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Midnight Cheese

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Posts posted by Midnight Cheese

  1. It is, indeed, interesting that every one of the women have had issues with Heather.  Except, imo, the one who should - Carole.  But I've always contended that if Carole would grow a pair, there'd be trouble in that paradise, too.


    I don't deny that Heather has done some kind things.  As they all have.  But every once in a while she shows a really ugly side.  Again, they all have. But for each of the HWs to turn against her, I believe they must be privy to something that we're not.  As an example, Ramona and Kristen have remarked that Jonathon is weaker than Heather.  I think it's a rotten thing to say but I'll give them the benefit of a doubt because they've socialized with them more than I have.  And if Heather does boss Jonathon around and it works for them - fine.  But the other HWs might see other things about her bossiness - in her relationship with Jon and them - that makes them dislike her.  Maybe they see what Ramona saw in Heather's first season.  Something behind the megawatt smile.


    If we believe that she's gotten the worst edit ever then that means Andy and production has a problem with her, too.  So what has this angel of Spandex done??  If she's got a seething mean side (which I think is likely the problem) and we've only seen it a couple times but the others have seen it many - then I'd say she's gotten a great edit up til now and that's why she's quitting.  Git while the gittin's good.

    Why should Carole be upset with Heather?


    Further, Kristen was infuriated with Heather, who was IMO being an alcohol-fueled intolerable, smug bossypants bitchypants in Montana, but Kristen visibly, immediately blanched when Ramona began her cuckolded, delusional, twuntastic takedown of Jonathan as inferior to her serially unfaithful, hates-her-a-fuckton Mare-reoh.  (I flove that scene.  It is everything.  It tells you everything about their marriage.  I remember season 1 Mare-reoh somehow being unable to wear his ring....his last girlfriend was ultimately not the problem.  The problem has been there bold as goddamned day forever between them.  I digress, sorry.)


    I think Ramona is a digusting, worthlss woman.  I would put out why I think so in tedious detail but this isn't her thread, but part of my thesis on why she is foul is because there is no greater vile narcissist on these franchises, including Truffle Hunter Gunvalson (from RHOOC).  I personally don't think Ramona believes other people are people, deserving of respect and decent treatment, and I also think she is up her own derry-yay to a degree where she could not possibly cherrypick traits from Heather and see something behind Heather's admittedly somewhat off-looking at times rictus grin.  All Ramona sees in looking at other people is herself, never them.  IMO.

    • Love 5
  2. AHHHHH I forgot that, but it was MEGA shade from the producers, pointing out that these ladies don't need the BC dial-a-pack anymore. They need the senior special pills-du-jour tupperware to keep the Boniva for their osteoporosis and the Premarin for their menopause and the mood stabilizers and lord knows what else in. 


    Ahem, excuse you!  Ramona had a pregnancy scare at 54 (What's menopause?  Blinkblinkblinkblinkblink), where when she girlishly confessed her fear to Mario, you nearly saw one of his testicles cringe, strangle itself and drop out of his pantleg before Mario remembered oh yeah, he was married to a terribly crazy and dishonest witch and mentally calclate the hours until he was wang-deep into his girlfriend of the moment.  So really the question should be if Ramona's a Yaz or a NuvaRing girl, since she's going to be fertile until her late 90s because she goes to the gym thankyouverymuch! 


    (but lemme also cup my hands around my mouth and gently sing)..."Aaaaaaaadderallllllllll!"


    Not that anyone abuses stuff on this show to stay thin, certainly not lunatics with tummies despite exercise and Dr. Sharon Giese and travel weights and being better than other women who didn't have vowel renewals at 17 years in...

    • Love 8
  3. Uteruses before Duderuses, to quote Parks & Recreation. 

