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Midnight Cheese

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Posts posted by Midnight Cheese

  1. Call me crazy ("You're crazy!") but I find this lying - and I firmly believe both Vicki and Brooks are lying - so much worse than David Beador's lying. 


    I read about this couple, where the wife to a very young child really does have cancer and has stopped chemo, earlier today and felt so sad.  Whatever the motivations, Vicki and Boroks have been just despicable.



    • Love 4
  2. The contrast between Vicki's puffy but rigid facial skin and the skin on her neck is so bad on HDTV. 


    As long as I'm being petty, Heather's lips looked really harsh and weird to me.  Not inflated but something about the liner or makeup.


    Even if she has more money than Croesus and therefore a great deal of help, I give Heather major props for finally trying to go in on Vicki and her 'work' bullshit.  I have never believed that Vicki's work was work in the way she behaves about it - I think it is not intellectually challenging at all, and once she got a little RHOOC fame and even sillier, possibly dopier people wanted to work for a 'famous businesswoman,' then she could expand her MLM practice and skim off of whatever those junior employees brought in terms of new clients buying insurance.  Her 'work' was looking for her next Brooks to be 'unfaithful on' [good GRIEF with the grammar challenges of the Ickster] Donn to fill that always-empty love tank.  Just busywork make-work  to look important at her Le Tip parties and to hold over people like the sushi model.


    I can't wait to see how the cancer 'storyline' (yuck yuck yuck) resolves, personally.  Even if a lot of this show is fake as Vicki's chest and facial features, how can she possibly come back from this?  I also don't understand how her business wouldn't take a hit, in terms at least of new people not signing up with her to get policies.  She is a liar and has no scruples.  You don't want someone like that with your SSN.  I can't tell but it seems most avid viewers, people who post as we all do, simply don't believe her.  (Not saying those who do are 'wrong,' just a seeming minority.)  This is serious shit.  How can she be brought back?

    • Love 13
  3. I'll never want proof, but just because it could possibly be read as an asset, I will not believe that Brooks has a penis or anything else that could possibly in some way elicit desire or a positive reaction from anyone.  Ever. 


    motorcitymom65, re Alexis - I credit her not for harmlessness, though I do think she's pretty harmless, but for never IMO showing the level of nastiness of most of these women.  I never thought she was saying that Peggy was to blame for an affair but I do think, while the lion's share of the WTFery of course goes to Jim, that it is very, very, VERY bizarre and creepy to insinuate yourself into a friendship when you've had a sexual relationship with the woman's husband, when you yourself admit that he wanted nothing to do with you and so you broke into his place to try and force him to talk, and you know to a near-certainty that his wife did not know that you really dated and/or slept with each other for a long time.  To maintain that relationship and that silence long-term, not over just one encounter to satisfy a sick curiosity, is not the behavior of a decent person.  Peggy and Micah Fuckface Tanous were not good people, which is not to say the Bellinos are getting Nobel Prizes for Being Awesome too soon.  But those two were incredibly, personally judgmental and mocking of the Bellinos and they were worse - 'holistic living' plus implants plus completely fake businesses plus mocking - just nasty all the way around.  Jim's fault, mostly, but Peggy LOVED having that on Alexis and really luxuriated in it.


    Tamra is a waste of genetic material and a loathsome, vile woman.  Look at her smirk off domestic violence allegations.  Look at her exploit her minor daughter.  Look at her laugh at her truly cruel treatment of Alexis.  Some souls can't be saved, whether 'saved' denotes a state of religious attainment or simply treating people with something like the Golden Rule.  She is a truly terrible person with pure using bitterness at her core, and I truly believe she is incapable of love.  Which brings me to...


