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Posts posted by mittsigirl

  1. All while shoving chicken nuggets down his gullet like he was about to die of starvation.

    LOL at the idea of Ambie researching something besides her the inside of her eyelids.

    LOL-can't she see what WE see, those huge eyelashes look like cardboard cutouts painted black,

    nothing nice about them at all! She could give them to Leah to play dress-up with, that is if she ever unglued her ass from the couch long enough to actually play with her daughter.

    I think her Matt is old and gross, it would serve her right if she ever got caught having to divvy up her MTV bucks for his child support payments. She has not remembered a thing from her time at the fancy rehab. Nothing.

    She had just better not allow Matt any time alone with Leah, you just never know. Look at Josh.

    • Love 1
  2. So the crew can't use the bathroom in Farrah's house. Or wear shoes. She is an absolute delight.

    That porta-potty outside her house was so ridiculous! Didn't she have a half-bath near the entrance, or one downstairs the crew could have used? Why not in the back of the house, where no one would have to see how cray cray she is? 

  3. Watched bits and pieces of tonight's show.  First off, FF'd everything that is Maci.  Too boring.  I get angry during her scenes because I feel the show starts to drag and loses momentum.


    Amber/Gary - Poor little Leah.  Broke my heart in a million pieces when lovely Leah said she didn't want to spend the night at Amber's house because mommy's so lazy she won't get out of bed and interact with her.  According to Leah mommy sleeps all day.  Leah said Amber never left the house and that the boyfriend Matt? (is that the guy's  name?) was the only person that would do anything with her when she'd visit.  Spoke volumes right there.


    Farrah - OMG, I can't even.  She will never get a man, never keep a man with that effed up attitude of hers.  Hate Simon (the pretend BF who is shady as FUCK) but Farrah cannot even have a normal 2 minute convo with a person, any person because she is so immature she cannot take the slightest hint of criticism.  Farrah shuts that shit down immediately.  She constantly cross-talks, talks over the other person, and doesn't let anyone get a word in edge wise.  


    Normal adults don't act like that.  Period.  Farrah thinks she's being a boss lady by dismissing/cutting Simon off as she whisks away in her luxury vehicle but what-evs.  You know Simon didn't even have two fucks to rub together when Farrah stormed out of the restaurant.  He knows that chick is BSC.  Simon just kept meeting up with Farrah for air time.


    Sophia's reactions, her demeanor when it came to Simon was down right creepy.  I was like "WTF?"  Sophia's unnatural attachment to to Simon was all shades of junior boiler-bunny wrong.  Nooo ma'am.  That disturbed me more than any else on the show.  Hoping some other posters can articulate better than I.  Simon referring to Sophia as "the kid" during he and Farrah's back-and-forth at the restaurant reinforced to me that Simon hardly had any interaction with Sophia at all.


    I will never be team Debra but mom arranging for she, Farrah, and Sophia to take the little boat outing and introduce Farrah to a new cute guy at the same time was a nice gesture.  Farrah kept complaining she missed Simon and was sad about it so what the hell was the big deal to introduce her to a nice guy for an hour or two in a group setting?


    I mean chill out bitch.  Take a valium, go with the flow, and stop freaking out, being hostile, and making it all about you (once again).  Farrah will never be in a healthy relationship.  Not in this life time anyway.  She keeps getting in her own way.  And while I'm ranting what responsible parent gives her child six hundos "from the tooth-fairy"!  Say what?  You just know Debra's eyes were darting out of her head - she was thinking "That's 2/3rds of a liquid face lift !!"


    Catelynn and Tyler - Love baby Nova and I hope their marriage lasts but I dunno.  Predict that Butch is back in the klink in a few months.  He's another one that can't get out of his own way.


    Is it just me or does anyone else hate the producers on screen, the frequent producer/cast interaction, breaking the 4th wall (whatever you want to call it).  I don't want to see the producers or the film/camera crew.  I don't know what that adds to the show.  Nothing, in my opinion.  And the producer (I don't know her name) who calls Amber "Ambi" really bugs the hell out of me.  I want her off my screen.

    LOL-you articulated it all very good yourself, you got it all right!