    Girl, we cannot even pretend that Ramona would recognize that Leslie Knope is a woman, right?  Leslie can move her face, Leslie reads and helps out the Model UN as a hobby instead of throwing elbows at sample sales and stealing dresses, and Leslie's man Ben doesn't have that je nais sais quois that a discerning woman like Ramona requires (I can sais quois though actually: Mario loves slinging dick to people he isn't married to!  He's got that certain something that a Ben or Heather's Jonathan lack.)


    Ramona's code is ho (her) before everyone.  Everyone.

    • Love 5
  4. Also: if LuAnn's fury about the possibility of being caught mid-coitus is about what *could* have happened . . . well, what are Heather's fantasies about Ro's trick basically assaulting her "in her bed" while wearing her jewelry about?

    About her very human fear when reflecting on how vulnerable and unaware she was a few scant hours before.


    It's quite a fantasy, Imma write it up for Literotica and HollaAtMe is going to be my dirty nom de plume.  

    • Love 3
  5. I fucking hate Ramona.  Watching her toddle over between Heather and Dorinda and try to piss all over Dorinda to claim ownership made me want to punch her in her various plastic parts. 


    It's the least of it, this episode, but Ramona smirking 'You scared me' at Heather...I want bad things to happen to Ramona and only Ramona. 


    Dorinda has a great body.  Someone upthread said she was a 6 - I think she's a 2 at most.  She's got a thing for '60s styles and I'm here for that, if not for her actual personality, attitude, character or alliances. 

    • Love 12
  6. Sonja's bullshit (blaming Heather?) almost sounds like she is siding with the Luann/Dorinda/Ramona group. Otherwise she would be blaming Luann. This kind of mean girl bullshit is what keeps anyone wanting to be actual friends with her. She cannot be genuine, she is a conniving calculating piece of work. I don't care who apologises... the viewers see what they see and that is the Hot Trainwreck Sonja Morgan is when she goes out. She is not just over-served, she is practically two steps from the drunk tank. If I were Heather, I'd stop trying to protect these people from themselves- take pics with your phone instead and tweet them to the general public with lots of 4 letter words.


    Sonja is a conniving, calculating, bitchy discarded concubine.  Bitter, mean, aware despite her need to get fucked up on the regular that time waits for no (wo)man who has earned her keep strictly through strategic fucking and pregnancy, despite pretending she fed Churchill's descendants a toaster oven meal and they loved it.

    • Love 3
  7. Here sister was on one of the first episodes this season in the Hamptons.  You remember, Ramona said her sister is 5 years younger than she is but that her sister didn't like people to know that, because everyone always thought that Ramona was the younger one and it hurt her sisters feelings.  Can you imagine growing up with Ramona?


    One of her brothers wrote a book last year. It was a minor deal at the time. He basically accused Ramona of abandoning her mother when she was very ill. 




    No, because one of us wouldn't have survived to legal drinking age.


    Ramona doesn't look that great since she has lied about the fuckton of surgery she's had.  (Boobs, nose, eyes.)  She works out but give another woman some Singer family business cash for Dr. Sharon Giese and Ramona wouldn't necessarily stack up so well.  Her sister doesn't have those Bill the Cat eyes and nostrils, I'm just saying.

    • Love 3
  8. My point has again been obfuscated.  In T&C Carole is chastising LuAnn and Sonja for bringing strangers home and let them have the run of the house.  When she is talking to Bethenny and Bethenny stops her- with it is okay to bring home a one night bang--Carole has a different attitude.  She is oh so cool Carole about causal men and casual sex.   So it would have been okay to bang the guy but not to have him sleep over in a room by heather and Caarole's because he was unescorted.


    It is my understanding this site does not permit "slut shaming" so when someone says their values and ethics are different when calling into question a situation like this -it teeters on slut shaming.  Essentially LuAnn said it is okay for someone to sleep it off and Heather felt that was beneath her.