    The transgenerational fuckery represented by Icki and Icki's equally icky mom.  Vicki's story about her mom, the Harley, the cops - I'm going to write now without assuming Vicki's mother suffered from some form of dementia.  Unsurprising story.  Vicki is a garbage person, and so was her mom.  Classic RHOOC moments like Mama Icki refusing to say she loved her - come ON.  That's not cute.  Icki is an oozing pile of needy pus but how would anyone like to deal with a mom like that?  And it gets paid forward and on and on and on.  Tee-hee, my mommy destroyed property and defied cops in a way that would've ended with gunfire if she were younger and a person of color!  Hee hee hee!  What a spitfire!   Vicki and permadrunk Billy and her mom have always grossed me out.  So crass, so selfish, so greedy, so unimaginably stupid.


    Every time I think of the whole cast, I want to raise a glass to Heather.  I could not be around this group of shrieking, attention-whoring, frequently drunk, injected and inflated idiots.  I don't know how she does it.  I know they aren't her real friends but even still. 

    • Love 24
  4. I totally forgot to add this.  I can't believe Ashley told that 3D printer guy that she liked the "curveness" of the bridge.  Huh?  Even if she couldn't think of the word "curvature", she could have at least just said that she liked the curves rather than making up words.  It really makes me question the actual skill and experience of this group of designers.  When Siriano was on this show, he had already done internships at Vivienne Westwood and Alexander McQueen.  Have any of these people actually worked at a design house before?

    Zac and Candace are consistently right there with the malaprops, too.  My husband watched with me last night and kept staring at me to crack me up when Zac floated yet another made-up word.  I want to bean all 3 with a dictionary, or maybe a tablet with a page open to merriam-webster.com.  It's particularly grating from Zac IMO, because of course he's judging but is also part of of the uber-privileged young New Yorker set that went to Saint Ann's, a rather $$$$ private school.  He was treated as a wunderkind from jump so maybe that contributes; I think he's always been overpraised as a fashion designer and every time he goes for a funny I miss La Kors even more. 


    I think Candace is beyond basic herself, but it must have felt a little, 'Say what now?' to hear Ashley praised for the fit of her outfit when her own gown was visibly a superior entry in terms of fit (and also in terms of the use of the 3D machine, as were all of the outfits of the other contestants).  It was so far from avant-garde it jumps back to 19th century Spain, but man was it better fitted to her model by a mile!

    • Love 7
  5. I thought Ashley's garments were terrible - the cape with denture pieces tacked on, the pedal pushers (which puckered), the little cropped shirt which twisted a bit when the model walked.  All of it awful, none of it making sense, let alone together.  It was like Betty Draper pulling on a cape from a James Brown performance (of course Brown would never have used such a tacky topper).  How could Ashley herself not seem to understand that the garments were overpraised?  I haven't peeked but whether it's a decoy or final collection, I can't imagine anything interesting coming from her now.  It's kind of a shame.


    Edmond's gown may not have been truly avant-garde, but it was attractive and well-made, the 3D elements weren't an eyesore, and the blindfold (hey now!) used the same X that he incorporated throughout the design.  I also liked that he layered sheers in different places to different effects. 


    Kelly touches my heart in a weird way.  I like her scratchy voice and her honesty (the look on her face when Tim started talking about 18th century panniers) and how thrilled she is to be doing well.  Her design was fine, too, I thought.

    • Love 11
  6. I agree with this. I also think she had a financial reason to go along with it. Vicks became complicit when she launched a business with Lenka, the detox grass lady




    Vicks is all over the interwebs talking about this miracle mixture. Why do you think that Brooksie always ha one of those green shakes in his hand. Product placement! And it would have probably ended up with an announcment that Brooks was cured, so everyone needs to get with the program. But that never happened because it blew up in their faces. Vicks was up to her neck in it. The IV was just the last straw. So typical Vicks, drama and hyperbole. I'm sure she told Shannon that Terry arranged for an IV. Like Terry, as much of a jackass as he is, would actually order at home treatment for a cancer patient who is undergoing chemo. What a load of bull.

