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Posts posted by bealled

  1. I think Adam is most likely to win, but Josh potentially could too. I think those are the frontrunners. I know Mirai is well known too, but I don't think her personality will connect as much as Adam. She has a bit of a valley girl/ditsy personality that may grate on viewers. I still think all 3 will make the finals though.

    I hate this shortened format. I think it should have been 6 weeks if it was going to be condensed. 4 weeks seems so short. There won't be as much of a connection to the contestants with only 4 weeks.

    I actually really like the pairing of Adam and Jenna. I thought they had the best chemistry, and worked off each other very well. I think Adam is very funny. The only awkward joke was at the end with Mirai, but I thought he was poking fun at what Mirai was saying because she isn't the most cohesive speaker.

    Mirai's dance was great, but I think her personality may not connect as well. I think like with Meryl/Charlie, people will connect to one or the other, and this time it will be Adam. With such a condensed show I think she will still be in the finals though.

    I was really surprised by Josh. If he continues to do well he may have a shot to win. He is a footballer so he has that fanbase as well. Hopefully they don't play up a showmance angle though. I like Sharna but that seriously annoyed me. I think some of the producers have just put her into this role and want to keep her there because she's the only "single" female (I question if she is always even single). She is gorgeous so I can understand why her partners would comment on her looks, but the show doesn't need to toss into all their packages. I think Sharna is a bit unlucky at times. She gets some good contestants but always seems to get them when someone else is heavily favored (this season it's Adam).

    Tonya Harding was a bit annoying and whiny. I understand she feels misunderstood about the Nancy Kerrigan incident, but whining won't make anyone sympathetic.

    I hope Keo makes it past next week. I just want to see him doing decent for once, although this season is so short it doesn't really matter.

    Kareem was not very good, but it was expected. I enjoyed the basketball player with Gleb. She has a nice personality and I liked her story. I didn't pay that much attention to Johnny and Emma so barely remember what they did. The first guy with Witney was good. I can't remember much about Artem and his partner so I guess I don't mind that they left.

    Overall I'm not a fan of the 4 week format. I also think some of the contestants would have been fun to watch on the full season.

    • Love 12
  2. People always want to downplay bullying because it is a common story. Paige does not seem like someone who would be bullied so I see why some would have acted skeptical about that being mentioned. However, if someone told me they moved states due to bullying, that in and of itself implies they were being heavily bullied and it was a serious situation. I also would really respect parents who could see a problem and took steps to make things better. A lot of young people are already heavily sensitive and seem more prone to self-harm or suicide during those ages. Also with the advent of technology, bullying is a lot worse and can be far scarier with someone texting you cruel things, filming or creating embarrassing videos about you, posting all over the internet about you. Basically it is a lot easier now for someone to harass you everywhere you go and not just while at school. Also it seems really common for celebrities to get a lot of hate directed at them as well on twitter and other social media platforms. So the fact these contestants are public figures can also lead to bullying and is why we hear about it a lot (Normani was bullied after becoming famous, so her celebrity actually caused her to get bullied).

    Anyway I'm glad this season is over. This really was not one of my favorites. I am glad Lindsay took home a win though. I will miss Frankie though. He is awesome and my favorite all season.

    • Love 2
  3. 13 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

    Possibly they learned from them constantly reminding people last season about Heather Morris being a ringer (though she didn't even get to the semis, so not as big of a ringer) and Normani's Fifth Harmony success (dancing twice to her own group's song, having her group sing the first song that got them on the X Factor). Which isn't bad, but at the same time, maybe doing something Hamilton-esque could have helped. I know they performed to Jordan's Moana song weeks ago, but Hamilton is definitely the one he's more well-known for. Plus, it really would have made him stand out. I agree that his two dances last night were too similar. I think Lindsay needed the Freestyle to stand out more. Just because it was good, it doesn't mean it's necessarily memorable. That's why Lindsey and Mark's dances have stood out to me more. I remember three of her dances to Jordan's one Salsa. The audiences who are voting are more likely looking for entertaining dances. Not all of them will know the specifics of dance styles. This is an entertainment show before an actual dance competition. The casual viewer is looking for a dance to stand out. I remember that's what I looked for when I watched the dances online. It still has to be good, but there needs to be something else there. 

