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Posts posted by Kiddvideo

  1. The Seattle couple was a breath of fresh air with few demands other than a 3-car garage and a short commute for him by public transportation.

    I was so ticked off after that episode. Of course that house was the best choice but the voiceover kept telling us how far it was from the bus stop. But it's perfect! But it's so far! Will he make the sacrifice for his family???

    Pretty convenient that they tell us after the fact that there's a closer bus, and... ... ...it's an EXPRESS! Right to his office!

    • Love 2
  2. Doesn't Pepper have a son already? The Navy SEAL, stationed in Damascus?

    I think it would've been more fun to show what a trooper Claire had been at the reunion rather than telling us. I can't imagine her grinning-and-bearing much even though she plays the martyr.

    I was hoping Mitch and Cam would get the baby for keeps. There was no reason to preserve Sal's character -- how much lower can you go from drunken, cuckolding slut?

    Meh. Won't be re watching it, but middling for this season, I thought.

  3. I wonder if Mariah will question polygamy after this? Mariah is a plain jane, I wonder if she has even considered that she could end up being the Christine of the wives?

    Oh, man, that's funny. I'd bet she gets a first wife position (because of her "fame" /lololololol) but she'll never be the beloved. And how much time do you think she has before she loses the chance to be 1st wife? They get married young, don't they? Don't want to be studying for finals and end up 2nd wife to some 19 year old.

    I wish they'd been honest since the beginning. A show about wives who don't like each other but are committed to their marriages/children/half-siblings would have been so much more interesting than talking about Meri's uterus.

    • Love 4
  4. Who's the primary demographic for this show, does anyone know? .

    Comcast's syndicated research for TLC -- not Sister Wives exclusive, which I couldn't find -- shows 68% female, median age 45, about half attended college ("attended" is the exact description), about half claim HHI $75k+. A few more basic demos here, http://www.comcastspotlight.com/network/tlc

    This is the most exciting thing to happen on this show ever!

    • Love 2
  5. Lol. Saw the Kristine and Paul episode yesterday. He said about 2 words. She was condescending and ended all of her sentences by raising the pitch of her voice as if she were asking a question. She told Jonathan at the end that he performed above her expectations. Except she thought she was complimenting him!

    Best thing about the show were all the problems. She was the one who wanted the Crazy DIY house, and it was a total money pit. The kitchen turned out to be an addition that hadn't been approved by the city; there was charred electrical wiring in the walls; the flammable sewer exhaust fumes were being piped into the walls next to the charred wiring...just expense after expense after expense. I LOVED it.

    • Love 1
  6. Does anyone watch with closed captioning on? I have a problem with the alignment on Benched. The text starts about 2/3rds of the way to the right of the screen and runs off the side. I can't read several of the words.

    I don't have this issue with any other show, but I'm not certain if it's just my tv. Thanks in advance!

  7. Overall, I have to go with Jonathan. Drew's a little uptight. The kind of man who irons his skinny jeans.

    JD wears jeans the best, but he has the Cris Angel hair and the tats and video games are his favorite things in the world. Too much child not enough man.

    Jonathan looks good in jeans, and he does well negotiating with difficult personalities. He seems a little sensitive when people question his interior design selections, but I like his talking heads when he bitches about the homeowners.

    • Love 4
  8. I disliked how they filled so much of the outdoor space in the LV property. The dog run was the only open area it seemed. And with the basketball court, the one brother said he'd be mad if he were the neighbor and someone hung tarp outside his window. The court's wire fencing was a foot away from the neighbor's house -- I'd be upset that it looked like I lived 12" from a prison.

    With the two bedroom guesthouse, the mother said at the end that they could have people visit them. They still live in Canada, I think, so maybe they plan on snow birding. Or maybe they're swingers. /shrug

  9. I'm sorry.  Did Luke or Nolan shoot your puppies?  Don't get the hate for him.  Except for his moments of stupidity (which, admittedly, are plentiful), I've always liked Luke just fine.

    I thought the episode would've better without Alex. Watching her walk into walls? Yawn. (She must've stolen my Grandmother's purse, I guess.)

    I'm glad it's On Demand. This season is not worth me making any effort to watch it first run.

  10. I've said before how much I like the show but I find it a little distracting to have them be the same age regardless of what year in the 80's it was. The music is what gets me spinning -- a lot of us seem to be 40-something so we have clear memories of where we were and what we were doing when these songs were hits. Eternal Flame will always be 1988, my first year as an undergrad and all the freedom that comes with college. Ghostbusters (Who you gonna telephone?) was 1984, when 14 year old me thought the Bill Murray line, "Yes, this man has no dick" was the funniest thing ever.

