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Posts posted by desertflower

  1. From what I understand it’s supposed to be a funny/satirical take on the actors coming back together for a reboot. So yeah, they will play heightened versions of themselves. Sounds like it could be entertaining but I really wonder how they will handle Luke’s passing. Seems tough to write into a lighthearted show. I’m going to try to trust that the actors will make sure it’s handled well. 

  2. I caught the last half of All in the Family during the Carter marathon and had to stop to watch the rest of it. So much emotion from so many different directions. You have Benton trying to save Carter, Elizabeth and Romano losing Lucy, the staff processing everything. Sobricki going on about feeding his dog while his poor wife realizes he has totally gone off the rails. So sad on so many levels. Such compelling drama.

    • Love 7
  3. Bumping this thread up in case anyone is watching the Pop episodes right now. They are in season 4. Just have to say I think Donna looks super cute in these early college episodes. She looks like a normal college student and her wardrobe is cute without being wacky. Her hair looks good too. Bravo to the wardrobe people, I appreciate their efforts at that particular moment in Donna history. 

    Also, although it’s totally unrealistic that Brandon would run into Emily on his first day in San Francisco, I do really like them together in those couple of episodes. 

    John Sears is so slimy.

    • Love 6
  4. Tonight we saw that CHiPs was on, so we put it on for a few minutes to show the kids some cheesy 70’s tv. Well imagine my delight when I see our very own Felice Martin show up as a...wait for it...lady truck driver. She was wearing flannel and had a Dorothy Hamill-esque hairdo. It was awesome. She was actually really cute, in a 70’s kind of way. 

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  5. 1 minute ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

    I think I remember David and Brenda dancing too? Or was that a different episode I'm thinking of? Oh wait, it is. Brenda and David dancing happened after Brenda came back from Minneapolis and there was a dancing contest. Or something.

    Yeah, that was in college. At the dance I mentioned David was onstage the whole time. I do like that scene you mentioned, David and Brenda had some good unexplored chemistry. 

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  6. I watched the classic Pigskin Prom episode yesterday, also affectionately known as The Electric Slide to Cure Racism. Lol. Lots of good, bad, and hilarious in that one.

    Good: Jordan Bonner. Brenda and Donna line dancing; they were cute and having fun. Return appearances of Tony Miller and Kyle...it was nice the show was attempting to have some reoccurring minor characters, because we all know their history of making people disappear after one ep. 

    Bad: Brandon’s endless lecturing on how everyone should feel about everything. Donna’s spanx garment worn as a dress. David’s dancing onstage.

    Hilarious: Sue Scanlon’s random woo-hooing at David’s soundcheck. Heehee, I’m chuckling just thinking about it. So goofy. 

    Ok, don’t kill me but I think David’s rapping was actually not bad. Definitely a step above his singing performance at the beach club. 

    • Love 3
  7. Every time I rewatch the Dylan/Kelly summer fling I get so aggravated at Dylan. Ok, so they bonded and flirted and kissed while Brenda was away. Crappy thing to do but they could’ve admitted it was a mistake and moved on. Which Kelly wanted to do. But then Dylan acts hurt and makes her feel guilty for wanting to end it for Brenda’s sake. What did he want, exactly? He didn’t seem to want to dump Brenda yet he acts wounded when Kelly tried to move past it. He didn’t want Kelly to dismiss what happened but was fine making out with Brenda in front of her when she came back from Paris. I liked Dylan in general but in that story arc he sucked and both Kelly and Brenda should’ve washed their hands of him and moved on. And yes, it still bothers me after nearly 30 years. Lol! Glad I have you guys to understand me. 

    • Love 12
  8. 9 hours ago, happykitteh said:

    This may be a crazy theory but I think the "her" everyone is gathered to see is Kate. Showing Rebecca in the bed was just to throw off the viewers. I think something happened to Kate - a serious illness or injury - and she, like Rebecca, is staying with Kevin. She and Toby divorced at some point and that's why Toby said, "Are you sure she wants to see me?" I recall a birthday party for Kate with the Pin The Tail On The Donkey Game being part of the storyline so maybe they're having a party for an ailing Kate. I don't know what the sidewalk chalk connection would be.