    Not that Jordan needed to bring Lin Manuel-Miranda on or anything, but I do think he was missing something that Lindsey hit better. Of course, this is just my own opinion. I just really preferred Lindsey's dance because it incorporated her own style and what she's known for.

    There was a huge backlash last season about the ringers. I don't think people expected Heather to go far because they knew the backlash would be too much. She didn't even really get a great chance to shine being paired with Maks and then flip flopping between him and Alan. That Frozen dance was really bad considering Heather would have been capable of so much more.

    I actually think Normani did really well for how known she was last season. I know they hyped up Fifth Harmony, but I don't think that group is popular with the demographic that watches this show. I feel like Simone and Nancy were household names and hardly anyone would recognize Normani's name prior to the season. Even Heather was probably more well known since she was on a popular network show for several seasons. Being paired with Val helped Normani, and she was also just a really good dancer. I actually have known about Fifth Harmony since the X Factor and always liked them. I really did not expect Normani to do that well before the season started and with the cast list (it did have a fair amount of well known names).

    Anyway, I understand Lindsay and Jordan wanting to try and avoid highlighting him as a ringer. I just think we could have had a better freestyle that showcased something different about Jordan. Perhaps part of the reason it didn't resonate is that Charleston. I don't really know what else he could have been assigned for redemption week. I don't even remember him having a bad week. The only reason the Charleston was considered bad was because it was not true to the style. I think it's probably really hard to think of amazing freestyles, and I see why those jazzy/Broadway-style routines would come to mind as a showstopper. It would have stood out more without the Charleston on the same week.

    • Love 3
  4. Jordan is suffering from not having a growth on the show, and doing so well all season, that during the finale people expected more. Sometimes it is tough to be the frontrunner because you are always expected to do better. His freestyle, while excellent, was not really anything new and the video package didn't help by proclaiming it as something never before seen on the show. Alfonso and Riker both had similar freestyles. Also having performed a Charleston the same night, and an action packed Jive the week prior, didn't help set the freestyle apart.

    I think Lindsey and Mark hands down won the freestyle round. Whether you thought their dancing was better or not, it exhibited what the freestyle is supposed to be about; fun, different, showcasing the contestant. Not sure if Lindsey will win, but I think if she does it will be attributed to Mark's freestyle.

    14 minutes ago, Andiethewestie said:

    Too bad they didn't incorporate Hamilton more, I think that would have been better. It's kind of obvious Mark would incorporate Lindsey's talent (violin) into the freestyle so I think that was a missed opportunity.

    • Love 3
  5. I am really rooting for Lindsey and Mark to win after that freestyle. She has actually had the arc this season and improved since the beginning. Jordan is a great dancer, but he came into the show a great dancer. Lindsey has actually added some excitement to this otherwise boring finale because I honestly could see either her or Jordan winning now. Last week I would have said Jordan has it in the bag. This is the first season in awhile I recall actually being unsure about who will win.

    I think Lindsey and Mark had the standout freestyle. It was different and it showcased who Lindsey is which I loved. Also I do think she was actually playing the violin, though it probably wasn't microphoned. As someone else said, it's harder to fake playing than to just play.

    Jordan and Lindsay's freestyle was good, but as others said, it didn't really feel new. He already did a high energy Charleston the same night, and the prior week he had that insane Jive. Also the freestyle did remind me of ones we have seen in the past like Alfonso and Witney's. It just didn't stand out that much to me because of that. I agree with another poster who said it'd have been cool if they incorporated a shoutout to Hamilton or some other work he has been involved with.

    Also the sound blurb from Alfonso implying Jordan was cocky was strange to me. I do think Jordan is cocky/confident, but he tries so hard to look humble on the show... like when I think of Jordan I just think of his over the top humble act not him being cocky. I'm sure he knows he is the best dancer on the show and isn't that shocked when he gets a nice comment. I wonder if he will cry again tonight.

    I actually didn't dislike Frankie's freestyle like a lot of people on here did. I don't really know what would have been perfect for Frankie. He seems to do better in dramatic pieces though so I think that's why Witney went that direction. I don't think this caused Frankie to lose. I think it was a longshot for him to win at this point. If Witney had come up with some amazing freestyle then he may have been able to pull an upset, but I think that was unlikely to ever happen. I think Frankie will take 3rd.

