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  1. Where @lulu1960 leads, I will follow! 29, 30 and 31
  2. @Kohola3, you didn't think that my statement was snotty, right? Just checking! Drinking as much coffee as Lorelai makes me a little paranoid, lol :) @Taryn74 and @navelgazer, that's a great idea! I'll try to think of some, which will be a fun alternative to working.
  3. Did anyone else spend way too much time thinking of their answers? If only I cared as much about my actual job, lol. We have a lot of the same answers! But not all, which is why threads like this are so interesting :) Seasons: 3, 1, 4, 2, 5, 7, 6, 8 Sisters: Piper, Phoebe, Paige, Prue, but I totally agree that the original power of three worked a lot better even though I relate a little more to Paige as an individual character. Favorite sister relationship: Piper and Phoebe. I mentioned why in the unpopular opinions thread :) Favorite romantic relationship: Take heart in knowing there are at least three of us who still love Piper and Leo and always will :) This was the easiest category to vote in for me, not just because of how much I love Piper and Leo but because of how indifferent I am to the other couples on this show. Favorite 15 episodes: And this was the hardest category! My instinct was to list at least 50, not 15. The Truth Is Out There, Pardon My Past, Ex Libris, All Halliwell's Eve, Just Harried, Pre-Witched, Sin Fransisco, Lost and Bound, Saving Private Leo (am I the only person in the history of Charmed fandom to list this one as a favorite? :)), Long Live the Queen, Centennial Charmed, Sand Fransisco Dreamin, The Day the Magic Died, Imaginary Friends, Forever Charmed
  4. Aw, I love that so many Gilmore Girls fans have made our way over here - there really is a fandom overlap! I share a few unpopular opinions with others here, so it's nice to know they're not all as unpopular as previously assumed :) I love this show much more than Buffy and Angel. Critics and most other TV lovers would be horrified by that. Like someone else said, I just connect with these characters and their stories so much more, and it's more enjoyable for me to rewatch. I love Piper so much. Like someone else said, she's not just my favorite sister but one of my favorite fictional characters. I even love how high-strung and irritable she can be, and while I definitely understand why that would annoy people and get them down, those flaws are part of why I relate to her so well and, to me, a sign of how deeply she cares. Piper and Leo are one of my favorite TV couples! In fact, aside from Gilmore Girls' Luke and Lorelai, I can't think of a couple I love more. I can expand on this somewhere else if anyone is curious. And like LL, Piper and Leo were given too many exhausting obstacles by restless writers as the series wore on, but they couldn't kill my love for Piper and Leo or make me believe that they ever stopped loving each other. To me they have one of the deepest, most beautiful connections I've seen between a TV couple. I love Phoebe - even after Cole comes on the scene. It's not until somewhere near the end of the fourth or fifth season that I start to get why she's the most disliked sister among fans, but even then I never hate her, maybe because I still insist on seeing the Phoebe I loved so much at the beginning. My favorite sister relationship is the one between Piper and Phoebe. I don't think I've seen anyone else here who feels that way? I just feel like they have the strongest bond and a lot of interesting differences that mesh and balance each other rather than clashing. I'm among those who likes Paige because I've decided who I think she should be, not because I think the writers had a clear and consistent idea of who she was. I love what Prue adds to the sibling dynamic and agree with those who admire a lot about her, but she's probably the hardest sister for me to personally connect to. The third season is my very favorite, above even 1 and 2. That seems unpopular here, but I do love 1 and 2 - and most of 4 and 5 - too! I also think there was a lot of focus on romance even before Cole arrived in S3, and don't even let me go on about the dreadful love triangle that dominated S2. So while I'm not a huge fan of Cole, S3 didn't feel as significant a change for me as it did for others. I liked Patty more than the very popular Grams :) I don't think anyone I know watches this show, and even if they do they probably don't love it nearly as much as I do, so it's such a treat to find you all!
  5. Have you all decided what you're playing next? I'm already excited!
  6. 4 for the win!
  7. This was one of the only B99 episodes I caught this season, so maybe I would have appreciated it more if I had been watching the rest of the season in order. As it is, I was just kind of "eh." B99's humor, like Parks', tends to be a little too silly for me. I see why people love it, but it's just not the type of humor that usually clicks for me. I usually love more clever, sharp humor than we get from Mike Schur's post-Office shows. Jake and Amy...another unpopular "eh" from me. I have no complaints about them, but their relationship never felt really natural to me and I haven't been able to feel invested in them. And Gina is still the worst. Not just the worst character on this show, but one of the worst characters I've seen on any show. I'm used to not liking one or two charcters on my shows and still loving the overall show anyway, but Gina is enough to ruin B99 for me. Mike Schur loves this sort of character: mean for no reason, lazy, rude, ungrateful and arrogant but loved by everyone anyway, always wins and triumphs without even trying, supposed to be funny but really isn't, and is usually proven to know more than everyone else. It was April on Parks and Gina on this show, and the one nice thing I can say about Gina is that she's so unbelievably terrible that it made me soften my stance on April, who isn't nearly as bad by comparison. I love the idea of this show and a couple of the characters, but I just can't love it no matter how much I want to. Maybe I'd feel differently if Gina disappeared forever.
  8. I consider myself a huge fan and know NONE of the above! SOS! Can we have hints? I would love to keep going with this game.
  9. @Melancholy, these are perfect! I'm a little jealous to find other people who are so much better at analyzing LL than I am, but I consider myself very lucky to have found you guys ;)
  10. This is such a fun game! LOL, I love how I can tell how much you dislike Lorelai just by your question, @junienmomo, even if I hadn't read your other posts! I will choose Luke asking Lorelai out earlier. Much earlier, preferably back in S1 around Double Date or Donna Reed, but as a LL fan, I'm probably biased! Would you rather have gotten to meet - or at least learn more about - Luke's mother or Luke's father?
  11. Those are such great additions, @Melancholy! Your last one reminded me of the fact that they have a soft spot for oddballs in part because they're both oddballs, both full of quirks and not fully feeling part of the mainstream (and, in Lorelai's case, the life that she was allegedly supposed to lead)
  12. I think I need to start a "Lorelai is flawed but I still love her" thread since I seem to be the only person who feels that way ;) I should probably stay in the more positive threads because the constant hatred for Lorelai and the show in general kind of gets me down, but that's just my own issue! I'm writing my first fanfic so I want to try to focus on the aspects of the show I love :) But you all really are the smartest and most perceptive fans on the web, and it's been great talking to you!
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