    I too think the stuff with Rebecca is just to throw off the viewers. They reveal just enough about her so we think they were all going to see her, but then they will probably hit us with some unexpected twist that they were actually gathering to see someone else. Your theory about Kate makes sense.

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  9. On 3/23/2019 at 8:20 PM, Jaclyn88 said:

    What season do you all like the most ? I liked parts of 3,4 some of 5 ( though I hated the Kelly joins a cult storyline with that creepy professor  ) and 6. Before season 3, it was too after school special for my taste and after 6, it got pretty terrible . 

    I like 2 the best. It started the great summer episodes and we also get a nice string of episodes with Brenda and Dylan getting along and having a nice relationship. Also the Emily Valentine stuff is entertaining. I like 1 and 3 too. 

    • Love 1
  10. On 3/29/2019 at 9:46 PM, BrindaWalsh said:

    This season begins the period known as "Brenda Walsh: Hair to Die For"

    Yes! Pop should be getting to the Paris episodes soon, and I think she looks stunning in those. Not just her hair, but cute wardrobe too. The only bad thing is that’s the beginning of the end for her and Dylan. 

    • Love 6
  11. 1 hour ago, Jaclyn88 said:

    Was Emily supposed to be a bombshell for the 90s?

    She was supposed to be a cool alternative chick. I think they liked her because she was new and different than the girls they were used to.

    I’m so glad I caught the season 2 Halloween ep on Pop today. Although I can’t stand the endless shots of Donna fidgeting in her mermaid costume, Dylan and Brenda as Bonnie and Clyde are perfection. Dylan was the best version of himself; being cute and charming with Brenda, and comforting Kelly after her assault. Luke was totally dreamy in that costume. 

    I liked Brandon and Emily in their plotline too. They were cute together and Brandon didn’t bray at anyone. 

    • Love 1
  12. They just showed the episode where the black family moves in (with Vivica A. Fox.) This had to be the most egregious example of “and we never saw them again” that the show had. Vivica’s brother was even chosen to be the staff photographer for the Blaze and yet we still NEVER SAW HIM AGAIN. With zero explanation. I get they didn’t want to hire the whole family to be regulars but why not hire the kid to pop up sporadically throughout the school year in the newspaper room, just for a wee bit of continuity?  So weird. 

    • Love 5
  13. Excited for the new movie! 

    I’ve been enjoying James Roday in A Million Little Things. Still has his great snark and comic timing but gets to stretch his dramatic skills too. 

    And I saw Kirsten Nelson on This Is Us this week. Just a bit part as a nurse but it was nice to see her.

    Does anyone follow Dule on Instagram? He posts pictures of some of the people who have been coming out to see him in his play and Curt Smith (Tears for Fears) was in one. So fun!

    • Love 2
  14. On 3/19/2019 at 1:12 PM, GHScorpiosRule said:

    They did it with Valerie on this show. Because Shannen couldn't or wouldn't appear for the series finale, Tiffani Thiessen showed up, and it was all hugs, squeals and kisses, as if she and Donna were besties.

    Yeah, I get the feeling that was all affection for Tiffani, rather than Valerie. It’s the same vibe I got when they went to see Ray in Las Vegas. I think the actors were just happy to see Jamie Walters again and it sort of bled through. 

    But yeah, the Steve/Dylan friendship that last season was a bit forced. The actors made it work but those two characters were never that particularly close. 

    • Love 4
  15. They’ve been showing the first summer episodes on Pop this week and I just love watching them again. They were so smart to make new episodes during the summer, and set them at the beach club. Such a fun vibe. Of course within his first few days working Brandon managed to yell at a rich club member and let his friends in after hours to play poker, yet still not get fired. Lol. Speaking of the poker scene, I love when they dress up in the old fashioned outfits. Donna and Brenda look great, especially Brenda’s flawless makeup. 