    I think if Lindsey wins, this is another example of how the freestyle can propel you to the top spot. Of course it's also about the story, and she would have had the perfect week to shine and peak, as I think this was her best week. I really hope she wins now, when a week ago I wasn't that bothered. I actually voted for Frankie previously, but this week it all went to Lindsey. I won't be upset if Jordan wins either though, mainly since I'd be happy Lindsay gets her first MBT. I would feel a bit bad for Lindsay and Jordan if they lose, just because I imagine they've thought it's a run away season and easily theirs to lose all season. But Mark really pulled out the stops this week. Seems like he has had ideas for that freestyle for weeks. Of course Lindsey is also a great contestant to showcase in a freestyle since she has a unique talent compared to most prior contestants, and her personality seems to gel perfectly with Mark.

    • Love 6
  6. I thought all 4 freestyles were actually great. Lindsey and Mark killed it though. She seriously peaked at the perfect time. Not sure if she will be able to pull an upset over Jordan but it would be deserving if she did. For once I actually didn't feel like the show was pushing one contestant over another. It seems like the show would be happy with Jordan or Lindsey winning.

    • Love 5
  7. 1 hour ago, truthaboutluv said:

    My guess is it was a combination of being on the show and observing stuff around them. I don't know that producers tell the couples the exact vote counts but I do know Derek, Mark and many other Pros have said that when you do the show enough, eventually you do get a sense of when you might be eliminated and how your celebrity is resonating with the general public. It's why Derek prepared Amy the night before the Season 18 finale that they were not going to win but that he was proud of everything she did. He also prepared Bethany the night they were eliminated and later admitted that he knew by Week 3 he was not going to win with her. 

    Considering many viewers can predict who will win as the season progresses, I am not surprised the pros get a sense of that too. I feel like they could probably get a sense from production as well and how the couple is portrayed. Last season I felt strongly Rashad was going to win once we had gotten to the end. I think a lot thought David may come in second too, although it was still surprising to see actually happen. People were actively predicting Simone would go home the week she did. I feel like there are cues and hints throughout pointing to who is popular and who is going home. Plus we all notice that many celebs get better scores the night they are eliminated and a lot of times those scores are not deserved. I feel like I always get a strong sense generally of who is going to win by the end. I think the only time I recall truly being surprised was when Melissa won All Stars. There are times when I think maybe Paige will beat Nyle or maybe James will outdo Laurie, but it still generally turns out the way we expect.

    • Love 1
  8. 42 minutes ago, truthaboutluv said:

    And Amber had a huge fan base that season. I always believed that Amber was second only to Bill that season in viewer votes and Tristan sort of confirmed that on Afterbuzz after the finale, when he said Amber always had the crowd in a way Corbin never did. 

    I still think Derek had an influence. He alone brings a lot of popularity to all of his pairings. He has his own fan base more so than anyone else on the show. I know my mom was often a viewer who rooted for Derek no matter what when he was on the show, and if he was in the finals she'd say she wanted Derek to win, not that she wanted X partner to win. I think one of the few times being Derek's partner worked against them was when he was paired with Shawn. I think that came down to them being overconfident and not following the rules, as well as viewers wanting a new winner since Shawn won her season and Melissa didn't (also fans wanted Tony to finally win). Otherwise Derek's partners tend to do extremely well/win or rank higher than normally would have (Marilu).

    Corbin was paired with Karina who I just don't think is that popular of a female pro in comparison to Cheryl, Emma, or Lindsay (if these pros are popular, not sure of any insanely loved female pros the same way Derek is; Julianne probably would have been if she continued on the show). I know a lot of people online love Karina but I don't know how well the general public cares about her. I feel like they would view her a bit forgettable. Anyway, perhaps Amber would have still won if paired with someone else, but we will never know. A lot goes into making a certain contestant win though, and unless it is a completely non-competitive season, who you are paired with does make an impact.

    • Love 1
  9. 7 hours ago, lavenderblue said:

    The redo picks for the top two couples (Jordan/Lindsay and Lindsey/Mark, that is) do bug me, because they gave me a weirdly manipulative feeling.