    How long does it take for someone to leave a party? I mean seriously. If you want to go, then go. It takes 30 seconds to walk out the door. I'm not sure if it was Vicki or the other women who kept stalling. I was having visions of the producers doing a body block in front of the door so Vicks couldn't leave and simultanously pushing the others out to the lobby to keep the drama going. 


    Wow, I didn't know Vicki was shilling what she's terming an anti-cancer product.  Disgusting.  Absolutely disgusting!  She is absolutely soulless.  Nothing in her to corrupt.  She'll sell a product as if it cures cancer, she'll lie about cancer (I truly don't see how the I.V. story isn't as close to definitive proof as could ever exist that she collaborated in this lie: I have no proof that she was in on it from the absolute start, but it seems ironclad she is in on it now), she'll intimate that she is near-suicidal because her mother died after a long natural lifespan *in response* to anyone asking her anything about this mockable 'cancer' storyline.  Wow. 


    About her taking her sweet mincing time to leave: Vicki needs to learn how to work a cape and the lyrics to "Please Please Please."  She is a snouty, injected, untalented James Brown.  She refuses to leave a stage, even when the spotlight shows she has no scruples and a too-tight dress.  Well, well, well.

    • Love 21
  7. Or checking a photo she had just taken.  Nobody can just live in the moment.  Always have to be recording whatever is happening in front of them.  OK I need to go to bed now.


    That picture.  If I had a high, beautiful, choral soprano voice, I would gently sing, 'trash' looking at this gathering - excepting the girl, who still may have a hopeful future.  What a bunch of fuckery.  "It's like a Kyle Umansky/P. Diddy white party!  But better because it's like spiritual!  Can you read my thong size through my skirt?"



    Billy's girlfriend Rhonda said Vicki had not asked Shannon to show any records of David cheating.  Since Vicki claimed she never told a soul about the affair she is pretty busted.




    Good God, what a bunch of garbage in human form.  Really, Rhonda?  I can't.  Billy and Rhonda, sitting in a tree, DR-I-N-K-I-N-G.   


    Vicki and her cohort (Brooks, Tamra, her family of origin, these ho-wannabe friends) is what happens when they grow up with the attitude that things like studying is for suckers, that connecting with other people in a sincere way not involving shots is for losers, and that what the mirror shows is a lie.  SIZE UP, honeys.

    • Love 6
  8. I agree lordonia.  'Taste' has wound up as a critique applied to designers as varied as Angela, season 3 (covered things with rosettes) and season 5's punkier Keith Bryce and Suede (who had arguably the worst decoy collection ever shown for PR's NY fashion week; bloggers Tom and Lorenzo reported that there was a 'holy shit!' kind of reaction to what Suede sent down the runway) - so even during the salad days at Bravo, the judges consistently made taste objections, and they don't want to see fusty, overly 'junior'/cheap-reading (this is how Kors saw Mondo, right or wrong) or just plain cheap design.


    I wonder if Candace's ears are on fire?  Or if maybe that AVN cocktail hour-appropriate 'real woman' garment finally self-immolated out of shame or because the pleather off-gassed and the whole thing went up in flames.  Well, better that than it being worn.

    • Love 1
  9. I think so too Scrambled Fog, but I think she's viewed colonics as an ongoing thing to do courtesy of Dr. Moon and probably other practitioners.


    Sometimes Shannon seems orthorexic, but then I think her awesome, super-funny 2.5 hour workout footage must contradict that.  I really do think she can be so incredibly funny.  If that nervous energy went into fundraising for an orphanage or eliminating the Trump presidential campaign, Shannon's weird, sometimes very charming energy could change the world fast! 

    • Love 5
  10. A tangerine made her bloat? WTF? That is...I don't know what that is. Worrying about the bloat from a single tangerine so much that you felt the need to give yourself a home enima? Get a therapist. David didn't cheat because Shannon gained weight. Also she wasn't even overweight. I'm so glad I decided to accept that I will probably always be a little bit fat years ago. Life is too short to torture yourself like that.

