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Posts posted by DollEyes

  1. 2 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

    Chris broke character?  I definitely remember Jimmy doing it.  I don't remember Chris doing it but obviously it's been a long time.  

    Farley did it during hit famous "Motivational Speaker" sketch.

    Six more much better choices for host than Elon Musk would be Steven Yeun, Riz Ahmed, Viola Davis, Frances MacDormand, Michaela Coel and Andra Day.

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  2. 6 hours ago, greekmom said:

    Was there no one else to choose from?? I think that Catherine Reitman would have done a fantastic job as host if asked.


    One woman who should host: Carol Burnett. According to an interview with Larry King, Burnett hasn't hosted because she's never been asked, apparently because back in the day some of the male cast members didn't like how the cast members of the Carol Burnett Show broke character, as if Chris Farley and Jimmy Fallon didn't do the same.

      Imagine all the female SNL alums who could return if Burnett hosted: Tina, Amy, Maya, Leslie and Kristen, to literally name a few. Hell, they could even get Laraine Newman, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Julia Sweeney, Cheri Oteri, Ana Gasteyer, Molly Shannon and Rachel Dratch, for good measure, if they wanted. A sketch with Burnett as Debbie Downer's mother or grandmother practically writes itself. If an online petition got Betty White to host SNL, then another could do the same for Carol Burnett. Elon Musk hosting SNL before Carol Burnett is just too much wrong on too many levels, as far as I'm concerned.

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  3. So many moments from the Falcon and the Winter Soldier finale were "Hell, Yeah!"-worthy, whether it's Sam's new costume (new and improved Redwing included!), Bucky's redemption, Isiah Bradley's validation or Sam's putting the diplomats on blast. Even John Walker impressed me and I never thought I'd say that.

      Even the name change at the end was cheer-worthy. Looking forward to the next Captain America movie, this time with the new Captain America, who has not only earned it (without super serum), he deserves it, on every level.

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  4. The last few minutes of Episode 4 of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, when a superpowered John Walker used Captain America's shield to commit cold-blooded murder of an unarmed man in public, in front of numerous witnesses with camera phones on foreign soil.

     That Walker's crime could cause an international incident is bad enough, but to use the shield to do it, desecrating every good thing that it stood for, is almost as horrific as the murder itself. 

      Seeing Cap's shield covered in blood, its legacy ruined, if not destroyed altogether, was disgusting. If that doesn't inspire Sam to fulfill his destiny and become the new Cap, then nothing will.

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  5. Same here. I neither liked nor trusted "Captain American't" (to quote one Twitter user), but I got on the Hate Train when he told Sam and Bucky to "Stay the Hell out of [his] way" after they rejected him. Walker's like a bad penny: turning up where he's not wanted and 9 times out of 10 making things worse. I've got way more respect for Zemo than Walker and Zemo's a fucking supervillain!

    When Walker turned into "Captain Karen" with his "Do you know who I am!?" crap, my first response was, "I not only know who you are, I know who you ain't." 

      But the last straw was Episode 4, after a series of mistakes-one of which lead to a much-needed ass-kicking by the Dora Milaje-Walker  took the super-soldier serum, with tragic consequences. After Walker's best friend/fellow soldier Lamar was killed by Karli the terrorist, Walker not only snapped, he killed someone in cold blood in public, in front of witnesses with camera phones, using Captain America's shield, betraying everything it ever stood for in the process, which Steve never did and Sam would never do. Walker may have the resume' and the moves, but Steve and Sam have three things he doesn't: humility, the smarts and, most of all, the heart. Walker's not "America's Ass"; he's "America's Asshole."

      On another note, that Walker's so loathsome is a testament to the talent of Wyatt Russell-who, back in the day, auditioned to play Steve Rogers for the first Captain America. However, Russell's apparently been getting death threats because of the role, which sucks, to say the least. Hate the character, not the actor who plays it.

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  6. 6 hours ago, magicdog said:

    None of this made sense story wise.  Sam and the other Avengers are essentially celebrities in this universe.  They saved the world, they brought back the people Thanos made disappear.  Everyone on Earth (and maybe a few other planets) should know who they are.  They would never be treated that way.  I also have issues with the fact that Sam would need money anyway.  He was ex military (he had benefits, etc.), he was an Avenger (being one of Stark's crew would carry advantages like a generous stipend and other needs).  According to one of my favorite Youtubers, it also helped signal a big loss of viewers. 

    This show is making me spit acid it's so ridiculous.

    Although the show's far-fetched on some levels, the racism that Sam and Isiah Bradley experienced is unfortunately all too real and IMO the show deserves major props for discussing it. Those who don't like it are entitled to their opinions, but I'm so tired of those jerks who expect shows/movies to either tiptoe around or completely avoid issues of race altogether just because it hurts their feelings or accuses them of so-called "wokeness," as if the X-Men never happened. 

      What makes this show work for me is the acting.  Many of the performances are outstanding, whether it's Anthony Mackie, Sebastian Stan, Daniel Bruhl or Wyatt Russell. Because of them, I've learned to heart Sam and Bucky, hate John Walker and give Zemo the side-eye, dancing or not.


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  7. Six moments in The Falcon & The Winter Soldier that really pissed me off: when Sam & his sister Sarah were denied a small business loan despite Sam's being an Avenger who helped save the whole fucking universe hearing Isiah Bradley's heartbreaking story, in which his heroism not only got him imprisoned for 30 years, he was tortured, experimented on and exploited, never getting the credit not the respect he deserves; immediately after talking to Isiah, Sam and Bucky argued about him, only for Sam to be harassed by the cops who only back off because he's famous-and very politely arrested Bucky (their actual target) like the ignorant, racist pigs they are.