    Now for the last time Heather had every right to be offended and the way she handled herself and the conversation with LuAnn and Sonja on the E! link was entirely appropriate even though it was not terribly informative because Luann and Sonja didn't know about the guy staying over.  Luann response was uncool.   Dorinda is right in her blog some of these people have to move past the preachy part of their diatribe.  Heather and Carole's earlier behavior was not a good way to get information or to portray themselves.  Temper tantrums and angry outbursts are for kids.  Now Luann is able to say they were inappropriate in their invasion of her privacy-regardless of  what Ramona said.  Ramona does not have the right to waive Luann's privacy.  There is always the image of a pissed off Heather whipping the draperies open and yelling at a sleeping Ramona not the calm Heather asking for answers in the kitchen.


    I was upset to read on here that LuAnn and Heather have said never again.  I like Heather and there is just no way she has the juice to oust LuAnn.  LuAnn upped her game with the swinging on the chandeliers  comment.  Bravo loves a bawdy girl and Heather is the nice girl married to Mr. Milquetoast.  I hope by Reunion time they put it to rest but somehow I think Heather might be serious. I believe her when she says she has ethics and values. I could totally understand Josh and Jonathan supporting Heather and Kristen in demanding separate secure quarters if there was another girls' trip.  I doubt Kristen will be back and she has had zero input as of late.  Her only contribution on the trip was masterminding the bucket dump on  Ramona and taking her top off and waiving from the ocean.   

    zoeysmom, I bolded so that I could be clear - I don't think I've been part of this conversation, but I truly do not understand how 'slut-shaming' hascome into play.  I missed the full First Look, but the "Cool/Uncool" clip on E! showed Heather's complete 'ethics' comment and I believe it came after she specified *waking up in a room next to a naked stranger* and not the one-night stand/vacation sex.  I think it's a reach.  I don't think it teeters on anything like misogyny/slut-shaming.

    • Love 9
  9. Sonja's written two blogs, or finally put the hammer down on that poor homeless intern in Ireland who curates Her Highness's social media.


    De-lu-sion-al!  She is not nice.  Not to get all a la Francaise, but she's a (fucking) jerk.  She is rather obviously lying about the situation (first blog) where she tried to hit on LuAnn's friend's partner.  She's just such a dirty, dishonest person, and she lies constantly.  Constantly.  I am the captain of the S.S. Sonja Sucks and I truly don't get how she is largely perceived by fans and the other Housewives as not having malice.  I think she is a very malicous, manipulative, cruel woman.





    • Love 4
  10. Ramona is just trash, and it has nothing to do with having sex.   Writing of sex, though, it's clear to me Ramona can only catch dick when the dude is drunk, and she's been getting the remnants of Mario's sexual desire for many years.  Looks good on her, unlike her choices in swimwear.


    I am so happy that there is going to be so much romantic misery and loneliness in her future.  It's earned. 


    What Ramona and her nasty cohort did was beyond redemption.  Heather in particular is a good person for dining with them after the reunion without drowning Ramona in her waterglass.  Though that's a little too bad.

    • Love 7
  11. I read an interview that Ramoma did where she said this year has been so hard for her with the Mario stuff, and that is the reason she hasn't been doing her Bravo blogs very often. Meanwhile her Twitter is full of her out boating, dancing, dining with friends.

    Blinkblinkblink....so you don't believe her, MCM?  Who are you going to believe, Ramona, Ramona's Twitter feed, or your lying eyes?


    She's just waiting for whatever time lag that idiot thinks an Independent Woman (not) would do before making the public reconciliation that Mario needs financially and dreads otherwise happen. 

    • Love 3
  12. I'm not sure why so many people are so anxious for her to have an eating disorder.  Some people are fit because they eat right and exercise.  It happens.


    I guess some of the 'many' who are 'anxious' to give Bethenny an ED are reacting to her openly discussing her disordered eating, the anorexic-approved strategies she wrote about in her first book (discussed in her thread), the fact that she latched onto 'skinny' as a modifier for her brand, and have their own, legitimate (if 'sad') opinions about her appearance.  It's opinion, which are like...ya know!

