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Everything posted by Sharonbee

  1. All I know is he was the one in the penguin costume. Is there maybe a website or something that white people can go to? LOL! I think people should just lighten up on the whole that's racist bs and just talk to each other. It's amazing what you learn when you're not listening to something to be offended about. Rachel didn't seem offended one bit. She has a really great sense of humor and a great sense of herself.
  2. Almost certainly. Chad was a much better villain. Even Nick when he was the villain. Lee is just obnoxious and ugly.
  3. I missed it. What's wrong with the way she said it? ETA: Oh never mind I see. It's just that in the south that's how we all say it anyway. I suppose it's technically incorrect but it sounds more like what it means when you pull out the ee and add the "i". Sort of like adding in devious. It should be a word.
  4. It's lazy and pandering to stick a "southern boy" on there to be a racist. Can't they be any more original and enlightened than that? Just perpetuating the ignorant myth of all Southerners being racist red necks. But what am I thinking? This is the bachelorette - nothing original or enlightened here. Just sad they have to Mar the first AA lead with this crap.
  5. So it looks like Lee is the chick in the Dixie flag bikini (Unreal fans will get the reference.) He's had some questionable race related comments in his past according to media.
  6. The DeMario thing felt like a total setup by producers. I feel like they planned the whole thing from the beginning. They found some "great" guy with a crazy girlfriend who would be willing to come on and raise hell and cause drama and reeled him in with promises of "we'll take care of everything, your ex won't be a problem." He really was blindsided. And Rachel WAS played for a fool but not so much by DeMario as by the producers. Will they please STOP doing the stupid To be Continued crap? NObody likes that. NObody wants that. Why do the PTB want to anger their audience every week? I hate that.
  7. Fun podcast but they spend WAAAAAY too much time on Lucas. Don't want to watch him and don't want to hear people talk about him. Moving on. Also I felt they were prejudiced against Lee saying he was a "country boy." They took it to mean he's racist.
  8. Fun podcast but they spend WAAAAAY too much time on Lucas. Don't want to watch him and don't want to hear people talk about him. Moving on.
  9. I would LOVE it if there were a teacher on the sidelines with a ruler who would come out and smack anyone who uses bad grammar.
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