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Posts posted by TessHarding2

  1. I just read that Steve Burton is returning.  I guess he has a fan base, well, who the hell knows with that show.  Young Jason (and Burton) were beautiful and emotional.  They should have made his brain damage last one year and then turn him back into sweet Jason Q.  He could have been a major male lead, from young college man, to medical school to head of the hospital if he was on the show long enough.  Early Jason had a lot of potential with his character being involved with so many storylines, but they kept him a meaningless thug with flat, unemotional acting and black tee shirts.  The muscles and crew cut were horrendous and now he's just old (and I'm older than him).  I never watched Jason and Sam because a nap would have kept me more awake than watching them.  

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  2. 1 hour ago, Martinigirl said:

    Dorinda checks John's cellphone? Oh, sweetie, there's really no need to.

    I just about peed.  Thank you for that one.

    1 hour ago, Petunia13 said:

    They're really gonna turn Tom kissing another woman into 2 seasons of fascinating story?


    Seriously speaking for real - that guy? I can't figure out why she wanted to marry that one.  In their tacky circles there are single 50 something guys with money.  If I were Tom, I woudn't want to be the butt of jokes all over NYC for that stupid show.

    Bethanny's bald boyfriend got all misty at her speech last week as if he had feelings for her.  I wonder what happened?

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  3. 1 hour ago, ulkis said:

    I don't think he'll care, even if he does find out. Thankfully.

    Thanks.  Of course I had to strain my head wondering how Olivia got to be his sister but then I remembered old Olivia was on the show for a bit.  I'm not even going to ask why the One Life to Live lady was on.

  4. If someone could be a friend and tell me in one sentence why Julian wants to kill Alexis.  I don't watch, I'm just watching for Tracy now , but being a soap watcher for many years,  if I need to know - I NEED to KNOW, ya know?  Thank you.

  5. Lee and Gail Baldwin always seemed like a real life happily married couple.  They spoke kindly and gently with each other but if there was a big problem they got real about it.  They looked so smashing every time they went out to dinner or a party.  Peter Hansen and Kin Shriner were a really great father/son team.  They did really great work during the non-wedding of Jennifer Smith and Luke.  That's a good long life.

    • Love 3
  6. Oh, it's here already.  Ok.  I'm not responsible.  Ulkis will get the grief.  

    If you put a beard on him, keep the glasses and cut the hair, he looks like Freud.  Actually, there is a lot I could say appearance wise, but I do think he looks good.  No hanging neck, relaxed, not puffy stretched face or wonky eyes. Pretty good minus the flippy do.

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  7. On 3/23/2017 at 1:43 AM, HeatLifer said:

    ABC doesn't care about GH and has no reason to. So their budget, which Frank manages, is significantly less than CBS. 


    On 3/23/2017 at 1:50 AM, ulkis said:

    And B&B has a decent overseas audience as well.


    On 3/23/2017 at 2:02 AM, HeatLifer said:

    Yep. More viewers ---> more advertisers ---> more money.

    Thanks much.  The only time I ever heard about GH making it overseas was when Princess Diana requested VHS tapes of the show.  I wonder how BB and YR got to Europe. Well, that's not for here, don't matter none.

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  8. Mods please move this if you need to - I don't know what section to put this question in - Does CBS really have that much more money to spend so half the cast of B&B can travel to Australia and Italy, but GH can't afford sets so major characters can have homes? At least a living room set? 

    • Love 3
  9. Newly posted scenes from 1979.  Between April and September 1979.  Some scenes are pieced together, but it doesn't matter.  What these episodes show is the kindness and sweetness of a friendship blossoming between Luke and Laura.  It was a brief period of time before his deep love for her surfaced, the mob, the rape.  He liked helping her, he didn't have much of an agenda other than to be near her.  He wanted her to get out of the disco one month before the rape. (second video posted). Some say Laura didn't know that she was falling in love with Luke at this time, around the time she and Scotty married.


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  10. ^^ Didn't Jane Eliott leave the first time because of Gloria? 

    22 hours ago, ulkis said:

    I was annoyed that Liz felt bad she hurt Franco's feelings after she was just being honest about him acting a violent asshole. But Griffin, Monica, and Liz had nothing to say in his defense so I wasn't as annoyed as I otherwise would have been.

    I want a scene with Anna/Laura/Tracy/Alexis/Bobbie/Monica chatting and gossiping. Nina can stay home.

    I turned it on today to find myself freaked out just a wee bit when seeing Laura in bed - nekkid - with a man.  I no longer watch.  (Sonny is sexing on some youngish woman)? I'm the same age as Genie and seeing all her neck wrinkles and chins when laying down really bothered me.  Never a character that had that many topless bed scenes, I still picture Laura in bed waiting for Luke for their first time together.  Geary stopped going topless when he was in his early 50's. It's not a bad idea, though I bet Kristina Wagner looks terrific. 

  11. 20 hours ago, Pete Martell said:

    I know this isn't GH, but it's a 1971 audio clip of Bright Promise featuring Tony Geary and David Lewis. Geary played some type of troubled youth, who, this being the early '70s, was also a singer/songwriter. Susan Brown (Gail) was also on the show, as the main heroine (who went on trial to protect Geary when she thought he'd murdered his mother). Anne Jeffreys was also on the show for several months, I think as Geary's mother. Gloria Monty directed Bright Promise and remembered various cast members when she was hired to produce GH.

    Bless your heart, Pete Martell.  Thank you.

    And Happy 35th Anniversary Luke and Laura.  You got married in two parts.  


    • Love 4
  12. On 11/11/2016 at 11:40 AM, tessaray said:

    Seriously? Quinn and Eric survive one whole serious obstacle to their HEA and the writers are dropping anvils about putting them with other people.  If they want to put Quinn and Ridge together (YUCK, btw!) they should do it slowly.  Give Quinn some business challenges and successes that reluctantly win Ridge over.  Have Eric be threatened by her success and feel left out enough to sabotage their marriage by his unwarranted jealousy. Then break them up if they must.  It's not a very original plot (I'm sure this board could come up with 15 better before noon) but I'm not watching for original, I'm watching for engaging and that would keep me tuning in every day.  Right now I can't believe I was dumb enough to fall for another romance on this show. Why bother? 

    Not on this show.  This is the only soap I've ever watched that goes fast in terms of Hi, how are you, I can't stay away from you, let's do it, I love you, marry me, I'm over it, divorce, revenge against you is coming - in one week!  Steffy couldn't have left the Screecher and waited to hook up with the other one for two weeks?  

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