    [cupping hands around mouth]  I know what it is!


    It's an eating disorder grown in the garden of a very tense marriage, financed by an ever-flush checking account.  This has probably gone on for years, before the affair and no, before someone bugs out, I am not saying she caused David to cheat because she doesn't understand how tangerines typically work in the body.  She didn't order a party pack at Taco Bell and chase it with a bunch of Natty Lights FFS, she ate a Cutie!

    • Love 4
  11. I find this totally unfair so I'm going to take it bit by bit...


    I just don't know how you can look at her black dress with the white jacket (which should have beaten Blake's unfinished look) or the Neverland piece and think she has no taste. IMO those have been the best looks all season from any designer. It might not be your taste, but I know that I can at least appreciate Kelly's point of view even if I don't particularly care for it. You may not have liked the Venice look but I think most people disagree. If anything, the pants were the weakest link and they were Ashley's contribution. I fully acknowledge that this week was bad, but I don't think one bad look trumps all of her past work.


    I just looked back at all of her designs again and I see very little repetition. This past week was a bit like the unconventional computer challenge but that's about it. Yes, she used leather on a few pieces, but hardly all of them. Yes, she likes black, okay... but the designs, patterns and textures are always varied. What's "repetitive" is her general POV, but I think that's a strength, not a flaw. Not to mention that the collections she just showed at the London and Paris fashion weeks were incredibly different from anything she's done on the show.


    Her critiques and talking heads, IMO, have been fair and correct. I don't know how you can say she's acting more "insightful than she is" when she's being legitimately insightful. I haven't sensed any arrogance. Every designer is asked to critique the other looks... it falls on the editors if you think they're showing Candice's too much. At least she critiques the actual clothes and isn't just calling people "mediocre" like whatsherface.


    I just don't even know where this is coming from... She's talked about her kids maybe twice.


    I haven't noticed her mixing up words, but even if she does, who cares... it's not like she's running for Speaker of the House. She said she was on her own at 14... forgive her for not having perfect grammar.


    Honestly, I find your comment a lot more arrogant than anything she's ever said.  I mean, I may be coming off as some sort of Candice groupie at this point, but I just found this ridiculously harsh. No one has to like everyone, but come on... there's no need to attack a human being.


    Honestly, you're being nasty a la old school boards on boards and taking things here - namely, what I think about  Candace - far too personally.  I'm watching a TV show, and enjoying snarking on Candace, who best I know isn't a fellow poster, and yes, I think she is absolutely arrogant as all hell.  I thought this after the challenge aufing Amanda, and I think her 'I can help' attitude is absurd.  Feel free to PM me and explain your vision about attacks on humans, or do another exegesis on my comment, bit by bit.

    • Love 11
  12. I believe she wanted Greensleeves -- flirty, but not dramatic-- and able to go from day to evensong.



    And Swapnil *totally* should've given this to her!  It's super high-fashion if you're into Ren Faires and subtlety. 


    "I don't like myself much lookswise and I'm kinda put off that I was nominated for an on-air makeover.  Please fix this, using scrap fabric, in around 27 hours, or I'll do my best Grumpy Cat impression."


    Switching gears, my issues with Candace are in two general areas - she's got no taste IMO and is incredibly repetitive (I thought her 'tastemaker' outfit and the collaboration with Ashley were absolutely awful, and she should've been cut before her crew member even made it all the way down the runway in her Adam and Eve outfit), and she thinks she's a lot smarter and more insightful than she is, and I think she's one of *those* who thinks having children makes her more thinking, feeling and astute than are others.  No.  Candace is a little bit of a Mrs. Malaprop too, which doesn't help her.  She's got a lot of confidence.  Bless her heart.

