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Posts posted by jmcd44

  1. I was surprised the crew found Justin as funny for as long as they did-I found him terrifying almost immediately. He was really scary-probably someone that shouldn't drink brown liquor. I felt bad for Captain Lee (he and Terri are both from Michigan-did you hear?) and the couple at the table who did try and hold it together a bit. These people are coworkers? How do you go back to the office with these people? I love bourbon-it is my favorite alcohol and I am a bourbon snob, but there is no way I'm asking for bourbon in a thermos on a mega-yacht in the Caribbean (Dark and Stormy anyone?). 

    I also was unimpressed with the bourbon choices, but again-who mainlines bourbon all day in the heat to the point you can barely talk? All of Rachel's gorgeous food is wasted on these people. The first course sounded so good!

    As for Heather's teeth, I don't notice them, but just fixing my 4 front ones cost me $22k with very good insurance so maybe she can't afford it. And I didn't have that money at 25 (I think she is 25?). 

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  2. 12 hours ago, Tdoc72 said:

    I always thought she had the best hair

    Agree! Her hair remains absolutely gorgeous. 


    2 hours ago, ifionlyknew said:

    In all the interviews I have seen of Monica she always comes across as someone you would could become fast friends with.

    I bet I would've loved Monica at her age (I love her now)-we would've been work friends for sure (no taping from me though!). Monica seems like someone who was very considerate (not to some wives I guess). Apparently she sent apology notes to her Watergate neighbors and that seems like that would've never crossed my mind at 25. I can see why the Grand Jury found her relatable and charming. 

  3. On 10/24/2021 at 8:50 PM, LaurelleJ said:

    I'm surprised that we are just now learning that Michael used to own the Watergate property. I would think that they would have let us know that in season 1, unless I just missed it.


    I'm shocked Ashely mentioned it since it doesn't seem like it was one of Monument's success stories (from the article):

    "It has been neglected for years and needs $100 million in renovations just to make it habitable, developers familiar with the Watergate say. Monument Reality, which bought it for $45 million in 2004, has not paid the hotel's property taxes since last year, which translates to at least $250,000 the city will collect at a sale...

    ...Lehman Brothers, its financing partner, went bankrupt last year. Monument began seeking buyers for the hotel, people familiar with the negotiations said, but none materialized."

    I actually love the Watergate Hotel-they have a good bourbon bar and a lovely rooftop. Not sure how nice the condos are in the other Watergate buildings-I have never lucked into getting into them (although I don't think most tenants are my kind of crowd-not since RBG)! 

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  4. I really did not think I would love this show this much. I laughed so hard at Steve Martin's elevator/boiler room comedy. And everyone ignoring him in the elevator was hilarious. I'm so glad it was mentioned upthread that it starts filming again next month. 

    Here is something we didn't see resolved (I think)-who left the note on Jan's door? Could it be the person who killed Bunny/sent the text? Since no one else was with her, it doesn't make sense she would leave for herself.

    How are they not selling the tie dye hoodie anywhere??

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  5. 7 hours ago, AngieBee1 said:

    I think the worst thing he did was rip the "Believe" sign.

    Same. I felt personally offended.

    When Keely told Higgins about the job opportunity, she kind of did a head shake/scream thing and Higgins did it too. I rewound that 5 times and literally lol'd every time. I also laughed so hard when Akufo just went off at the end-that was brilliant-loved the handshake fake out and them him strangling the mannequin. Then I lol'd at the dog breeder loving Keely (I mean, who wouldn't?). Really funny episode while still making me alternatively sad/ragey towards Nate.

    I also love Rebecca and Keely's friendship. It is so nice to see strong female friendships without backstabbing, etc. I feel like they are more common than they are ever portrayed on tv. I have a wonderful friend that I met through work and when I changed jobs, we cried like children, even though we still talk everyday, but not having her down the hall is still so sad!

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  6. 12 hours ago, Refresh said:

    I think better wigs would help and they could've adjusted her make up a bit

    Monica did and continues to have gorgeous hair so I guess they are doing their best but I don't see it with Beanie. 


    10 hours ago, gesundheit said:

    That look on Susan's face after Linda was nasty to her at the party was priceless. She was DONE. Hilarious.

