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Posts posted by desertflower

  1. Re: Pratt....yes, the actor decided to move on and he asked them to kill his character off in a dramatic way. He dies in the ER after being injured in the explosion mentioned earlier. There is a nice moment with him and Frank, I remember, and it was very sad, but mostly I just remember thinking it was too much at that point to kill another character. You almost get numb to it when it happens for the gazillionth time. 

    I was watching a travel show today and they were featuring Croatia. It was very beautiful and I kept thinking of Luka trying to explain to people about the beaches and how nice it actually is there. 

    • Love 3
  2. 14 hours ago, absnow54 said:

    Haven't mentioned it yet, but I love the Kim Kelly/Lindsay Weir reunion. Especially since Busy and Linda are playing completely different characters. 

    Oh yeah! When I watched these episodes originally I had not seen Freaks and Geeks yet. I finally caught up last year on Netflix and really loved it. 

  3. For those who have never heard of the YouTube guy, you don't even want to know how much money he and his idiot brother made last year. It will make your stomach turn. 

    On a side note, for a fun food truck movie, check out Chef starring Jon Favreau. 

    • Love 8
  4. 1 hour ago, RedbirdNelly said:

    seriously? I keep thinking surely we're done with in-Africa episodes. Darn.

    Pratt goes over. There is one episode where they show mostly ER stuff with Pratt traveling over there interspersed. But then the next episode is pretty much all Pratt in Darfur. Had to skip that one.

  5. There is a lot of depressing crap but there are a few happy wrap ups for some of them. And you have to watch the last season (or last half of last season at least) so you can see some of the old characters come back. 

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  6. 8 hours ago, walnutqueen said:

    Well, so far I'm unable to see any Morris redemption retcon, nor do I see the nubs of Abby's devil horns.  I must be watching a different show than @doodlebug.  ;~)

    I seem to remember Morris didn't make his full turnaround until the last season. 

    I mostly like Abby in these later seasons too. She annoyed me more early on, when she acted like a black cloud was always over her and she thought she was too damaged for anyone to love. 

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  7. I forgot to say, when he came in in the wheelchair unable to speak, I think Abby was aware of his condition. She references at one point that he had mentioned to her (at a previous meeting) that he wanted to hang on until new treatments might be discovered. His assistant also hugged her and greeted her by name. So while they might not have had a constant relationship it seems as though they talked a few times, or she treated him a few times. 

    • Love 1
  8. Abby didn't force the trach on him, though. When she took over from Ray she cleared the mucus plug out of his throat. Then they asked him about the trach and he said ok on his machine. But then he said "I'm ok" which made it unclear whether he wanted it or not. They deferred to Luka, who said if there was a chance he was consenting they should do it. So yes, Abby pushed for it, but didn't just put it in by herself without anyone's permission. 

    1 hour ago, doodlebug said:

    Since the show is 20+ years old and we don't have/need a media thread:

    John Stamos recently hosted several of his former co-stars at his home.  Cute picture.


    That's great! Thanks for sharing. They look good. 

    • Love 5
  9. Re: Abby and the ALS patient. Not trying to argue with those of who saw her as arrogant, but I read it differently. It seemed more that she was desperate to help him because she had a soft spot for him personally. (Which we didn't know at first; it unfolded in one of the flashback scenes.) Her pleading with him to try everything and gain more time seemed like it was coming from a place of "I'm not ready to let go yet, even if you are." Maybe that would've been more evident if we knew of their relationship before. And I'm not necessarily saying it was the correct way for her to act as a doctor. But it seemed to be more from concern than from arrogance. But mileage varies; just my take on it. 

    • Love 3
  10. 3 hours ago, RedbirdNelly said:

    Watching Season 10, episode 7 (Death and Taxes) and believe I have an unclaimed BINGO square--Travis Wester as Eric--boyfriend of one patient with kids injured in a wreck. I had to IMDB is name but recognized him as Steve Sander's annoying brother on 90210 (not the one played by a Spelling) but the one who almost died of alcohol poisoning--apparently, named Austin. I just knew him as Steve's stupid brother.