    • Love 9
  13. Okay, it's been said but that shit of Sonja saying "Let me go" to John A. Morgan: HELL TO THE NO SEXY J.  SO FULL OF SHIT.  LIARFACE!  Are you kidding me?!?!  She was trying to seduce him with her decollete less than a season and a half ago!  She was titsing-out to get more scratch from her ancient ex who has been trying to jettison her from his life for a freaking decade!  Their marriage, in terms of the current social construct of a love-match ideal, was faker than Ramona's titties!   I can't. 

    • Love 10
  14. My people!  I love this show!  I think Jill is imperfectly perfect in the role and I loved the Brooklandia episode.  It was scary on-point.  Especially when Jill explains that they can act otherwise, but those moms are RICH.  They are.  St. Ann's is where Lena Dunham went to school and where Brooklyn financial and creative elites (including people on The Slap) send their kids - no public school for them unless it's ONE particular elementary school.  To have access to that school requires wealth or at least one unusually high income or a benefactor.  People are NOT chill about formula feeding here even if they pretend they are.  Uberboobers.  Etcetera.  There is intense hypocrisy about money and access that is distinct from the Upper East Side, and not distinct in a good way.  I am in love with Jill now.


    I saw Jill and her ER BFF filming in my neighborhood last week and they are lovely and super, super skinny in person.  Not hating but I was actually like, whoa.

    • Love 6
  15. TMP, the full article is even worse, especially where the filmmakers say that Sonja got a finance heavy to call and pressure them to drop suit.  I think Sonja is incredibly  shady and seems to have a pattern of wanting people to do dirty work for her.  I don't think she is at heart a kind person.


    ETA - I can see how people can think they can handle business they can't handle, and lie thinking 'well, I *will* have the money by then.'  Not okay but very human.  I think Sonja is different though but this is not clear when you first see her.  She is constantly making classist comments and she has since the start.  She clearly thinks she's 'up here' (castmate Cindy, 'masses not the classes,' the name-dropping) and most are 'down there.'  I just think she's an asshole and I think she has no real generosity in her at all - like the attitude during the Marriage Equality march.  She is not just addlepated - she is abusive and very, very arrogant.  IMO.

    • Love 13
  16. Oh and let me be clear. I think it's reprehensible that Sonja behaves the way she does. I would knock that bitch out in a NY minute if she was sniffing around my man like she does but I still didn't like the way her "friend" decided that she needed to basically call Sonja a whore because she was tired of being the focus of a conversation.


    Yeah, someone upthread pointed out that this is the real Ramonja: they aren't friends in the way non-narcissists define friendship.  When the seer talked about Mario with another woman in Morocco, and Sonia freaked and cried, Ramona responded that her marriage was fine (nope) and that she unlike Sonja married close in her own age to a man she loved.  Now, every word of that is true, but only someone who doesn't like the ejected trophy wife says that to the ejected trophy wife.


    They both are total shits and neither has true respect for the other.  Totally agree that the conversation only happened because nasty bitch Ramona didn't want the conversational focus on her at the time.  I hope Mario enjoys Ramona's new foobs in between his visits to his new girlfriends.

    • Love 4
  17. I know this is OT but I'm sad about that motorcitymom! (but thanks for answering).  Her tuna and hummus sandwiches are a main staple during hot weather and are delicious, and any time people are coming over I make the pan-roasted onion dip and the outrageous brownies.  Damn!  I really want to go to Spago one day.


    About Heather -- I know this is not the kindest reaction, but I don't think Sonja really merits it to be honest (there is a great comment in her thread about someone seeing Sonja as a con artist who has on some level conned herself into thinking she's more (smarter, better) than she is, and I agree).  The high-handed nonsense about the toaster oven marketing plan and the crap before the Atlantic City trip were both amazingly inconsiderate to deliberately rude; Heather has also, unknowingly, been subject to Sonja snark about losing weight - Sonja made an IMO 'even Heather has lost weight' implication in a TH cut in after the scene where Sonja and one of her moron 'stylist' pals discussed how Sonja had to compete with Bethenny when packing for T&C.  I admit to a certain blind spot in terms of Heather's bad behavior even though I thought her treatment of Kristen in Montana was awful.

