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Posts posted by Caoimhe

  1. 3 hours ago, Anela said:

    My first name is Angela, and I've had some people pronounce it Angle-a. :) I meant to quote someone else on this, too. I could share my last name, because it turns out women with my name are a dime a dozen, but I'm sure it's against the rules. 

    My name wasn't so common in England, when I was a kid. In high school, I had one girl come up to me and shake my hand, because I was the only other Angela she'd met there. 

    If it's any consolation, I haven't been spending much time on FB, but when I have visited, I get all kinds of recommended pages to follow, instead of posts from my friends. Someone I know, mentioned this last week. She said, "If I haven't interacted with you recently, it's because this is all I see" and posted a list she'd copied from her feed. 

    I can be a good "real" friend, or I used to be. But with things I've mentioned here before: all of the moving around, the bullying, and then the weird stuff I've dealt with online (someone harassing me and some friends, just a whole strange "thing"), and then my sister, and all of that, I am different. I was practically feral for a while. People used to really like me, when they got to know me. Some still do, but for different reasons, maybe (I'm more outspoken now). But I'm flaky with communication, because of everything. I feel like I flatlined emotionally, and have been trying to figure it all out again.  

    The former German chancellor, Angela Merkel, was pronounced that way. Facebook has been destroyed there is so much “suggested” trash there now that I tend to bookmark my Groups page (sewing/quilting/crafts) and go to that instead. Often with my FB friends I have to search their name if I want to see what they’ve posted recently. I’m trying to get past the hurt seeing photos of events posted that I wasn’t even invited to, I’m just very weird because if I *was* invited I’d be stressed about it and not want to attend anyway. Maybe I feel like I “should” want to be more social?

    I’ve often said that if mental health diagnoses had been a thing when I was young I’m sure I would have one. I don’t really have friends and one thing that struck me in the NYT article was the woman who posted about having no one to call in an emergency. It’s one of the huge battles in my brain about “where should we live”. We’re very fortunate to have a choice, I know that no place is perfect, but the anxiety is always there. My husband would be happier leaving here and moving back but doesn’t believe I’ll settle back in well - and he is most likely right about that.  I would really miss the happiness of warm sunny summers.

    There have been a lot of moves in my life as well (14 schools over 12 years) and bullying in my teen years that still affects me so I understand some of where you’re coming from. I don’t expect I will ever figure it out, but at my age it’s less important so I just concentrate on the present moment and try to let the rest go.

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  2. 13 hours ago, annzeepark914 said:

    Speaking of baby names, I'm so happy that real first names are returning. I've encountered Stella, Cora, Lily, Amelia, and just yesterday, (at Wegmans) a very adorable baby boy named Miles, sitting in the cart, whose big blue eyes were attracting all the grandmas 🤗

    Husband has been watching the ladies’ golf this weekend.  There’s a young amateur playing whose first name is Asterisk, I thought at first they were saying that as noting she was playing as an amateur.  No, her name IS Asterisk.  It makes me wonder what her parents’ thought process was!

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  3. 3 hours ago, Yeah No said:

    On Xfinity you can buy some entire series for about $25 where it exists in your account in the cloud and doesn't take up any storage space so you won't have to delete it.  But if you should move where you don't get Xfinity or drop cable altogether, "poof", it's gone.  So that's not even permanent!  And not all series are available to purchase that way, which sucks. 

    Because I’m already so deep into Apple’s ecosystem I’ve purchased the “box sets” of some shows I love to watch over and over again.  We’ve also bought some shows from Amazon’s Prime Video because the only other option was subscribing to a streaming service my husband didn’t want (though when we got to the end of one series the videos are ONLY on streaming so I ended up buying the DVDs).  

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  4. 22 hours ago, KittyMom4 said:

    I say this pretty much with every reality/competition TV show or major sporting event that is televised. I don't want the backstory. I definitely don't want a sob story. Can I just watch the competition? Survivor was one of my favorite reality/competition shows, but (for many reasons), the last few seasons have been horrendous. Mostly because I now have to listen to every contestant's sad childhood/failed relationship/overcoming obstacle story. 