    Laughed when Simon was sent to sit in the back seat of the car beside 'the kid', wonder if that happens to him much!

    • Love 4
  4. So according to Leah, Matt and what's her name are basically raising her and neither of her actual parents spend time with her?

    I  about worry about Matt spending much time alone with Leah. Not saying something will happen, praying it never does, but I would sure be cautious about that situation.

    With both of her parents doing very little moving around, poor Leah will have a good chance that she will end up at an unhealthy weight herself. 

    • Love 3
  5. Sophia is a really awkward and unfortunate looking child.

    Thanks for saying what I was too chicken to say. I wonder if Sophia will look anything like her mother used to, before she had her entire face re-done, Farrah just does not look very pretty in my eyes, she looks very manufactured to me. I heard Debra asking for over $8000. for a liquid face lift, I guess she must have given it to her. From certain angles, Debra looked a bit like Kate Gosselin. And she must be at least a decade older than Kate.

    • Love 2
  6. I am not rooting for her in the sense that I like the girl. I cannot stand her. What I dislike is the mentality of the other three girls who act as if their shit don't stink.  That is why I root for Farrah in the sense that she doesn't take their shit and gives it right back to them. Those girls are all quick to talk shit about Farrah, but not one of them has had the balls to actually talk like they did in that video to Farrah directly. If there is one thing I dislike is, people who talk the talk but don't walk the walk. Talking behind people's backs is easy. The way Maci was all up in the producers and other crew members' faces when she told them she was not going to film anymore was all fine and dandy until she met up with Farrah and suddenly she began squirming because she knew she couldn't handle what Farrah was dishing out. I so badly want to see someone put Farrah in her place, but good. These three heifers are not the ones who are going to do it and they shouldn't because they have their own fucked up lives. Who are they to say anything, especially Amber?

    It really pissed me off that there goes Maci, getting paid(no doubt) to speak to students at a High School, about preventing conception, birth control, whatever else, as she stands there pregnant while living with her boyfriend, and not married! What a joke! And the way she made it sound like it was all Bentley's idea to ask his dad (Ryan) to be at his birthday party-when it was Maci that put the idea in his little head herself! Passive -aggressive much Maci?

    • Love 6
  7. If Sophia turns out bad, Farrah will just blame the show.  She will claim that the producers took advantage of an innocent young girl and did incredible damage to her family.  NOTHING is ever Farrah's fault.  Now if Sophia turns out great, Farrah will happily brag about what an awesome mother she was and how she is the only reason for Sophia being awesome.

    I was so shocked at Sophia's behavior to Simon! You could tell he really wanted to turn her over his knee and smack her a good one! And her mother just allows the behavior! Farrah is so bloody needy, every guy she dates has to feel claustrophobic after just 1 or 2 dates with her, she is just so needy! It is sad to see her needy this way, because she is a human being, but sh8t, she gets downright scary! I can never imagine any guy ever staying with her for very long, she needs to stop acting that way. One date and she creeps them out. Creeps me out! Man, this marathon was just so freaky. I should never have watched them all after the other, should have paced myself! What a time to be bed-ridden.

    • Love 4
  8. I watched these girls in 16 & Pregnant, did not see the shows in this past marathon, was I ever disgusted and down right shocked at Farrah's behavior! Who talks that way to their mother?! And father!? To everyone & anyone?! She is totally a psycho, has no respect for any human beings, as well as herself! Seriously, I don't get out much, but people like her really exist? Holy Hannah! This marathon will take some time to get out of my head, and return my blood pressure back to normal!

    • Love 6
  9. I'm sorry about your daughter, that is really sad that her doctors weren't able to keep her comfortable. Is the drug so powerful that you can only get it in big cities? Where would poor Leah get hers?

    Thanks Lemons. Methadone and other controlled substances cause lots of break-ins at Pharmacys, so in this province it could only be given in the larger city hospitals. Too bad, as she wanted to die at home, but instead it was in the city, far from our home. She is my Angel:)

  10. Well, Aleksandra  said "I'm only 21 and I'm going to get married, I'm too young to have a husband. This is horrible". So, even though I think she wanted to get married and seems to want stability in a relationship (like her parents' long marriage) it all happened so fast that it will take a long time to process everything that has happened to her that year: leaving a lifestyle, school, becoming mormon, getting married and having a baby.