    The other moments were when Karli the terrorist murdered innocent people just to prove a point and threatened Sam's family-including two young nephews-just to prove another point.

    Then there's John Walker, aka "Dollar Store Captain America," who not only shows up where/when he's not wanted, 9 times out of 10, he sucks, like when he barged in just when Sam was getting through to Karli, when he tried to fight the Dora Milaje and got his ass kicked and worst of all, when he committed cold-blooded murder in public, which the real Captain America never did. As far as I'm concerned, John Walker's not "America's Ass,"; he's America's Asshole.

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  8. Here's the thread for Concrete Cowboy, the Netflix movie about a troubled teenager who's sent to Philadelphia to live with his estranged father, who's a member of a group of Black cowboys.

      It stars Idris Elba, Caleb Mclaughlin, Lorraine Touissant, Pharrell Jerome and Method Man.

  9. Bumping up to show more love for Chris Meloni, who not only starred on L & O: SVU for 10 years, he's now got his own spinoff, L & O: Organized Crime. 

      CM did a guest spot on SVU and he's not only aged like fine wine, there's a plot twist (which I won't spoil here), that, by the end of the episode, made me want to give him a hug-with my thighs.

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  10. My verdict: Hell, yeah! If the trailer is any indication, this is gonna be one of the rare times when the sequel is better than the original. This is what happens when the studio trusts a great director who not only knows what they're doing, they care about it and the people they work with-unlike, say, Joss Whedon.

      James Gunn has not only made the Guardians of the Galaxy cool, as this trailer proves, he's made the Suicide Squad cool again, plus Margot Robbie and John Cena are hilarious, Idris Elba's even hotter than ever and I want a King Shark Funko Pop.

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  11. My verdict: WOW! Judas and the Black Messiah was incredible! Everything about it was pitch perfect, whether it was the acting, the writing, the costumes, the cinematography, the music or Shaka King's direction.

    As Fred Hampton, Daniel Kaluuya was incendiary. I knew that Kaluuya's performance by would be great based on the trailer, but seeing it in the movie on HBO Max was even more amazing. Hampton was a not only a man way ahead of his time, IMO he was another "hidden figure," as in a person of color who made positive contributions to history but whose accomplishments were largely ignored for decades. That Hampton gave so much to the world and could've given even more makes his assassination even more tragic. As for another British actor playing an American civil rights icon, so what? If they're as talented as Kaluuya is, I don't care if they come from Mars.

        As Willie O'Neill, Lakeith Stanfield is another standout. His O'Neill was as selfish and delusional as Hampton was dedicated and visionary. O'Neill was never the man that Hampton was, as his betrayal and his attempts to justify it proved. Hampton wasn't "perfect," but he was a great man; O'Neill was the exact opposite.

      Dominique Fishback and Jesse Plemons were equally awesome, in their own ways. Plemons gave depth to what could've been a one-dimensional role as O'Neill's FBI handler. As Deborah, Dominique was shy in some moments and strong in others, proving that she's much more than just Hampton's baby mama. My favorite Deborah scene was when she was arrested moments after Hampton's assassination and she wouldn't cry in front of the cops because she didn't want to give them the satisfaction.

     About the Oscar nominations, while they're all well-deserved, my theory about why Kaluuya and Stanfield were nominated in the same category is that though Stanfield deserves a Best Actor nomination, the Motion Picture Academy didn't want to risk another Black actor competing with the late, great Chadwick Boseman, so they put him in the Supporting Actor category. Before, the SA category was Kaluuya's to lose, but now Stanfield's presence might split the vote, which could cost Kaluuya the Oscar.

      Speaking of Kaluuya, he's hosting the April 3rd episode of SNL and Stanfield's on the cover of and featured in the 2021 Vanity Fair Hollywood issue.


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  12. 3 minutes ago, mtlchick said:

    It’s physically small though...maybe 1200 tops. 

    The Bey Hive must be losing it right now. 

    The Apollo Theater may be physically small, but its cultural and global impact are anything but. The Apollo Theater is arguably the toughest audience in the world and anyone who plays there had better be at the top of their game or else. BTW, I changed that part of my quote.

    When it comes to Beyonce', while I'm not at Beyhive levels of fandom, I've got the utmost respect for her talent, her style and her hustle. For a woman to have lasted this long in the business and broken a Grammy record on top of that is impressive, to say the least.

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  13. Love the Apollo Theater tribute, but it's not a "small venue," by a long shot . It's not only had some of the best performers in the world, it's famous in its own right, because of the audiences. Whether they love you or hate you, they'll tell you, in no uncertain terms.

    Post Malone always looks like he needs a bath and a flea dip-or three of each.

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  14. Meghan Thee Stallion's enthusiasm is adorable. Her solo number not only had the flava that Dua Lipa's lacked, it even had a split-over-split Nicholas Brothers reference.

    7 minutes ago, KittenPokerCheater said:


    Also, why is the lovely Beyonce up onstage with her?.

    Beyonce was on the "Savage" remix.

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  15. Some of Lionel Richie's behavior may be cringe, but the Kenny Rogers tribute was perfect.

    Seeing Eddie Van Halen's guitar and hearing his music again was powerful. I expected John Mayer or Gary Clark Jr. to do it, but that tribute was amazing.

      Speaking of amazing, that also describes Brandi Carlisle's tribute to John Prine. Sometimes the simplest tributes are the best.

    Brittany Howard is awesome, Johnny Walker commercial or not.


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  16. I like Dua Lipa and her performance was cute, but dance-wise, she's no Janet Jackson.

    Harry Styles is like the British Justin Timberlake-he started in a boy band, went solo and became a movie star. However, JT could never rock dresses and boas like Styles.

    From now on when an artist dies and the Grammys want to pay tribute, Bruno Mars should be their first choice.

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