    I do hope Susan ate the whole cheese log-or wrapped it up and took it home-just to piss off Linda! I love Susan. I wish she existed in real life.


    4 minutes ago, chick binewski said:

    During these scenes I get flashbacks of "No one asked you, PATRICE!"

    lol-thank you for that.

    I think it was the vulture fact check that talked about how Monica's closeness with the POTUS was well-known in "D.C. circles." It is always very obvious when coworkers (or... President and an intern-more than coworkers) are closer than average, even if the people involved think they are hiding it. (I speak from personal experience-except mine was another single coworker not in my chain of command) So people at the White House and probably Hill people knew about the rumors. I'm not sure one of them would've called up Ken Starr, but even if Linda wasn't such a horrible turncoat, it could've come out. 

    I know Lucianne Goldberg is a villain here but God I love Margo Martindale. 

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  7. 34 minutes ago, pasdetrois said:

    They may have been staying at the Victoriana Inn in St. Michaels. Haven't watched the full episode. Did production only show the back side of the inn? Refuse to give it fee advertising?

    I posted the link above-it seems to be called the Chesapeake Mansion (clever) near St. Michaels (Tilghman island). It is very pretty! I would probably let lettuce be thrown at me to stay there for a couple nights and ride a bike around the Eastern shore and not pay the $1500/night.

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  8. 22 hours ago, AZChristian said:

    I got the feeling that the WLS in Mexico was another of DeAnne's money-making projects.  She got hers, then started having her sister drive women to Mexico for the surgery.

    Minimum wages to sister/chauffeur.

    Kickback FROM doctor in Mexico.

    Profit to DeAnne.

    This is extremely unverified, but in the LLR Facebook group I'm in (never sold/bought LLR, just loved the documentary), the claim is that the doctor/one of the doctors at Obesity 4 Me in Tijuana is related to Deanne and her sister. 

    I could've watched four more episodes at least.

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  9. On 9/22/2021 at 9:41 AM, txhorns79 said:

    I've said it before, but I do love Linda's cubicle mate who regularly telegraphs her complete hatred for Linda. 

    My favorite person on the show-she represents some of us (me at least!).

    22 hours ago, Retired at last said:

    I read something that said that Linda Tripp's daughter wished her mom could have seen this show, but why???

    Based on her glee at seeing her name in Newsweek, she would probably love that the attention and that Sarah Paulson was playing her. Real question I will Google later-did she not get in trouble for speaking to the press without her boss's approval? I would get raked over the coals if I did that and I'm a gov't employee. 

    The actress Laura Ingrahm had me laughing when she looked at fake Ann and just went "Coutler..." That will be the nicest thing I ever say tangentially about Laura Ingrahm. 

  10. 12 hours ago, drivethroo said:

    People in Maryland can't drive.

    Can confirm-I learned to drive there and still think a blinker is a suggestion. No need to get over to the right lane to exit until you are 0.1 miles away. I'm mostly kidding-all of my limited driving is usually in heavy traffic. But I scream when I go home and Maryland drivers are just driving in the left lane at the speed limit when the middle lane is open and inviting to them. 

    12 hours ago, drivethroo said:

    To be fair, I find my self shaking my fist at Virginia drivers too.

    That's because we all moved here from Maryland. 😄

    Dorothy is awful. I think Candiace takes everything too far, but to grow up with Dorothy as a mother must've done some damage. Isn't she a psychologist? I would never want to work on myself with this woman as my doctor. That said, I laughed when Mia said Dorothy was asking if Chris was on the payroll and Gizelle said "Is he?" I'm nosy so I would want to know also.

    Why didn't they start shooting the video earlier if they were worried about the sun going down? And I'm glad they used the wives cars-they were probably just as nice as the ones MIA.

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  11. On 9/15/2021 at 9:10 AM, BeatrixK said:

    Having been a single woman in my early 20's with some self-esteem issues....they aren't exactly a group that is known for making solid romantic decisions -- hell...I lost my head over dudes who worked a part time job and lived with 3 roommates and didn't own a car:  Imagine the most powerful man in the world flirting with you and paying you attention - that is gonna make you fall like a ton of bricks!

