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the killer

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  1. Jason is watching MMA and drinking beer.
  2. That's the beauty of ventriloquism. You just need a dummy.
  3. Bethenny is a superb sales person. You can't take it away from her. She has sold disgusting swill for a lot of money just based on her bullshit. Selling is about lying. Or maybe not lying but just telling enough to make the sale. Talk up the good points and omit the bad. Talk about how it is low in calories and perfect to stay skinny. Omit the fact that it tastes like possum piss. Now she has adapted sales techniques to every portion of her life. Somebody should send her a copy of "The Death of a Salesman." I think she might benefit from a cautionary tale.
  4. Except he paid for a lot of stuff. Allegedly. It is hard to determine what is true and what is false Bethenny's story. I think it is safe to say that she had a troubled relationship with her father. Something she wants to pass on to her daughter. She's a peach.
  5. Which have to be adjudicated under the rules of evidence and not on the internet or in the tabloids. Piling on charges to intimidate and coerce defendants into taking a plea is the most common tactic used by prosecutors with a shaky case. If these additional counts were so egregious it stands to reason they would have been part of the original charge. Adding charges is not proof of anything. They have too provide proof. Provide discovery of what evidence they have. So far the judge had to order that they do so. Why are they withholding it to the point that they have to be forced by the judge to provide it? We have to see what happens in the light of day under oath and not in the fevered imagination of the Fake News Writers on Page Six and the Daily Mail.
  6. That is correct. It needs to be documented in a court of law. Under oath and the rules of evidence. Nobody will take Bethenny's word for it. Nobody will take the word of the Fake News tabloids like Page Six. Lets see what happens when they are forced to provide discovery as the judge ordered.
  7. The problem with "letting it go" is that there is a child involved that is a continual point of conflict. Bethenny is a petty and vindictive person. You see that in every episode in her interactions with her fellow Housewives. Especially Luann. I have no doubt that she is petty and passive aggressive in her interactions regarding their daughter. When she didn't get her way in moving out of state to deny her ex his parental rights I am sure she did everything she could to make it hard for Jason and his family to have a "normal" relationship with his child. It will come down to the courts to solve this. Neither of them can act as reasonable rationale adults. To exempt Bethenny and put all of the blame on Jason is just not dealing with the reality of the situation.
  8. Maybe he work up and smelled the coffee. Or the rancid spoiled Skinny Girl cocktail spilled across the bar leaving a sticky mess. On another note Ramona just tweeted that she deserves more sympathy than she gets because she was raised by hamsters. That is where she got her new look.
  9. I think Bethenny's daughter is going to have to get used to meeting a lot of dudes who are involved with her mother being involved in her life. But lets look on the bright side. She can associate every big event in her life with a different guy. They do say variety is the spice of life. Why not make it a positive. If she doesn't like her mom's current dude she just has to wait a couple of months for the next one to come along. I understand that a key part of the decor in her new apartment is the revolving doors. Made by the same company that did that bar.
  10. I don't follow Atlanta. Did Phaedra Parks bring evidence to the district attorney in the hopes of having her husband incarcerated? Was she the driving force behind his prosecution? Did she have her minions try to poison the jury pool on her show by passing remarks? Being a husband or lover of a Housewife seems to be a pretty dangerous occupation. We have divorces, jail terms and suicides. You have better luck being the fourth guy in the red shirt beaming down with Kirk, Spock and Bones.
  11. This is a very astute comment. I think we can surmise exactly how Bethenny will behave based on her actions regarding everyone else in her life. Somehow it does not seem likely that she would show compassion, empathy or kindness. Her track record sort of tells you how it will go.
  12. I think that is exactly right. It is her continual narrative of victimization that is at the root of this whole kerfuffle. That is why I think the charges against Jason will be dropped and the case dismissed. Bethenny's patter of exaggeration, deceit and playing the victim in each in every circumstance will not play out the way she thinks it will in a court of law. Just as she could not get full custody and take her daughter away from her father in the divorce settlement...... she will not be able to have said father be incarcerated due to her narrative of being the biggest victim in the history of the world. Lets see what happens.
  13. That's it. I am convinced. Bethenny had a lousy childhood. Now she wants to pass it down to her daughter. Instead of trying to mitigate the process of divorce and finding some mediation and coexistence she is trying to get her daughters father incarcerated. Some want to carry it over to the grandparents and have them locked up too. Apple. Tree.
  14. Now if Bethenny had claimed she was raised by Wolf Blitzer then I would really feel sorry for her. I pity anyone who is raised by someone from CNN. Woof,
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