    • Love 6
  13. Well, my observation has been that Tim appears to have a remarkable well of warm fellow-feeling for contestants who present themselves as victims and act like bullies. Granted he's also kind of obseqious about making excuses for the annointed favorites of the judges, but he doesn't seem to feel quite as strongly about that. Think about who his favorites have been lately - Michelle, Helen, Sandhya, Asha, Mondo, Amanda... That's quite the murderer's row of mean/whiny assholes right there.

    Oh God, this is dead, dead on.  My 'Oh God' is because a big part of me cannot accept he has any warm feelings towards Fucking Helen, who I loathe.  The whole dynamic with Helen and pass-agg Dom and Fucking Kate Pankoke, Incompetent Designer against Alexandria still, obviously, makes my blood boil.  But you're right.

    • Love 9
  14. She didn't just mention it. She outright said that he wouldn't give her his address. It was in a scene 3 or so years ago when she met him and a friend (maybe a girlfriend) for drinks. She asked him when he was going to let her know his address and he said something like "never". She then interviewed that he had lived alone for a while but refused to give her his address because he wanted his privacy. She also laughed about it in her blog that week.

    And she only laughed and pretended to have a sense of humor about it because that's some telling stuff right there.  (Vicki has no sense of humor or perspective about herself whatsoever, but the only way to sell 'My son doesn't want to share his address with me!' is to try and be tee-hee about it.)  I know plenty of people who have issues with their moms, but few are as overtly turned off from spending time with them, having them know where they live, or have an on-camera history of their droopy dog weepy mom sobbing because she wasn't treated like Queen MILF by his frat brothers when she dropped in unannounced. 


    You don't need to have a childhood out of Mommie Dearest to have something of a nightmare of a parent. 

    • Love 14
  15. You can't filter out what someone actually did! So, the theory is that a 65 year old woman's feet on the couch threw him into a PTSD flashback, full temper tantrum freak out, complete with fighting with everyone else at the party and maintaining that he was right all along! She had her damn feet on the couch! Her feet on someone else's COUCH! Plus, The military doesn't have a monopoly or a free pass on PTSD. Lots of people experience it. Deal with it or don't expose people to your disorder. It's not like he was drafted.

    Love you.  Thank you so much, I'm sick of the conversation being strangled about this, and the implication that some people just don't support our military.  Uh-uh.  To play on a stronger phrase, please make love to that commotion.  It's not like we're peering in at someone in Walter Reed and mocking them.  This assjack is on this show because he thinks he's a stah. 

    • Love 20

    If I were Andy I would have asked David way more questions about the affair.  Did they have daily contact, how often did they meet, was there a mutual plan for he and Nicole to leave their respective spouses.  Did David ever speak to the husband?  Fortunately, Andy spared David and Shannon the humiliation.


    Oh, I think it would have been both wonderful and respectful to ask David about positions and where he came and how far their conversations went about Shannon's flaws.  Although I love the idea of looking at old Andrew and thinking he showed a lot of restraint and how the people who have decided to expose their kids to their bullshit with a stage and cameras were lucky that he was so subtle.  I'm making a Bill the Cat face right now, by the way.


    I'm so glad we're at this place.  All the kids involved totally deserve it. 

    • Love 3
  17. Because that would be stooping as low as the Vickster and she set a very low bar! Vicki doesn't fight fair that's true but it makes you just as bad to exercise the same obnoxious behavior. Slades "comedy" routine was ridiculous. I don't particularly like her or Slade but calling her Miss Piggy? How would Slade like it if someone ridiculed the looks of his mother or brother?

    I see what you're saying, but I don't think it's stooping as low: Vicki has routinely started some, so there was some.  I wasn't as into the show in the first few seasons, but from the Gretchen and forward seasons, Vicki and Tamra went after those two for no reasons at all.   Vicki in fact said something on air about Gretchen being 'pimped out' by Slade.  She was absolutely vicious and mocking and derisive towards Alexis, and Lizzie.  Of course she's far less physically appealing to many people, and she's obviously very vain and somewhat deluded about her dress size.  No one has ever pointed out that her children show obvious distaste at elements of her personality -- THAT would be hitting someone in a low place.  I don't think superficial nasty comments are the lowest blows, and I think she certainly deserves what she gets.