    • Love 5
  18. OK.  Your opinions are valid, as are mine.  We'll just have to agree to disagree.

    Yes, exactly.  I am not directing this just at you but the concept of relevance has been batted around this season by different people concluding that because Bethenny has a big business and social media presence she is by definition the 'most relevant' housewife.  I wanted to put in my own opinion that 'relevant/irrelevant' is, to me, one of those random, Nene Leakes-style disses that doesn't mean much in terms of the show.  Actually, it's more like a Ramonaism, like 'that person doesn't matter.'  I'm not saying you think that but it is how the concept in general lands with me. 


    As far as I'm concerned, they are all castmates and enjoy the same baseline relevance or irrelevance.  They are all on the stroll to get attention for either ventures or themselves or both.  To me, Skinnygirl is an incredibly dated concept, like a sick marriage of Snackwells and a cosmopolitan slushie at a Sex & The City theme park, so I don't see it as more relevant than any other particular concept.

    • Love 12
  19. Aside from her failed marriage (which is not uncommon), there's more about Bethenny that makes others "jus' jellus" than the other way around.  If by chance you were referring to Kristen and suggesting that Bethenny might be jealous of her, I just don't get it.  Kristen is irrelevant in this group of women and about as interesting as watching paint dry.


    Kristen looked awesome diving into the water in T&C but I think her features, although good for a model, are too hard to be considered pretty.   To me "pretty" has a much softer look than this:






    My impression was that the other women already gave up trying to get through to Sonja, which leaves Bethenny.  I remember Bethenny saying she would try to get through to her when they were on their way to Atlantic City and the other women wished her luck.  Since that Atlantic City trip, tales of Sonja's black out escapades have become a hot topic in the group so there's a lot at stake.  Instead of being critical of Bethenny for taking on Sonja, I give her props for trying.

    Where does this concept of 'irrelevance' come from?  I think it's a failed metric.  More to the point, yeah, to many, Kristen is boring.  To me, tearful/rageful Bethenny's a fucking snoozer.  Back to relevance:   there is no doubt whatsoever that Bravo and Andy are propping Bethenny up, retconning the entire series with TH's and WWHL.  The 'relevance' is being centered and deliberately edited around 1 maniac in an apparently unsuccessful bid for ratings, not an entire cast** -- it's no one's fault but that of the editors and powers that be at Bravo; I don't hold Kristen any more responsible for that than I do Dorinda or Heather.  The Twitter/social media stuff is a red herring.  Of course Kristen doesn't have Bethenny's following -- why would she?  She's on her first reality show, not her fourth, and not 10 years in, going back to B's failed bid on Martha Stewart's apprentice.  When Bethenny was having her honeymoon filmed, Kristen was modeling, raising kids, and being a frigging NYC housewife.  I ain't mad at that. 


    I simply don't understand why Bethenny should get props for injecting a note of high-pitched soprano-shrieking tension into their first frigging night on this trip by confronting Sonja.  She spiraled out of control more quickly than sexy J!  That's a tough thing to accomplish but Bethenny managed it. 


    And we all are right in assessing beauty differently and having different preferences, but I don't think a single bad shot of Kristen changes anything with respect to Bethenny making that snide fucking blog comment about how important being beautiful is to Kristen.  To Beth, I'd say: give it up, ho.   If her looks are not something that rankles, that part of her little attempted snarkfest wouldn't even need to be written.


    ** And so far the ratings are bad!  So if Beth is the fulcrum, the show is built around her, the ratings are shit le stink, who is irrelevant?  Bethenny.

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