    Same with the upcoming Olympics, I want to see the EVENT, I want to watch EVERYONE compete, not just the darlings or the "come from nowhere" inspirational competitors. Stop with all the fluff and let me decide who I want to root for.

    Years ago I remember watching Olympic figure skating on Eurosport.  They showed EVERY skater who was there.  There wasn’t all the “fluff” about the skaters’ lives off the ice and whoever was doing the commentary didn’t constantly chat to each other.  American coverage was a rude shock, I gave up watching entirely.

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  5. On 5/29/2024 at 11:58 PM, EtheltoTillie said:

    I cut my teeth on DOS-based programs!  We had computer typesetting when I worked in publishing in the 80s, and you had to be able to code for the type faces and formats.  These were based on early word processing programs, such as Wang, which had dedicated terminals.

    I did too, but in IT.  We went from “terminals” that connected to the mainframe to eventually have PCs on our desks. The department secretary had one of those Wang terminals!

    Tech is where I admit I overbuy.  If my embroidery/sewing/quilting programs would run on MacOS I probably wouldn’t have a Windows machine any more but I found BootCamp and Parallels didn’t run them very smoothly so decided a big Windows desktop was the answer.  I like the towers because I can easily swap out the drives when I need more space and my 32” monitor is good for digitizing embroidery designs.  In fact my five year old MacBook really needs replacing but it will have to wait because I’ve just upgraded my six year old iPad!

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  6. 22 hours ago, oliviabenson said:

    Very true , sadly my mom is gone and today is a terrible day… all I can do is remember her and try not to cry.

    I couldn’t stop thinking that it’s been ten years since I had a mother. Then I saw photos of my aunt surrounded by my cousins AND my late sibling’s partner. While I am happy that they’re considered part of my aunt’s family it makes me cry that I’m ignored. My husband hasn’t been well and I feel like I’m totally alone in the world except for him, with the rest of my family gone I just can’t figure out why I’m still here. Anyway it was a bad day and I’m glad it’s behind me for another year.

    • Hugs 18
  7. 15 hours ago, roseha said:

    Does anyone else remember the novelty songs?  There was  one "They're Coming to Take Me Away" which apparently went to the top of the charts until it was withdrawn from the radio as people felt it was offensive to those with mental illness.

    I even know all the lyrics to sing along to it. That and Lunatic Fringe were played regularly in the middle of the night when I was young and turned my radio on because I couldn’t sleep. My favourite novelty song though is Star Trekkin!

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  8. On 4/17/2024 at 6:03 PM, Zella said:

    Thank you for posting this! I hadn't heard anything about a release date. 

    I didn’t even know it was being filmed, started reading these a long time ago so I’m looking forward to this!

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  9. 15 hours ago, kristen111 said:

    It’s the same story everyday here.  We are either looking for our glasses, my cell phone, or the REMOTE.  Only one remote, so we go nuts blaming one another.

    My smart watch finds my phone for me! One of its most used functions sad to say.

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  10. 13 hours ago, Yeah No said:

    I love watches but I am ruined for life now because of a Samsung smart watch that's integrated with my Samsung phone.  For two years since I got it I have not been able to go back to my regular watches, which I love.  And I regret that but for me there's no going back. 

    I find that the smart watch is so convenient and does so many things for me I would feel at a loss without it.  It even has a built in "find my phone" button that rings the phone if you misplace it.  I can read and reply to email and texts, get notifications.  I can even make, answer or decline phone calls, look at the weather, see how many steps I've taken, my heart rate, how many hours I slept, etc.  And when my phone is half way across the room or in my purse (which is a lot of the time) that's a big advantage.  But then I look at my regular watches and feel sad.

    I’m the same.  I have a number of watches including two really beautiful expensive ones but all I wear any more is my Apple Watch.  

    Edited to add: I have a Swarovski crystal surround and bling-y strap on it but it’s still a big clunky smart watch 

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  11. On 4/11/2024 at 3:56 PM, roseha said:

    Although much as I enjoy Ireland it tends to get a *lot* of clouds.

    If Ireland had a half-decent climate we’d probably have moved back by now. At the moment most of our family members are in Spain, Italy, and Malta escaping to warmth and sunshine!