    • Love 4
  16. On 3/13/2019 at 7:29 AM, truebluesmoky said:

    The longer I think about it, the madder I get about how Madison was treated and how no one stuck up for her. She’s Kate’s best friend and main support system in LA besides Toby. She knew more about the birth plan than any of the Pearsons and was even SUPPOSED to be there for labor and delivery per said birth plan. It was a big deal for Kate to even make and trust a female friend, so her having done so should have been a clue to the Pearsons that Madison was more than an outlier and was  an integral part of Kate’s support system. I felt bad that she left at all, but I’m glad it gave her the opportunity to bring the Ruth toy. However, once she brought that back to the hospital, she should have dug in her heels and stayed and/or SOMEONE from the family should have told her to stay.

    I’m a week behind and just watched this last night. I’m so mad at how they treated her! If my loved one was in the hospital and one of her friends showed up to sit and wait with me I would be deeply touched and grateful for that. It is no small thing to go sit with people who are going through something like that. And she brought some food! Kevin was drunk and stressed so his rude comment can sort of be explained, but I can’t believe that NO ONE stood up and asked her to stay. Even at the end, I thought Miguel might invite her back to see Kate, but no. Ugh. 

    • Love 7
  17. I’ll usually watch this show through a whole cycle and then take a break for a while, and then eventually I end up back to it. Of course this time it’s because of Luke’s passing and Pop starting from the beginning again. But one thing I always notice when I return to season 1 is how much I missed Shannen/Brenda and the Walsh family dynamic. I’m just always so happy to see them all again. There were still some good things about the show in later years but it really did lose its heart once the Walsh family left, starting with Brenda’s departure. But it’s true, Brandon and Brenda weren’t quite the same in season 4 as they were early on. Maybe it was because of tension on the set. I’m curious if Shannen had stayed if they would’ve eventually worked through their stuff and been able to recapture that. 

    • Love 6
  18. I kind of felt sorry for Daniel Cosgrove. He was a good looking guy, and a decent actor. But Matt was such an obvious placeholder character that you just couldn’t see him as anything other than a doormat, waiting around for his moment to valiantly step aside so Kelly and Dylan could be together. It’s too bad they didn’t bring him to the cast earlier so they could do more with him. I would’ve much rather seen more of him than the endless years we had with Noah. 

    • Love 5
  19. I was surprised when Ian said he worked with him from 94-99. That means Rush didn’t appear until four years into the series! I guess most of Steve’s earlier plots mostly involved his mom. Lord knows I’ve seen this show enough to know when people came and went but I hadn’t realized or just forgot that Rush wasn’t around in the high school years. 

    • Love 6
  20. 12 hours ago, atlanticslide said:

    There's no excuse for the series finale being included, though. What were the other episodes?

    I would imagine they wanted to include his last appearance playing Dylan. 

    If you scroll back a few posts someone listed all the episodes in the marathon. I watched some of it on Friday and they also showed a bunch more Dylan scenes during the commercial breaks from other episodes not included in the marathon. 

    • Love 3
  21. I haven’t seen anyone on here seriously criticizing his costars for not responding, it’s been more of an observation that some costars have been quicker to respond than others. And that just means some of them have had a hard time coming up with the words, no judgement at all. (Of course there may be other places where people are complaining but I think everyone on here has been respectful.) They certainly don’t owe the fans anything. But when they do decide to share their thoughts I think it does help fans grieve. Jason posted one thing and then followed up with another one thanking everyone for their outpouring of support. Maybe it helps them as well to share the grief with fans. 

    Ian Ziering has been sharing a picture everyday and I’ve loved seeing them. 

    • Love 2
  22. 1 hour ago, thesupremediva1 said:

     They gave everyone a lovely ending. The characters seemed at peace - as much as we could ask after 10 whole years. Luke gives a huge smile in the slow musical part at the end as they fade into a piano version of the theme song - wow, that is always going to reduce me to tears. 

    Yes, yes, yes. I recorded the finale so I can watch it later but I remember every other time I’ve seen it I am reduced to a big puddle at the sight of the gang hugging while the music transitions into the theme song. Despite how bad some of the plot lines were in the later seasons I think they pulled it together nicely at the end. 

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