    1. Lindsay and Jordan had the only dance that was originally from a pro who's still in the contest. Further, the only case in which the original pro was the same sex as the celeb here -- the end result being, the dance was executed well, so the judges can then make outright comparisons between Jordan and Mark, not a prior celeb. That's a very interesting comparison to establish.

    2. Assigning a team a Meryl and Maks routine is also loading that team down with a whole lot of baggage that I don't think exists for those who had routines from other winners -- I don't think Amber or even Apolo offer up this sort of "no way to win" comparison for a celeb or couple, and even in the Frankie case, he's not here at this point on the strength of his dancing -- no one could expect him to match or exceed in an exact recreation -- whereas Lindsey more or less is. Combine that with the show choosing, within that framework, a ballroom style that Mark obviously doesn't enjoy, and repeatedly reminding how they just don't have that Maksyl! chemistry!...it feels like it was never meant to succeed.

    I think the show is pushing hard for Jordan to win. I'm not really sure where the show is going with Lindsey. I think they wanted her in the finals, but I don't think they want her to win. I didn't notice that Jordan was the only one directly comparing to a pro but you are right. I would think that allows some leeway too for the judges to go easier on the celeb since they won't expect you to do better than a pro but then if you do well they can compare you to the pro. That's kind of a win/win. I thought Drew and Lindsey both got bad routines to compare to. Corbin was one of the best male dancers ever on the show, although at least it wasn't some iconic dance. But still, no way Drew could compare. Lindsey got the dance of one of the most popular pairings on the entire show, and probably the best female to ever be on the show, and a couple that had a lot of sexual chemistry. I definitely feel there was no way she could top the original. Frankie was compared to one of the more iconic celebs too, but I still think Drew/Lindsey had the biggest disadvantage for that.

    • Love 6
  10. 6 hours ago, crossover said:

    I think Amber had the fanbase going into the competition.  What her partnership with Derek did was not to lose any of the support because of how he choreographed for her.  I THINK the first week's cha cha just about ensured no one would beat her, especially with that personality of hers.  Some celebs get paired with a pro and never click, choreography doesn't suit them, etc.  Then their support fades away.  Emmitt, Apolo, Hines, Donald, Meryl, Kristi, Shawn, Jennifer, Alfonso, Laurie and Donny came in with large fanbases as well.  Other winners like Bindi, Rumer etc had their support blowup within the first couple of weeks.  MAYBE TPTB helped to foster the image a little bit.

    I just think if Amber was paired with a different pro partner, I don't think she would have beaten Corbin. Derek is a great choreographer and can often bring out the best in his partners. Amber is a fun personality, but I just have a hard time seeing her win if paired with a different pro. I know Bindi and Rumer were still well known names prior to being cast, and I viewed them as front runners before their season started. I think people just weren't sure prior to the show started because they didn't know if they could dance or not (I don't think either of them had dance experience?).

    • Love 1
  11. I feel like Alfonso and Bindi were the clear front runners for their season though, whereas Lindsey isn't. Did Alfonso and Bindi even have much competition (I don't remember anyone coming close on their seasons; I think Nick Carter was second on Bindi's but his dancing was not that impressive). Amber was the only one possibly similar to Lindsey in comparison, but Amber was paired with the most popular pro on the show (Derek) and people still had heavy speculation she would win. Corbin/Jordan are definitely similar, but it seems like people in general like Jordan better than they did Corbin. I remember Corbin having a lot of detractors back then and everyone considered him a huge ringer. I don't think Karina is that popular of a pro either (at least with general viewers) and I think Lindsay is very popular. Honestly I think being paired with Derek gave Amber a huge boost.

  12. Can more than one contestant go on tour? I could see Jordan agreeing to do the tour and Frankie. Although I don't know how busy Jordan's schedule is. I don't think Frankie is too busy and he seems to loving the show so would probably enjoy doing the tour (but I think Jordan would too).