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  12. My husband had absolutely NO interest in the eclipse until his brother sent a WhatsApp message Sunday asking what percent of it we’d get over here. Of course the day before the eclipse, on a Sunday morning as well, there were no eclipse glasses to be found. A very kind person at an event we went to Sunday afternoon gave us two pairs so we sat out in the back garden and enjoyed our 95% of the eclipse! 

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  13. On 3/29/2024 at 5:17 PM, GHScorpiosRule said:

    Does anyone here read Sherrilyn Kenyon? I do, or rather, did up until a few years ago, and before I go further, I need to if there are any others here who do, because I seriously need to VENT. Out of sheer boredom, I got Styxx and am suffering rage blackout here.

    Interestingly I think I read Acheron and a redemption arc for Styxx sounds like something she would do.  If my memory isn’t gone she also wrote medieval stuff under another name and there was one book series that ended with the evil stepmonster immediately forgiven and redeemed because “she sewed him a banner with her own hands and she’s sorry now”.  I understand the rage blackout.

  14. 6 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

    My name is shapeshifter and I am a butter-holic.
    I fry my eggs in butter. Salted butter. 
    [hangs head in shame]

    Thank you for solving my dinner choice tonight,  I will be having eggs fried in salted (Kerrygold) butter.  No shame here! 😁

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  15. 20 hours ago, Anela said:

    I’m finally leaving the house, and I think I’m going to switch back to watching funny things. I really need a mood-boost.  I also might finally start the Discworld series of books.  

    we have the eclipse happening in a couple of weeks.  We’re in the path of totality, and we’re getting warnings to get anything important in, before crowds arrive, and clog up traffic.  I had thought about going to the local state park, if dad was home, but it sounds like it’s going to be bad, so I’ll be in the back garden, if I can find some eclipse glasses.  A local ice cream place is giving them away with a specific ice cream.

    My birthday is the following weekend, and dad’s is the weekend after that. I already have cream cheese to make a small cheesecake for mine, and a chocolate cake mix for dad’s, but I might try another one from scratch. I’m terrible at decorating them, even though I used to be an artist.  I didn’t get that particular talent that several aunts and my sister had/have.  

    there’s a Monty python sketch that pops into my head, whenever I say “and nothin else” or when it comes out of someone else’s mouth. I can’t post links anymore, for some reason (it isn’t the site, it’s happening almost everywhere in the past week). 

    I *love* Discworld and reread them all the time, City Watch and the Witches are my favourites. There are just so many little things that I find amusing, I have some on Audible and listen to them when I can’t sleep at night.

    I wish I could “see” the eclipse but it’s more than two hours’ drive north of here and not worth braving the crowds so I need to look for glasses. There was one at home nine years ago but it wasn’t dark enough for me to even notice as totality was up in the northwest of the country.  I expect this will be the same.

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  16. 5 hours ago, Lisa418722 said:

    I'm single, child-free, and an only child, so these interest me since I have no other family.  Right now my mom is still living and every morning we either text or email each other, just "Hey, I'm still alive."  But if she weren't around, no one would know if anything happened to me.  I work from home, going in about once a month, but I don't know how long it would take for my employer to notice I wasn't checking in.  My neighbors wouldn't miss the fact that my car hasn't moved in so many days because there are weeks my car doesn't move.  I guess my neighbors might start smelling something after a while - lol.  

    Right now I have my husband, but I’ve wondered if services like this existed if something happened to him.  I don’t have anyone else who would notice a thing and when I see stories of people who died years before being found I sometimes think that could be me someday.  

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  17. I used a toothpick and my sewing machine brush to clean out my husband’s charging ports but went out and bought some little plugs to protect them.  Mine never have problems but I tend not to keep my phones as long as he does, plus they don’t fit in my pockets and my handbag doesn’t have linty stuff in it.

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  18. 1 hour ago, shapeshifter said:

    I also just want to hold and compare the different models with regards to size and weight. Reading the difference online is one thing. Feeling them is another.

    Any thoughts about this, @Caoimhe (or anyone else)? 

    Now I'm probably going to obsess over some off-hand, techy statement I can make to rattle an ageist Apple store so-called Genius, LOL. 