    The music isn't a deal breaker, and I genuinely think it adds to the show, it's just something I notice.

  11. Does anyone else think Lana herself might actually be the mole?

    Interesting. I couldn't figure out how Bishop/Kalinda thought Lana wouldn't notice some strange card in her wallet sooner rather than later. Planting a tracking device/rfid card on a federal agent would've brought down more heat than anyone would want, and Kalinda would've fallen under suspicion as someone with access. It also explains how Bishop knew Kalinda lied about which cases Lana was working (making the overheard conversation a red herring), and now he'll know she didn't plant the card.

    The question then becomes: Does Kalinda know she's being played?

    • Love 1
  12. I'm glad Cary has been forbidden to see Kalinda. She's used and betrayed him -- and he knows it -- yet he's still into her. Though why do I think he's going to get caught with her and that's when he'll end up back in jail.

    A continuing pet peeve: Do none of these people have doormen or locked doors downstairs where you need to be buzzed in? How is it that people show-up up at Alicia's front door without being announced? Same with Linda Lavin, just walking up to Cary's apt while he's with someone who thinks it's appropriate or funny to tell his pre-trial court officer that they were planning on doing drugs. He needs better quality people in his life (both work and personal) and not just because it'll look good to the court.

    Who would take LeMond on as a client knowing what the SA is doing to Cary?

    • Love 4
  13. I wonder if they'll ever run out of video from the real Adam Goldberg's archives to run at the end.

    I wouldn't mind that. Based on the clips he seems like one of those kids who did things just to annoy you and then thought it was the funniest thing ever. I wouldn't call him "the little bastard" but I understand how his father could get to that point.
  14. I loved that they acknowledged what he all knew was true, you judged a TV show entirely by the quality of its theme song, a lost art now if you ask me.

    So true. We used to sing tv theme songs on the bus coming home from away games. I even won a bunch of points for my team at a company event for being able to identify ones from the 60's, 70's and 80's. (I was a little embarrassed, to tell the truth.)

    First video I ever saw on MTV was "Modern Love" by David Bowie.

  15. I like the physical comedy they give Lily, and occasionally she'll make me laugh. Cam was freaking out about something, walked out of the scene and Lily said to Mitch, "She's a MESS." (To which Mitch replied, "girrrrrrrrrrl.")

    One of the sweetest moments with Mitch and Cam was when they realized It was the doll -- and not Lily -- saying "Mommy." I thought their shared relief and joy was touching.

    • Love 1
  16. I love how he knows he messed up because he wasn't paying attention (or couldn't be bothered to care or think it was important), but once he realizes he's hurt someone, he fixes it. I think my favorite was when he forgot Adam's birthday and was trying to fake his way through it, when Adam called him out, "Yeah, what is it, MURR?" And then he listened to Pop-pop and got the laser tag.

    I probably would've been living on the back porch for a few days if I'd said that to my Dad, but Murray knew he was busted and would need to atone.

  17. FX is showing the first season, which I hadn't seen. Such a cute show and so fun to watch them navigate dating. I watched a season or so after they were married, and I'm a little sad how characters devolved. Carl and his Grandma should've had their own show.

    • Love 3
  18. I'm really enjoying this show. My hometown didn't get cable until 1983. My parents lived outside the installation zone, but my best friend had an appointment for May 18th. Yep, I remember it because we were so excited. Almost every week there's something on this show that makes me remember if it happened before or after. I would've never believed that day would be a seminal moment for me, but there you have it.

    I do wonder how much it appeals to people who don't remember the 80's, though.

  19. Was this shown out of sequence? Why are we still talking about side effects of the wedding? Maybe if they had shown the cold running through the family in previous weeks but this was where things came to a head between Claire's martyrdom and Phil having to have the video ready for the party. Instead we're told there was a cold.

    And how in the hell did Phil create sequences that "didn't land." We're supposed to believe he edited in Luke laughing after Jay talks about the anniversary of his father's death? Or Luke sitting at a table of Asian people? Or Luke superimposed on Mitchell's body?

    Are the writers too rich? Is that why we're getting this dreck?

    • Love 4
  20. Omg, a safari?? I know several people who have gone (separately from each other) and I don't think there are 3 star safaris. Everything is first class all the way. Luxury tents, Sherpas (or whatever they're called there), plentiful booze, chefs. And then, of course, there are the animals. Everyone has come back astounded by the experience. If I had the money I'd go in a heartbeat.

    I found Asmeret's twitter (asmeret89) and she said all the brides said the winner had the worst wedding but her comment was the only one aired. She's been gracious to criticism. I hate to think I fell for bad editing.

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