    Her Dad's blessing at the wedding was "I wish you an ocean of children", so maybe culturaly  she was more open to being a Mom than we think.


    Alexi and Loren: agree 100%. To this day I don't know what values keep them together.

    I was wondering about birth control and the Mormons, is it okay to go on the pill, or anything else?

  11. It's definitely not used just to get off of heroin. I got to know many people at the methadone clinic and the vast majority were there because of pills not heroin.

    I think most people turn to methadone because they can no longer afford the amount of pills they need in order not to get sick or the supply in their area is drying up.

    I do think that methadone is better than shooting heroin so I guess it's not all evil.

    When my daughter was dying, her pain became unbearable, so the ambulance took her to the city so she could be given methadone for the pain. The town we lived in was not able to give methadone, just the bigger cities.

    • Love 1
  12. But she won't. She'll let Jenelle move back in with whatever kids she has at the time and all hell will break loose. I don't see how Jenelle has changed at all. She may be off heroin, which isn't a huge feat for a casual user like she was. If she had become addicted she wouldn't have stopped using so easily. Other than not using heroin, what has changed? She's still a selfish, self absorbed asshole who can't be without a man for longer than a than a day.

    I truly hope Barb won't let her back but I'm pretty sure she will. I'm also pretty sure Jenelle has saved nothing from the money she's made on the show so after the show ends, she'll be broke, homeless and jobless.

    These girls infuriate me the way they squander the money and the opportunities they've been given.

    I was a teen mom who escaped an abusive marriage with 2 kids when I was still a teenager. I would never do a reality show but if I had and I had made the money these girls have made, I'd be set. My kids would have had college funds, I'd have bought a house that we could live in forever and I would be doing a lot more with that money than spend it. Being a teen mom is tough. I had a newborn and a 2 year old, I was alone with no family and being in an abusive relationship I had no friends. I did the very best I could but it was damn hard. There were many nights that I didn't eat dinner because there wasn't enough for all 3 of us. My teeth are crumbling because there wasn't enough money for all 3 of us to do to the dentist, but it was worth it because my kids have beautiful teeth. I'd have cut off a toe to have been given the money these girls have gotten and they're doing nothing with this opportunity.

    Sorry if I sound bitter but it pisses me off the way they take for granted that the money will always be there. They'll be kicking themselves in the ass in 5 or so years when the show is over, the money is gone and all they have to show for it is a bunch of expensive crap.

    So sorry you had to go thru all of that hell. I was also a teen mom, sure,things were tough, but not like anything you had to live with. I hope you are happy now:) These girls all blew their money, except Chelsey (Randy's help) and they act like this show will last forever. Stupid wasteful people.

    • Love 1
  13. She could do it! Daphne actually writes songs and seems to want to be a musician.

    I was thinking too why in the world they didn't play at Deacon's opening and why Maddie told Cash it wasn't their audience. Like...what?? They've played with Rayna at the Bluebird. I see no difference. Plus, it's not like they ever sing Sesame Street-type songs. I go to bars. I like their songs. (I do also like Sesame Street, but still.)

    I wonder if the show will ever have Daphne & Maddy's real parents, the Stellas, on the show as guests sometime, maybe at Deacon's new Bar. I really love their music, no wonder their girls are so talented!

    • Love 1
  14. If this "winter finale" rids us of Caleb, Marcus and Gabrielle, then I can live with a 3 month hiatus.

    I'm kind of with Avery on the whole 'keeping the baby away from Juliette' thing. She left her crying in the crib, threw a snowglobe at him while he was holding her and walked out on them. She's either wasted, high, hiding, or watching her manager sail off balconies most of the time. And people are lecturing HIM about not being on board with this? A few weeks in detox and rehab aren't enough for him. And the cutest baby ever is really happy with her 3 dads and Emily.

    Rayna and Deacon, finally! Now, as long as the wedding isn't a soapy Dynasty shoot out, I'm good. And can we say goodbye to the vanity label? And maybe burn down The Beverly? Please?