    SAME (I didn't have Monica's money to travel, so at least the losers I was smitten with were usually found at the local bar). I too have always heard that Bill Clinton is so charismatic in person, you feel like you are alone with him. I'm from the DMV and was about 18-19 when this came out in the news but was very self-involved and away at college so the main thing I remember is that I was SHOCKED the POTUS would engage in such behavior as to cheat on his wife. Monica was only 3-4 years older at the time of the affair so I can see her being more naive than equal partner. 


    19 hours ago, tvfanatic13 said:

    I am not seeing Beanie as Monica. She looks too childlike/immature. 

    They are doing a disservice to Monica's GORGEOUS hair-I need some extensions on Beanie. I laughed at her going to "Pentagon City" to get her hair done. For sure, she went to Chevy Chase or Georgetown. 

    20 hours ago, qtpye said:

    The true victim in all of this might be Linda Tripp’s cubicle mate.

    I assume this is not a real person but I would LOVE to hear an interview if she was real.

    Linda will always remain a villain to me. I work in DC and I've known many many Lindas. I know they portray her as lonely and single, but I htink she was lonely because she was a jerk who worried a snapple bottle was on her side of the desk and not because she was single. I loved with she thought Michael Isikoff was digging up dirt on her program. Yeah right Linds. 

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  12. 19 hours ago, RedHawk said:

    Due to Covid and people wanting to get outdoors and away from the city last year those places at the beach were renting at a premium and also sold out, probably Deep Creek Lake was as well. Williamsburg was indeed a weird choice but probably the closest place that was available and relatively cheap.

    If they were going to drive to Williamsburg, just keep driving to Duck or Corolla and get a big house on the beach (although they were probably sold out). Kingsmill felt like an odd choice because it did used to be a plantation (and I think there is a golf course called the Plantation course). I'm not surprised they didn't go to Colonial Williamsburg because even though I learned in my classes in college (preservation), there is nothing historically accurate about the Rockefeller's Williamsburg, it still feels gross. Also all the candle-making places might've too much for Wendy and Karen.

    16 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

    I am told the latest is "woodwick" but I have no idea why...

    I was just introduced to wood wicks this weekend at a farmer's market and was given a long explanation about using them and I still don't understand. They look cool though!   

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  13. 2 hours ago, sugarbaker design said:

    Probably not a hiatus but next weekend is a holiday weekend, so probably not a new show.

    They did play a preview for next week during the Shahs reunion & I texted my friend about it relieved (I have now admitted I watch the terrible Shahs & I have no life, but the heart wants what it wants).

    1 hour ago, Fig Newton said:

    I don't know what happened or how it happened or why it happened..............but I am really, REALLY liking Candiace this season

    SAME. And I almost didn't watch because I used to dislike her so much. I'm sure it is an image thing, but she cracks me up in her confessionals.

    I actually don't think Eddie cheated. I think Wendy is maybe not a great fit for reality tv and doesn't know how to react to these attacks and rumors. I would probably cry and go to my room immediately but I am also not good tv. 

    I have typically liked Robyn (without Gizelle) by extension because I am a U of MD fan and will cling to that NCAA championship with Juan, but her muttering about why does Wendy care so much rang a little false when she and Giselle were driving to Arlington to go to Oz to confront Ashely about her talking about Juan and Robyn. I was dying when she was saying "I know who I'm not invited to my bridal shower..." No one wants to go to your bridal shower and bring presents when you have been married to this man and living with him for 20 years! You don't need a Simple Human trashcan from me.

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  14. 1 hour ago, SailorGirl said:

    I spent more time trying to figure out what part of Annapolis she was likely from than paying attention to her storyline. 

    If the internet is to be believed (haha), she was born in Churchton, which is about 30 minutes from Annapolis. IF she stayed in the area with foster care, maybe she went to Southern HS? I immediately starting texting friends to see if anyone knew & to have them check yearbooks-we are older, but I'm not sure 36 is quite accurate for her. Update: records appear to reflect she IS 36. 

    I hate Michael but loved Dean and Dillion (?) being so cute in that scene together. 

    Candiace's (what I assume) spare bedroom with her clothes still in the garbage bags from the move stressed me out. She has such cute clothes-make unpacking them a priority! 