  13. 1 minute ago, Emily-D said:

    Can’t say I was upset about Victoria’s elimination, the semis was probably her ceiling in terms of dance ability. What should really have happened if we’re going on dance ability is that Drew should have gone a week or two ago and any one of the previous three eliminated contestants who were all just as if not more capable dancers than Victoria should be in the final instead. But that’s life, I’m not that bothered about it as I didn’t care for any of those three enough to be truly angry/upset with their eliminations. We all know before the season started that Drew was here for a long time and in all probability finals bound with his “mature” fanbase. I still think Lindsey is going to win. Every time the four person final consists of one celeb of a certain gender, that celeb normally wins. I don’t see that changing next week.

    You are actually right that Victoria and Drew outlasted Nikki, Vanessa and TO who were all better (TO is questionable but he at least showed growth each week). Not sure why people are annoyed Drew made it into the final over Victoria, since he had already outlasted better contestants too. I also think Emma is a pretty popular pro dancer.

    I would honestly be surprised if Lindsey won, but I guess it's possible. She is the only female left, but honestly it seems like more fans in general vote for the men than women lately (the women dropped like flies last season and this season). Also Normani was the only female in the final last season and actually the best dancer of the three and got third. Lindsey has not been the front runner at all this season, and she doesn't have Derek as a partner. Seriously think about all the women who have won with Derek as their partner (isn't it like 5 or 6? I don't think some of those contestants would have won with a different partner). I do think Mark could come up with a really good freestyle, but I also think Jordan will/should have a really good one too. I honestly think Jordan has this in the bag unless he just does awful next week. Also some will want Lindsay to get her first win and could use that as a voting factor too. I think that partially played into Rashad's win last season (and the fact Val just won the prior season, so people wanted a new pro to win). I guess this season none of the pros have won in a while (except Emma, and I don't see her/Drew winning) so that would play less of a factor. It has been a long time since Mark won one though.

    • Love 2
  14. 1 minute ago, Andie1 said:

    Then you missed the first part.  I thought Jordan  was almost not ready for prime time smoldering sexy when he was rollin with Lindsay...  That is why I want them to do the AT again to music and a theme that suits the genre, not a lyrical dance about your brother. That just takes all the sex out of it.

    I know what part you are referring to, but personally for me Jordan's sexiness fell flat and actually looked a bit awkward. Still a great dance, but I don't think Jordan really exudes sexiness (even though he is good looking) and he and Lindsay don't have any sexual chemistry in my opinion (still a great pair though). I don't think any pairs this season have a sexual chemistry and even TO's sexy rumba came off awkward to me.

    Also forgot to mention, did anyone else think Lindsay looked identical to Elsa last night when her hair was back.

    • Love 6
  15. I felt badly for Victoria since she seemed pretty upset to leave. I think the show has been taking a toll on her body though since she has been having spasms. Val definitely has had to dance around her some, I think because she is very limited. She is still very inspirational and seems like a sweet girl.

    The show seems to be prepping for a Jordan win. I don't mind that, but I feel like Lindsey has been getting underscored this season. Also the judges have been getting harsher with Drew and Frankie. I think the show is trying to avoid another David Ross placing second.

    I have found this season overall very boring. I know at the end last year it became clear Rashad would win, but at least throughout the season it was very hard to know who would win. I prefer seasons like that which are far more competitive and you have more contestants to root for. I don't really connect with anyone that much this year either aside from Frankie. I like Lindsey but am not super excited about her. Jordan comes across as too rehearsed to me and seems calculated in everything he says. Not saying he's a bad person or not genuine, but I feel he plays certain reactions up.

    I'm not really excited for the finale next week. I guess we will see what freestyles we get. I guess I am excited for those. Mark hopefully has something unique up his sleeve. I'm sure Jordan/Lindsay will have a really good freestyle. I also look forward to Frankie's.

    • Love 4
  16. One thing I really like about Frankie is he is super self-aware. I loved in his package when he talked about the Trolls dance and was just like "omg it was bad." He didn't even try to hide it. I also really love that they mention his nerves and anxiousness. As a generally shy person like that, it's nice seeing someone else who isn't normally comfortable putting himself out there doing it. He's just very endearing and sweet. I do think his contemporary was overrated this week though. I like more dancing. His Pirates dance was my favorite from him so far.

    I really hope Lindsey, Frankie and Jordan are in the finals as otherwise it will be boring. Those 3 are definitely who should make it right now.