    • Love 12
  18. Slade was brutal. I understand his justified anger towards Vicki & Tamra, but a bigger man, NOT Slade, would fight a fair battle and not knock a woman's looks. She looked great in the family van days!! Reality TV must make these ladies super sensitive with so many in the peanut gallery.

    I was thinking about this - is it really not a fair battle, was it really not fair, for Slade to say whatever he wanted about Vicki's looks?  Vicki, who called Jeana fat (in an episode), called Jim Bellino a 'smelly dork' (stopped clock and everything, she's not attacking acts there, but her perception of his physical presence).  Why is it somehow morally untenable for someone to speak Vicki's own language and go after her in the manner she (a) understands and (b) is on the same wavelength in which she's criticized others? 

    Slade and Gretchen are contemptible but Vicki is no better.  And I have thought Vicki was an awful-looking women since day 1, primarily because she's an entitled vicious idiot who used to wear those fugtastic Sky tops cut low to show off the purchased foobies.  A lot of her ugly comes from her terrible personality.

    • Love 16
  19. Pollock, I was thinking the same thing....IMO, Shannon seems to be so honest, she puts it ALL out there....and to add to what you already mentioned: her peeing when she runs, her hilarious wacky exercising, her showing her tummy to her trainer, discussing her weight, admitting she has flabby boobs, etc, etc...and so many things she does that could be considered annoying (calling the other wives by their full names, reading the appetizer menu in an irritatingly loud voice, etc) just seem honest and endearing to me....she is like a sister or good friend that has some quirky qualities (don't we all?) but you just love her despite them!

    You guys have both reminded me of what I really do like about Shannon, even though I am in every way against having The Affair be her storyline given what we know about the kids' awareness, the publicity, the fact that they're in or near the usually tough junior high years.  I can't believe that this is the choice they made, I think it's so frigging-damned wrong.


    I could watch her 2.5 hour workout (see, I like her!  I didn't even do quote marks around that when none of what she was doing seemed to make any sense!) on a loop for like a week.


    Terry is totally that doctor that insults his patients when they're under!  Good call upthread.  He is grossness incarnate.  He made cute kids somehow, and I guess he's a family man but...yikes. 


    Billy seemed drunk, per his usual, on his way to Tammy's White Party and Drowning (<-- ha!)  Even if he was stone-cold sober, I would want to hand him 2 Advil and a water if I were ever around him, perish the thought.

    • Love 12
  20. This entire enterprise, of a 'where we are in our marriage' special, is so distasteful, low-brow and pathetic that I have almost no words.  Except for 'this marriage will never be healthy' after the airing and confirmation by both of these ridiculous people that David handed his ring to his eldest.  Shannon is also some kind of delusional if she doesn't read something significant into David's disagreement about McKibbin's exposure based on her public stature or lack thereof, relative to active reality show castmembers.  There was nothing universal or therapeutic about any of it.  It blows my mind that they chose to do this. 


    I hope it was all worth it.  The affair, the excruciating public details spilled by these two narcissists.  Let's reflect on the fact that not even Chelsea Clinton has had her parents open veins on national broadcasts about the post-Lewinsky fallout. 


    If people have dignity, there was nothing triumphant in this whole endeavor.  Teresa's call-in from prison makes much more sense to me than this.  In fact, the Giudices are the only cross-franchise members who have done the coupled, serious sit-downs (not lighthearted dumbassery on WWHL, a la the Gorgas serving as Andy's dancing monkeys.)  If Shannon and David did not have serious money and fusty taste and an I guess paid-for mansion, I feel pretty certain everyone would look at all of this stuff very, very differently.  Put them in leopard print and give one a threehead and make them say 'youze' and does it seem like all the sought-for attention is just to save the family?  Uh huh.

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