    It’s been a few years since I was in one so things may have changed, but I buy my Apple devices online directly from Apple so if there’s an issue visiting the store is an option. Their insistence on “helping me” set up whatever device I’m purchasing is what I’m keen to avoid. I prefer trying things at Best Buy as the local Apple store employees are waiting to pounce the moment you approach the door. Plus if there’s a new device just released they have queues to let you in and I’ve better ways to spend my time. I’ll be in the market for new iPads as soon as they’re announced (our six year old devices are developing unwelcome quirks) and expect to preorder immediately so trying them isn’t an option. Apple do have a great return policy!

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  19. 4 hours ago, Yeah No said:

    I get similarly annoyed, especially because I worked on and with computers from the ground up in my career.  I knew more about them and the internet than many younger people I worked alongside.  They used to come to me with questions like I was their "computer person".   I regularly know more than much younger so-called "tech support" people I talk to, which is also aggravating.  They can't even understand the problem much less solve it.  I often get so aggravated that I end up down the YouTube rabbit hole and find my own solution!

    I spent my entire working life in the computer field and when people assume I need to be guided step by step to do things I get VERY annoyed. I also prefer not to set foot in the Apple Store but order online because I hate being treated as if I’m stupid based on my age. YouTube and online support pages are a wealth of information and I can usually solve things that way.  

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  20. Tried to watch this week’s episode but left it on mute and ended up deleting it before it finished. I keep having to remind myself that I (a book reader and fan of the original series) am  decidedly NOT the target market for this show.  I think I’m only recording it for the beautiful scenery.

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  21. I really needed a change of pace and saw someone mention that several of The Murderbot Diaries books are on Kindle Unlimited so I’m reading those right now and enjoying them.

    I love Anthony Trollope’s books, they’ve been my comfort reads for a very long time (especially the Barchester series). 

    I enjoyed Edward Rutherfurd’s books so when Princes of Ireland was first published I bought it immediately. I never got past the second chapter. I knew the history from school, just wanted to be entertained, and (at least back then) that book wasn’t doing it for me. I never even bought Rebels which I might have related to better!

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  22. On 1/25/2024 at 6:49 PM, SoMuchTV said:

    Okay, now I have to ask. Are there places where you can own an apartment? In my experience, apartment=rent. If you owned that space, it would be a condo or coop. But my rental experience is fairly limited. 

    Yes, in Ireland you can buy apartments but it’s basically the same thing as buying a condominium in the US. 

    22 hours ago, Yeah No said:

    The only other way I could be off the hook for a lot of money is if I could show that I lived there for 2 out of the last 5 years I owned it, which I can't because I didn't.  I wish someone would have told me about this before my father signed it over to me so long ago. 

    I wish we’d known that too. We just sold our house in Ireland, it was our home until we emigrated.  Irish CGT rules allow credit for all the years we lived in it so while there’s definitely tax due it’s not horrible. But for US tax purposes we’ve been gone more than five years and property prices went up a lot in the last 37 years so it’s not going to be good. We hoped to be left with enough to buy an apartment in our home village but that may not be an option once all the taxes are paid.  It could be worse, but the US tax system is not easy to understand for things like this.

    Anyway, @Yeah No I hope you manage to sort your situation out without too much pain!

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  23. 10 hours ago, Yeah No said:

    Not only are cards getting too expensive anymore but they're not as good as they used to be.  For over a decade now I have kept a collection of cards I bought over the years just because I liked them and now they're coming in handy because I can't find good cards like that anymore.  Going through them is a reminder that it's not just my imagination.  The funny cards were funnier and the heartfelt ones were better written and more appropriate to the occasion.

    This is the reason I keep my card making software and supplies, I can easily print something appropriate on my home printer.  If I’m feeling ambitious I can embellish it, or if I’m really in the mood to make things I can cut pieces to make 3D pop up cards.  Luckily I don’t have to send many these days.

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  24. 8 hours ago, ABay said:

    That's what I have.

    I had to pour hot water on my windshield this morning because my scraper couldn't penetrate the ice.

    That was the traditional way I grew up with of defrosting the windscreen. Fill the kettle with lukewarm water, bring it out and pour it on the windows. But we never had New England level cold temps there!

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