    • Love 9
  17. Anyone else find the double elimination very strange? Normally they play it up all episode and not at the last minute. Makes me think if they lost someone good they wouldn't have done the double elimination, but since it was Nikki and Vanessa they forged ahead with it. I feel kind of bad for Vanessa because I feel like she was so excited to do the show, and I'm not sure it lived up to her expectations. If she and Maks were truly having issues that is a shame. I do feel she was capable of being one of the finalists this season, but lately her dancing had faltered slightly.

    • Love 1
  18. I don't think the show cares as much about a person's dance background anymore. I think it did used to cater more towards novice dancers, but even in season 2 they had Mario Lopez. I think it gets hard to cast completely non-dancers, and then you still have people who criticize contestants as having an advantage if they are in a sport that requires any type of fluid movement, coordination, etc (ice skating or gymnastics). It's pretty hard to cast somebody with absolutely zero experience, although I do think that is why fans sometimes favor men. I think a lot of women probably did do dance as a child or cheerleading, and you are probably more likely to have completely novice men than women. However, I'd say anyone could have been exposed to dance but it still doesn't mean you are a dancer. I did dance from 5-15 and I'm an absolutely terrible dancer and I lack rhythm. Just because I learned some of the basic skills then doesn't mean I would excel on this show. I think people with a natural inclination toward dance are going to do well regardless.

    I find myself rooting for different things each season. Sometimes the personality grabs me (Frankie) and sometimes the dancing grabs me. In general I think I root for a mixture of both. However, I do understand the criticism when it's a very obvious frontrunner and how it can make a season boring. It's nicer to see some type of arch with the contestants, or an off week where they then return to form.

    • Love 6
  19. I am pretty sure Jordan was helping Lindsay choreograph last week or recently. I know they showed clips of him giving input like Frankie was. Frankie providing creative input doesn't make him a choreographer and he is allowed to have fun. Kind of funny the Frankie hate on here. Not so fun when everyone's favorite isn't the best dancer just like last season, yet nobody cared last year. I still think Jordan is going to easily walk away with the trophy. He has literally no competition this season. They are trying to push Lindsey as his competition but everyone basically knows he is miles ahead of everyone since day 1. Frankie may take second place, but doubt he wins.

    I'm thinking Victoria was set up to leave next week, but maybe not since her scores got a boost this week. I just think going first will not help her, but so many women are gone now it will probably be a guy (although Idk, all the remaining guys seem more popular).

    I was pretty surprised by the double elimination, mainly because I don't believe both Nikki and Vanessa deserved to go. Victoria is weaker than both and really I think the girls are better than Terrell/Drew.

    I think Frankie's contemporary is a bit overrated. It was a cool concept and creepy, but not sure it really involved that much dancing. I guess that is somewhat normal for contemporaries though.

    I actually really enjoyed Vanessa and Maks paso doble, at least the concept. I thought it was really fun.

    Honestly I don't think any dance stood out greatly to me this week. I am just finding this season rather boring. Also the only memorable contestants are Frankie, Jordan, and Lindsey. After Frankie danced, I thought he was the last one to go but then they announced Drew. It seems every weeks I am forgetting one of the other dancers.

    I agree that Team Phantom was overscored. They had sync issues as well and should have gotten all 9s. However, I still thought they were a lot better than Team Monster Mash.

    I really hope Lindsey gets better, but that injury sounds very serious. I hope she doesn't have to bow out of the competition.

    Right now I think the final 3 will be Lindsey, Frankie, and Jordan, but who knows. I could see Lindsey as a surprise elimination, especially if her injury continues to hinder her. It just seems recently the women don't do as well on the show unless they are the huge standout star with weak competition (Laurie). I could also see Victoria sneaking into the finals just based on her story, especially since she now outlasted Nikki and Vanessa. I suspect Drew may be a lot more popular than we realize too.

    • Love 5
  20. 2 hours ago, sinycalone said:

    TO was never considered a dirty or nasty player....just a showboat (his victory dances after scoring upset a lot of opposing teams), and made some ill-advised comments about other players.