    Haha, yeah, I spotted him too. (Forgot to call bingo though!) We used to call him NotRandySpelling on the 90210 forum.

    I'm still hopelessly behind but will comment on where I'm at. I thought the James Woods episode was well done, how they showed through flashbacks how he used to be and how his disease progressed. 

    I'm kinda mad at Gallant for choosing to reenlist. He just married Neela and they are starting a life. Seems like he could find some other way to help. 

    Morris showing Pratt his extra nipples was gross but they were all funny in the scene. Ray bursting in, Morris yelling "Whoa, we don't knock?" And Ray responding "On a curtain?" Made me chuckle. 

    I like seeing Luka and Abby having fun baby shopping and actually be happy fur a little while. 

    While it's nice to see Carter, I had to fast forward through the Darfur scenes. 

    • Love 3
  11. 16 hours ago, Zoe said:

    Garret Dillahunt is a great actor, but I simply can't reconcile his version of Steve with the previous guy.  It's just completely different.

    Yeah, definitely. I love Garret in Raising Hope but as Steve he's super creepy. When Cole Hauser played him initially you could tell he might be trouble, but you could also see the charm that Sam fell for when she was a teen. He was more of a slacker than anything, although they did sneak in a quick scene where he gets a little menacing with Sam. I guess they were trying to plant the seed that he goes off the rails later. Or, they just made it up as they went along once they saw Garret played creepy/crazy well. 

    • Love 2
  12. Guest star bingo: C. Thomas Howell, aka Ponyboy as the guy who abducted the girl then used her as a shield. Rough episode.

    And to fill the Obscure Soap Opera Star square, we had the guy who played Damien on ATWT as the patient from the plane crash who Pratt tries to save. He was a cutie. 

    • Love 3
  13. @RedbirdNelly I know what you mean about forgetting stuff but still having a feeling about what happens. I had completely forgotten about the deck collapse incident with Ray but as soon as he went to that party I knew the deck was going at any moment. Then today I watched the one where Luka treats a woman waking up from a coma and again, I had totally forgotten about that but I just had a feeling the whole episode that she was going to end up back in the coma. I guess our brain files away useless old stuff like that but it's still buried in there somewhere!

    • Love 2
  14. On 12/10/2017 at 7:45 AM, doodlebug said:

     I don’t think NW is a very strong romantic lead and neither is MT.  Together, they couldn’t generate the heat

    I agree with this, esp regarding Carter, and I've never been sure of why that was. NW was a good looking guy, but his love scenes just didn't really have much spark. I think he and Kem had some nice intimate moments but in a different way. Oh well, guess everyone can't be Clooney, who managed to ooze chemistry and charisma with everybody around him. 

    Watching the season 12 opener where Sam and Luka are looking for Alex. Luka tells a story about his son, which was nice, but then Sam asks what his name was and that seemed odd that they had been together that long and she didn't know his kids' names. I know they were trying to push the story of them not communicating well but surely he would've mentioned them by name before. He told Carol their names after just knowing her a few weeks. 

    I haven't gotten to Leguizamo yet but I remember in the original run I liked him, but they didn't seem to know where to go with his character. His arc was weird. 

    • Love 2
  15. I watched the Ruby one today. With all due respect to Red Buttons I didn't enjoy that character the first time around and surely didn't upon his return. I just always thought he was too hard on Carter. I'm sorry he lost his wife but it was obvious Carter felt bad about the way things went, even going so far as to come to her service to apologize. He was young and made mistakes. And you'd think over ten years Ruby would be slightly less bitter, but no. It was weird how they played it as though maybe Carter didn't remember him. Pretty sure that one would've stuck with him.

