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  1. I love you guys! You keep me sane. I've been a little blue lately due to some falling out with a person I thought I cared about but reading the snark about Meri is making me giggle. I'm also watching Teen Mom and being annoyed with Farrah. I'd love for her to become a Sister Wife. Hahaha, imagine Robyn's head...exploding.
  2. Show spin off idea. Just hear me out. Robyn and Farrah (Teen Mom) get together as roommates and raise all their kids together. Kody comes/goes as pleases, hair disheveled. Janelle lives in the back yard in a tent, alone. Meri decorates new home in Lularoe tapestries. The end.
  3. Does anyone know if it's illegal to use pictures of someone else's children's picture and pretend on social media they are your kids? I know someone may not know, just wondering
  4. Pearl Jam is awesome
  5. Whoever is doing these comics I am dying https://youtu.be/owhBySLaeGM
  6. Her trolls on twitter are just horrible, one had a harassment restraining order charged against her (dropped) but still continues harassing people on twitter and taking it into real life stalking. The catfish had her Lindsay twitter suspended for tweeting info (address) about the woman who pressed charges on her. The entire thing is crazy. If meri were truly wanting to help victims she would take her legal team and shut Jacksam down, she just wanted the story line/ratings. Sad state of mustard yellow Or a catfish's?
  7. I bought myself some soft $8 leggings with St. PATTY'S day designs and colors to wear on weekends when I'm at home. Don't judge me. Me too. I wish I could travel as much as the reality television unemployed
  8. I ventured to see what the catfish was up to on twitter because I cannot bring myself to read her blog and low and behold her other personality is back @itsnotmyfault7 I am laughing and it hurts. Also the new catfish wife swiped a pic of some famous blogger to be the face behind Abby cooper. How is this person still pretending to be a guy? Also how come it cannot be stopped by someone? You made me ink!
  9. Okay so she at least looks happy. I always thought Christine was the pretty one but at least Meri is trying out some styles I guess.
  10. I don't know why this post says spoiler on it but the Kodster makes me uncomfortable even after all these years.
  11. I am happy to admit I haven't watched this season, I just cannot bring myself to do it. These women depress me and Kody makes me dry heave hairballs. I may need to see a doctor about that.
  12. Where do I find that forum?
  13. Life & Style reports show ending after this season?
  14. Some of it has gone on for almost 3 years now but there's a silver lining soon, let's say there will be a public book about exactly this subject and possibly the Meri trolls so good will prevail over evil
  15. If you are not on twitter I wouldn't suggest joining. Meri blocked me for warning twitter users about her batboy and tagging sister wives in the hashtag. Plus her twitter trolls are vicious & stalk people who disagree w/their crusade, see below.
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