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  15. 19 hours ago, GussieK said:

    Possible unpopular opinion:  I actually like Candiace now.  I think she got some advising on how to present herself better, and she has taken it.

    Same! I find her clothes very cute too (although I always have)

    14 hours ago, RealReality said:

    Back in the Paleozoic age, when I took my permit test if you failed three times you had to wait a year before you could take it again.  

    This was a billion years ago, but in Maryland, if you failed the driving test twice, you had to wait 2 or 3 weeks (I failed once). Not sure past 3-I only know one person that got to 3. And while I happily admit to failing the permit/computer test ("computer"-see "License to Drive" with Corey Haim) in about 5 questions, I went home, got the study guide and actually read it, and passed the next day. 

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  16. 6 hours ago, pasdetrois said:

    Regarding Michael's finances, my understanding is that the condo market is soft in Arlington right now, but the market for individual family homes is through the roof.

    I loathe Michael and couldn't believe they had him on WWHL (or on the show at all), but Monument Realty seems to do really well in DC (the company-not sure about him exactly)-they had/have a lot of projects down by the Nats stadium, which is a 180 on development from when it was just a McDonald's and Nation (RIP Nation). I hate that I just went and looked at their website and it seems like their portfolio is all over the DMV, but oddly lacking in "National Landing", aka Amazon world where you cannot drive down one block without condo construction. That said, I assume the movie thing is because he wants to step out and he's disgusting. 

    3 hours ago, GussieK said:

    I was just going to comment on this.  I was suspicious, and I looked it up.  This is a franchise operation.  Mia and her husband have 14 offices, I think she said.  It's like  having 14 Subway shops.  That would be a very costly investment, and it is likely mostly borrowed.  She makes it sound like they run the whole company. 

    I only know this place because my neighborhood FB group was complaining about what a rip-off the one down the street was and how predatory they are-I wonder if that is one of hers! ETA-it is one of hers!!

    I also failed my Maryland driving permit, but only once (this was Gizelle's kid's 4th time?). [insert joke about Maryland drivers that is very true]

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  17. 5 hours ago, RachelKM said:


    OMG you guys. This was the first time I recorded the show instead of watching the next day on Hulu.  I didn't realize that Freeform was still forced to air The 700 Club and hadn't seen the lead in explaining that it did not reflect the views of ABCFamily/Freeform in years.

    It now ends says:

    "What you are about to see is not Freeform.  We can't tell you what to watch."

    and then

    "But have you tried literally anything else?"

     I nearly fell off the couch. Well played Freeform.


    I rewound & took a picture to send to my friends & laughed & laughed!

    3 hours ago, gesundheit said:

    I'm sincerely hoping now that Jeanette is the one who "solves" the mystery and brings it to Kate. I think it needs to be Jeanette's agency at this point, and the story needs to end with the girls understanding each other. That's the hopeful ending I'm naively rooting for.

    I do too. I’m not sure why but I just can’t stand Jeanette & I feel bad that I don’t like a teenage girl being vilified by a town. I would like to cheer for both teenage girls & this would help  

    Vincent remains the best. 

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  18. On 5/19/2021 at 8:37 PM, biakbiak said:

    The show has been renewed for season 2/more episodes ordered, I have seen both things stated. So either it will be season 1b or season 2 but there will be more new episodes!

    I was checking out Kristen's instagram last night (since she was on Top Chef as a judge and because she is just wonderful in general) and she said it was renewed for season 2. I was so happy-I told many friends to watch it and they did not. Just the other day I told one I blamed her if it did not get renewed. I'll let her know the friendship is safe.

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  19. 8 hours ago, dleighg said:

    I have never done a "murder mystery game." But are they usually that stupid? There was really no mystery, no point, no cleverness at all!

    Obviously MMV, but my friends and I do them and we love them. In the beginning of the pandemic, we were doing them virtually as a way to see each other instead of just having a happy hour (had plenty of those too!). I have dressed as a journalist, Cleopatra, Amelia Earhart, and a librarian (who surprise! was an undercover cop so I got to whip out my Ray Bans for a quick costume change). But I will only do them with certain friends who get into it and I would never do it on national tv-we are not that amusing. I'm mostly sad I've never been the murderer. I've been A murderer, but not the one we were looking for.