    • Love 8
  16. I know it is hard to believe if you've never watched that far, but imo Morris turns into a good character by the end. I can't remember too many details but I remember liking him by the final season and several of us on the old TWOP board commented on how his character had turned around and we actually enjoyed him.

    • Love 6
  17. Refresh my memory guys; has Elizabeth left the show yet? I'm a bit behind, just watched the episode with Gallant in Iraq. But it occurred to me I haven't seen her in a while. I did miss about three episodes at one point so maybe she left then? 

    • Love 1
  18. I'm behind; just watched the one where the dad shoots himself so his daughter can get his kidney. Guest Star Bingo: The dad was the dad from My So Called Life. And of course Chad Lowe returning as Carter's old student. It was funny, there were several times when the way he delivered his lines reminded me so much of Rob Lowe's character on Parks and Recreation, so I ended up chuckling at some scenes I probably shouldn't have! 

    The whole thing with the press showing up because the guy shot himself seemed odd. How many crazier things have happened at this hospital? It was tragic, but it wouldn't have really brought out a slew of reporters, would it? And they knew Carter had posted on medical internet boards about the drug? Just seemed off. 

    I like Jake, even though I had completely forgotten about him.

    • Love 1
  19. 3 hours ago, Zoe said:

    That Steve re-cast is jarring.

    I remember during the original airing I hated that recast and thought the actor (Garrett Dillahunt) was so creepy. The funny thing is I later came to love him when he was on Raising Hope. He was funny and sweet and charming and he and Martha Plimpton's character had one of the best tv marriages I'd ever seen. So pretty much the total opposite of his stint on ER!

    • Love 2
  20. Re: Carter and Kem at the end....I seem to remember they did end on a glimmer of hope for the relationship. She showed up at the last minute and they talked a bit, and I can't remember the conversation but it seemed to open the door a wee bit for a possible future for them.

  21. 3 hours ago, walnutqueen said:

    OK, I DVR everything, including 3 episodes of ER every weekday, and manage to FF through all ads.  That said - even a digit poised over the FF button on my remote isn't fast enough to make me NOT want to join the Marines and KILL, KILL, KILL the parties responsible for that obnoxious Goldbergs ad.  I'd hate to add that kid to my kill-if-I'm-dying list, but he is stepping on my last nerve, thanks to POP.

    Yes! Lord, make it stop. Surely there are other ads they can use. Rotate, please!! 

    @voiceover, I'm with you on the stuff regarding Kerry's mother. I'm not there yet but I remember watching it during the original airing and just being disappointed that it ended like that. Seemed like they could've written something a little more nuanced. 

    It is SO HARD to keep track of the timeline watching at this accelerated pace. In the Ray Liotta episode Sam mentioned she had been working there a year and I was like Whaa??? You just got there! 

    I forgot Madchen Amick was in this season as the psych doc. She was so gorgeous.

    • Love 1
  22. 31 minutes ago, Bastet said:

    I assume the potassium we saw Chen with in one of yesterday's episodes means she's going to OD her dad on it (which will stop his heart), but I missed how she wound up taking care of him in the first place.  Her parents were in an accident in China, she went over there and then brought them back with her, and now what happened to her mom?  Did she say peace out and go back to China?  And is her dad's condition now a result of the accident, or did something medical happen to him?

    Edited to also ask: Holy hell, how many times is Chen going to quit?

    In one episode Chen mentioned her mom died. I did miss a couple of episodes so I assumed it was the accident, which is also the reason for dad's condition. I think. 

    • Love 1
  23. I like Ray but I don't enjoy his facial hair. I like Sam and Luka together but Alex is a brat.

    I'm still trying to catch up. It helps that my dvr randomly misses episodes. 

    Kem and Carter having the baby was every bit as sad as I had remembered. 

    I think the Ray Liotta ep is next up for me. I always like him and I remember him being outstanding in this one. 

    I seem to remember the last season is pretty good. Just need to get through the next few!

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