    Who called it about big name country star being in the closet?

    Colt was awesome telling Luke to go away.

    ETA - the foursome of Avery, Will, Gunner, and Scarlett at the end? Perfection. I'd watch them in a spin-off.


    ETAA - because "Snowglobe" is much different than "Snowthrower".  Don't type on a Kindle if you want to make sense... 

    YES-knew what he really was when I first saw his face! Wonder if wifey will find out on this show?!

    • Love 1
  15. Let's all make a sincere promise that if/when this supposed "book" becomes available that not one of us will buy it. I am just as guilty as everyone else when it comes to guiltily checking in on the batcrazy blog, and honestly, that is bad enough in itself, because JO is able to tell who is reading it, and when, etc, but to put one cent in that loonie's pocket would be so wrong for many reasons. Word on the "Twitter verse" is that a media source has interviewed members of JO's family with intentions of using legal action to shut down her game. It has also been suggested that JO's financial woe's are in dire straits and she worries about losing Internet access.

    As usual with this whole Sam & Merri stuff I am still confused. Who is this Jo person? And every time I read at Sam's site, this Jo knows who I am, knows ever time I go over there? Man, I just feel so dumb!

  16. I wonder if being part of TLC and having a "show" somehow skewed her judgment.   

    I am very late to have found out about this rich, good looking man that fell in love with Merri! I finally found his website, wow, so easy to fall for it all. I have read everything he said about loving Merri, if a woman like Merri can find herself a young, rich guy like him for reals, then there is hope out there for the rest of us! He thinks she is so beautiful, well then I am a model for Victoria`s Secret!

  17. Nikki will do whatever Mark decides is good for her (meaning him). She will learn to drive so she can go shopping and spend the weekly allowance Mark will provide. She will wake up each morning and eat the breakfast Mark makes so Mark will have company. She will do everything that Mark tells her to do until she meets another man who offers escape.


    The best thing that Mark can do for Nikki is not give her a kid. The last thing a poor, uneducated, young woman needs is a child. She should count her blessings he doesn't want any more.


    I think Melanie has rosesa. She needs a  Rx (MetroGel) and some foundation with good coverage. Metro Gel is a miracle for inflammation and kills all the bacteria that causes the irritation. I love the stuff, cuz I am also really blotchy. 

    Metro Gel did nothing for me, did not take away any red spots, tried 2 bottles of the stuff! I am so happy it worked for you, because rosacea is a terrible thing to have on your face-every darn day!

    I think he was put on the spot and just said something. But yeah, quick/mental math is probably not his strong suit. I think he will send back whatever Melanie allows, and then probably more on the sly. My husband's family asks him for money often and I hate it, but I just stay out of it because, well, I want to stay married. It does piss me off though that they don't buy Christmas presents and they didn't buy us anything for a wedding gift. Urrggg. 


    Nikki isn't that savvy. She'd probably take the ring to the pawn shop and get 200 for it, regardless of the true value.. 

    All you can do is grin & bare it, and don't stoop down to their level:)

    • Love 1
  18. Mark will not have a vasectomy, he will not be able to abide another man (even a doctor!) see or touch his "manly" bits. And a woman doctor? An independent American fat jealous doctor? I don't think so. He'll make sure that birth control is Nikki's responsibility, so he can drone on and on about it, and make her feel like shit if it fails.

    With men like mark, it is NEVER their fault, and they NEVER apologize.

    • Love 6
  19. I admit I was having trouble having sympathy for Nikki before the reunion but now I'm straight up afraid for her safety. Mark is a scary guy who obviously has a lot of build up rage towards women. He looked like he wanted to stab the host for asking some basic questions. I'm 38 though so I'm probably just jealous that I can't have a specimen like Mark for myself.

    Anyway, I feel old now. Josh and Aleksandra look like babies to me. I'm sure they'll be great parents but I don't get the rush to have babies. I think Noon and Kyle have the right idea. Have fun, travel, get to know each other before adding the stress of kids into the mix.


    Noon is so darn sweet, just love her.

    After watching Mark last night, I thought to myself that might be physically abusive to Nikki, if she pisses him off  someday. He just seems like he could be capable of that kind of behavior.

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