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Worth noting that the poster had a skull-and-star logo on it, which is the same as Jesse's tattoo.
I also used to dislike Cheno, for man of the same reasons, but she's grown on me by just being excellent in everything she's in. How can you not respect a tiny woman with such huge talent? Plus when she pulled off the whole "letting my hair down and ravaging the crops" I was totally like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lkvRrxI4R6c.
Wait a sec, why do Jesuits get their own Jesus? I was educated by Jesuits, and I seem to recall Jesus being the standard Catholic model. Clearly Shadow has never taken a Comparative Mythology class, because between Grimnir, Wotan and Wednesday it's not like Odin was being coy about his identity.
I want to know where Technical Boy got his ombre waistcoat.
The Himyarites were a real people with a real kingdom. I don't know if those images were actually from a Himyarite temple, though. And yes, clearly the Highlander's trenchcoats were made by Odin's tailor.
I'm starting to think of this show as less of an episodic large-arc show like Sopranos or Deadwood, and more like a Red Shoe Diaries where there are a series of vignettes held together with a loose framing element. It isn't completely that, obviously, since Shadow's story is a lot more front-and-center than (David Duchovny's) Jake's story in Red Shoe Diaries (which I picked because it's the last vignette-based show with a framing element on cable that I can remember, besides maybe Tales from the Crypt), but if you look at it as a hybrid of the two styles, it suddenly makes a lot more sense. It isn't, but all of the Coming to America stories exist in the book as well.
Were any of the bunnies in Watership Down white? I don't think they were. Certainly the one in my Watership Down tattoo isn't.
Looked like a packet of tobacco to me. Source: I used to roll my own. Well, what ancient god is commonly associated with fluffy white bunnies? Don't say the Trix Rabbit (General Mills strikes again!).
Oh, it just struck me -- so far, Shadow has been hung from a tree like the Hanged Man and also Odin, who hung from Yggdrasil, and he's been speared in the side like Christ. Any other iconic godlike injuries coming his way? A crown of thorns? A maimed leg? A cut Achilles tendon?
Odds of that song choice being creepy by accident: 0.0%
That bugged me too.
The white rabbit was a nice touch.
Ah, no. That's a dialect thing. In Irish English "your man" translates to "the guy that is the subject of this conversation". So you could say "your man sold me a flat tire" and it just means "there's this guy and he sold me a flat tire".
It's been done. Jesus comes to mind. The Buddha sacrificed his earthly existence -- his wealth, his wife, his children -- to achieve enlightenment. It's all that Fisher King stuff that cultures do over and over again.
Ask Jesus. The OG Jesus, not Mexican Jesus.