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Posts posted by sidekickgirl

  1. Joe may be laughing now, but I think his behavior on the show will affect his life after Paradise.  The lack of common decency will not be overlooked by everyone he comes across in his travels.  The fame from being on this show will fade faster than he may think, and he'll be left with the fact that he presented himself as a complete piece of human waste. 


    He didn't owe JuELia love, friendship or a rose.  A "Hey, I feel something (TWSS) for Samantha and I'm going to invest some time and see where it goes. Peace out" would have sufficed.  The silence, assholery and flaunting was unnecessary. 


    JuELia, buck up and gain some perspective.  Did you really want Joe? 

    Didn't think so.

    • Love 10
  2. To expand on what Joshua said "I wish diarrhea on everyone there" because the show is so craptastic, why not make it literal.

    I like Tenley and I just want her to find happiness so she can leave TV land. But she makes horrible choices.

    Jonathan is not cut out for this. Juelia is an idiot. Joe is a special kind of asshole. I feel like an ass for being so wrapped up in this show.

    Jared fell so many spots on the good list today. He took the easy road.... Grody. Ashley is ick.

    Clare put her crazy panties on. Team Jade!

    • Love 6
  3. Was Michelle Money busy? She should have been cohost.

    Poor Mikey -- harsh time for him, only a few weeks after the bullying episode of the Men Tell all. They should take their own advice.

    Kardashley adjusted her top waaaaay too much.

    I'll watch next week, but it better get good.

    • Love 6
  4. Old ladies? Tenley is only 31. Kardashley, I wish you and your sister premature grey hair, crows feet and saggy boobs. Oh, and red lips scream "beach vacation!" /rolls eyes

    Everyone else seems okay. Apart from Jillian. I don't care for her. Losing her this week makes me feel nothing. I'll forget she was there by the time the aftershow is over.

    Team wildlife.

    • Love 5
  5. Jen Scheffts season had a bad final two (although Jerry was a dish to look at).

    Emily's final two mirrored who my final two would have been, so I guess that would be the best season for me.  I also thought that she was an okay bachelorette and my opinion of her didn't change from the first time I laid eyes on her until today..... she was a pretty pretty princess, and that's not a bad thing.

    • Love 3
  6. I am too. After all, she was [sarcastic air-quotes] "chosen by the guys" because of the furious backlash by the #TeamKaitlyn portion of the Internetosphere. I doubt they're just as vocal about #BuyersRemorse.

    I wouldn't necessarily call myself part of Bachelor Nation, because I watch with my tongue firmly planted in cheek, but I was Team Kaitlyn, and I surely have a big case of buyers remorse!

    • Love 4
  7. I was a huge supporter of Kaitlyn being Bachelorette before this season started.  And the way everything is unfolding, no one should ever let me get my way again.  I've been underwhelmed with the plotlines, confused with the episode layouts and uninterested in most of the bachelors.  I don't find Kaitlyn to be as interesting or fun as she was portrayed on Farmer Chris' season.  Boo to that.


    Jared was a sweet little dude. I feel like him being sent home was a win.  And his behavior solidified that.  He'll find a good match. 

    Joe was hilarious.  His blank face when he realized he wasn't going to be continuing on was priceless. This is how I wish more of the cast-offs would react when they are let go.  He dodged a bullet.


    Ben H. for Bachelor!

    • Love 10
  8. I think Deanna will buy into FPP when she finds out her son became walker chow. She's already got a bit of buyers remorse on CDB, so it won't be a huge leap.

    I'm still not seeing (or caring) about Jessie and Pete and Rick. I haven't really seen enough of anything to make me feel feelings about their relationships with each other.

    • Love 1
  9. Here's my new thinking: Daryl dies in the last episode this season. He dies saving Aaron ( and possibly Eric). And it won't be Walkers. It'll be the Wolves.

    Speaking of the Wolves, you'd think that Aaron would be aware of that group out there. This is his turf, and he has shown that he's outside quite a bit.

    I'm worried about that, and think you may be onto something.  I was listening to a podcast yesterday and in their spoiler section they said that Norman Reedus said that the finale would have you emotionally torn apart and yelling at the tv (I'm paraphrasing).  Darryl dying would elicit that type of response from many viewers.


    I can't quite put my finger on it, but there has been a lot of media focus on NR/Darryl and his future, plus his characterization being fleshed out a bit more on the show. It's hard to explain this feeling I've got in my gut. It just seems like something is coming for him... and I'm scared! 

    • Love 2
  10. I'm happy for Chris and Whitney.  I think they'll last longer than a lot of the F1 couples, but I'm not sold on wedding bells.  I think it will flame out at some point.  She seems like she may tire of his inarticulated garble after a while. 