    I was really annoyed with JL's mood swing about the teak. I totally get not wanting people to make a mess when you have to clean it up, but it isn't Dani's fault so stop being so rude to her. Maybe tell the crew who was spilling stuff to clean it up then. I know this will be an unpopular opinion but I currently like Gary more than JL (this will change  5 minutes into the next episode).

    I continue to like Dani and Daisy and I loved Daisy's little "I take nothing personally.... just kidding, I take literally everything personally." I thought it was cute.

    • Love 11
  20. 3 hours ago, psychoticstate said:

    Finally, I do like Dani and JL together; they're cute.  And I hope Sydney goes full on psycho to Gary because I enjoy seeing him squirm.   

    I also enjoy seeing him squirm. And I don't actually think he has done Sydney wrong-he is annoying, but he told her right away it was a one night thing and then talked with her again after she jumped in his bed. But something about his hair with how he wears his hat (superficial I know) just makes me want to see running from Syndey.

    And I think Syndey is very pretty, but her attitude distracts me from her attractiveness. I want to think it is her age that makes her such a "pick me chick", but I hate that look on women. (I am a woman and I 100% did that in my early 20s) But I have never in my life seen someone so dedicated to staying up to prevent two people from hooking up.

    I used to smoke (3 years and counting smoke-free but I LOVED it) and I always smoked between the main course and dessert at restaurants. 5 minutes tops. And no one ever waited for me-and I would never have expected them to.

    Re: Dani and JL:


    This is very very much an unsourced rumor on the internet, but there is a picture going around of Dani, possibly pregnant, at the medspa she works at. And the rumor is JL is the dad and he wants nothing to do with the baby. But again-rampant gossip.


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  21. The most offensive part to me about this episode was referring to Loudon county, VA as the sticks. Now did I just “weekend away” at the vineyards there from Alexandria, VA? Sure. But it’s like 45 minutes from DC, filled with traffic & DC commuters. There is MONEY honey in Loudon county. 

    I could live the rest of my life never seeing the Stabler children-I don’t love the personal stuff on any of the law & orders. Cut them & give their scenes to the ex-wife. 

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  22. 15 hours ago, njbchlover said:

    And, no, no, no.....soft scrambled are NOT over easy eggs!!!  How can anyone who claims to be a chef say that soft scrambled are "over easy"???  Why can't Natasha make something simple like a stupid fried egg - whether it be sunny side up or over??  She was also struggling with the eggs in the pan - put some freakin' butter in there and the eggs won't stick - how could she not know this? 

    I am not a good cook-I'm not creative with food (great at baking) and I don't enjoy it. But I made beautiful sunny side up eggs that did not stick to the pan this morning before work. Her insistence that they were over easy and not scrambled was baffling. I find her "fight" with Daisy pretty one-sided. I don't really see anything aggressive on Daisy's side. Natasha has been posting a bunch of stuff on social media with Daisy calling her ride or die (or something like that) so maybe she is doing damage control.

    Oh my lord Sydney. I was humiliated for her. I didn't want to, but I had to rewind with her saying she and Gary broke up. Girl-it was a one night stand-he told you that! Please don't crawl into his bed uninvited. It doesn't make it any less predatory because she is a female jumping into a guy's bed.  But he is gross. His "give me a hug" to Alli was foul. He is for sure someone that tells people to smile.

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  23. 5 hours ago, aghst said:

    When they go out, they're probably going to bars and clubs, not all of them with outside tables?

    I thought I heard in the previews that they were "stuck on the boat" (fueling their drunken shenanigans) and not going out because of COVID and I heard Glenn say the guests were quarantining prior to the charter. (But I was doing other things during it)

    Speaking of those guests-ugh. What grown man in 2020 shows up in denim speedo? It is something someone in my beach share would have done in our 20s. I felt bad for the primary trying to talk about her dad and someone asking Greg to play the harmonica. Although I laughed and laughed at the woman saying "Shut up Greg!"

    1 hour ago, biakbiak said:

    It has split ends, fly always, and a shitty haircut! No one, literally no one has ever been jealous of his “mane”.

    I have no idea why he is so proud of his hair. I would probably suggest a thickening shampoo or conditioner to him if I was ever forced to discuss it in person with him.

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