    I think we have seen glimpses of his ego this season, but I have done a 180 on my opinion of him. I can still tell he is cocky but it's nice seeing him genuinely interested in learning and trying to do better. You can kind of see a difference in Cheryl too. I think she believes in him and wants to help him keep progressing on the show. He could kind of be a Rob Kardashian type who starts off slow and just keeps improving and makes it to the end (although I doubt TO will do that well). I could honestly see him lasting a couple more weeks though (but I also wouldn't be surprised if he were gone next week). Love him or hate him you can tell he is very charismatic. His Jive was one of the few dances I really liked this week.

    I guess it's just random who connects with the audience or not. I feel like Nikki and Vanessa are better dancers, but Nikki especially is incredibly boring and forgettable to me. Victoria is also a snoozer. Drew is a little more interesting but pretty hit or miss with the dances. Frankie, Lindsey, and Jordan are clearly the stand outs from the season (Frankie due to personality, and the others due to dance ability).

    • Love 5
  21. I am finding this season really boring. The only contestants I have some interest in are Frankie, Lindsey, Jordan only because he is a good dancer/I don't really connect to him although I love Lindsay, and surprisingly Terrell since he has been improving. I guess I do like Drew and Vanessa alright, but not really excited by them. Nikki and Victoria are forgettable to me.

    I most enjoyed Lindsey, Jordan, Terrell and Vanessa tonight. I enjoyed Frankie too but this was not his best dance and had some missteps. I didn't care for the Trolls theme either, but that is what the show gave them. I really am starting to like Terrell. You can see he is putting in more effort and is actually starting to improve. Mark brought the entertainment tonight. I swear the night was mostly boring (I did like Terrell's themed Jive) until Mark came out with the unique choreography which Lindsey nailed. I laughed when Len pointed out Jordan's hand mannerisms. I had not noticed that before but it is a bit distracting. He still did good but I just don't connect to him. Perhaps because he is an actor, I almost feel like he is hamming certain things up and is a bit overdramatic. I enjoyed Vanessa's dance tonight and the routine Maks choreographed.

    Shania was a terrible guest judge. Someone mentioned her having Lyme Disease which could be impacting her speech. I guess that would make sense. When she gave her critiques it was rather bizarre, she was slowly saying her comments and her sentence structure was disjointed. I really didn't like the scores she gave either. They were all over the place. I felt bad she gave Nick a 7 directly after giving Drew a 9. I did find it funny when she gave Victoria a 7. Also I agree Shania lip synced to the song. I actually saw her on the finale for another show recently (I am thinking on America's Got Talent) and she sang a duet with a contestant and the contestant outsang her. Shania did not sound good at all on the other show, so if she was singing live last night I don't expect her to have sounded that good. I do think Shania has lost some of her voice unfortunately.

    I was glad to see Nick go. I think he no longer enjoyed being on the show and felt like he was the worst left. I also think Nick felt like Sasha was better than him, and he disliked sending better dancers home. He appeared to have only done the show for his wife, so I think he was happy to bow out now. His dancing had not been improving so I was glad he left. Also did anyone else feel like he and Peta were given Mad Max costumes rather than Western outfits? That's immediately what I thought of.

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  22. I think the criticism of Jordan is valid. Corbin received a lot of backlash and calls of ringer, and Jordan essentially has the same background as Corbin. So if Corbin was a huge ringer, then so is Jordan. Plus, it's funny everyone is downplaying Broadway and theater experience yet whenever a gymnast or ice skater is on, everyone cries foul (yet I would say being involved in musical theater you are a lot more exposed to dance then as a gymnast or ice skater; having certain athletic abilities may lead you to be able to learn dancing quicker than others, but if we start not allowing contestants because they have skills that may make them a good dancer, we will have a show full of terrible dancers). Also Jordan did gymnastics as a child too, so again he was involved in doing something that usually gets called out. I don't care if people still like Jordan or vote for him or if he even wins. Mostly I just think people are being hypocritical towards him for some reason and don't want to admit he qualifies as a ringer. I'm not sure why people are being so defensive anyway. It looks like Jordan is probably going to win this season and he is really not receiving backlash for his ringer status at all aside from a few people on this board. If you compare the board now to last season where just about every female was deemed a ringer, he is basically being ignored as a ringer on this board.

