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Posts posted by Kiddvideo

  1. I laughed hard when Oliver and Charles were talking to the bird pretending to be Bunny and quoting her from S1: “It won’t take lawng unless you make it take lawng.” “If you’re the murderer, stop murdering!”

    So she signed an invoice for an elevator inspection, but it broke anyway? And it must break often enough that Bunny knew how to get it working again.

    Howard taking verbatim notes of Bunny and Nina’s fight. 😆

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  2. On 6/30/2022 at 11:01 PM, Thumper said:

    I haven’t seen it, so am watching.  It’s funny how they keep showing the very “breast-y” photo of her with him.  And what’s with needing a “glam room?”  lol

    Hope they are doing well!

    I tuned in mid-way/caught her name and figured she was either trying to be an influencer or had an online reseller shop (the glam room looked like a boutique with each purse in a lit cube that would’ve been good in photos), but I didn’t find anything. The only thing I remembered about him were his oft-repeated “she slid into my DMs” and it was time to “take things to the next level.” Dude, put down the remote and stop watching The Bachelor.

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  3. I would’ve given it one more season. S2 had way too many plot holes and huh? moments for me to enjoy as much as S1, but it was on my radar. I wonder if this was about this show specifically or about Paramount+ plans for original content. It could even mean CBS is seeing softening in subscription and advertising revenues in 2H and beyond. Their PlutoTV channel earned something like $1B in ad revenue last year so why would Paramount pay for original content when it’s doing very nicely with content it owns outright. Paramount+ and Pluto have a lot of the same shows while the subscription fees are mostly for access to first run network shows. /Pure speculation. 

    ETA: CRT’s spoilers. I would’ve definitely watched that!

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  4. 1 hour ago, RedInk said:

    I’ll change the wording! It’s not a spoiler…people were mentioning wanting Schumer to die next & that was just my wishful alternative 😉

    Oh, ok! Thanks for clarifying. Totally understand!

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  5. 3 hours ago, RedInk said:

    I actually dislike Rappaport in everything, and I’m hoping he’s the early celebrity death. 

    Would that count as a spoiler? I’m only asking because I’m trying really hard to avoid them. If that’s being reported in the media and we can reference in the episode threads, I’ll know to stick with the speculation thread.👍

  6. 40 minutes ago, grandmabegum said:

    Interesting. Well, if she was under the assumption that Mabel would talk to Oliver (or they'd at least be working in his apartment] maybe "14 Savage" is the clue that the bird has the answer to? Wild guess, but this early in the series wild guesses are my favorite guesses.

    OH! I like that idea. And I love all the early guesses, too — anything is possible!

  7. 48 minutes ago, grandmabegum said:

    Why would Oliver not immediately think of his son when he gets willed the parrot? Isn't his son a vet that would probably know or know someone who would know a place that would take the bird?

    Of course that's not meant to happen cause that bird has seen some stuff, but it just stuck out to me as strange.

    I’m thinking the bird must be talking about something other than the actual stabbing. Birds need to hear a multi-word phrase many times before they can mimic it (and this phrase would need it to learn an answer, too.) I think Bunny taught it a secret about the painting as an insurance policy if anything happened to her. She knew Oliver was getting the bird, and the bird would give him the clue. The “Fuck off, Oliver” was still her getting a laugh from the great beyond.

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  8. I laughed when Amy Schumer revealed she’d been in character. “So you’re not insane?” The artist who only talks in sighs is already annoying, but she got me with the metaphorical destruction. Poor Lester — he looked so sad when Oliver yelled at him. That’ll come back. ETA: Shirley MacLaine was great, and I’m totally onboard with Big Bunny. What’s this Mrs. Folger stuff?

    Great opening night!

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  9. Loved it! Poor, Oliver, getting cut out of the picture.

    I resent Amy Schumer (or at least the character f herself she’s playing) jumping on the bandwagon, though. We already have our stars! Give me more Uma and Howard and the therapist and the doorman. Ok, off to watch the second episode. 

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  10. Spoilers….I was enjoying it well enough until the pre-order fiasco: Richie and Sydney when she had nothing except the condescending personal attacks like “oh, we’re just going to name professions? Because I can do that” and the “you’re a worthless loser and everyone knows it including your daughter and to top it off I’m going to pull a knife on you.” Richie’s an  ass who someone needed to tell to lower his temper, and he didn’t help the situation, but he was blaming her for the orders and questioning her motives for the ribs not trying to destroy her humanity. Marcus ignoring the tickets and working on his donut while trying to get facetime with Carmy rang false. (Yeah, I see the parallels between Carmy’s and Richie’s abusive family dynamics and the restaurant’s abusive “family” dynamics, but I felt it went too far for anyone to forgive and forget.)

    Also? Turn off the damn pre-order option when you realize what’s going on.

    Can someone explain the ending to me like I’m 5? I get the symbolism that by finally following Mikey’s “Family Recipe” Carmy was able to save the restaurant, but did Mikey know the money was in there and that’s really why he was buying the smaller cans? Which means someone at the tomato canning plant was running money through Mikey? Or did they just happen to get delivered some drug lord’s stash? And was it tied into the KSL (or whatever) payments Mikey made every month, and the money in the cans should’ve been paid to Jimmie? Which means Carmy is going to be even further in hoc to Jimmy when he spends the money on the new restaurant? But why wasn’t Jimmie demanding the tomato money if it were his? And if Mikey knew the money was in the cans but it wasn’t Jimmy’s, why couldn’t they afford napkins? Also, how much money is the staff going to extort regardless of its source?

    I don’t quite believe the premise that a struggling sandwich shop in what looked like a sparsely populated warehouse district could sustain itself long-term as a 5 star dining experience. Go once to check out the buzz and go again on your birthday. The residents aren’t going to be able to support it, but whatever, sometimes you just have to go with it.

