooting for Stephanie, but Teagan was my second choice, so good for her.  

    Like most posters, I included the state along with the city in my FJ answer (maybe because Salem, NH is the only New England Salem I've been to).  But with the category spotting New England, the clue only asking for the city, and it being FJ, I can't object to none of them getting that specific.  In a non-FJ clue, I'd have expected a BMS prompt, though.

    I don't love the Teen Tournament, but I don't avoid it like the plague as I do Kids Week, and - in theory if not necessarily in execution - I like the fact there are two this year because they had that many great contestants among those who tried out.  With everything going on in the world, a larger-than-average pool of teens with the interest and ability to compete on J! makes me smile.

    They should have had the kids be more specific because Final Jeopardy referred to Salem Mass not Salem New Hampshire. I think they had the second Teen Tournament in order to get more contestants in the Tournament of Champions thanks to James.

    • Love 1
  12. 8 hours ago, balmz said:

    reposting this from my reddit

    it's a real shame that speechless got canceled but to be honest, i'm not surprised at all, season 3 and the later part of season 2 had way too much focus on dating and romance which made the quality of the show go downhill

    Like for instance

    basically every plot about ray with one exception (him and jimmy not bonding over repairs) in those seasons was about him trying to find a girl or date or something annoying and boring  with romance

    next we had jj trying to find someone to date and that taking up important screentime

    like i know they are teenagers but there's was way too much focus on dating/romance

    like it's ok to be single, i myself am single and am fine with it, have been for years, i prefer frankly to be alone

    I would have liked to have seen more family plots or non romance plots, like ray liked astronomy or science things, it would have be cool to explore that more

    jj didn't really have much interests and that could have been interesting to cover, him trying out new things for hobbies

    dylan at least had sports as a hobby and notably she only ever dated one person briefly and didn't focus on it

    anyway just want to share my thoughts on the overuse of dating and how it killed the show imo

    I thought the Izzy and JJ plot was one of the best  of the season.  Disabled people are often portrayed as not being interested in dating. I agree they wasted too much time on Taylor and Ray.

    • Love 6
  13. My top 5 including retired athletes:

    1. Larry Bird

    2. Tom Brady

    3. Jeff Gordon

    4. Michelle Kwan

    5. Tiger Woods

    The first two athletes are because I'm from Massachusetts. I became a Nascar fan because of Jeff. Michelle was beautiful to watch. Tiger makes golf interesting.

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  14. 12 hours ago, mojoween said:

    The video of Papi getting shot is terrible.  The gunman was apparently found by civilians before the police...and the gunman needs medical care before he can be questioned.  

    Sounds like Papi is going to have a long road to full recovery but he is out of danger.

    David Ortiz is now at Mass General Hospital in stable condition. Pedro Martinez was emotional talking about what happened. He suffered some damage to his internal organs including his colon.

    • Love 3
  15. I knew chug a lug and Gordon Lightfoot and Beyond the Sea. I don't blame Emma for being annoyed with Alex. James was awesome but she's the champion now and deserved his respect. I've always been annoyed that he acts shocked when a woman knows a sports question.

    • Love 7
  16. I don't think James threw the game at all. I think finding Double Jeopardy on the first clue of the game really hurt his chances since he couldn't build up a big score ahead of time. I've noticed that other contestants were choosing high dollar clues as well as James. I'll be curious to see what Emma's strategy is during the next game.

    • Love 12
  17. On ‎6‎/‎2‎/‎2019 at 10:45 AM, Mabinogia said:

    Those were two very well written shows with amazing casts. And you are right, they handled dark and light equally well. I prefer when my dramas have some humor to them, like all the shows you fine folks have been listing from the Golden Era of USA Network. 

    I tried Mr Robot but it was so pretentiously bleak I couldn't stand it. Sadly TV has taken the turn towards "prestige" shows and everyone wants to write the next big thing. They are all hungry for awards. I have pretty much given up tele for the time being. I used to watch it all the time and now I more often than not skim through, see that there is nothing worth wasting my time watching and turn it off. I do watch reruns of early Monk and Psych. Black and Tan was on the other day and though I've seen it about a dozen times now, it still put a smile on my face when I saw it was on. 

    Soon this trend of "prestige" will blow over, hopefully the epic fail of the Game of Thrones series finale will put at least one more nail in the coffin, and maybe the next trend will be back towards more light-hearted fantasy stuff. I don't mean fantasy as in dragons and princesses, but something like Leverage, which wasn't remotely realistic but was fun fantasy fulfillment. 

    I miss the lighter shows on the Syfy network like Warehouse 13 and Sanctuary too. They were fun to watch and when they did have a serious episode it really stood out.

    • Love 8
  18. On ‎5‎/‎15‎/‎2019 at 11:54 PM, Starfish35 said:

    I don’t know, guys.  I loved this show, but I let two episodes go by before finally deciding I needed to catch up tonight.  I’m just not loving this.   It’s not that there aren’t good moments in each episode, but I feel like the show has gone too far down the “comedy” track, and we’ve lost the core of what made me love the show.  It seems like they decided since they did Beebo and everyone loved that, that they could get away with anything.  But I think this season has shown that’s not true.  I feel like they’re more writing toward the crazy moments now than writing for the characters.  And that doesn’t work for me.

    Or maybe I’m just depressed tonight.  I don’t know. 😢

    I think the show has gone downhill since Firestorm left. Sara is a great captain but they need a adult in the room. Jax was a more believable little bother character than Ray Palmer.

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