    I also notice that if a celebrity was well known beforehand, people are more apt to call them out as a ringer. I'm pretty sure some were trying to call Lindsey out as a ringer before the season started, most likely because she is one of the more well known celebrity names this season. Some have also tried to call Nick Lachey out as a ringer, even though it's fairly clear he isn't a natural dancer.

  23. 16 minutes ago, tessaforever said:

    That's good to know, I didn't know anything about her coming into DWTS. Although I think just choosing to perform on X Factor takes some guts, for sure. Anyway, I never can figure out the exact "formula" of why I connect with a contestant or not. But I know that their personality definitely plays into it, not just their dancing. Which I think is what the showrunners want (I remember one producer who said "We always want you to have at least one crush per season".) Lol!

    I think we always feel like performers must not be shy or introverted since they have such public professions, but I think many of them are that way. Frankie seems so different than I would have expected this season. I definitely think the show knows a good personality and charisma is part of what they want in a contestant. Rashad was a great example of that last season where a charming and likable personality makes everyone root for you, and of course his dancing was great too, but I think his personality is really what won everyone over.

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  24. 16 minutes ago, tessaforever said:

    This 1000%. I couldn't figure Normani out and it made it difficult to root for her. In packages, talking heads, during the judging, etc., the narrative being put forth by Normani, Val, and the producers was that she was a shy girl who, throughout the show, was beginning to "find herself", come out of her shell, and take on womanhood. Out of interest I looked through her Instagram during the time she was on DWTS and I was surprised - at first I didn't think it was her! Picture after picture (going back far before her time on DWTS) of her sexily posed and scantily clad, clearly comfortable in front of audiences and in front of the camera. Now, there's nothing wrong with that at all - she's gorgeous, and even if she wasn't, she can wear whatever she wants. It's just that it didn't match what she was saying on the show week after week. That's why I just couldn't root for her.

    I think Normani is actually shy or introverted. I remember when she was on The X Factor originally with Fifth Harmony, she seemed like one of the quieter girls in the group and kind of in the background. She was never a lead of the group, that was always Camila/Lauren/Dinah. Now between X Factor and being on DWTS she probably did get less shy and more comfortable performing. I do think her blossoming arc was organic and genuine because in Fifth Harmony I feel like she has never been one of the more popular girls in the group. Her and Ally were kind of in the background if you ask me. So on DWTS I think Normani probably did feel like she was coming into her own, being recognized publicly for herself not the group, and actually allowing her personality to shine through. Now I don't think she was necessarily shy on DWTS (I would consider Simone the shy contestant last season), but I do think she could have been considered to be blossoming while on the show. But you don't have to connect with her story anyway. It seems people always connect with some contestants over others and there isn't necessarily a reason for it. I don't think we have to justify why we like or dislike someone. Sometimes I connect with the best dancer, and sometimes I connect with an underdog. This season I've connected with Frankie and not really anyone else.

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  25. 2 hours ago, Andie1 said:

    Of course Frankie is at a beginner level, but if we're comparing apples to apples Rashad commanded his Argentine Tango. In fact it was a Trio that he handled.  He didn't plod around the dance floor, he led two women,  and even with his big feet he moved with fluidity and finesse. The lifts were a dynamic highlight, probably some of the best on the show. Frankie is no Rashad. 


    I feel like you are focusing too much on lifts. Frankie is a much smaller guy compared to Rashad and has numerous health issues and back problems. Witney is small, but so is Frankie. I think he is like 5'5 and he has never been an athlete in the physical sense (I guess he did race cars). Frankie really does not look like a male contestant who would be comfortable lifting his partner and tossing her around. A lot of the most impressive lifts on the show done by male celebs are usually by the very big athletes who have the strength to easily handle the pro. Plus sometimes these pros focus too much on flashy lifts rather than the actual dance, and sometimes the pros try to incorporate lifts that look bad if not done perfectly. Even last season David faltered on a lift with Lindsay, and David is a much bigger guy than Frankie and a pro athlete.

    I think it is nice there has been no showmance this season. Last season with Bonner and Sharna was very annoying. I think they are having less pros who can do a showmance since most are married. Although I know Gleb has had his showmances while married, but I'm glad most of the other married pros don't tend to have any showmance. It seems like Sharna is the show's go to for having a showmance, which stinks because I like Sharna and hate when they make that her and her celebs story.

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