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  11. On 6/17/2022 at 5:29 PM, Kiddvideo said:

    I really hope this is a new mystery and not a continuation of all the dangling threads and red herrings from S1.

    Quoting myself because I think it will be a continuation. I rewatched the series so I’d be familiar with the loose ends like “The Cutter”, who was Teddy’s fence. Right before Mabel goes downstairs to get more champagne and instead finds Bunny, she says “Doesn’t it feel like there are a lot of loose ends?” I’d also forgotten that Mabel kneeling over Bunny was the very first scene of the pilot.

  12. Coventry, England: “I don’t know what Richard was thinking.” EXCUSE YOU? Mentioning it was her money multiple times, and the way she stated how it “wasn’t at all a sacrifice” to support him and make the move makes me think she considers it a big sacrifice. “I have to do what’s right for me.”

    It’s two of them. How big of a kitchen do they need?

    A pet peeve: People who say “I” when “me” is correct. It’s “for Max and me.”

    I’m calling it. The chances of them making it as a couple? Zero.

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  13. 2 hours ago, MerBearStare said:

    All Josh has going for him is that he's super hot (centaur hot, if you will). But this is better than the average show, so maybe this is a fake out and there won't actually be a love triangle at all.

    I was surprised by Reagen’s reaction to Josh. I thought they hadn’t ended well, and after his Popcorn Guy treatment of Nathan I didn’t think she’d be interested in him.

    • Love 4
  14. I didn’t rewatch S1, but Terry seems to be more accepting this season, even likable and funny. I remember him being angry and vindictive. I cheered when he actually said to Roy that he needed help. I guess Feather is the villain, and she’s not evil just an opportunist looking out for herself. Bobbie is so much fun, and I’m totally Teams Nelson and Diedra!

    ETA: I didn’t get the correct spelling of Bobbie’s name.

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  15. 2 hours ago, Meedis said:

    Uggh!   About to breakdown and pay the $4.99 for one month so I can binge the two seasons.   LOL

    S2 of Rutherford Falls just dropped, and Peacock has other original content like “Killing It” that’ll help you get more value from the subscription. It’s the cost of a coffee these days. 

    • Love 2
  16. 6 hours ago, arc said:

    I think she has distractions and luxuries in her life but she would kick any and all of them aside for her career if any of those things got in the way.

    Ita. Not even her family got in her way when she was trying to make it, and I don’t think she felt it was a sacrifice. She had to be on the road and if they needed to be someplace else, well that’s just the way it was. The residency rooted her in Vegas, and she began establishing a more diverse life.

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  17. 1 hour ago, AZChristian said:

    I just pulled up that scene.  It looks to me like in his fantasy thoughts as they were talking, he imagines that he told her about his be-sexuality and she calmly says, "Why didn't you tell me?" with a smile.  This was in juxtaposition of when they are talking about the kids and she says, "The kids are fine.  You are fine."  Trying to hint that in his imagination - and as he told other people - Kathleen knew about it and was fine with it.

    If that was his imagination it explains why it felt as oily and distasteful as it did. Thanks!

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  18. I thought the sex scene, the bathtub scene, and the walking into the party scene were gross and out of character for the show. It would’ve felt more intimate if they had alluded to it rather than making it skeevy. The entire series felt disjointed as if there were too many cooks in the kitchen, and no one was the chef.

    So the whole thing with the deer — the yard sale, the mall, the front yard — was to lead to the owl theory? So why was it so important that one be missing? That damn deer is going to haunt me when it’s probably just bad craft that left a loose end.

    Sophie got out alive, so she should count herself lucky. If they’d stayed together he would’ve felt more and more trapped by his dependence on her and one day he’d lash out at her too when she “demanded” something like he help put the groceries away. (Imagine how quickly that would’ve spiraled if he’d moved to a new city with a different language. Most people would stumble along and get to know the city and pick-up the language over time, but his lack of impulse control would not play well with those challenges.)

    He got lucky the SBI analyst got caught lying. At least 8 years behind bars and another 6 years with the possibility of a retrial hanging over his head aren’t nothing.

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  19. 14 hours ago, chitowngirl said:

    I wonder why they dropped looking for Ashley? 🤔

    I got the feeling Gloria accepted she was dead? Or was she mollifying Wilkie and secretly still believes Ashley could be alive? (It feels like the kinda show where Ashley would come out of hiding to join them on stage at their first headlining gig.)

    • Wink 1
  20. 5 hours ago, rwlevin said:

    Okay, that fight with the Property Brother was everything. And I can’t tell them apart either, with or without beard.

    Jonathan has a sideways/off-center smile. It’s like it starts halfway under his nose and continues halfway up the right side of his head. (I exaggerate a little, but you’ll see what I mean.)

    Their fight scene had me rolling. He’s about two feet taller and lugs around building materials, and she starts throwing swings. Paula has excelled this season.

    Nice to see their Ft. Worth song pay off and the band win one! 

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  21. I have to agree with the 2nd half of this being lesser quality. The show still had potential before.

    I really hate the adopted daughters for some reason — I think it’s the wigs, which are the show’s true tragedy. Even the way they were using chopsticks like spoons was pissing me off.

    Who has their entire retirement savings in company stock? I couldn’t feel sorry her. This was 2001 not 1921 and mutual funds were a thing. And she was supposed to be a successful executive? And let’s blow the money we desperately need on Christmas presents.

    What is the deal with those reindeer? They were featured again. And enough with the time jumping.

    One episode to go. I hope they left some scenery to chew.

    • LOL 4
  22. Awww, why can’t The Girls catch a break? It’d be more interesting following them on tour than watching a group of lovable losers getting thwarted yet again. The show is starting to wear on me unfortunately.

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