    It was wonderful for me to see Becca be so composed and emotionally void.  How strange for this show.  However, this also poses a question in my mind:  Why did she not bow out at some point, because she really didn't seem to be feeling it.


    I will not "watch anyway" if Britt becomes the season-long bachelorette.  I've sat out before (Des, Sean, Ben, Byron), and I'm prepared to sit out again.  Not that one measly viewer means anything in the grand scheme of things.  I don't hate Britt, but I'm not interested in seeing her cry her way though 25 guys, my little pony hair or not. 

    • Love 1
  11. It's a bit hard to avoid that part of the discussion since the show itself make Jessie and Rick a focal point of the episode.  So I can't really blame the shippers. Can one really "ship" a kid not being scarred by Carol, the cookie monster?   

    YMMV, I didn't see it as a focal point.  It was there, but I found a lot of the other content just as important and highlighted.    Perhaps a rewording on Sam vs. Carol., I ship Carol and the outside of the  ASZ walls.

    • Love 2
  12. I'm pretty good at sifting through all the shipper posts for most shows I watch, but it seems to me that this is the only thing anyone took away from the episode.  And NGL, it's grating. 


    I'm still stuck on Carol and that lovely bedtime story she told poor Sam.  Hope that comes back to bite her down the road.  I ship kids not being scarred by "Junior League" cookie makers.  She should have gotten a lookout to spot her as she went in to lift the guns. 

    • Love 3
  13. My childhood friend has been in several tv shows and her IMDB is barren compared to Kelseys. That is self-indulgent and crazy.  Like, beyond Bachelor in Paradise crazy.  I just want her to not be on TV anymore, ever.

    • Love 1
  14. The Love Guru date made me probably the most uncomfortable I've ever been watching this show.... and I've seen almost every season (sorry, Ali & Jillian).  That was poorly executed and in poor taste.


    I'm also finding Britt less attractive as the weeks go on, but that's usually what happens when we see someone show their true colours.  Kelsey is ridiculous, and Ashley I. is delusional.  I love it. Let's keep the crazy coming, we still have weeks to go!


    I'd love to see someone like Kaitlyn be the next bachelorette.  You can't say she isn't lively - I think it would be fun. 

    • Love 1
  15. 14 year old me gives this a thumbs up, just based on the fact that Joe McIntyre is in it.  Of course, my NKOTB love is still in full throttle 25 years later, so 39 year old me will be watching.  *please let it be good. please let it be good. please let it be good*  I'm going to get docked fan club points, because I haven't watched the first two episodes yet.... I'm sorry Joey, love me!


    Also, I loved John Ritter, so I'm excited to see his son as well.

    • Love 2
  16. I'm sure I had the same look on my face as Maggie/Glenn/Tyreese, because the brutality was gross.  However, I'm totally cool with not only those Termites being killed, but with the manner in which they were killed.  They slaughtered and ate healthy human beings - that is just not okay. And were unapologetic about it - Gareth was a smarmy bastard and I was happy to see him on the receiving end of Rick's red handled machete.


    I was never a fan of Bob (I'm not sure if it was the character or the actors portrayal) so his exit was sad, but not bothersome.  I do want Beth back, I'm not sure why, but I'd like to at least have an end cap on her story line.  Hope we get that next week.  I also hope she asks where her sister is - because apparently Maggie has forgotten she has one.


    Who is in the woods? I have no idea, and I betcha we have to wait the extra week to find out. 


    In this age of Netflix and binge watching, cliffhangers are the devils work.

    • Love 2
  17. We know (the viewers and rick/gang) that the virus in in everyone because we went to the CDC back at the beginning and received that information from the guy whose name I can't remember.  Mullet and the Gang probably aren't privvy to that information, or the Termites for that matter.  So eating a possibly bitten Bob won't really matter to the cannibals, they might not know that.  Bob telling them he's infected could cause major chaos!  JMO


    I do not enjoy Father Gabriel, and I do not trust him.  He has to be in cahoots with the Termites at some level, as others have stated up thread, because of the proximity to the compound and the fact that the black car people knew the church was there. 


    Great season so far, is it Sunday yet?

  18. This definitely isn't shaping up to be my favourite season, but I'm enjoying it.  I'm also developing an aversion to clowns.  And being thankful for my company dental care plan (Poor Twisty!)


    I didn't really care that they killed Meep, partly because he bit the heads off of live things, but also because I didn't have time to really bond with him as a character. 


    I am rooting for the girl and little boy to live out this season and be saved (or exact revenge).  If something happens to that boy I'm out.  That's my hard limit.


    Lastly, Dandy is a fucking lunatic.

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